zentrale orte und zentrale räume des frühmittelalters in ...

zentrale orte und zentrale räume des frühmittelalters in ... zentrale orte und zentrale räume des frühmittelalters in ...


Römisch-Germanisches ZentralmuseumForschungsinstitut für ArchäologieundFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaBereich für Ur- und FrühgeschichteSONDERDRUCK / OFFPRINTPeter Ettel · Lukas Werther (Hrsg.)ZENTRALE ORTE UND ZENTRALE RÄUMEDES FRÜHMITTELALTERSIN SÜDDEUTSCHLANDTagung des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainzund der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jenavom 7.-9.10. 2011 in Bad Neustadt an der SaaleVerlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz 2013

Römisch-Germanisches ZentralmuseumForschungs<strong>in</strong>stitut für Archäologie<strong>und</strong>Friedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaBereich für Ur- <strong>und</strong> FrühgeschichteSONDERDRUCK / OFFPRINTPeter Ettel · Lukas Werther (Hrsg.)ZENTRALE ORTE UND ZENTRALE RÄUMEDES FRÜHMITTELALTERSIN SÜDDEUTSCHLANDTagung <strong>des</strong> Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Ma<strong>in</strong>z<strong>und</strong> der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jenavom 7.-9.10. 2011 <strong>in</strong> Bad Neustadt an der SaaleVerlag <strong>des</strong> Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Ma<strong>in</strong>z 2013

Die Tagung <strong>und</strong> ihre Publikationwurden von der Stadt Bad Neustadt an der Saale,den Geme<strong>in</strong>den Hohenroth <strong>und</strong> Salzsowie dem Bayerischen Lan<strong>des</strong>amt für Denkmalpflegeunterstützt.Satz <strong>und</strong> Redaktion: Manfred Albert, Matthias Richter,Mart<strong>in</strong> Schönfelder (RGZM); Dörte Hansen, Lukas Werther (Jena);Michael Braun (Datenshop Wiesbaden)Umschlaggestaltung: Re<strong>in</strong>hard Köster (RGZM)nach Vorlagen von Lukas Werther <strong>und</strong> Ivonne PrzemußBibliografische Informationder Deutschen NationalbibliothekDie Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation <strong>in</strong>der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie: Detaillierte bibliografischeDaten s<strong>in</strong>d im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de abrufbar.ISBN 978-3-88467-212-9ISSN 1862-4812© 2013 Verlag <strong>des</strong> Römisch-Germanischen ZentralmuseumsDas Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründetenRechte, <strong>in</strong>sbesondere die der Übersetzung, <strong>des</strong> Nach drucks, derEntnahme von Abbildungen, der Funk- <strong>und</strong> Fernsehsen dung, derWiedergabe auf fotomechanischem (Fotokopie, Mikrokopie)oder ähnlichem Wege <strong>und</strong> der Speicherung <strong>in</strong> Datenverarbeitungsanlagen, Ton- <strong>und</strong> Bild trägern bleiben, auch bei nur auszugsweiserVerwertung, vor be halten. Die Vergü tungs ansprüche <strong>des</strong>§ 54, Abs. 2, UrhG. werden durch die Verwer tungs gesellschaftWort wahrgenommen.Druck: Strauss GmbH, MörlenbachPr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> Germany.

JAN MAŘÍKFROM CENTRAL PLACES TO POWER DOMAINDEVELOPMENT OF EARLY MEDIEVAL LANDSCAPEON MIDDLE ELBE AND LOWER CIDLINAFROM CENTRAL PLACES TO POWER DOMAINIn the last 30 years, the archaeological research focus<strong>in</strong>g on beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs of the Bohemian Early Mediaevalstate has concentrated ma<strong>in</strong>ly on a small number of strongholds located <strong>in</strong> Central Bohemia which,accord<strong>in</strong>g to the op<strong>in</strong>ion of J. Sláma, formed a basis of the primal doma<strong>in</strong> of the Přemyslid-dynasty 1 . Investigationcarried out concentrated on these strongholds and their immediate surro<strong>und</strong><strong>in</strong>gs. Little attentionhas been paid on the development of the landscape and settlement structure <strong>in</strong> connection with processesthat accompanied the emergence of centralized mediaeval states. This study focuses on the developmentof a 135 km 2 micro-region on the middle Elbe and lower Cidl<strong>in</strong>a, on the bo<strong>und</strong>ary between Central andEastern Bohemia. Majority of the area is lowland closed on east by northern tip of the Železné hory Mounta<strong>in</strong>sand on south by hills of the Českobrodská tabule Plateau. More than one quarter (26%) of theobserved area is covered with floodpla<strong>in</strong> that probably represented one of the decid<strong>in</strong>g factors for development of the Early Mediaeval settlement pattern.The <strong>in</strong>vestigated area is part of an ancient settlement landscape with evidences of permanent <strong>in</strong>habitationdat<strong>in</strong>g back to the Neolithic. In early medieval age the development of the settlement structure was <strong>in</strong>fluencedby two significant urban centres: The stronghold at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou (okr. Nymburk) was thedom<strong>in</strong>ant factor <strong>in</strong> the north, while the early mediaeval agglomeration located at the site of the moderntown of Kolín (okr. Kolín) controlled the southern part of the area. The strategic position of the region isfurthermore emphasized by two long-distance trade routes runn<strong>in</strong>g eastwards along the Cidl<strong>in</strong>a to Silesiaand southwards past the towns of Kolín and Čáslav (okr. Kutná Hora) to Moravia and then further to theeast 2 . In the follow<strong>in</strong>g we shall focus ma<strong>in</strong>ly on archaeological and written sources that can be used forreconstruction of the settlement pattern development. Of particular <strong>in</strong>terest are the results of archaeologicalfield works at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and Kolín and at the smaller fortified settlements of v Hradišťko uKolína, Oldříš and Kolín-Hánín (all okr. Kolín) (fig.1).Special attention will be paid to fortified settlements and the functions they fulfilled. As we shall see thereis evidence for specialized handcrafts, long-distance exchange and, last but not least, for manifestations ofsocial stratification. In a next step the central-place theory of Christaller 3 and its applicability to pre-stateand early state structures is tested for this particular region.EARLY MEDIAEVAL SETTLEMENTAccord<strong>in</strong>g to the traditional chronology valid for the region of Bohemia the Early Medieval Age is divided<strong>in</strong> Early Slavic (6 th century), Old (7/8 th century), Middle and Late Hillfort Period 4 . The Early Slavic period isZentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters217

Fig. 1 Location of theobserved area (<strong>in</strong> black) on themap of the Czech Republic. –(Map J. Mařík).related to the Prague-type pottery culture. In the region <strong>in</strong>vestigated here settlements of this periodconcentrate on the lower Cidl<strong>in</strong>a River. Characteristic for the Early Slavic period are small settlements,consist<strong>in</strong>g of up to ten rectangular sunken dwell<strong>in</strong>gs with small stone ovens. In fact, not only the settlementsbut also the burial traditions and the entire material culture of the Early Slavic period exhibit aremarkable uniformity and provide only little archaeological evidence for a social stratification (fig. 2).No significant change <strong>in</strong> the settlement structure can be observed <strong>in</strong> the Old Hillfort period (fig. 3). As faras the observed region is concerned, only occasional evidence of settlements located along the lowerCidl<strong>in</strong>a River is known, along with some f<strong>in</strong>ds concentrat<strong>in</strong>g along the Elbe River terrace edges. However,at least some f<strong>in</strong>ds such as Avar bronze cast belt fitt<strong>in</strong>gs seem to prove the existence of social elites at Libicenad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and Staré Badry (okr. Nymburk) 5 .The appearance of settlement agglomerations at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and Kolín marks a crucial change <strong>in</strong>settlement structure dur<strong>in</strong>g the Middle Hillfort Period (fig. 4). The development of these agglomerations isaccompanied by the development of other settlements <strong>in</strong> the surro<strong>und</strong><strong>in</strong>g area. Archaeological evidence ofa social stratification, however, does not appear before the <strong>in</strong>troduction of <strong>in</strong>humation burial practice bythe end of the 9 th century. Luxury grave goods of ma<strong>in</strong>ly western provenance <strong>in</strong> a double burial at Kolín 6and graves with weapons and jewellery discovered at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou clearly demonstrate the existenceof social elites <strong>in</strong> the region.The most significant transformation of settlement structure occurs dur<strong>in</strong>g the Late Hillfort Period 7 , when<strong>in</strong> addition to the agglomerations at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and Kolín cont<strong>in</strong>ue to several smaller fortified sitesare established along the Elbe (fig. 5). These m<strong>in</strong>or fortified settlements typically cover an area of 3-5 ha.Contemporary open settlements are fo<strong>und</strong> ma<strong>in</strong>ly along the edges of river terraces.Unfortunately, Late Hillfort pottery is not suitable for a precise dat<strong>in</strong>g of this major transformation. In fact,<strong>in</strong> more than 200 years only m<strong>in</strong>or changes <strong>in</strong> technology, decoration and rim morphology can be observed<strong>in</strong> local pottery production 8 . Vessels with simple, outward-pulled rims which were exposed to oxygendur<strong>in</strong>g the fir<strong>in</strong>g process dom<strong>in</strong>ate the pottery spectrum. However, at least to our current knowledge evenlater forms, that are characteristic for 13 th -century pottery, might already appear <strong>in</strong> early 12 th century 9 .218 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

