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174 RAJA YOGASamadhi. Burning Vairagya and intense Sadhana are needed.Then the fruit is near at hand. According to the degree ofVairagya and degree of Sadhana, there are nine stages orsteps wherein Yogis halt. The fruit of Samprajnata Samadhi isAsamprajnata Samadhi, and the fruit of Asamprajnata Samadhiis Kaivalya or absolute independence.(4) Three kinds in Effort@mq,tLzz- ^[$ 6itfl, ft:t middling, moderate, sTETrIlTdr( excessive,ildtstE fu rther, fffi : d ifferentiatio n.A further differentiation comes by mild, moderate or excessive(in efforts).NOTESThe means are of three kinds, mild, medium and intense.Vairagya also is of three kinds, mild, middling and intense.Hence there are nine classes of Yogis. The fruit, AsamprajnataSamadhi, will directly be proportionate to the degree of meansand Vairagya. Yogis are of mild, middling and intense energyand Vairagya by virtue of their habits of previous lives.(5) By Destroyal of Samskaras and lsvara-pranidhana(Sutras l-51 and 11,45)It is given in the Sutras l-51 that Samadhi will come by thedestroyal of all Samskaras, and in Sutra ll-45 bylsvara-pranidhana. The meaning of the Sutras and their notesare already given. Now I will pass on to the description of differentkinds of Samadhi.3. Dharmamegha Samadhiv{qr}sqgm

SAMADHI 175stant discrimination, d{tq: nflftI' Samadhi called the cloud ofvirtue.Dharmamegha Samadhi or the Samadhi called the cloud ofvirtue, comes from constant discrimination, having no interestleft in the highest discrimination.NOTESEven full discrimination is not the desired end. When theYogi rejects the powers only, he gets the illuminationPrasamkhyana or Dharmamegha. That Yogi who has understoodthe essence ot25 Tatfuas and who has the discriminativeknowledge between Prakriti and Purusha gets the power ofknowing everything. He becomes the Lord of everything. Whenhe has no attachment for this state also, he gets Viveka-khyatior full discrimination in the form of a continuous current at allplaces and in all conditions. This is 'cloud of virtue.'When theYogi has renounced all powers, he gets the real knowledge,real peace and real strength of Purusha. He is full of bliss, purityand wisdom (Yathartha Jnana). He shines in his own nativeglory. He becomes everfree and independent. He who runs afterSiddhis is still bound. Knowledge of the Truth or Purusha isfarfrom him. Otherthoughts which cause obstruction or breaks(vrde Sutra lV-26), owing to past impressions, are not born nowowing to the destruction of these impressions.4. Benefits of Dharmamegha Samadhi(1) Removal of Afflictionsild: d{r*ffrfi: I IV-30iriT: from that Samadhi, ffi of afflictions and Karmas,ffi, the removal.From the Dharmamegha Samadhi comes the removal of allafflictions and Karmas.NOTESThe cause for Samsara is Klesha-karmas that are mixedwith Vasanas. When these are destroyed, the Yogi becomes

174 RAJA YOGASamadhi. Burn<strong>in</strong>g Vairagya and <strong>in</strong>tense Sadhana are needed.Then the fruit is near at hand. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the degree ofVairagya and degree of Sadhana, there are n<strong>in</strong>e stages orsteps where<strong>in</strong> Yogis halt. The fruit of Samprajnata Samadhi isAsamprajnata Samadhi, and the fruit of Asamprajnata Samadhiis Kaivalya or absolute <strong>in</strong>dependence.(4) Three k<strong>in</strong>ds <strong>in</strong> Effort@mq,tLzz- ^[$ 6itfl, ft:t middl<strong>in</strong>g, moderate, sTETrIlTdr( excessive,ildtstE fu rther, fffi : d ifferentiatio n.A further differentiation comes by mild, moderate or excessive(<strong>in</strong> efforts).NOTESThe means are of three k<strong>in</strong>ds, mild, medium and <strong>in</strong>tense.Vairagya also is of three k<strong>in</strong>ds, mild, middl<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>tense.Hence there are n<strong>in</strong>e classes of Yogis. The fruit, AsamprajnataSamadhi, will directly be proportionate to the degree of meansand Vairagya. Yogis are of mild, middl<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>tense energyand Vairagya by virtue of their habits of previous lives.(5) By Destroyal of Samskaras and lsvara-pranidhana(Sutras l-51 and 11,45)It is given <strong>in</strong> the Sutras l-51 that Samadhi will come by thedestroyal of all Samskaras, and <strong>in</strong> Sutra ll-45 bylsvara-pranidhana. The mean<strong>in</strong>g of the Sutras and their notesare already given. Now I will pass on to the description of differentk<strong>in</strong>ds of Samadhi.3. Dharmamegha Samadhiv{qr}sqgm

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