Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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3:EPILOGUEDear Readers!You have now a comprehensive and an intelligentunderstanding of the mind, its nature, qualities andfunctioning of and the different ways of its control. Mere understandingitself will not serve the purpose much. What is wanted,what is seriously expected of you all is constant, intense, sustained,solid Sadhana for Self-realisation and the attainment ofKaivalya. Yoga is not for the idle, talkative people. lt is for sincere,earnest students who have understood the magnitude ofhuman sufferings in this phenomenalworld and who are reallythirsting for union with God and for deliverance from thisSamsara. Yoga demands and will continue to demand from youknack, aptitude, vigilance, patience, perseverance, dispassionand steady, regular Abhyasa.Theory precedes practice. Mere theory alone cannot helpyou in enjoying the fruits of Yoga. You will have to put the theoryinto daily practice. Mere intellectual curiosity, temporary juvenileenthusiasm and elnotional bubbling cannot help you at allin any way in Yoga. Mere posing 'l am a Yogi' by cramming afew Sutras of Yoga Darsana is nothing but downright hypocrisyand wholesale swindling. Yoga is not meant to make one's livingcomfortable. Yoga is not a commercial business. To cheatGod and your own self and the public by some false demonstrationsin some Yogic practices is a heinous capital crime. Tocheat others in the name of religion is abominable. This deservesmaximum punishment. There is no Prayaschitta orexpiatoryrites for this deception.How patiently and cautiously the fisherman watches thebait to catch a single fish! How energetically and untiringly astudent works for passing his M.Sc. Examination! How vigilantis the man who wants to catch the train at 2 a.m.! How smartand careful is the surgeon in the operation theatre when the patientis on the table! How alert is the lawyer when he is arguing(1e8)

EPILOGUE199the case in the sessions! How vigilant is the captain of asteamer when there is a cyclone or iceberg! Even so, you willhave to work hard in the practice of Yoga if you care to realisefully the fruits of Yoga and Asamprajnata Samadhi.Now then, stand up friends. Plod on. Push on in your practice.Be true and sincere. Practice the different limbs Yama,Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyanaand Samadhicarefully. Become an expert in each step. lagainremind you: Care not for the Siddhis. Be not troubled, be notanxious if there is a little delay in your progress and advancement.You will have to thoroughly regenerate, overhaulthe oldSamskaras and fight with the Klesas and lndriyas. Have fulltrust in lsvara and the teachings of Raja Yoga philosophy. Destroythe doubts and desires in the burning ground of the mindby the fire of discrimination. lf you can afford, move to a coolplace during summer for keeping up the continuity of practice.Become a Raja Yogi and disseminate the knowledge of RishiPatanjali far and wide after full realisation.Our cordial prostrations and salutations to our UniversalMother Nature, Prakriti or Pradhana! How kind, merciful andpatient She is! How many varieties of fruits, grains, edibles,jewels, clothes, rivers, sun, moon and stars, etc., She has createdfor the enjoyment of these little souls! She always standsinvisible by the side of Her children day and night, rocks thecradle, feeds, clothes, nurses and attends on them with untiringenergy and patience, watches their actions and gives lessonsthrough the experiences of this world and helps them to evolvequickly. Pain and sufferings are Her blessings in disguise forthe uplift of the souls. Eventually She takes the Jiva to the LordPurusha, and bestows on him the state of Kaivalya. Let usonce more salute our Mother, with folded hands, whose Gracealone enables one to cross this ocean of Samsara.May Joy, bliss, immortality, Kaivalya abide with you forever!May God bestow on you health and strength to controlthemind!May Asamprajnata Samadhi be the Goal of your life!

3:EPILOGUEDear Readers!You have now a comprehensive and an <strong>in</strong>telligentunderstand<strong>in</strong>g of the m<strong>in</strong>d, its nature, qualities andfunction<strong>in</strong>g of and the different ways of its control. Mere understand<strong>in</strong>gitself will not serve the purpose much. What is wanted,what is seriously expected of you all is constant, <strong>in</strong>tense, susta<strong>in</strong>ed,solid Sadhana for Self-realisation and the atta<strong>in</strong>ment ofKaivalya. <strong>Yoga</strong> is not for the idle, talkative people. lt is for s<strong>in</strong>cere,earnest students who have understood the magnitude ofhuman suffer<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> this phenomenalworld and who are reallythirst<strong>in</strong>g for union with God and for deliverance from thisSamsara. <strong>Yoga</strong> demands and will cont<strong>in</strong>ue to demand from youknack, aptitude, vigilance, patience, perseverance, dispassionand steady, regular Abhyasa.Theory precedes practice. Mere theory alone cannot helpyou <strong>in</strong> enjoy<strong>in</strong>g the fruits of <strong>Yoga</strong>. You will have to put the theory<strong>in</strong>to daily practice. Mere <strong>in</strong>tellectual curiosity, temporary juvenileenthusiasm and elnotional bubbl<strong>in</strong>g cannot help you at all<strong>in</strong> any way <strong>in</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>. Mere pos<strong>in</strong>g 'l am a Yogi' by cramm<strong>in</strong>g afew Sutras of <strong>Yoga</strong> Darsana is noth<strong>in</strong>g but downright hypocrisyand wholesale sw<strong>in</strong>dl<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>Yoga</strong> is not meant to make one's liv<strong>in</strong>gcomfortable. <strong>Yoga</strong> is not a commercial bus<strong>in</strong>ess. To cheatGod and your own self and the public by some false demonstrations<strong>in</strong> some Yogic practices is a he<strong>in</strong>ous capital crime. Tocheat others <strong>in</strong> the name of religion is abom<strong>in</strong>able. This deservesmaximum punishment. There is no Prayaschitta orexpiatoryrites for this deception.How patiently and cautiously the fisherman watches thebait to catch a s<strong>in</strong>gle fish! How energetically and untir<strong>in</strong>gly astudent works for pass<strong>in</strong>g his M.Sc. Exam<strong>in</strong>ation! How vigilantis the man who wants to catch the tra<strong>in</strong> at 2 a.m.! How smartand careful is the surgeon <strong>in</strong> the operation theatre when the patientis on the table! How alert is the lawyer when he is argu<strong>in</strong>g(1e8)

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