Fig. 2 Distribution of theEarly Slavic f<strong>in</strong>ds <strong>in</strong> theobserved area. – (Map J. Mařík).Zentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters219

Fig. 3 Distribution of the OldHillfort f<strong>in</strong>ds <strong>in</strong> the observedarea. – (Map J. Mařík).220 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

Fig. 4 Distribution of theMiddle Hillfort f<strong>in</strong>ds <strong>in</strong> theobserved area. Location(a) of a richly equippeddouble-grave <strong>in</strong> Kolín. –(Map J. Mařík).Zentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters221

Fig. 5 Distribution of the LateHillfort f<strong>in</strong>ds <strong>in</strong> the observedarea. – (Map J. Mařík).222 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

Fig. 6 The agglomeration ofLibice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou (okr. Nym -burk): a <strong>in</strong>ner bailey. – b outerbailey. – c burial gro<strong>und</strong> ofKanín. – (Map J. Mařík).LIBICE NAD CIDLINOUThis stronghold with a total area of 24 ha was fo<strong>und</strong>ed on two isolated rema<strong>in</strong>s of a river terrace erodedby the Elbe and the Cidl<strong>in</strong>a. Traditionally they are <strong>des</strong>ignated as outer and <strong>in</strong>ner bailey (fig. 6a-b). Theearliest settlement traces on these »islands« can be dated to Middle Bronze Age. First evidences of EarlyMediaeval settlements are related to the Prague-type pottery culture. F<strong>in</strong>d distribution <strong>in</strong>dicates the existenceof a smaller, open settlement <strong>in</strong> the 6 th century on the outer bailey. Some isolated f<strong>in</strong>ds are alsoknown from the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey.Isolated f<strong>in</strong>ds of belt-fitt<strong>in</strong>gs from the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey represent the only evidence for settlement cont<strong>in</strong>uity ofthe site <strong>in</strong> the 7 th and 8 th centuries. They might <strong>in</strong>dicate a social stratification of the settlement’s <strong>in</strong>habitants.Settlement activities on both, the outer and the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey, significantly <strong>in</strong>crease by the end of the9 th century. At the same time, other settlements appear at the right banks of the Cidl<strong>in</strong>a. On the <strong>in</strong>nerbailey as well as outside the fortified area rather extensive <strong>in</strong>humation burial gro<strong>und</strong>s are established 10 ,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a large burial gro<strong>und</strong> cover<strong>in</strong>g approximately 5 ha at the left river bank (fig. 6c) 11 . These necropolesprovide important <strong>in</strong>formation about the social structure of the early mediaeval settlement. Highrank<strong>in</strong>gpersons would be provided with both, weapons (swords, spurs and axes) and jewellery. DerivationsZentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters223

from the common burial rite and/or a lack of grave goods might <strong>in</strong>dicate, that the deceased belonged tothe bottom of the social ladder. The location of the burial gro<strong>und</strong>s might be another <strong>in</strong>dicator for socialstratification. Members of the highest social stratum were buried with<strong>in</strong> the fortified stronghold area, i. e.on the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey. Reso<strong>und</strong><strong>in</strong>g transformations of structure and settlement <strong>in</strong>tensity at the end of the9 th century can be also <strong>und</strong>erstand as the moment of an Early Mediaeval centre’s appearance with significantpopulation density, specialized craftsman’s manufacture, and, last but not least, power seat that istraditionally <strong>des</strong>ignated as a stronghold.The second half of the 10 th century sees a radical change of settlement structure <strong>in</strong> the western part of the<strong>in</strong>ner bailey. The central cemetery from the first half of the century was levelled 12 . A church made of stone,whose <strong>des</strong>ign was <strong>in</strong>spired by Ottonian architecture was embedded <strong>in</strong> the levell<strong>in</strong>g layer 13 . Other, probablywooden build<strong>in</strong>gs on stone fo<strong>und</strong>ation walls were archaeologically attested south of the church. Thesettlement was protected by a wood-earthen construction, which was approximately 10 m wide. It wasre<strong>in</strong>forced on both si<strong>des</strong> by stone fac<strong>in</strong>g walls, approximately 1 m thick, built of dry-laid marl stones. Thetotal length of this fortification system, that encircled the outer and <strong>in</strong>ner bailey, was about 2900 m. Itmight be that the earliest fortification dates back to the end of the 9 th century, but archaeological evidencefor such an early construction is, at least up to now, quite unreliable.Apart from the western area, the settlement structure rema<strong>in</strong>ed basically unchanged <strong>in</strong> the second half ofthe 10 th century. A major transformation, however, occurred at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the 11 th century, whenthe burial gro<strong>und</strong>s outside the fortification and the settlements on the right bank of the river were abandoned.In written sources Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou is first mentioned <strong>in</strong> the second half of the 10 th century <strong>in</strong> connectionwith the Slavnícks noble family (Kosmas, 49-50). It is also <strong>des</strong>cribed as the birth place of St. Adalbert(aro<strong>und</strong> 955). The <strong>in</strong>vasion of an Přemyslid-dynasty army on September 28 th , 995 marks the end of theSlavnícks control at Libice. Another written record dated to the year 1107 <strong>des</strong>cribes the death of the stronghold’swarden Božej and of his son Bořut, members of the Vršovci family (Kosmas, 192-193).In the 11 th century, the stronghold of Libice was <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong>to the system of fortifications dom<strong>in</strong>atedby the Přemyslid dynasty. The last record of Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou as an <strong>in</strong>dependent centre (oppidum) datesto the year 1130 (CDB I, 133). In 1227, Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou is owned by the Prague St. George’s Monastery(CDB II, 422).Evidence of specialized craftsmanship comes exclusively from <strong>in</strong>side the fortification. Archaeological f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gsclearly proof that iron ore process<strong>in</strong>g took place at the stronghold. Jewellery workshops process<strong>in</strong>ggold and silver have been fo<strong>und</strong> 14 . Several h<strong>und</strong>red lead pigs discovered dur<strong>in</strong>g a metal detector basedsurvey on the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey are probably also related to silver process<strong>in</strong>g at the site. It is also presumed thata m<strong>in</strong>t workshop existed at the site at the end of the 10 th century. Long-distance contacts and trade activitiesare ma<strong>in</strong>ly illustrated by metal artefacts obta<strong>in</strong>ed dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tensive surface collections and metaldetector surveys conducted by the author on the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey 15 . Some of these objects, e. g. seven sphericalweights, belt-fitt<strong>in</strong>gs, and a circular buckle (the so-called Scheibenfibel), are of western provenance,while other artefacts orig<strong>in</strong>ate from Hungary.Systematic archaeological excavations have been conducted at the site of the stronghold and its agglomerations<strong>in</strong>ce 1949 16 . About 5% of the fortified area were excavated; <strong>in</strong> addition about 15 000 m 2 havebeen observed with<strong>in</strong> the cadastre of the modern village. Archaeological research <strong>in</strong> the modern village wasalways related to rescue excavations. On the other hand, the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey was archaeologically surveyed <strong>in</strong>1949-1974 when the church and the adjacent burial gro<strong>und</strong> were excavated 17 . In 2010 and 2011 a com -plete survey of the <strong>in</strong>ner bailey was carried out us<strong>in</strong>g non-<strong>des</strong>tructive archaeological methods such asgeophysical survey, surface collections, metal detectors survey and aerial photographs 18 .224 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

