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122 RAJA YOGAnew spiritual path for the mind to move on. Vairagya serves thepart of an anicut on the river of Vishaya Vrittis. lt forms a strongembankment. lt does not allow the Vishaya Vrittis to pass outside.Vairagya removes Pratibandhas or obstacles. Abhyasagives Kaivalya Moksha. Without Vrittis one cannot enjoy sensualobjects, (Vaishaya-Vyavahara). lf the Vrittis along withSamskaras are destroyed, Manonasa or annihilation of themind follows.Here is the gloss of Vyasa: 'The stream of mind flows bothways; flows towards good and it flows towards evil. That whichflows on to perfect independence, Kaivalya, down the plane ofdiscriminative knowledge is named the stream of happiness.That which leads to rebirth and the flow down the plane ofindiscrimination or ignorance, is the stream of sin. Amongthose, the flow towards objects is thinned by Vairagya ordesirelessness; the flow of discrimination is rendered visible byhabituating the mind to the experience of knowledge. Hencethe suppression of the mental modification is dependent uponboth."2. What ls Abhyasa. drfrHq$5rq-s: tI-13iLt of these, ftft steadiness, urc{: continuous effort,sTr"[ftT: practice.Of these (Abhyasa and Yairagya), practice is the effort to securesteadiness of (the modilications of mind).NOTESThe effort to restrain allthe Vrittis of the mind and to makethe mind steady like the jet of a lamp in a windless place isAbhyasa. To drive back the mind to its source-Hridaya Guha,and get it absorbed in Atman is Abhyasa. To make the mind inwardand to destroy all its out-going tendencies is Abhyasa.And this practice should be done for a long time without anybreak and with perfect devotion. This is mentioned in Sutrat-14.

MIND 123ln this Sutra Abhyasa is explained. As for Vairagya, referto Sutra l-15.3. Control by Suppression of Vrittisftfrqffi:lrrr-e{-em out-going, fttq suppression, {iFFKfr: of the impressions,3Tftrrd disappear, m-$i-ff appear, QM moment, frflmind, slEFT: conjunction, ftfrg suppression, gftTTlq: modification.The suppression of the modification of mind (the NirodhaBhumi) is the junction with the moment of suppression, when theout-going impressions and impressions of suppression disappearand appear.NOTESln other words, we can say that, by the suppression of theout-going Vrittis of mind and the development of modificationsof control, the mind rests firm in Nirodha Bhumi. This is NirodhaParinama (modification of control).The mind remains in its real, unmodified state. lt is verydifficult to understand this and the following four Sutras. Youmust clearly understand the Chapter on 'Samadhi.'Vyutthanameans the mind goes outward. Here it means SamprajnataSamadhi. When compared with Asamprajnata Samadhi,Samprajnata Samadhi is outward. Samprajnatia Samadhi itselfis a distraction of the mind. The passage from the Samprajnatato Asamprajnata Samadhi is very difficult and critical process. ltis a trying stage. The Yogi must be very very vigilant. lf oneout-going Vritti is checked and controlled, that powerful Vrittiwhich checks the out-going Vritti is itself a modification. Thisalso must be controlled. The mind should become absolutelywaveless before Asamprajnata Samadhi is attained.

MIND 123ln this Sutra Abhyasa is expla<strong>in</strong>ed. As for Vairagya, referto Sutra l-15.3. Control by Suppression of Vrittisftfrqffi:lrrr-e{-em out-go<strong>in</strong>g, fttq suppression, {iFFKfr: of the impressions,3Tftrrd disappear, m-$i-ff appear, QM moment, frflm<strong>in</strong>d, slEFT: conjunction, ftfrg suppression, gftTTlq: modification.The suppression of the modification of m<strong>in</strong>d (the NirodhaBhumi) is the junction with the moment of suppression, when theout-go<strong>in</strong>g impressions and impressions of suppression disappearand appear.NOTESln other words, we can say that, by the suppression of theout-go<strong>in</strong>g Vrittis of m<strong>in</strong>d and the development of modificationsof control, the m<strong>in</strong>d rests firm <strong>in</strong> Nirodha Bhumi. This is NirodhaPar<strong>in</strong>ama (modification of control).The m<strong>in</strong>d rema<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong> its real, unmodified state. lt is verydifficult to understand this and the follow<strong>in</strong>g four Sutras. Youmust clearly understand the Chapter on 'Samadhi.'Vyutthanameans the m<strong>in</strong>d goes outward. Here it means SamprajnataSamadhi. When compared with Asamprajnata Samadhi,Samprajnata Samadhi is outward. Samprajnatia Samadhi itselfis a distraction of the m<strong>in</strong>d. The passage from the Samprajnatato Asamprajnata Samadhi is very difficult and critical process. ltis a try<strong>in</strong>g stage. The Yogi must be very very vigilant. lf oneout-go<strong>in</strong>g Vritti is checked and controlled, that powerful Vrittiwhich checks the out-go<strong>in</strong>g Vritti is itself a modification. Thisalso must be controlled. The m<strong>in</strong>d should become absolutelywaveless before Asamprajnata Samadhi is atta<strong>in</strong>ed.

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