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34 SEG NEWSLETTER No 65 • APRIL 2006... from 33Exploration Reviews (Continued)EXPLORATION REVIEWSa magnetic low. All holes intersected~150 m <strong>of</strong> chlorite-altered, sulfidic pillowlavas apparently typical <strong>of</strong> periphery<strong>of</strong> Cyprus-style copper deposits, andcontained up to 4.0 m at 0.4% Cu, 0.2%Zn; drilling has thus established Cubearing,strong alteration over 1 km atNorth Alestos. Eastern Mediteraneanexpects the alteration system to extendfurther under cover, thus making itlarge enough to host several 10 Mt copperpods that they seek.SPAINCambridge Minerals acquired the MasaValverde massive sulfide deposit which,by their own preliminary resource modeling,contains inferred resources at 0.5%cut<strong>of</strong>f, <strong>of</strong> ~80 Mt 0.76% Cu 0.38% Pb1.28% Zn 22.4 g Ag and 0.43 g Au. MasaValverde was discovered by Penarroya-ADARO, the former Spanish state-ownedconsortium, by drilling a 1,000 × 850 mgravity anomaly.Despite recent high-grade Au drillintersections from “Area 107” located~250 m from its existing undergroundworkings, Rio Narcea will close the ElValle/Carles Au operations in 2006,partially as a result <strong>of</strong> the Asturiasregion’s August 2005 rejection <strong>of</strong> their“change <strong>of</strong> land use” applicationrequired to develop the intrusion-hostedSalave Au project, some 70 km distant.Salave concentrates were intended forprocessing at El Valle.Eurozinc announces that surfacedrilling (2,170 m/6 holes) extended theNeves orebody 190 m westward, withintersections <strong>of</strong> up to 9.5 m (true) <strong>of</strong>massive sulfides, including 5.1 m 2.08%Cu, 2.44% Pb and 5.82% Zn. Averagethickness <strong>of</strong> massive sulfide in therecent drilling is 12.2 m. These and previousresults substantially extend thedeposit over a 1 km strike length.Updated reserves/resources at NevesCorvo total 16.81 Mt <strong>of</strong> 5.47% (provenand probable) Cu ore; 10.6 Mt <strong>of</strong> 7.86%Zn (probable) as Zn ore; total resources(measured and indicated) are 18.67 Mt<strong>of</strong> 5.97% Cu, 0.26% Pb, 1.1% Zn; andindicated Zn resources are 24.1 Mt at0.41% Cu, 1.4%Pb, 5.5% Zn, 62.05g Ag.TURKEYAnatolian Mineral-RT joint venturereported encouraging preliminaryflotation tests on supergene-enriched Cu(Au-Mo) mineralization at theKizilviran porphyry, with recoveries <strong>of</strong>95% Cu, 92% contained Au and80–85% Mo. The exploration communityawaits news <strong>of</strong> a resource numberon this interesting deposit, which likelyrepresents Turkey’s largest porphyryCu(AuMo) discovery to date, as well asindication whether it will be developedby RT. Meanwhile, feasibility study forAnatolia’s 1.8-Moz Çöpler oxide Auresource was on track for completion bythe end <strong>of</strong> the first quarter 2006; thestudy contemplates a 5,000 tpd milland a 10,000 tpd heap leach, generatingin excess <strong>of</strong> 150,000 oz Au per year.Odyssey Resources embarked on a100-hole/2,800 m RVC drill program on100-m grid at its Tavsan epithermal Autarget. The program will cover a 3-kmstrike length from the Sivri zone in thesouth, north to the End zone in thenorth. Much <strong>of</strong> the large shallow-dippingslab <strong>of</strong> gold-bearing jasperoid atTavsan has never been drilled.Ariana Resources discovered Aubearingepithermal quartz floatcontaining 2.2–6.1g Au on theirCinarpinar license, western Turkey.Rock chip samples at Kösedere returnedup to 0.19% Cu and 0.25% Zn. Arianacontinues to report encouraging channelsamples at their low-sulfidationKepez Au vein target in BalikesirProvince, western Turkey. All five channelsamples intersecting significantmineralization including 8.68 g/t Auover 16 m and 6.28 g/t Au over 11 m;one <strong>of</strong> which ended in >8 g/t Au at eachend. The KV vein at Kepez has nowbeen mapped for 475 m and remainsopen along the strike. Evaluation <strong>of</strong> anASTER target, located 0.5 km south <strong>of</strong>KV, was scheduled to resume in April.Channels spaced at 40-m intervalsalong 240-m <strong>of</strong> strike at the Arzu,Kepez, intersected from 1.25 g/t over17.5 m to 2.12 g/t over 12.0 m; the systemis open in all directions and severaltrenches terminated in mineralization.Vein textures and trace elements indicatethe upper part <strong>of</strong> an epithermalsystem and, supported by historic drilldata, gold grades are expected toincrease with depthEuropean Nickel (ENickel) reportedthat pilot recoveries at its Çaldag projectreached 73.2% Ni and 75.8% Co,exceeding planned recoveries <strong>of</strong> 70%used in the feasibility study announcedin November.Eurasian Minerals reports weakAu(Cu) intersections in 4 core holes/520m from Barrick’s second drill phase atthe Sissorta high-sulfidation Au target,northern Turkey, best <strong>of</strong> which was 33.7m <strong>of</strong> 0.47g Au, as well as intervals <strong>of</strong>~200 to 400 ppm Cu, downdip andalong strike <strong>of</strong> previous intervals containingsomewhat higher grades.Barrick has terminated its potentialearn-in on Sissorta.Eldorado Gold continues to reportisolated encouraging drill intervals <strong>of</strong>up to 144.9 m at 0.75 g Au and 0.81%Cu within a cluster <strong>of</strong> lower-grade adjacentdrill intervals (~0.1–2 g Au and0.1–0.3% Cu) at its 50% joint ventureAS porphyry CuAu target, westernTurkey. Eldorado’s aggressive 2006 program<strong>of</strong> $6 M and 25,000 m drillingsuggests there may be more here thanmeets the eye.ROMANIACarpathian Gold Inc. reports encouragingintersections in both holes drilledinto quartz-magnetite stockworkedmicrodiorite at the previously identifiedColnic Au(Cu) porphyry on its Rovinalicense including 244.5 0.86 g Au and0.13% Cu in angle hole RCD-1; bothholes bottomed in mineralization.Carpathian will expand on theseresults. Carpathian also intersected <strong>of</strong>2.5 m at 2.83 g Au and 63.7 g Ag in calcareoussediments at 25 m below surfaceon the Carbunari-Stinapariprospect, Oravita License.European Goldfields signed a JV withGeneral Samara whereby they can earn80% <strong>of</strong> the Magura Tebii Au target bytaking the project to full feasibility.Magura Tebii hosts phreato-magmatic,hydrothermally altered polymictic brecciawithin neogene quartz-amphiboleandesites, containing NW-striking quartzveins and quartz andesite dikes. Historicworkings indicate a ~800 × 300 m zone,where several trenches on 80 m spacingsshow from 9 m at 2.9 g Au to 55 m at2.8 g Au. Deva Gold S.A. grab samplingconfirms grades <strong>of</strong> 2 to 5 g Au. AtPitigus Au, 7 km from EuropeanGoldfield’s Certej Au deposit, gold occursin a north striking quartz-calcite-baritevein system with several associatedsplays and adjacent potassic/argillicaltered andesites between the veins, overa strike <strong>of</strong> 300 m with an average truewidth <strong>of</strong> 12 m. Drilling on ~80 × 30 m

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