Fig. 7 Settlement at the site of Staré Badry (okr. Nymburk). Reconstruction of Hillfort settled area based on surface collections. –(Illus tration J. Mařík / J. Pr<strong>in</strong>cová).STARÉ BADRY (OKR. NYMBURK)The site of Staré Badry is situated on right bank of the Cidl<strong>in</strong>a, about 4.5 km away from Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou.Stretch<strong>in</strong>g along the river terrace, it differs from other, open settlements <strong>in</strong> the region ma<strong>in</strong>ly by its extent,and by its long existence. This site was first surveyed at the end of 19 th century. Systematic archaeologicalfield work was carried out <strong>in</strong> 1965-1966 and 1969-1973. On an area of approximately 0.15 ha objectsdat<strong>in</strong>g to the Neolithic, Early Iron Age and Roman Iron Age have been fo<strong>und</strong>, but many artefacts are fromthe Early and High Mediaeval Age. The discovery that the site was permanently <strong>in</strong>habited from Early Slavicto Late Hillfort Period was one of the most significant results of this field work. In our region of <strong>in</strong>terestonly the stronghold at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou exhibits a similar longevity. Notably, griff<strong>in</strong>-shaped Avar-Slavicbelt fitt<strong>in</strong>gs have been fo<strong>und</strong> at Staré Badry as well as at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou 19 . Remarkably, <strong>in</strong> the Late HillfortPeriod Staré Badry was fortified by a wooden palisade and a moat. Only part of the fortificationsurvived, but the fortified area must have covered several hectares. In fact, surface collections <strong>in</strong>dicate thatEarly Mediaeval settlement structures spread over an area of about 27 ha (fig. 7). Most likely there haveZentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters225

een several settlement phases and not all areas were occupied at the same time. Unfortunately the fragmentationof the pottery prevented thus far the identification of settlement areas and features belong<strong>in</strong>gto different phases.The ma<strong>in</strong> difference to normal Medieval open settlements is the fortification of Staré Badry dur<strong>in</strong>g the LateHillfort Period. S<strong>in</strong>ce the current archaeological research has not yielded any evidence of specialized craftsmanshipwe may presume that this settlement formed part of the economic h<strong>in</strong>terland of Libice nadCidl<strong>in</strong>ou.KOLÍNThe modern city of Kolín is situated at southern edge of our region of <strong>in</strong>terest. The location of the locatedat the border of the River Elbe’s meadows <strong>in</strong> the north and the highly jagged terra<strong>in</strong> of crystal<strong>in</strong>icum ofKutná Hora on the south is rather unique. At this site the River Elbe cuts <strong>in</strong>to bedrock, creat<strong>in</strong>g an idealford. Most of the area is covered by the modern city or has been thoroughly disturbed by the constructionof <strong>in</strong>dustrial units at the end of the 19 th and early 20 th century. Thus, the reconstruction of the EarlyMediaeval settlement is ma<strong>in</strong>ly based on rather rare settlement and grave f<strong>in</strong>ds dat<strong>in</strong>g to Middle- and Late-Hillfort periods. The majority of f<strong>in</strong>ds concentrates on the left banks of the River Elbe, close to the churchhill with the Gothic church of St. Bartholomew (m<strong>in</strong>. 3.7 ha; fig. 5) and <strong>in</strong> its immediate surro<strong>und</strong><strong>in</strong>gsreach<strong>in</strong>g up to 1.5 km. This significant concentration of f<strong>in</strong>ds is comparable to the situation at Libice nadCidl<strong>in</strong>ou and other Early Mediaeval centres 20 . Thus, although, probably due to later surface alterations, notraces of Early Mediaeval fortification have been detected <strong>in</strong> the historic core of modern city of Kolín, theexistence of a place with central functions may be justly presumed at this site. The existence of a ratherhighly socially stratified Early Mediaeval society at Kolín is furthermore corroborated by the discovery of anEarly Mediaeval double burial with ab<strong>und</strong>ant and luxurious grave goods approximately 1 km south of thechurch hill (fig. 5) 21 .OLDŘÍŠ (OKR. KOLÍN)The stronghold at Oldříš is first mentioned <strong>in</strong> 1110 (Kosmas, 206). Accord<strong>in</strong>g to this source, the site wassituated near the confluence of the Elbe and the Cidl<strong>in</strong>a; however, no surface features that would enablean unambiguous localization have been preserved. Thus, over the years several hypotheses concern<strong>in</strong>g thelocalization of the stronghold at Oldříš on the left or right banks of the River, approximately 4 km south offthe stronghold at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou, have been issued 22 . Presently, the stronghold mentioned <strong>in</strong> thechronic is most probably identical with a site known as »Na Oldříši« (fig. 5). This site was archaeologicallyexplored at the end of the 19 th century by J. Hellich 23 . He uncovered the fo<strong>und</strong>ations of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-aisledchurch with rectangular apsis dedicated to St. John that had been pulled down <strong>in</strong> the 1880s, and severalsettlement features conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Late Hillfort pottery. Among the f<strong>in</strong>ds were several pottery sherds withpartially melted or foamed surfaces that showed small metal spherules with high contents of gold andsilver. Judg<strong>in</strong>g from chemical analyses of similar f<strong>in</strong>ds from the Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou stronghold 24 , thesepottery sherds might <strong>in</strong>dicate technological procedures related to gold content verify<strong>in</strong>g or even to goldproduction for further metallurgical or goldsmith work.226 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

Boleslaus II and of an otherwise unspecified Bavarian co<strong>in</strong> from the last deca<strong>des</strong> of the 10 th century mightprovide some <strong>in</strong>dications concern<strong>in</strong>g the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs of the settlement 27 .KOLÍN-HÁNÍN (OKR. KOLÍN)Little is known about the fortified site at Hánín. Probably at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the 11 th century it was establishedeast of the Kolín agglomeration centre on a rocky promontory encompassed by the meadows of theElbe (fig. 5). Part of the site has been <strong>des</strong>troyed by a modern stone quarry, but its total extent might havebeen some 2.5 to 4.7 ha. First isolated archaeological f<strong>in</strong>ds were discovered already at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of 20 thcentury when, among other artefacts, a metal balance and a fragment of denarius of Boleslaus II werefo<strong>und</strong> <strong>in</strong> one of the attested sunken features 28 . Archaeological excavations conducted <strong>in</strong> the 1960s and1970s provided further evidence for the existence of an Early Mediaeval settlement, ma<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong> the form ofcultural layers 29 . Based on pottery, the settlement at Hradišťko may be dated to the Late-Hillfort Period.Moreover, the denarius of Boleslaus II could <strong>in</strong>dicate a beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the settlement already <strong>in</strong> last deca<strong>des</strong>of the 10 th century.DISCUSSIONTwo significant turn<strong>in</strong>g-po<strong>in</strong>ts can be observed <strong>in</strong> the development of the settlement structure. The firstoccurred at the end of the 9 th century when settlement agglomerations at the site of Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ouand the modern city of Kolín appeared. Significant concentrations of settlement activities and ab<strong>und</strong>antgrave goods <strong>in</strong>dicate that both sites have been central places <strong>in</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> aspects. Evidence for other elementsof central places such as fortifications, specialized craftsman production and cult (church) can be unequivocallyattested only for the Late Hillfort Period, and is ma<strong>in</strong>ly restricted to Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou.For the Middle Hillfort Period, no clear evidence of fortified settlements has been fo<strong>und</strong>. Nevertheless,central settlement structures can be identified. Concentrations of open agricultural settlements <strong>in</strong> theirvic<strong>in</strong>ity <strong>in</strong>dicate relations between these centres and their h<strong>in</strong>terlands.Middle and lower rank<strong>in</strong>g central places (so-called Mittelzentren and Unterzentren) have not been identifiedthroughout this <strong>in</strong>vestigation. Such settlements would represent a comprehensive structure correspond<strong>in</strong>g to the pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of the Central Place Theory 30 .Undoubtedly, Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou fulfilled the function of a higher or more complex centre dur<strong>in</strong>g the LateHillfort Period. Evidence of iron ore and noble metal process<strong>in</strong>g have been detected with<strong>in</strong> the fortified areaof this stronghold 31 . Trade connections and activities are reflected by the f<strong>in</strong>ds of spherical weights ofNorthern or Western European provenance (fig. 9) and by the existence of a m<strong>in</strong>t workshop that existedat the stronghold <strong>in</strong> the last deca<strong>des</strong> of the 10 th century 32 . The discovery of an extensive sacral build<strong>in</strong>g onthe <strong>in</strong>ner bailey 33 establishes this site as an important Christian centre. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the chronicler(Kosmas, 49-50) Libice was a stronghold of the Slavnícks and fulfilled functions of an adm<strong>in</strong>istrative centre.Any <strong>in</strong>terpretation concern<strong>in</strong>g the importance of the settlement agglomeration at the site of the moderncity of Kolín rema<strong>in</strong>s rather dubious. Although the settlement’s extent and <strong>in</strong>tensity is more or less stablethroughout the Middle and Late Hillfort Period archaeological excavations have not provided yet any reliableevidence of further activities (that may support the <strong>in</strong>terpretation of Kolín as a higher and more228 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

