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4 SEG NEWSLETTER No 65 • APRIL 2006FROM THE EXECUTIVE EDITORSUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR 20052005 was a year during which <strong>Society</strong>membership reached an all-time highand we celebrated the one hundredthanniversary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> Geology with alandmark publication and the production<strong>of</strong> a DVD archive <strong>of</strong> the journal from1905. The SEG has never been in bettershape and future prospects are brightindeed. Thanks are due to all the members,journal subscribers, contributors,and sponsors for making this possible.MembershipSEG membership in all categoriestotaled 3,818, about 7% higher than thetotal <strong>of</strong> 3,573 at the end <strong>of</strong> 2004.Members are currently distributedthrough 82 countries worldwide, comparedwith 81 countries at the end <strong>of</strong>last year. About 61% <strong>of</strong> members workfor industry (corporate and selfemployed);the remainder for academiaand government. Approximately 67percent <strong>of</strong> our members are from threecountries, namely the United States(36%), Canada (18%), and Australia(13%). About 80% <strong>of</strong> new applicantsare from outside the United States, withthe bulk <strong>of</strong> applications coming fromSouth America (28%) and Canada(21%). For the year, the <strong>Society</strong> has processed482 new applications (10 Fellows,283 Members, and 189 StudentMemberships). In addition, 28 Membersupgraded to Fellowship. The breakdown<strong>of</strong> these applications is given by locationand category <strong>of</strong> membership in theAdmissions report.The <strong>Society</strong> currently has 45 StudentChapters located in Canada (14), theUnited States (10), Australia (4), Peru(2), United Kingdom (2), South Africa(1), France (1), Germany (1), Bulgaria(1), Switzerland (1), Hungary (1),Argentina (1), Mexico (1), Greece (1),Russia (1), Chile (1), Ukraine (1), and 1inactive chapter in the United States(Texas/El Paso). Students make upabout 9% <strong>of</strong> the membership.The SEG Foundation continues toprovide important subsidies required tosustain special membership classes suchas Students, Senior Fellows, andLindgren Awardees.Conferences, Field Trips, and ShortCoursesIn 2005, the <strong>Society</strong> organized, sponsored,or participated in the followingconferences, workshops, symposia, fieldcourses, and field trips:• SEG was an exhibitor at the BCYCMMineral Exploration Roundup inVancouver, Canada, January 24–27.A record 5,200 delegates from 29countries, including over 200exhibitors, attended this event entitled“Discovering Our Future.”• SEG sponsored the joint field trip bySEG Student Chapters <strong>of</strong> theUniversite du Quebec a Montreal andUniversidad Nacional de la Plata inArgentina (Feb. 27-March 7). Thefield trip visited the Bajo de laAlumbrera mine and was attended by22 students.• SEG organized five geology sessions(“Mexico, Mineral Exploration andDevelopment Update – Alaska,”“North America – Still Ripe for NewBase Metal Discoveries,” “Carlin-typeGold Deposits – New Ounces and NewIdeas,” and “Precious Metals Geology”)and exhibited at the SME AnnualMeeting in Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb.28–March 2. The SEG meeting coordinatorwas Fred Barnard.• SEG sponsored a three-day shortcourse entitled “Evaporites, SaltTectonics, and Brines: A PracticalApproach to Their Role in MineralDeposits,” March 2–4, in Golden,Colorado. The short course was organizedby the Colorado School <strong>of</strong>Mines SEG Student Chapter.• SEG sponsored the University <strong>of</strong>Western Ontario SEG Student Chaptershort course in Ontario, Canada, onMarch 4 entitled “The Geology andMineral Deposits <strong>of</strong> the GrenvilleProvince: A Land <strong>of</strong> Giants”.• SEG conducted a pre-meeting jointshort course entitled “Charactersitics<strong>of</strong> and Exploration for EpithermalPrecious Metal Ore Deposits” (presentedby Jeff Hedenquist and NoelWhite) and exhibited at the PDAC inToronto, Canada, March 6–9. Themain convention was attended by anestimated 12,000 delegates, 283exhibitors, and 362 exhibiting companies.The SEG Council and SEGFoundation Trustees’ meetings wereheld on March 6 at the Holiday Innon King in Toronto.• SEG sponsored the attendance <strong>of</strong> presentersJeremy Richards and RichGoldfarb atthe EastEurasianGeologicalSymposium2005, March9–11, inUlaanbaatar,Mongolia. Twopost-conferenceSEG shortcourses on “Orogenic Gold” andBRIAN G. HOALSEG Executive Directorand Editor“Copper-Gold Porphyry Deposits”were followed by a field trip to theBoroo gold mine and Erdenet Cu-Moporphyry deposit. The meeting organizerwas Sereenen Jargalan.• SEG sponsored the LaurentianUniversity SEG Student Chapter workshopin Sudbury (April 11–16) entitled“Target Selection Criteria forMesothermal Au and VMS Deposits.”• SEG President, Murray Hitzman, providedthe opening address to 30attendees at the European ScienceFoundation Exploratory Workshop onNonsulfide Zn-Pb Ore Deposits (April21–23) in Iglesias, Italy. The workshopwas organized by Maria Boni.• SEG sponsored the attendance <strong>of</strong>keynote lecturer Jeff Hedenquist(“Epithermal Au and Ag-Au veinDeposits: Old Styles, New Targets”)and Regional Vice President for SouthAmerica, Pepe Perello (“Principal Cu-Au Deposits <strong>of</strong> the Andes: ASynopsis”), at the I BrazilianSymposium on Metallogeny inGramado, Brazil (May 1–4). The SEGexhibited at the meeting and was furtherrepresented by the chairman <strong>of</strong>the symposium, Jose Frantz.• SEG held a one-day forum on“Controversies on the Origin <strong>of</strong>World-Class Gold Deposits: Carlinand Witwatersrand,” May 14, prior tothe Geological <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong> Nevada’ssymposium entitled “Window to theWorld” in Reno, Nevada. JohnMuntean was the meeting organizer.SEG exhibited at the main meeting,May 15–18.• SEG exhibited at the IV InternationalCongress <strong>of</strong> Prospectors and ExplorersProEXPLO 2005 meeting, May 24-27in Lima, Peru.• SEG exhibited at the 4 th AnnualMeeting <strong>of</strong> the Geological <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong>South Africa in Durban, South Africa

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