Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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RAJA YOGAAsuddhi: Impurity.Atyanta: Complete.Aushadhi: Herbs; medicine; drug.Avarana: Covering; veil of ignorance.Avidya: lgnorance.Avyakritam : Undifferentiated.BAHIRANGA: External.Bahya: External.Bala: Strength.Bhavana: Feeling.Bheda: Difference.Bhoga: Life-experience; enjoyment.Bhranti Darshana: Mistaken notion.Bhuta: Elements.Bhuvana: World.Bija: Seed.Brahmachari: Celibate.Brahmacharya: Continence; celibacy.Buddhi: lntellect.CHAITANYA: Consciousness; intelligence.Chakra: Lotus; plexus; wheel.Chakshu: Eye.Chandra: Moon.Chintana: Thinking.Chitsakti: Power of consciousness.Chitta: Mind-stuff; organ of memory.DARSHAN: The instrument of seeing; vision.Daurmanasya: Despair.Desa: Place.Devata: Deity.Dhairya: Endurance; patience.Dharana: Concentration.Dharma: Characterestics.Dharmi: Substratum; that which possesses the Dharma.Dhruva: Pole-star.Dhyana: Meditation.Divya: Luminous; supernatural.Doshas: Faults.Drik: The seer.

Drishta: The visible; seen.Duhkha: Pain; misery.Dvandva: Pairs of opposites.Dvesha: Hatred.EKA: One.Ekag rata: One-pointed ; concentrated.GLOSSARY 221GARIMA: The Siddhi by which the Yogi becomes very heavy.Gauna: Secondary.Grahana: Power of cognition.Grahya: Capable of receiving.Guna: Qualities.HANA: Destruction.Hasti: Elephant.Hetu: Cause.Hridaya: Heart.INDRIYAS: Organs.lsatvam: The Siddhi by which the Yogi becomes the Lord.JAGRAT Waking state.Jala: Not real; jugglery.Janma: Births.Japa: Repetition of a Mantra.Jati: Species; class.Jiva: Human being; individual soul.Jnana lndriyas: Organs of knowledge, viz., ear, skin, eye,tongue and nose.Jnana: Knowledge.KAIVALYA: Absolute independence.Kala: Time.Kantha: Throat.Karana: lnstrument.Karma Indriyas: Organs of actions, viz., mouth, hand, feet,genitals and anus.Karma: Action.Karuna: Mercy.Kaya-vyuha: Group of bodies.Kaya: Physical body.Kevala:Alone.

Drishta: The visible; seen.Duhkha: Pa<strong>in</strong>; misery.Dvandva: Pairs of opposites.Dvesha: Hatred.EKA: One.Ekag rata: One-po<strong>in</strong>ted ; concentrated.GLOSSARY 221GARIMA: The Siddhi by which the Yogi becomes very heavy.Gauna: Secondary.Grahana: Power of cognition.Grahya: Capable of receiv<strong>in</strong>g.Guna: Qualities.HANA: Destruction.Hasti: Elephant.Hetu: Cause.Hridaya: Heart.INDRIYAS: Organs.lsatvam: The Siddhi by which the Yogi becomes the Lord.JAGRAT Wak<strong>in</strong>g state.Jala: Not real; jugglery.Janma: Births.Japa: Repetition of a Mantra.Jati: Species; class.Jiva: Human be<strong>in</strong>g; <strong>in</strong>dividual soul.Jnana lndriyas: Organs of knowledge, viz., ear, sk<strong>in</strong>, eye,tongue and nose.Jnana: Knowledge.KAIVALYA: Absolute <strong>in</strong>dependence.Kala: Time.Kantha: Throat.Karana: lnstrument.Karma Indriyas: Organs of actions, viz., mouth, hand, feet,genitals and anus.Karma: Action.Karuna: Mercy.Kaya-vyuha: Group of bodies.Kaya: Physical body.Kevala:Alone.

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