complex centre. Absence of this evidence can beprobably caused by the current state of archaeologicalresearch.Middle and lower rank<strong>in</strong>g central places such asOldříš, Hradišťko and Kolín-Hánín are observed only<strong>in</strong> the Late Hillfort Period. Small-scale traces ofproduction activities at the site of Oldříš corroboratethe process<strong>in</strong>g of gold and silver; process<strong>in</strong>g ofantler has been attested at the site of Hradišťko, andthe discovery of a balance at the site of Kolín-Hánínconfirms trade activities.The attempt to create a system that would headfrom isolated power centres towards more <strong>in</strong>ten -sive usage of the entire environment’s potential canbe considered as one of manifestations of theemerg<strong>in</strong>g state system 34 . The question at whichFig. 9 Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou, <strong>in</strong>ner bailey. Spherical weight, diameter21 mm, height 17 mm. – (Photo J. Mařík).time dur<strong>in</strong>g the Late Hillfort period this crucial transformationoccurred is one of the most importantquestions <strong>in</strong> the Bohemian Early Mediaeval studies. The appearance of middle and lower centres is significantma<strong>in</strong>ly for the <strong>in</strong>terpretation of this transformation with<strong>in</strong> the historic context of Early Mediaevaldevelopment of Bohemia. Due to the absence of material that would enable a ref<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g of the Late Hillfortperiod’s chronology only hypotheses based on less reliable <strong>in</strong>dications may be raised. From the viewpo<strong>in</strong>tof historic development of the observed region, the Late Hillfort period can be divided <strong>in</strong>to two unequallylong parts. The earlier part <strong>in</strong>cluded the time when Libice was ruled by the Slavnícks and lasted approximatelyfrom the mid-10 th century until 995. In the later part, last<strong>in</strong>g at least until 1130, the stronghold ofLibice was one of the adm<strong>in</strong>istrative centres of the Přemyslid-dynasty state.Isolated co<strong>in</strong>s dat<strong>in</strong>g to the second half of the 10 th century seem to <strong>in</strong>dicate the fo<strong>und</strong>ation of the sites ofOldříš, Hradišťko and Kolín-Hánín already <strong>in</strong> the 10 th century. In this context, the stronghold of Malín (okr.Kutná Hora), the place of the other Slavnícks m<strong>in</strong>t workshop, played an important role. Malín is situatedapproximately 10 km south-east of Kolín and thus outside the region that was <strong>in</strong>vestigated here. The fortifiedarea of approximately 6 ha is more or less comparable with the area of Hradišťko and Kolín-Hánín. Itslocation on the prov<strong>in</strong>cial long-distance trade route (the so-called Trstenice route) is also quite significant.If the entire hierarchically ordered system of centers emerged already <strong>in</strong> the second half of the 10 th centurywe may suppose that this region represented the core of the doma<strong>in</strong> ruled by the Slavnícks. However, thetotal extent of this doma<strong>in</strong> is still discussed by the historians 35 .Surpris<strong>in</strong>gly, structural changes similar to those <strong>des</strong>cribed above have not been observed <strong>in</strong> centralBohemia, which is traditionally considered as a core of emerg<strong>in</strong>g Early Mediaeval Czech state, until now.However, this might be just due to the fact that archaeological studies thus far ma<strong>in</strong>ly focused on <strong>in</strong>tensivelyexam<strong>in</strong>ed strongholds and revisions and re-<strong>in</strong>terpretations of earlier research results 36 .If, <strong>in</strong>stead, the transformation of settlement structure dates to the 11 th century, the newly establishedstrongholds should be seen <strong>in</strong> the context of the establishment of a castle organization that representedfo<strong>und</strong>ations of the Mediaeval Bohemian state adm<strong>in</strong>istrative system 37 . In this view, the strongholds wouldthus represent primary seats of lower nobility whose traces can be otherwise observed only <strong>in</strong> the HighMediaeval Age. This hypothesis seems to be corroborated by the picture of property distribution <strong>in</strong> theobserved region <strong>in</strong> the course of the 13 th and 14 th centuries 38 . In this particular period of time, the areaZentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters229

etween Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and Kolín was ma<strong>in</strong>ly owned by lower nobility families. Libice and othervillages along the lower Cidl<strong>in</strong>a belonged to the property of St. George’s Monastery at the Prague Castle,and the city of Kolín was owned by the K<strong>in</strong>g.On the basis of the current state of research it is impossible to unequivocally decide, which of the abovementionedhypotheses is more reliable. An answer to this question could only be given if more precisedat<strong>in</strong>g (ideally based on dendrochronology) would be available for the sites of Oldříš, Hradišťko and Kolín-Hánín. However, any further research is equally dependent on studies of settlement pattern developmentsand trac<strong>in</strong>g of transformations of its structures both <strong>in</strong> time and space delimited by already well knownEarly Mediaeval fortified centres.CONCLUSIONSThis paper presents some results of a long-term archaeological research focus<strong>in</strong>g on the development ofEarly Mediaeval settlement structures <strong>in</strong> a micro-region located <strong>in</strong> the eastern part of Central Bohemia. Inthis region, the dom<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g settlements were the stronghold of Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and the extensiveagglomeration at the site of the modern city of Kolín. S<strong>in</strong>ce the end of the 9 th century these significantcentres situated on a well-established long-distance trade route connect<strong>in</strong>g Bohemia and Poland representedthe dom<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g power bases <strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>g further settlement development of the observed region.In the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g, i. e. at the end of the 9 th or <strong>in</strong> the early 10 th century, both sites were relatively isolatedplaces, accompanied by several open settlements. A major change <strong>in</strong> the settlement structure occurred <strong>in</strong>the Late Hillfort period, when <strong>in</strong> addition to the exist<strong>in</strong>g strongholds ad Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and modernKolín three other fortified sites (Oldříš, Hradišťko, and Kolín-Hánín) were constructed <strong>in</strong> the area <strong>in</strong>between.These sites probably were centres of some lower importance. The discovery of a hierarchic settlementstructure has opened our view on a rather wide range of issues which predom<strong>in</strong>antly focus on thequestions of why and when this transformation occurred. The existence of least two equivalent hypothesesregard<strong>in</strong>g the historic backgro<strong>und</strong> of this transformation is due to the lack<strong>in</strong>g precision <strong>in</strong> the dat<strong>in</strong>g of thistransformation, which occurred between the second half of the 10 th and the 12 th centuries. Accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe first hypothesis the transformation is related to the establishment of a doma<strong>in</strong> of power by the Slavnícksfamily at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou <strong>in</strong> the second half of the 10 th century. The second hypothesis presumes thatthe new sites were established dur<strong>in</strong>g the 11 th century <strong>in</strong> connection with formation of the fortificationorganization dom<strong>in</strong>ated by the Přemyslid-dynasty and appearance of early nobility seats.To summarize, our <strong>und</strong>erstand<strong>in</strong>g of the development of settlement structures <strong>in</strong> the prescribed regionrepresents a unique case-study that may serve as a start<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t for discussions concern<strong>in</strong>g various manifestationsof emerg<strong>in</strong>g state structures of the Early Mediaeval states and their reflections <strong>in</strong> archaeologicalsources. However, any further discussions are <strong>in</strong>evitably dependent on cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g archaeological researchaimed to order to fathom larger settlement structures ma<strong>in</strong>ly <strong>in</strong> the regions that are regarded as key areasfor establishment of the Early Mediaeval Czech state, i. e. <strong>in</strong> Central Bohemia.AcknowledgmentsThis paper was prepared and written as a part of a project supp<strong>orte</strong>d by the Grantová Agentura České Republiky, No. 404/08/1696.230 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

