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120 RAJA YOGAinfluenced by the Purusha and is rendered capable of cognising.Therefore, the mind acquires all knowledge of object. ltgets the understanding power by the influence of Purusha.10. Transformation of MindqtT r(tBlg q{Hqrunq€Nftunqrer@rffi: I III-13qt{ uv this, tdd in elements,ER}g in organs, tr{ property,EISM ch aracter, qEen111s n, qftqg1 changes or transfo rmations,tlt@il-dt: describEd. "on6By these transformations of property (form), character(time), and condition in the elements (matter) and Indriyas (organs)are explained.NOTESAntahkarana is Dharmi. !t has three Dharmas viz.,Vyuttana, Nirodha and Ekagrata. When one Dharma is operating,the other one has passed and the third one is yet to come.With reference to the Antahkarana, the Dharma that operatesat the present moment is Dharma Parinama. With reference towhat has passed and to that which is yet to come, it isLakshana Parinama. !f the present Dharma increases or decreases,it is Avastha Parinama. Thus the three kinds ofParinama occur in the Bhutas and lndriyas also. The mind assumesvarious forms. This is one kind of Parinama with referenceto form. When the change becomes manifest in relation tosome time, past, present or future, it is called LakshanaParinama. When after this the particular property ripens intomaturity or decay, it is called Avastha Parinama. The mindpasses into various states. lt is also Avastha Parinama.11. Dharmi Explained@qffrul-r+Vlit latent, sftm 6s6*, gtEqAIf indescribable, tld characterisdqs,3fJqffr cornmon, qfftne object characterised or subshatum.The substratum is that which is common to the latent, risingand indescribable.

MIND 121NOTES'Avyapadesya'means subtle or hidden; hence indescribable.The properties which have once manifested and passedinto a calm state are 'Santa.'They have played their part wel!.They will manifest at a future date. Those that are operating atthe present moment are'active.'12. Changes in DharmassmffiiqftunqFretg, I rIt-rs!6q s u ccession, gfil-ftt{ d i sti nctness, qftq1q5qfr m od ifi cations,tg, *r.".The succession of changes (in Dharmas and Dharmi) is thecause for the distinctness of modilications.NOTESThe modifications of lust, pleasure, pain and Pramanasare Pratyaksha. Samadhistate, Nirodha, Vasanas, the connectionsbetween the Cheshtas of body and mind, the power of objects,Punya-apunya Dharmas, certain other modifications ofthe mind are Paroksha only.PART 6CONTROL OF MIND1. Control by Abhyasa and Vairagya3lqrq+{Fqrqi aHtq' I Lt2m.,H;jJ practice, frFqtqr{ by non-attachment, ir( their,Their (the mental modilications) control is done by practiceand non-attachmentNOTESThrough Vairagya you will have to check the out-goingVishaya Vrittis and through Abhyasa you will have to cut the

120 RAJA YOGA<strong>in</strong>fluenced by the Purusha and is rendered capable of cognis<strong>in</strong>g.Therefore, the m<strong>in</strong>d acquires all knowledge of object. ltgets the understand<strong>in</strong>g power by the <strong>in</strong>fluence of Purusha.10. Trans<strong>format</strong>ion of M<strong>in</strong>dqtT r(tBlg q{Hqrunq€Nftunqrer@rffi: I III-13qt{ uv this, tdd <strong>in</strong> elements,ER}g <strong>in</strong> organs, tr{ property,EISM ch aracter, qEen111s n, qftqg1 changes or transfo rmations,tlt@il-dt: describEd. "on6By these trans<strong>format</strong>ions of property (form), character(time), and condition <strong>in</strong> the elements (matter) and Indriyas (organs)are expla<strong>in</strong>ed.NOTESAntahkarana is Dharmi. !t has three Dharmas viz.,Vyuttana, Nirodha and Ekagrata. When one Dharma is operat<strong>in</strong>g,the other one has passed and the third one is yet to come.With reference to the Antahkarana, the Dharma that operatesat the present moment is Dharma Par<strong>in</strong>ama. With reference towhat has passed and to that which is yet to come, it isLakshana Par<strong>in</strong>ama. !f the present Dharma <strong>in</strong>creases or decreases,it is Avastha Par<strong>in</strong>ama. Thus the three k<strong>in</strong>ds ofPar<strong>in</strong>ama occur <strong>in</strong> the Bhutas and lndriyas also. The m<strong>in</strong>d assumesvarious forms. This is one k<strong>in</strong>d of Par<strong>in</strong>ama with referenceto form. When the change becomes manifest <strong>in</strong> relation tosome time, past, present or future, it is called LakshanaPar<strong>in</strong>ama. When after this the particular property ripens <strong>in</strong>tomaturity or decay, it is called Avastha Par<strong>in</strong>ama. The m<strong>in</strong>dpasses <strong>in</strong>to various states. lt is also Avastha Par<strong>in</strong>ama.11. Dharmi Expla<strong>in</strong>ed@qffrul-r+Vlit latent, sftm 6s6*, gtEqAIf <strong>in</strong>describable, tld characterisdqs,3fJqffr cornmon, qfftne object characterised or subshatum.The substratum is that which is common to the latent, ris<strong>in</strong>gand <strong>in</strong>describable.

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