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188 RAJA YOGAPrarabdha and the Samskaras of inhibition. This is the highestYoga which brings Kaivalya.Videhas and Prakriti-layas are born again in this world. Althoughthe mind in Prakriti-layas has become similar to thePrakriti, yet they come back when the limit has been reached.As on the cessation of the rainy season, the body of the frog isassimilated to the earth and comes back to life again on cominginto contact with rain water so does the mind of thePrakriti-laya. lt is only the full-blown Yogi, who has reached thehighest Asamprajnata Samadhi and in whom all theSamskaras are fried, will not be born again.8. lnstructions on Samadhi1. Samadhi is not like a stone-like inert state as many foolishpersons imagine. When the self is bound down to its empiricalaccidents,its activities are notfully exercised, and when thelimitations of the empirical existence are transcended the universallifeis identified and you have enrichment of the self. Youwill have a rich inner life. You will have an expanded cosmic lifeand supra-cosmic life too.2. lntuition is a spiritualAnubhava. lt is direct perception orimmediate knowledge through Samadhi. Professor Bergsen ofFrance preaches about intuition to make the people understandthat there is another higher source of knowledge than intellect.ln intuition there is no reasoriing process at all. It isPratyaksha. lntuition transcends reason but does not contradictit. lntellect takes a man to the door of intuition and returnsback. lntuition is Divya Drishti. lt is Jnana-Chakshu. Spiritualflashes and glimpses of Truth come through intuition. lnspiration,revelation, spiritual insight come through intuition.3. A sudden stroke of mystic illumination puts an end to allthe empirica! existence altogether and the very idea or remembranceof such a thing as this world absolutely leaves the self.4. Samadhi is of two kinds viz., Jada Samadhi andChaitanya Samadhi. A Hatha Yogi, through the practice ofKhechari Mudra, can shut himself in a box which is buried underneaththe ground for months and years. There is no supersensualknowledge in this kind of Samadhi. ln Chaitanya

SAMADHI189Samadhi, there is perfect awareness. The Yogi comes downwith new, supersensuous wisdom.5. A Hatha Yogi draws all his Prana from the different partsof his body and takes it to the Sahasrara Chakra at the top ofthe head. Then he enters into Samadhi. Therefore it is very difficultto bring him down to objective consciousness by merelyshaking his body. Hatha Yogis have remained buried underneaththe earth in Samadhi for thousands of years. They plugthe posterior nostrils through Khechari Mudra with their tongue.You can bring down to normal objective consciousness a RajaYogi or a Bhakta or a Jnana Yogi by mere shaking of the bodyor blowing a conch. Queen Chudalai brought down her husbandSikhidhvaja from Samadhi by shaking his body. Lord Haribrought Prahlada down from his Samadhi by blowing Hisconch.6. A Bhakta gets Bhava Samadhi through Prema of theLord. A Raja Yogi gets Asamprajnata Samadhi through ChittaVritti Nirodha, by suppressing the mental modifications. AVedantin gets Samadhi through Mithyatva Buddhi and concentrationon the idea of Asti-Bhati-Priya (the Anvaya method).7. When the Yogi has reached the last perfect stage ofmeditation and Samadhi, the fire whereof burns allthe residueof his actions. He at once gets liberation in this very life(Jivanmukti).8. During sleep you rest in Sat-chit-ananda Atman or pureconsciousness and enjoy the spiritua! bliss which is independentof objects. The difference between sleep and Samadhi isthat, in sleep there is the veil of ignorance. When you comedown from Samadhi you come with new spiritual knowledge.9. lf there is a mind, there is the world also. lf you can produceManonasa consciously through Sadhana by getting rid ofthis little'l'and 'mineness', this world will disappear.10. The Yogi ascends the various rungs of the Yogic ladder,stage by stage and acquires different experiences, knowledgeand powers. He first gets Savitarka and NirvitarkaSamadhi. He then enters Savichara and Nirvichara Samadhi.Then he experiences Sananda and Sasmita Samadhi.

188 RAJA YOGAPrarabdha and the Samskaras of <strong>in</strong>hibition. This is the highest<strong>Yoga</strong> which br<strong>in</strong>gs Kaivalya.Videhas and Prakriti-layas are born aga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> this world. Althoughthe m<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> Prakriti-layas has become similar to thePrakriti, yet they come back when the limit has been reached.As on the cessation of the ra<strong>in</strong>y season, the body of the frog isassimilated to the earth and comes back to life aga<strong>in</strong> on com<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>to contact with ra<strong>in</strong> water so does the m<strong>in</strong>d of thePrakriti-laya. lt is only the full-blown Yogi, who has reached thehighest Asamprajnata Samadhi and <strong>in</strong> whom all theSamskaras are fried, will not be born aga<strong>in</strong>.8. lnstructions on Samadhi1. Samadhi is not like a stone-like <strong>in</strong>ert state as many foolishpersons imag<strong>in</strong>e. When the self is bound down to its empiricalaccidents,its activities are notfully exercised, and when thelimitations of the empirical existence are transcended the universallifeis identified and you have enrichment of the self. Youwill have a rich <strong>in</strong>ner life. You will have an expanded cosmic lifeand supra-cosmic life too.2. lntuition is a spiritualAnubhava. lt is direct perception orimmediate knowledge through Samadhi. Professor Bergsen ofFrance preaches about <strong>in</strong>tuition to make the people understandthat there is another higher source of knowledge than <strong>in</strong>tellect.ln <strong>in</strong>tuition there is no reasori<strong>in</strong>g process at all. It isPratyaksha. lntuition transcends reason but does not contradictit. lntellect takes a man to the door of <strong>in</strong>tuition and returnsback. lntuition is Divya Drishti. lt is Jnana-Chakshu. Spiritualflashes and glimpses of Truth come through <strong>in</strong>tuition. lnspiration,revelation, spiritual <strong>in</strong>sight come through <strong>in</strong>tuition.3. A sudden stroke of mystic illum<strong>in</strong>ation puts an end to allthe empirica! existence altogether and the very idea or remembranceof such a th<strong>in</strong>g as this world absolutely leaves the self.4. Samadhi is of two k<strong>in</strong>ds viz., Jada Samadhi andChaitanya Samadhi. A Hatha Yogi, through the practice ofKhechari Mudra, can shut himself <strong>in</strong> a box which is buried underneaththe ground for months and years. There is no supersensualknowledge <strong>in</strong> this k<strong>in</strong>d of Samadhi. ln Chaitanya

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