Notes1) Sláma 1988.2) Vávra 1971; 1972.3) Das System der <strong>zentrale</strong>n Orte, cf. Christaller 1933.4) Brather 2001, 41.5) Pr<strong>in</strong>cová-Justová 2004.6) Profantová 2000.7) Second half of the 10 th to the 12 th century.8) Šolle 1972.9) Mařík 2009, 30. − Bartošková 1999.10) Turek 1976; 1978.11) Mařík 2009, 72-115.12) Tomanová 2012.13) Mařík 2010.14) Komárek 1954. − Mařík / Zavřel 2012.15) The publication of the metal detector survey on the <strong>in</strong>ner baileyof the Libice stronghold is <strong>in</strong> preparation by the author.16) Pr<strong>in</strong>cová / Mařík 2006. – Košta / Mařík 2012.17) Košta / Mařík 2012.18) Křivánek / Mařík 2012.19) Pr<strong>in</strong>cová-Justová 2004.20) Mařík 2009, fig. 1.21) Profantová 2000.22) For an overview, cf. Mařík 2009, 152.23) Hellich 1903.24) Zavřel / Mařík 2012.25) Research carried out at the site by the end of the 19 th centuryprovided evidence of an Early Medieval settlement (Hellich1915).26) Forst 2010.27) Ibidem. − The second co<strong>in</strong> was fo<strong>und</strong> most recently only andhas not been published yet. The author is <strong>in</strong>debted toMr. M. Forst from the Regional Museum <strong>in</strong> Kolín for shar<strong>in</strong>gthis piece of <strong>in</strong>formation.28) Dvořák 1936, 104.29) Hrala 1985. − Valentová / Tvrdík 2004.30) This term<strong>in</strong>ology is based on works written by Prof. Dr. E.Gr<strong>in</strong>gmuth-Dalmer (1999; 2011).31) Mařík / Zavřel 2012.32) Lutovský / Petráň 2004, 100-118.33) Mařík 2010.34) Wickham 2005, 303-304.35) For the first time, the Slavnícks doma<strong>in</strong> was discussed by theChronicler Kosmas (Kosmas 49-50). Accord<strong>in</strong>g to him, theSlavnicks controlled more than half of Bohemia, ma<strong>in</strong>ly itssouthern and eastern parts. This po<strong>in</strong>t of view was also advocatedby earlier historians such as R. Turek 1957. – However,currently historians assume that the Slavnícks doma<strong>in</strong> wasrestricted to the central Elbe lowlands and the region alongthe lower Cidl<strong>in</strong>a (cf. Sláma 1995; Lutovský / Petráň 2004, 82-84).36) Cf. Bartošková 2010. − Boháčová 2011. − Varadz<strong>in</strong> 2011.37) Cf. Klápště 2012, 36-58.38) Kalhous 2011.ReferencesSourcesCDB I: G. Friedrich (ed.), Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regniBohemiae I (805-1197) (Pragae 1904-1907).CDB II: G. Friedrich (ed.), Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regniBohemiae II (1198-1230) (Pragae 1912).Kosmas: B. Bretholz (ed.), Cosmae Pragensis, Chronica Bohemorum,MGH Ss. rr. Germ., N. S. II (Berl<strong>in</strong> 1923).BibliographyBartošková 1999: A. Bartošková, Zánikový horizont budečské akropole(Ke chronologii raně středověké keramiky). ArcheologickeRozhledy 51, 1999, 726-739.2010: A. Bartošková, Budeč – e<strong>in</strong> bedeuten<strong>des</strong> Machtzentrum<strong>des</strong> frühen böhmischen Staates. Zeitschrift für Archäologie <strong>des</strong>Mittelalters 38, 2010, 85-159.Boháčová 2011: I. Boháčová, Prague, Budeč and Boleslav: Thereflection of State Formation <strong>in</strong> Early Medieval ArchaeologicalSources. In: Macháček / Ungerman 2011, 371-396.Brather 2001: S. Brather, Archäologie der westlichen Slawen: Siedlung,Wirtschaft <strong>und</strong> Gesellschaft im früh- <strong>und</strong> hochmittelalterlichenOstmitteleuropa. Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon derGermanischen Altertumsk<strong>und</strong>e Band 30 (Berl<strong>in</strong>, New York 2001).Christaller 1933: W. Christaller, Die Zentralen Orte <strong>in</strong> Süddeutschland(Jena 1933).Dvořák 1936: F. Dvořák, Pravěk Kolínska a Kouřimska (Kolín 1936).Forst 2010: M. Forst, Hradišťko I. Raně středověké níž<strong>in</strong>né hradiskou Kolína, Hradišťko I. – Early mediaeval lowland fortificated areaZentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters231

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Varadz<strong>in</strong>, The Development of Přemyslid Doma<strong>in</strong>Strongholds <strong>in</strong> the Heart of Bohemia (A Contribution to the Discussion).In: Macháček / Ungerman 2011, 405-410.Wickham 2005: Ch. Wickham, Fram<strong>in</strong>g Early Medieval Ages.Europe and the Mediterranean, 400-800 (Oxford 2005).Zusammenfassung / Abstract / RésuméVon Zentral<strong>orte</strong>n zu Herrschaftsdomänen.Die Entwicklung der frühmittelalterlichen Landschaft an mittlerer Elbe <strong>und</strong> unterer Cidl<strong>in</strong>aThema <strong>des</strong> Beitrages ist die Siedlungsentwicklung e<strong>in</strong>er Mikroregion von 135 km 2 an der mittleren Elbe <strong>und</strong> unterenCidl<strong>in</strong>a. Die Region wurde von zwei bedeutenden urbanen Zentren bee<strong>in</strong>flusst, die sich im Bereich von Libice nadCidl<strong>in</strong>ou sowie der modernen Stadt Kolín bef<strong>in</strong>den. E<strong>in</strong> besonderes Augenmerk der Studie liegt auf kle<strong>in</strong>eren befestigtenSiedlungen (Hradišťko u Kolína, Oldříš <strong>und</strong> Kolín-Hánín) <strong>und</strong> ihren Funktionen. Im Verlauf der Siedlungsent -wicklung lassen sich zwei deutliche Wendepunkte beobachten. Der erste liegt im späten 9. Jahrh<strong>und</strong>ert <strong>und</strong> ist mit232 J. Mařik · From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>

