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176 RAJA YOGAfree while living. There is no fear of downfall, as the Klesha-karmas,the seeds for Samsara are totally fried now. As this Sam_adhi showers always the state of Kaivalya, the fruit of actionsthat are called Akrishna and Asukla, it is called Dharmamegha.It is quite a significant name indeed. The afflictions and Karmasare already descrlbed in Sutras ll-3, 1S & 16.(2) tnfinity of Knowtedgemrvqf*unroriastrv-31if-fl thgn, Fdq{urtrf,I+trg removal of ail coverinos of imourities,YFIFT knowledge, sFrf,Ir(due to infinity of, ft{6owable,sreq,Avery little.Then comes the removal of aII coverings of impurities due tothe infinity of knowledge and the knowable becomes very little...NOTESWhen the Yogigets this infinite knowledge, the knowledgethat ordinary men get from worldly experiences and the knowablebecomes very very insignificant. The knowledge of theYogi is like a sun. The knowledge of objects is like tre lignt or aglow-worm. The Yogi sees without eyes, tastes without tongue,hears without ears, smells without nose and touches withoutskin. His Sankalpa can work miracles. He simply wills. Everythingcomes into being. This is described as foliows: "The blindman pierced the pearl; the fingerless put a thread into it; theneckless wore it and the tongueless praised it" (TaittiriyaAranyaka l-ii-s). The sum totalof all knowledge of this world, ofall other secular sciences is nothing, nothing, is mere huskwhen compared with the infinite knowledge ola yogiwho hasattained Kaivalya.(3) Gunas Gome to an Enddd:Effirelhi@tly-32ild: then, E-dptfii having fulfilled their part, qftunq modifications,lFrI succession, V{ilt end, UqFff{Gunas or qualities.Then the succession of the modifications of Gunas comes toan end, having fulfilled their part.

SAMADHI 177NOTESWhen the cloud of virtue dawns, when there is highestknowledge and when Para Vairagya fully manifests, the entirecessation of the effects of the three Gunas comes in. TheGunas operate for the enjoyment, experience and emancipationof the Purusha. The Purusha having realised His nativestate, the Gunas, of course, cease to act, they having fulfilledtheir end. Therefore the succession of the modifications ofGunas comes to an end for the Purusha who has attainedKaivalya.(4) Simultaneous KnowledgeqTqsffirftffi:gr[:IIV-33qurgffirft the uninterrupted sequence of moments,cessation of mod ifi cation, ME' cog n ised d isti ncfl y,!5-rI: succession.The succession is the uninterrupted sequence of momentsdistinctly cognised on the cessation of modilication.NOTESSuccession of moments implies order of time. lts form canonly be understood if you have a knowledge of the minute particle'oftime Kshana. Succession is the uninterrupted flow of moments.lt can be known only when a particular modificationcomes to an end. Succession has reference to order and time.For the Yogi who has attained Asamprajnata Samadhi, there isno succession for him. He has simultaneous knowledge. Thepast and future are blended in the presentfor him. Everything is'now'. Everything is 'here'. He has transcended time andspace.5. Samprajnata Samadhi(1) Definitiont l I-17

176 RAJA YOGAfree while liv<strong>in</strong>g. There is no fear of downfall, as the Klesha-karmas,the seeds for Samsara are totally fried now. As this Sam_adhi showers always the state of Kaivalya, the fruit of actionsthat are called Akrishna and Asukla, it is called Dharmamegha.It is quite a significant name <strong>in</strong>deed. The afflictions and Karmasare already descrlbed <strong>in</strong> Sutras ll-3, 1S & 16.(2) tnf<strong>in</strong>ity of Knowtedgemrvqf*unroriastrv-31if-fl thgn, Fdq{urtrf,I+trg removal of ail cover<strong>in</strong>os of imourities,YFIFT knowledge, sFrf,Ir(due to <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity of, ft{6owable,sreq,Avery little.Then comes the removal of aII cover<strong>in</strong>gs of impurities due tothe <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity of knowledge and the knowable becomes very little...NOTESWhen the Yogigets this <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite knowledge, the knowledgethat ord<strong>in</strong>ary men get from worldly experiences and the knowablebecomes very very <strong>in</strong>significant. The knowledge of theYogi is like a sun. The knowledge of objects is like tre lignt or aglow-worm. The Yogi sees without eyes, tastes without tongue,hears without ears, smells without nose and touches withoutsk<strong>in</strong>. His Sankalpa can work miracles. He simply wills. Everyth<strong>in</strong>gcomes <strong>in</strong>to be<strong>in</strong>g. This is described as foliows: "The bl<strong>in</strong>dman pierced the pearl; the f<strong>in</strong>gerless put a thread <strong>in</strong>to it; theneckless wore it and the tongueless praised it" (TaittiriyaAranyaka l-ii-s). The sum totalof all knowledge of this world, ofall other secular sciences is noth<strong>in</strong>g, noth<strong>in</strong>g, is mere huskwhen compared with the <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite knowledge ola yogiwho hasatta<strong>in</strong>ed Kaivalya.(3) Gunas Gome to an Enddd:Effirelhi@tly-32ild: then, E-dptfii hav<strong>in</strong>g fulfilled their part, qftunq modifications,lFrI succession, V{ilt end, UqFff{Gunas or qualities.Then the succession of the modifications of Gunas comes toan end, hav<strong>in</strong>g fulfilled their part.

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