Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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110 RAJA YOGAPART 4GUNAS1. Time and GunasBrftdFTrqli *+sve@I ry-12eTdA past, sFffrfd[ futu re, Sffi[ffi : real nature, gTR exists,3I?a in the condition, t

MIND 111NOTESThese characteristics are of the nature of the manifested,when they exist in the present and are of the nature of the subtlewhen they are passed into the past or yet unmanifested.They are all from Mahat down to any object of the nature ofGunas. The Gunas change every minute and produce the variousphenomena of nature. Past and present are due to the differentmodes of manifestation of these Gunas, Sattva, Rajasand Tamas. The whole manifested universe is made up ofthese three Gunas. Modifications of these Gunas constitute allsortS of Sthavara-jangama (immovable and moving things). lntruth, the world is only Gunas.3. Reality of Things@trv-14qfurffq modification, sFFFtf( unity or oneness, tKI things,at*{reality.The reality of things is the result of the unity of modilications.NOTESAs one Guna is prominent and the other two are subordinatethere is only one Parinama. When the Sattva Guna is predominating,and Rajas and Tamas are undersubordination, theorgans of knowledge are formed. When Rajas is preponderatingand the Sattva and Tamas are under subordination, the organsof action are formed. Each of these modifrcations isalways known as one.The strong currdnt of Vrittis of the mind will be directedalong the virtuous path if Sattva is predominating in the mind.The man will be doing virtuous actions. lf Rajas and Tamas predominate,the mental cunent and mental energy flow along avicious path and the man will be doing vicious actions. Sattvicmental current will make you inward (Antarmukha) and takeyou to Kaivalya or Moksha. Rajasic and Tamasic currents willthrow you down in Samsara.

110 RAJA YOGAPART 4GUNAS1. Time and GunasBrftdFTrqli *+sve@I ry-12eTdA past, sFffrfd[ futu re, Sffi[ffi : real nature, gTR exists,3I?a <strong>in</strong> the condition, t

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