dem Ersche<strong>in</strong>en von Siedlungsagglomerationen an den F<strong>und</strong>plätzen Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou <strong>und</strong> <strong>in</strong> der modernen Stadtvon Kolín zu verb<strong>in</strong>den. In der späten Burgwall-Periode (950-1200 v. Chr.) entwickelten sich dann Zentral<strong>orte</strong> mittlerer<strong>und</strong> unterer Hierarchieebene, die durch Handwerks- <strong>und</strong> Handelsaktivitäten gekennzeichnet s<strong>in</strong>d. Diese Plätze warenmöglicherweise Zentren ger<strong>in</strong>gerer Bedeutung. Die Entdeckung e<strong>in</strong>er hierarchisch gegliederten Siedlungsstruktur hatzahlreiche neue Perspektiven für die historischen Rahmenbed<strong>in</strong>gungen eröffnet, <strong>in</strong> denen sich dieser Transforma tions -prozess abspielt, <strong>in</strong>sbesondere <strong>in</strong> Bezug auf frühstaatliche Strukturen <strong>und</strong> ihren Niederschlag im archäologischen Quellenmaterial.From Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>.Development of Early Medieval Landscape on Middle Elbe and Lower Cidl<strong>in</strong>aThis paper focuses on settlement development of a 135 km 2 micro-region on the middle Elbe and lower Cidl<strong>in</strong>a. Thisregion was <strong>in</strong>fluenced by two significant urban centres at Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and at the site of the modern town ofKolín. Particular attention is paid to smaller fortified settlements (Hradišťko u Kolína, Oldříš and Kolín-Hánín) and theirfunctions. Two significant turn<strong>in</strong>g-po<strong>in</strong>ts can be observed <strong>in</strong> the development of the settlement structure. The firstoccurred at the end of the 9 th century when settlement agglomerations at the site of Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou and themodern city of Kolín appeared. Middle and lower rank<strong>in</strong>g central places with handcraft and trade activities <strong>in</strong> Oldříš,Hradišťko and Kolín-Hánín emerged <strong>in</strong> the Late Hillfort Period (950-1200 AD). These sites probably were centres ofsome lower importance. The discovery of a hierarchic settlement structure has opened several issues which focused onhistorical backgro<strong>und</strong> when this transformation occurred, manifestations of emerg<strong>in</strong>g structures of the Early Mediaevalstates and their reflections <strong>in</strong> archaeological sources.Des places centrales aux doma<strong>in</strong>es du pouvoir.Le développement de l’occupation du haut Moyen Âge autour de l’Elbe moyen et de la Cidl<strong>in</strong>a <strong>in</strong>férieureCette contribution p<strong>orte</strong> sur le développement de l’habitat dans une micro-région de 135 km 2 située autour de l’Elbemoyen et de la Cidl<strong>in</strong>a <strong>in</strong>férieure. Cette région était <strong>in</strong>fluencée par deux centres urba<strong>in</strong>s importants, à Libice nadCidl<strong>in</strong>ou et à l’emplacement de la ville actuelle de Kolín. Un <strong>in</strong>térêt particulier est porté à <strong>des</strong> fortifications plus petites(Hradišťko u Kolína, Oldříš et Kolín-Hánín) et à leurs fonctions. Deux tournants significatifs peuvent être observés dansle développement de la structure de l’habitat. Le premier se place à la f<strong>in</strong> du 9 e siècle, lorsque les agglomérationssituées à Libice nad Cidl<strong>in</strong>ou et à Kolín apparaissent. Des places centrales de rang moyen et <strong>in</strong>férieur dotées d’activitésartisanales et commerciales émergent lors de la période f<strong>in</strong>ale <strong>des</strong> Burgwall (950-1200 AD) à Oldříš, Hradišťko et Kolín-Hánín. Ces sites étaient probablement <strong>des</strong> centres d’une importance mo<strong>in</strong>dre. La découverte d’une structure hiérarchiséede l’habitat soulève plusieurs questions portant sur le contexte historique lors duquel cette transformation s’estopérée, mais aussi sur les manifestations <strong>des</strong> premières structures étatiques au haut Moyen Âge et sur leur reflet dansles sources archéologiques.Traduction: G. Pierrevelc<strong>in</strong>Zentrale Orte <strong>und</strong> <strong>zentrale</strong> Räume <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters233

INHALTFalko Daim · Peter Ettel · Lukas WertherVorwort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIIPeter EttelZentral<strong>orte</strong> <strong>und</strong> Zentral<strong>räume</strong> <strong>des</strong> Frühmittelalters <strong>in</strong> Süddeutschland. E<strong>in</strong> Forschungsüberblick . . . . . . . 1Andreas DixZentrale Orte, Zentralität <strong>und</strong> Ergänzungsgebiete – historisch-geographische Perspektivene<strong>in</strong>es geographischen Modells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Petra WoltersDer Veitsberg – Mittelpunkt e<strong>in</strong>es Zentralraumes?Neue Forschungen im karol<strong>in</strong>gisch-ottonischen Pfalzkomplex Salz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Caspar Ehlers · Bernd PäffgenPfalzenforschung <strong>in</strong> Bayern. Die Erfassung <strong>und</strong> wissenschaftliche Bearbeitungder Pfalz<strong>orte</strong> <strong>und</strong> Königshöfe im heutigen Bayern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75Lukas WertherDer Königsgutkomplex Salz <strong>und</strong> das Neustädter Becken – e<strong>in</strong> frühmittelalterlicher Zentralraumim Wandel der Zeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89Christoph Zielhofer · Eva LeitholdtZeitliche Rekonstruktion der mittelalterlichen Weiherphasen im <strong>zentrale</strong>n Grabenbereichder Fossa Carol<strong>in</strong>a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113Markus C. BlaichPfalz Werla – e<strong>in</strong> Zentralort <strong>des</strong> 10./11. Jahrh<strong>und</strong>erts im Nordharzvorland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125Thomas LiebertSiedlungskomplex Großhöb<strong>in</strong>g: Mühlen <strong>und</strong> Bootsländen als E<strong>in</strong>richtungen ländlicher Zentral<strong>orte</strong> . . 141Thomas KohlVillae publicae <strong>und</strong> Taufkirchen – ländliche Zentren im süddeutschen Raum der Karol<strong>in</strong>gerzeit . . . . . 161Heidi PantermehlHaltestelle Zentralort – Anwendung von Modellen der Zentralortforschungauf Mittelgebirgszonen am Beispiel <strong>des</strong> Pfälzerwal<strong>des</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175Helga SedlmayerTransformationen von Zentrum <strong>und</strong> Peripherie: vom römischen Favianiszur frühmittelalterlichen civitas Mutarensis (Mautern an der Donau/Österreich) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193V

Jan MaříkFrom Central Places to Power Doma<strong>in</strong>. Development of Early Medieval Landscapeon Middle Elbe and Lower Cidl<strong>in</strong>a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217Jiří MacháčekGreat Moravian Central Places and Their Practical Function, Social Significanceand Symbolic Mean<strong>in</strong>g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235Diethard Walter · Niklot Krohn · Sybille JahnDer Frauenberg bei Sondershausen (Kyffhäuserkreis) – e<strong>in</strong> frühmittelalterlicher Zentralortim nördlichen Thür<strong>in</strong>gen. Vorbericht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249He<strong>in</strong>rich WagnerDas Tal der Fränkischen Saale als Zentralraum im Frühmittelalter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259Mathias HenschZur Struktur herrschaftlicher Kern<strong>räume</strong> zwischen Regensburg <strong>und</strong> Forchheim<strong>in</strong> karol<strong>in</strong>gischer, ottonischer <strong>und</strong> frühsalischer Zeit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267Christian LaterReaktionen e<strong>in</strong>es lokalen Zentrums auf den Wandel von Wirtschaftsfaktorenam Beispiel der curtis, cella <strong>und</strong> Propstei Solnhofen im Altmühltal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309Thorsten SonnemannDie frühmittelalterliche Büraburg <strong>und</strong> das Fritzlar-Waberner Beckenim Lichte aktueller Untersuchungen zur Zentralort-Umfeld-Problematik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333Eike H. MichlCastrum, curia, palatium?! Die neue Entdeckung e<strong>in</strong>es alten Machtzentrums <strong>in</strong> Unterfranken . . . . . . 353Ralf ObstDer Zentralort Karlburg am Ma<strong>in</strong> im früh- <strong>und</strong> hochmittelalterlichen Siedlungsraum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375Michael HerdickÜberlegungen zur Interpretation wirtschaftsarchäologischer Quellenvon mittelalterlichen Herrschaftssitzen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389Verzeichnis der Autor<strong>in</strong>nen <strong>und</strong> Autoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405VI

