Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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lndrajala one can erect a splendid palace with electric lightsand otherfittings. One man used to emit lightfrom his anus. Hehad this Siddhi. He misused this power in eMlways and had adownfall. Possession of Siddhis is not a sign of Self-realisationor spiritual advancement.(10) SiddhisI do not deny the true powers of a developed Yogi. SriDattatreya created a woman through his Yogic powers. QueenChudalai created a false husband out of her Yogic power to testher husband Sikhidhvaja. Trailinga Swami, Sri Jnana Dev,Sadasiva Brahman and others had tremendous powers. Butthere are many Yogic charlatians who deceive the public withsome false exhibitions for getting money, fame and name. Areal spiritual man wil! never demonstrate any Siddhi. But hemay at times exhibit some power just to convince his studentsor to bring good to the public. Chudalai appeared before herhusband Sikhidhvaja and stood a few feet above the ground.Sikhidhvaja was quite astonished and took Chudalai as hisGuru. Matsyendranath did many miracles to convinceGorakhnath in the truth of Yogic practices. Lord Jesus also exhibitedmany miracles to convince his disciples.(11) SamadhiA Hatha Yogi gets himself buried in a box underneath theground. He does this by plugging the nostrils through KhechariMudra. This is no doubt a difficult Kriya. He gets Jada Samadhi.This is a state like deep sleep. The Samskaras and Vasanasare not fried by this Samadhi. He does not return withsuper-intuitional knowledge. This cannot give Mukti. This is akind of feat only. This is not a sign of spirituality. People use thisKriya for acquiring money, name and fame. This has become acommercial business. When they come out of the box, theystretch their hands for money. They make transactions beforethey enterthe box. When the Yogi enters into the box, the headmust be shaved. When he comes out after his Samadhi, therewil! not be any growth of hair if it is real Khechari Mudra.(22)

(12) lndrajalaTie the hands and legs of a man with iron chains and shuthim in a room. Before you lock the room he will be standing beforeyou. No doubt this is very astonishing. But it is a mere trick.It is a kind of Jalam. Aman throws a rope in the airand ascendsin the air. All people are actually witnessing. But when photographed,there will be no picture on the plate. This is a trick anda Jalam. Some people can sit on a plank studded with sharp=ened nails and can chew snakes like ch8colates. lf you pierce along needle in their ?ffiS, no blood will come out. Some candraw water from stone. A real Yogi and a Yogic chartatan canperform all these things. A real Yogi does through his yogicpowers for certain good purpose in view but a charlatan doesthrough some trick or Jalam for the sake of little money, nameor fame.(13) Pseudo YogisThe public will take a man to be spiritual only if he exhibitssome Siddhis. lt is a sad, serious mistake. They must beover-credulous. They will be easily duped by these yogic charlatans.They must use their power of discrimination and reasoning.They must study their nature, ways, habits, conduct,Vritti, Svabhava, antecedence, etc., and test their knowledge ofscriptures, before they come to any definite conclusion. Bewareof Yogic charlatans!(14) lmportance of YogaPractice of Yoga annihilates all the pains of Samsara.Yoga and Jnana are the two wings of the bird of Moksha. Jnana(book knowledge) without Yoga (direct intuitive perception) isuseless. Yoga (mere knowledge of Asanas, Mudras, Neti,Dhauti, etc.) without Jnana (Anubhava Jnana) is not perfect.Jnana arisesthrough Yoga (union with Supreme Self). Jnana isthe fruit of Yoga. Jnana without Yoga is useless. Yoga withoutJnana is dry and barren. Raja Yoga is the Science of sciences.Lord Krishna says: "Kingly science, kingly secret, supreme purifielthis. lntuitional according to righteousness, very veryeasy to perform, imperishable.'(23)

lndrajala one can erect a splendid palace with electric lightsand otherfitt<strong>in</strong>gs. One man used to emit lightfrom his anus. Hehad this Siddhi. He misused this power <strong>in</strong> eMlways and had adownfall. Possession of Siddhis is not a sign of Self-realisationor spiritual advancement.(10) SiddhisI do not deny the true powers of a developed Yogi. SriDattatreya created a woman through his Yogic powers. QueenChudalai created a false husband out of her Yogic power to testher husband Sikhidhvaja. Trail<strong>in</strong>ga Swami, Sri Jnana Dev,Sadasiva Brahman and others had tremendous powers. Butthere are many Yogic charlatians who deceive the public withsome false exhibitions for gett<strong>in</strong>g money, fame and name. Areal spiritual man wil! never demonstrate any Siddhi. But hemay at times exhibit some power just to conv<strong>in</strong>ce his studentsor to br<strong>in</strong>g good to the public. Chudalai appeared before herhusband Sikhidhvaja and stood a few feet above the ground.Sikhidhvaja was quite astonished and took Chudalai as hisGuru. Matsyendranath did many miracles to conv<strong>in</strong>ceGorakhnath <strong>in</strong> the truth of Yogic practices. Lord Jesus also exhibitedmany miracles to conv<strong>in</strong>ce his disciples.(11) SamadhiA Hatha Yogi gets himself buried <strong>in</strong> a box underneath theground. He does this by plugg<strong>in</strong>g the nostrils through KhechariMudra. This is no doubt a difficult Kriya. He gets Jada Samadhi.This is a state like deep sleep. The Samskaras and Vasanasare not fried by this Samadhi. He does not return withsuper-<strong>in</strong>tuitional knowledge. This cannot give Mukti. This is ak<strong>in</strong>d of feat only. This is not a sign of spirituality. People use thisKriya for acquir<strong>in</strong>g money, name and fame. This has become acommercial bus<strong>in</strong>ess. When they come out of the box, theystretch their hands for money. They make transactions beforethey enterthe box. When the Yogi enters <strong>in</strong>to the box, the headmust be shaved. When he comes out after his Samadhi, therewil! not be any growth of hair if it is real Khechari Mudra.(22)

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