Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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4. Knowable ls for the Purusha5. Pradhana !s Not Destroyed6. Samyoga Explained7. Mind ls Not Purusha8. Discrimination Is Sevenfold . . .9. Mind Fit for Kaivalya10. Thoughts Are Obstacles11. Remedy for Obstacles .EpilogueA.B.c.D.GleaningsPsychic !nfluenceGlossaryReference to SutrasAPPENDICES192192192193194195195196198201206219226(18)

INTRODUCTION(1) What ls Raja YogaRaja Yoga is the king of all Yogas. lt concerns direcfly withthe mind. In this Yoga there is no struggling with prana orphysicalbody. There are no Hatha Yogic Kriyas. The yogi sits atease, watches his mind and silences the bubbling thoughts. Hestills the mind and restrains the thought-waves and enters intothe thoughtless state or Asamprajnata Samadhi. Hence thename Raja Yoga. Though Raja Yoga is a dualistic philosophyand treats of Prakriti and Purusha, it helps the student inAdvaitic Realisation of oneness eventually. Though there is themention of Purusha, ultimately the Purusha becomes identicalwith the Highest Self or Brahman of the Upanishads. Raja yogapushes the student to the highest rung of the spiritual tadder,Advaitic Realisation of Brahman.(2) The AuthorPatanjali Maharshi is the exponent of Yoga philosophy.Now Patanjali is regarded as the last of the Avataras. you willfind in Yajnavalkya Smriti that Hiranyagarbha was the originalteacher of Yoga. Patanjali Maharshi is only a compiler or explainerof the Yogic precepts, doctrines and tenets taught byHiranyagarbha.(3) Yoga SutrasPatanjali Yoga Philosophy is written in Sutras. A'Sutra, isa terse verse. lt is an aphoristic saying. lt is pregnant with deep,hidden significance. Rishis of yore have expressed the philosophicalideas and their realisation in the form of Sutras only. ltis very difficult to understand the meaning of the Sutras withoutthe hetp of a commentary a gloss or a teacher who iswell-versed in Yoga. AYogiwith fu!! realisation can explain theSutras beautifully. Literally, Sutra means a thread. Just as variouskinds of flowers with different colours are nicely arranged in(1e)

INTRODUCTION(1) What ls <strong>Raja</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong><strong>Raja</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong> is the k<strong>in</strong>g of all <strong>Yoga</strong>s. lt concerns direcfly withthe m<strong>in</strong>d. In this <strong>Yoga</strong> there is no struggl<strong>in</strong>g with prana orphysicalbody. There are no Hatha Yogic Kriyas. The yogi sits atease, watches his m<strong>in</strong>d and silences the bubbl<strong>in</strong>g thoughts. Hestills the m<strong>in</strong>d and restra<strong>in</strong>s the thought-waves and enters <strong>in</strong>tothe thoughtless state or Asamprajnata Samadhi. Hence thename <strong>Raja</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>. Though <strong>Raja</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong> is a dualistic philosophyand treats of Prakriti and Purusha, it helps the student <strong>in</strong>Advaitic Realisation of oneness eventually. Though there is themention of Purusha, ultimately the Purusha becomes identicalwith the Highest Self or Brahman of the Upanishads. <strong>Raja</strong> yogapushes the student to the highest rung of the spiritual tadder,Advaitic Realisation of Brahman.(2) The AuthorPatanjali Maharshi is the exponent of <strong>Yoga</strong> philosophy.Now Patanjali is regarded as the last of the Avataras. you willf<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> Yajnavalkya Smriti that Hiranyagarbha was the orig<strong>in</strong>alteacher of <strong>Yoga</strong>. Patanjali Maharshi is only a compiler or expla<strong>in</strong>erof the Yogic precepts, doctr<strong>in</strong>es and tenets taught byHiranyagarbha.(3) <strong>Yoga</strong> SutrasPatanjali <strong>Yoga</strong> Philosophy is written <strong>in</strong> Sutras. A'Sutra, isa terse verse. lt is an aphoristic say<strong>in</strong>g. lt is pregnant with deep,hidden significance. Rishis of yore have expressed the philosophicalideas and their realisation <strong>in</strong> the form of Sutras only. ltis very difficult to understand the mean<strong>in</strong>g of the Sutras withoutthe hetp of a commentary a gloss or a teacher who iswell-versed <strong>in</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>. AYogiwith fu!! realisation can expla<strong>in</strong> theSutras beautifully. Literally, Sutra means a thread. Just as variousk<strong>in</strong>ds of flowers with different colours are nicely arranged <strong>in</strong>(1e)

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