VERZEICHNIS DER AUTORINNEN UND AUTORENMarkus C. BlaichHochschule HAWK Hil<strong>des</strong>heim/Holzm<strong>in</strong>den/Gött<strong>in</strong>genFakultät Bauen <strong>und</strong> ErhaltenHohnsen 231141 Hil<strong>des</strong>heimblaich@arcor.deThomas KohlEberhard Karls Universität Tüb<strong>in</strong>genSem<strong>in</strong>ar für Mittelalterliche GeschichteWilhelmstraße 3672074 Tüb<strong>in</strong>genthomas.kohl@uni-tueb<strong>in</strong>gen.deAndreas DixOtto-Friedrich-Universität BambergInstitut für GeographieAm Kranen 1296045 Bambergandreas.dix@uni-bamberg.deCaspar EhlersMax-Planck-Institut für Europäische RechtsgeschichteHausener Weg 12060489 Frankfurt am Ma<strong>in</strong>ehlers@rg.mpg.dePeter EttelFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaBereich für Ur- <strong>und</strong> FrühgeschichteLöbdergraben 24 a07743 Jenap.ettel@uni-jena.deMathias HenschSchauhütte-ArchäologieSchlosshof 192275 Eschenfeldenschauhuette@web.deMichael HerdickRömisch-Germanisches ZentralmuseumForschungs<strong>in</strong>stitut für ArchäologieLabor für Experimentelle Archäologie (LEA)An den Mühlste<strong>in</strong>en 756727 Mayenherdick@rgzm.deNiklot KrohnAlbert-Ludwigs-UniversitätInstitut für Archäologische WissenschaftenAbteilung Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie<strong>und</strong> Archäologie <strong>des</strong> MittelaltersBelfortstraße 2279085 Freiburgniklot.krohn@ufg.uni-freiburg.deChristian LaterBayerisches Lan<strong>des</strong>amt für DenkmalpflegeReferat Z I – Denkmalliste <strong>und</strong> DenkmaltopographieHofgraben 480539 Münchenchristian.later@blfd.bayern.deEva LeitholdtUniversität LeipzigInstitut für GeographieJohannisallee 19 a04103 Leipzigeva.leitholdt@uni-leipzig.deThomas LiebertSchwalbenhof 490574 Roßtalarchkonzept.liebert@vodafone.deJiří MacháčekÚstav archeologie a muzeologieFilozofická fakulta Masarykova UniverzitaA. Nováka 1CZ - Brno 602 00machacek@phil.muni.czSybille JahnDorfstraße 1106567 Günsero<strong>des</strong>ybilljahn@arcor.deVerzeichnis der Autor<strong>in</strong>nen <strong>und</strong> Autoren405

Jan MaříkArcheologický ústavAkademie věd České republiky, v. v. i.Letenská 4CZ - 118 01 Praha 1marik@arup.cas.czEike H. MichlOtto-Friedrich-Universität BambergLehrstuhl für Archäologie <strong>des</strong> Mittelalters <strong>und</strong> der NeuzeitWilhelmsplatz 396047 Bambergeike.michl@uni-bamberg.deRalf ObstKantstraße 496052 Bambergralf.obst@web.deBernd PäffgenLudwig-Maximilians-UniversitätHistoricum – Zentrum für Geschichte <strong>und</strong> ArchäologieInstitut für Vor- <strong>und</strong> Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie<strong>und</strong> Prov<strong>in</strong>zialrömische ArchäologieSchell<strong>in</strong>gstraße 1280799 Münchenbernd.paeffgen@vfpa.fak12.uni-muenchen.deHeidi PantermehlRömisch-Germanisches ZentralmuseumForschungs<strong>in</strong>stitut für ArchäologieErnst-Ludwig-Platz 255116 Ma<strong>in</strong>zpantermehl@rgzm.deHelga SedlmayerÖsterreichisches Archäologisches InstitutFachbereich Zentraleuropäische ArchäologieFranz-Kle<strong>in</strong>-Gasse 1A - 1190 Wienhelga.sedlmayer@oeai.atThorsten SonnemannGutleutstraße 14960327 Frankfurt am Ma<strong>in</strong>thorsten.sonnemann@gmx.deHe<strong>in</strong>rich WagnerWiesenmühlweg 397618 Heustreuhe<strong>in</strong>rich.wagner@gmx.deDiethard WalterThür<strong>in</strong>gisches Lan<strong>des</strong>amt für Denkmalpflege<strong>und</strong> ArchäologieHumboldtstraße 1199423 Weimardiethard.walter@tlda.thuer<strong>in</strong>gen.deLukas WertherFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaBereich für Ur- <strong>und</strong> FrühgeschichteLöbdergraben 24 a07743 Jenalukas.werther@uni-jena.dePetra Woltersc/o Friedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaBereich für Ur- <strong>und</strong> FrühgeschichteSankt-Rochus-Straße 4796157 Ebrach/St. Rochuspetra_wolters@yahoo.deChristoph ZielhoferUniversität LeipzigInstitut für GeographieJohannisallee 19 a04103 Leipzigzielhofer@uni-leipzig.de406 Verzeichnis der Autor<strong>in</strong>nen <strong>und</strong> Autoren

NEUERSCHEINUNGENBendeguz Tobias (Hrsg.)Die Archäologie der frühen UngarnChronologie, Technologie <strong>und</strong> MethodikDas gängige Bild der frühen Ungarn, bestimmt durch unzählige militärischeE<strong>in</strong>fälle, von denen die historischen Schriftquellen berichten, hat <strong>in</strong> denletzten Jahrzehnten e<strong>in</strong>en Wandel erfahren. Deshalb wurde <strong>in</strong> e<strong>in</strong>em <strong>in</strong>ternationalenWorkshop der aktuelle Forschungsstand <strong>in</strong> vier großen Themenschwerpunktendargelegt: der Ethnogenese, der chronologischen Gliederung<strong>des</strong> F<strong>und</strong>materials, der Bewaffnung <strong>und</strong> Kampfweise <strong>und</strong> der Herstellungstechnologievon Schmuckstücken.RGZM – Tagungen, Band 17309 S., 155 Abb.,21 × 29,7 cm, SoftcoverISBN 978-3-88467-205-1€ 50,–Lutz Grunwald · Heidi Pantermehl · Ra<strong>in</strong>er Schreg (Hrsg.)Hochmittelalterliche Keramik am Rhe<strong>in</strong>E<strong>in</strong>e Quelle für Produktion <strong>und</strong> Alltag<strong>des</strong> 9. bis 12. Jahrh<strong>und</strong>ertsRGZM – Tagungen, Band 13262 S., 127 z. T. farb. Abb.,21× 29,7 cm, SoftcoverISBN 978-3-88467-191-7€ 37,–Durch die Tagung »Hochmittelalterliche Keramik am Rhe<strong>in</strong>« gelang es, fürdas 9. bis 12. Jahrh<strong>und</strong>ert e<strong>in</strong>e Bilanz <strong>des</strong> derzeitigen Forschungsstands zudiesem »Leitfossil« der archäologischen Wissenschaft zu ziehen. Der vor -liegende Band bietet mit se<strong>in</strong>en 21 Beiträgen nicht nur e<strong>in</strong>en wichtigenÜberblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand zur entlang <strong>des</strong> Rhe<strong>in</strong>s an -zutreffenden hochmittelalterlichen Keramik. Ausgehend von den unterschiedlichsten, <strong>in</strong> der Schweiz, Frankreich, Deutschland <strong>und</strong> den Niederlandenangesiedelten Forschungsvorhaben erweitert er darüber h<strong>in</strong>aus denBlick von e<strong>in</strong>zelnen F<strong>und</strong>stellen <strong>und</strong> Töpferregionen auf überregionaleBetrachtungen <strong>und</strong> Zusammenhänge h<strong>in</strong>sichtlich der Warenarten, ihrerProduktion <strong>und</strong> <strong>des</strong> Handels mit keramischen Gütern. E<strong>in</strong>ige Beiträge liefernfür bestimmte Regionen am Rhe<strong>in</strong> zudem erstmals e<strong>in</strong>e Beschreibungder dort <strong>in</strong> dieser Zeit vorhandenen Tonwaren. In der Zusammenschau derE<strong>in</strong>zeldarstellungen ergeben sich neue E<strong>in</strong>blicke sowohl <strong>in</strong> die regionaleWirtschaftsgeschichte als auch <strong>in</strong> die großräumigen Entwicklungstendenzen,die <strong>in</strong> dieser Epoche das Leben <strong>und</strong> den Alltag der Menschen entlang<strong>des</strong> Rhe<strong>in</strong>s prägten.Verlag <strong>des</strong> Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Ma<strong>in</strong>zErnst-Ludwig-Platz 2 · 55116 Ma<strong>in</strong>z · Tel.: 0 6131/ 91 24-0 · Fax: 0 6131/ 91 24-199E-Mail: verlag@rgzm.de · Internet: www.rgzm.de · http://shop.rgzm.de

