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APRIL 2006 • No 65 SEG NEWSLETTER 5... from 4From The Executive Editor (Continued)(July 4–7) with the assistance <strong>of</strong> theSouth Africa SEG Student Chapter.• SEG sponsored the Gorden Conferenceon Inorganic Geochemistry and OreDeposits held in Andover, New Hampshire,USA, July 31–August 5. Themeeting focused on sources, transportand deposition <strong>of</strong> metals in ore-formingsystems, and was organized bySteve Garwin, Chris Heinrich, andJean Cline.• SEG co-sponsored a MAC shortcourse entitled “Exploration for PGEDeposits” at the 10 th International PtSymposium in Oulu, Finland (Aug.6–7). The course was organized byJim Mungall.• SEG organized a technical session,gold workshop and joint field tripwith IAGOD (Aug. 17–18) to copperporphyries in Mongolia as part <strong>of</strong> itscontribution to the SGA 8 th BiennialMeeting in Beijing, China, August18–21. The overall meeting themewas “Mineral Deposit Research:Meeting the Global Challenge” andthe SEG thematic session was entitled“Exploration, Discovery, and MineDevelopment in China.” SEGPresident, Murray Hitzman, deliveredan address at the conference. The SEGmeeting coordinator was Craig Hart.• SEG again sponsored student andinstructor participation at the 2004UNESCO-SEG Latin AmericaMetallogeny course, this time inLima, Peru (Aug. 22–Sept. 2). Thecourse, devoted to the topic <strong>of</strong> acidmine drainage, was organized byBernhard Dold.• SEG provided publicity for the STOMP– Structure, Tectonics, and Ore MineralizationProcesses meeting in Townsville,Australia (Aug. 29–Sept. 2). Themeeting was organized by the SEGStudent Chapter at James CookUniversity.• SEG sponsored a field trip for students/youngpr<strong>of</strong>essionals to northeastQueensland in Australia byJames Cook University (September7–11). The SEG meeting coordinatorwas Ricardo Presnell.• SEG celebrated the Centennial <strong>of</strong><strong>Economic</strong> Geology at the GSA meetingin Salt Lake City, Utah, USA(October 13–19). Events included aspecial symposium, anniversary andawards dinner, field trips to BinghamCanyon and Lisbon Valley, technicalsessions, and an exhibit booth.• SEG promoted and held an exhibitbooth at the New Zealand MineralsConference (November 13-19).• The SEG Regional VP for South andCentral America, Pepe Perello, organizedan exhibit booth at the VIIICongreso Argentinode Geologia<strong>Economic</strong>a in La Plata, Argentina(November 15–17).• SEG sponsored a symposium, “NewDevelopments in Porphyry CopperDeposits: Geologic Origins,Exploration and EnvironmentalAspects,” at the Northwest MiningAssociaton meeting in Spokane,Washington, USA (December 5–9).John Dilles was the session organizer.PublicationsThe 100 th Anniversary volume, 1148pages, met the October deadline, withleather-bound presentation copies readyfor the SEG 100th Anniversary banquet.Also, the Hugo Dummett Memorial<strong>Economic</strong> Geology Archive (1905-2004)on DVD was launched on schedule forthe GSA meeting. Total non-subscriptionsales revenue exceeded $141,000, atwo-thirds increase over the previousyear. Revenue was attributed to sales <strong>of</strong>12 different Guidebooks (including 4CD-ROMs), 11 Reviews volumes, 8Special Publications, 3 Monographs, 17Videos, as well as back issues and theIndex to <strong>Economic</strong> Geology. The mostpopular print publication was the 100 thAnniversary Volume <strong>of</strong> <strong>Economic</strong>Geology, edited by Hedenquist,Thompson, Goldfarb, and Richards (592volumes sold), and the most populardigital publication was the HugoDummett Memorial <strong>Economic</strong> GeologyArchive 1905-2004 (131 units sold). Inthe Video series, Jeff Hedenquist’s VideoNo. 3, The Porphyry to EpithermalContinuum: Evidence from Volcanoes andOre Deposits and Characteristics <strong>of</strong> andExploration for Epithermal Gold Deposits inthe Circum Pacific, was the most popular(37 tapes sold). The four scheduledissues <strong>of</strong> the SEG Newsletter and 7 issues<strong>of</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> Geology were releasedthrough December. This included onejournal issue carried over from 2004.Although the final two issues(November and December) carried overinto 2006, we were only one issuebehind the typical schedule at year-end.The online journal through GeoScienceWorld is now available to members andsubscribers, who can access it throughthe SEG website. Guidebook 37, LisbonValley Sediment-hosted Copper Depositsand Paradox Basin Fluids, edited by Jon P.Thorson, was available on CD-ROM forthe post-GSA Lisbon Valley field trip.Special Publication 12, Wealth Creationin the Minerals Industry – IntegratingScience, Business, and Education, editedby John R. Parry and Michael D.Doggett, remained on schedule fordelivery prior to the SEG 2006 Keystoneconference in May 2006. SpecialPublication 11, Andean Metallogeny, wasthe recipient <strong>of</strong> the 2005 Gold InkAward, a nationally recognized publicationsaward. The awardee is selected onthe basis <strong>of</strong> composition, layout, andquality <strong>of</strong> printing; SP 11 was cited inthe category for scientific and technicalpublications. Two new videotapes werealso released, with lectures by JeanCline and David R. Cooke. Video 16,Jean Cline, includes Characteristics andGenesis <strong>of</strong> Carlin-type Gold Deposits, NV;and Upwelling Hot Water at a ProposedNuclear Waste Repository. Video 17,David Cooke, covers Breccias inEpithermal and Porphyry Deposits: TheBirth and Death <strong>of</strong> Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems; and The GiantSediment-Hosted Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits <strong>of</strong>Northern Australia. In May, SEG releaseda non-audio CD entitled SEG Forum2005: Controversies on the Origin <strong>of</strong>World-Class Gold Deposits: Carlin andWitwatersrand from a pre-GSN forumorganized by John Muntean.EducationThe SEG Foundation awarded studentresearch grants worth US$132,125 to 63applicants, while the SEG CanadaFoundation awarded a total <strong>of</strong>C$14,400 to four students. The awardssupported 44 Ph.D., 22 M.S., and one BS(Honors) projects. Individual awardswere in the range $550-5,400 each andaveraged about $2,060. These grantsare designed to assist students with fieldand laboratory expenses involving thestudy <strong>of</strong> mineral deposits leading toadvanced degrees at accredited universities.A total <strong>of</strong> $405,000 was requestedby 104 student applicants from 56 universitiesand involved projects in 34 differentcountries. The 67 award recipientswere based at 38 differentuniversities in 15 countries.A further $12,732 pluspromotional support wasto pageprovided by the7 ...

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