Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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RAJA YOGAThe three @harana, Dhyana and Samadhi) are more internalthan the preceding (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama andPratyahara).NOTESThese three constitute the Yoga proper. The five accessoriesare the external means of Yoga. These three directly bringSamadhi. The other five purify the body, Prana and lndriyas.Hence these three are called Antaranga Sadhana.3. Samyama As Bahiranga SadhanailfrqBs+ftdfqtqt rI-8trEfr even that (Samyama), qRrsqexternal, ftffq€q to theseedless Samadhi.Even that (Samyama) is external to the seedless Samadhi.NOTESNirbija Samadhi or Asamprajnata Samadhi is the finalgoal of Raja Yoga'. Compared to that, this Samyama (Dharana,Dhyana, Samadhi) also is external or indirect. lt is also preparatory.Here there is Alambana or something for the mind to dependupon;whereas in Nirbija Samadhi, there is nothing forthemind to depend upon. lt is Niralambana. lt is Nirbija (seedless)Samadhi.4. Benefits of Samyama(Erqr(ril+s': IIII-5ilqqr( by conquest of Samyama, v{rtrs: the light ofPrajna or the stage of cognition.By the conquest of Samyama, comes the stage of cognition.NOTESAs Samyama becomes firmer and firmer, so does theknoffiedge of Samadhi become more and more lucid: This is

SAMYAMA 141the fruit of the practice of Samyama. Samyama should becomevery natural. Then the knowledge flashes like anything.Samyama is a powerful weapon for the Yogi. Just as the archeraims at the gross objects at first, and then takes to subtle objects,so also the Yogi does Samyama on gross objects andthen takes to subtle objects. He does great deal of practice andascends the Yogic ladder rung by rung.5. Samyama on External Objects(1) On the SunWfrri€{qqr(t ilr-275+T the worlds, {l-;t{knowledge, € on the Sun, riqqrq OVSamyama.By Samyama on the Sun comes the knowledge of the worlds.NOTESBhuvanas are Lokas or worlds. All Lokas are included inone Brahmanda. There are seven upper worlds and sevenlower worlds as given below:Higher Worlds1. Bhu Loka2. Bhuvar Loka3. SwarLoka4. Mahar Loka5. Jana Loka6. Tapo Loka7. Satya Loka(2) On the MoonLower Worlds1. Sutala Loka2. Vitala Loka3. Talatala Loka4. Mahatala Loka5. Rasatala Loka6. Atala Loka7. Patala LokaTA il-{rqiflT{ I III-28qi on the moon, dRI of the stars, ql systems, fl-;Iq kn owledge.By Samyama on the moon, comes the knowledge of the regionsofstars.

SAMYAMA 141the fruit of the practice of Samyama. Samyama should becomevery natural. Then the knowledge flashes like anyth<strong>in</strong>g.Samyama is a powerful weapon for the Yogi. Just as the archeraims at the gross objects at first, and then takes to subtle objects,so also the Yogi does Samyama on gross objects andthen takes to subtle objects. He does great deal of practice andascends the Yogic ladder rung by rung.5. Samyama on External Objects(1) On the SunWfrri€{qqr(t ilr-275+T the worlds, {l-;t{knowledge, € on the Sun, riqqrq OVSamyama.By Samyama on the Sun comes the knowledge of the worlds.NOTESBhuvanas are Lokas or worlds. All Lokas are <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong>one Brahmanda. There are seven upper worlds and sevenlower worlds as given below:Higher Worlds1. Bhu Loka2. Bhuvar Loka3. SwarLoka4. Mahar Loka5. Jana Loka6. Tapo Loka7. Satya Loka(2) On the MoonLower Worlds1. Sutala Loka2. Vitala Loka3. Talatala Loka4. Mahatala Loka5. Rasatala Loka6. Atala Loka7. Patala LokaTA il-{rqiflT{ I III-28qi on the moon, dRI of the stars, ql systems, fl-;Iq kn owledge.By Samyama on the moon, comes the knowledge of the regionsofstars.

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