AUS DEM VERLAGSPROGRAMMGabriele Scharrer-LiškaDie hochmittelalterliche Grafitkeramik<strong>in</strong> Mitteleuropa <strong>und</strong> ihr Beitragzur WirtschaftsgeschichteForschungsstand – Hypothesen – offene FragenMonographien <strong>des</strong> RGZM, Band 681. Auflage 2007, 191 S., 42 Abb.,76 z. T. farb. Taf., 21× 30 cm,Hardcover, fadengeheftetISBN 978-3-88467-109-2€ 90,–In der Zeit vom 8. bis zum 13. Jahrh<strong>und</strong>ert gibt es die im österreichischenDonauraum <strong>und</strong> Alpenvorland charakteristische, so genannte Grafitkeramik.Ihre Besonderheit liegt dar<strong>in</strong>, dass die für ihre Herstellung benötigtenRohstoffe regional begrenzt vorkommen, das Endprodukt aber weit überdie Lagerstättengebiete h<strong>in</strong>aus anzutreffen ist. Grafitkeramik bildet dahere<strong>in</strong>e wichtige archäologische Quelle für wirtschaftshistorische Fragen. Dasvorliegende Buch behandelt die Herstellung von Grafitkeramik <strong>und</strong> ihreEntwicklung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei Fragen zur Organisation <strong>und</strong> Strukturierungihres Herstellungsprozesses <strong>und</strong> ihrer Bedeutung im wirtschaftlichen<strong>und</strong> sozialen Kontext.Dieter QuastDas merow<strong>in</strong>gerzeitlicheReliquienkästchen aus EnnabeurenE<strong>in</strong>e Studie zu den frühmittelalterlichenReisereliquiaren <strong>und</strong> ChrismaliaKataloge Vor- <strong>und</strong> FrühgeschichtlicherAltertümer, Band 43173 S. mit 84 Abb. u. 44 Taf.ISBN 978-3-88467-184-9€ 43,–Zu den Charakteristika <strong>des</strong> mittelalterlichen Christentums gehört der Reliquienkult.Reliquien, für deren Aufbewahrung kunstvolle Behältnisse angefertigtwurden, heiligten jeden Altar. Doch nicht nur <strong>in</strong>nerhalb der Kirchenfanden sie Verwendung, sondern auch im privaten Bereich. Selbst auf Reisenführten Geistliche Reliquiare mit sich, wie uns Schriftquellen berichten.Derartige Reisereliquiare s<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> e<strong>in</strong>iger Zahl <strong>in</strong> Kirchenschätzen erhaltenoder f<strong>in</strong>den sich gelegentlich bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen. Sie datieren<strong>in</strong>s frühe Mittelalter, somit <strong>in</strong> die Jahrh<strong>und</strong>erte, <strong>in</strong> denen das Christentumsich auch <strong>in</strong> den romano-barbarischen Königreichen nördlich derAlpen endgültig durchsetzte. E<strong>in</strong>es der ältesten Exemplare wurde 1936 beiUmbauarbeiten im Altar der Kirche von Ennabeuren auf der SchwäbischenAlb entdeckt. Dieses kle<strong>in</strong>e, komplett mit vergoldeten Pressblechen verziertehausförmige Kästchen aus der Mitte <strong>des</strong> 7. Jahrh<strong>und</strong>erts dient alsAusgangspunkt für den Katalog frühmittelalterlicher Reisereliquiare. Siewer den hier erstmals zusammengestellt <strong>und</strong> analysiert. Dabei stehen dieFragen nach Chronologie, Herkunft, Ornamentik <strong>und</strong> dem christlichen Bildprogrammim Vordergr<strong>und</strong>.Verlag <strong>des</strong> Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Ma<strong>in</strong>zErnst-Ludwig-Platz 2 · 55116 Ma<strong>in</strong>z · Tel.: 0 6131/ 91 24-0 · Fax: 0 6131/ 91 24-199E-Mail: verlag@rgzm.de · Internet: www.rgzm.de · http://shop.rgzm.de

BESTELLUNG DESARCHÄOLOGISCHEN KORRESPONDENZBLATTSDas Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt versteht sich als e<strong>in</strong>e aktuelle wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift zu Themen der vor<strong>und</strong>frühgeschichtlichen sowie prov<strong>in</strong>zialrömischen Archäologie <strong>und</strong> ihrer Nachbarwissenschaften <strong>in</strong> Europa. Nebender aktuellen Forschungsdiskussion f<strong>in</strong>den Neuf<strong>und</strong>e <strong>und</strong> kurze Analysen von überregionalem Interesse hier ihren Platz.Der Umfang der Artikel beträgt bis zu 20 Druckseiten; fremdsprachige Beiträge werden ebenfalls angenommen.Unabhängige Redaktoren begutachten die e<strong>in</strong>gereichten Artikel.Kontakt für Autoren: korrespondenzblatt@rgzm.deAbonnement beg<strong>in</strong>nend mit dem laufenden Jahrgang; der Lieferumfang umfasst 4 Hefte pro Jahr; ältere Jahrgängeauf Anfrage; Kündigungen zum Ende e<strong>in</strong>es Jahrganges.Kontakt <strong>in</strong> Abonnement- <strong>und</strong> Bestellangelegenheiten: verlag@rgzm.dePreis je Jahrgang (4 Hefte) für Direktbezieher 20,– € (16,– € bis 2007 soweit vorhanden) + Versandkosten (z. Z. Inland5,50 €, Ausland 12,70 €).HIERMIT ABONNIERE ICH DAS ARCHÄOLOGISCHE KORRESPONDENZBLATTNameStraßePostleitzahl/Ort______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sollte sich me<strong>in</strong>e Adresse ändern, erlaube ich der Deutschen Post, me<strong>in</strong>e neue Adresse mitzuteilen.Datum ______________________ Unterschrift _______________________________________________________________Ich wünsche folgende Zahlungsweise (bitte ankreuzen):❍ bequem <strong>und</strong> bargeldlos durch SEPA-Lastschriftmandat (<strong>in</strong>nerhalb <strong>des</strong> Euro-Währungsraumes)Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer: (DE19ZZZ00000089352) Mandatsreferenz: (K<strong>und</strong>en-Nr.) _____________________Ich ermächtige hiermit das Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum, Zahlungen für offenstehende Forderungen vonme<strong>in</strong>em Konto mittels SEPA-Lastschrift e<strong>in</strong>zuziehen. Zugleich weise ich me<strong>in</strong> Kredit<strong>in</strong>stitut an, die vom Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum auf me<strong>in</strong> Konto gezogenen Lastschriften e<strong>in</strong>zulösen.H<strong>in</strong>weis: Ich kann <strong>in</strong>nerhalb von acht Wochen, beg<strong>in</strong>nend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung <strong>des</strong> belastetenBetrages verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit me<strong>in</strong>em Kredit<strong>in</strong>stitut vere<strong>in</strong>barten Bed<strong>in</strong>gungen.NameStraßePostleitzahl/OrtIBANBanknameBIC______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Ort, Datum ___________________________________ Unterschrift _________________________________________________❍ durch sofortige Überweisung nach Erhalt der Rechnung (Deutschland <strong>und</strong> andere Länder)Ausland: Nettopreis 20,– €, Versandkosten 12,70 €, Bankgebühren 7,70 €Bei Verwendung von Euro-Standardüberweisungen mit IBAN- <strong>und</strong> BIC-Nummer entfallen unsere Bankgebühren(IBAN: DE 08 5519 0000 0020 9860 14; BIC: MVBM DE 55), ebenso, wenn Sie von Ihrem Postgirokonto überweisen oder durch<strong>in</strong>ternationale Postanweisung zahlen.Das Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum ist nicht umsatzsteuerpflichtig <strong>und</strong> berechnet daher ke<strong>in</strong>e Mehrwertsteuer.Senden Sie diese Abo-Bestellung bitte per Fax an: 0049 (0) 61 31 / 91 24-199, per E-Mail an verlag@rgzm.de oder perPost anRömisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Forschungs<strong>in</strong>stitut für Archäologie,Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, Ernst-Ludwig-Platz 2, 55116 Ma<strong>in</strong>z, Deutschland8/2013

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