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APRIL 2006 • No 65 SEG NEWSLETTER 17SEG STUDENT CHAPTER NEWS DALHOUSIE-SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITIES SEG STUDENT CHAPTER SEG NEWSFIELD TRIP REPORT: Exploration in the context <strong>of</strong> mineral supply: Focus on copperSONORA, MEXICOMichael Doggett (SEG 2001), Department <strong>of</strong> Geological Sciences andGeological Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, CanadaFIELD TRIP TO CHILEDuring February <strong>of</strong> 2005 a group <strong>of</strong> studentsfrom Saint Mary’s and DalhousieUniversities went on a field trip to studythe geology, mineral resources, and culture<strong>of</strong> Sonora, northern Mexico. The trip,co-organized with the University <strong>of</strong>Sonora, began in the capital city <strong>of</strong>Hermosillo, where the students visitedthe geology department <strong>of</strong> the University<strong>of</strong> Sonora and got to know some <strong>of</strong> thefaculty and laboratory facilities. Duringthe next two days, Dr. Francisco Paz <strong>of</strong>the University led a trip to the Pinacatequaternary volcanic field, which focusedmostly on volcanic rocks and volcanicstructures. Day 3 consisted <strong>of</strong> a visit to theAu-Ag open-pit mine <strong>of</strong> “La Herradura,”owned by Minera Penmont. During thatvisit the students learned about epithermalAu-Ag deposits. The last two daysfocused on the porphyry deposit <strong>of</strong> “LaCaridad” in northeastern Sonora, whichis owned by Grupo Mexico and is one <strong>of</strong>the largest open-pit copper mines inNorth America. Not only did the studentslearn about the geology <strong>of</strong> Cu-Mo deposits,but also about open-pit mining and thedifferent metallurgical processes by whichCu and Mo are extracted from the ore.The trip provided a positive linkbetween SMU-Dal and the University <strong>of</strong>Sonora.SEG-DAL-SMU sponsored a field trip toChile led by Marcos Zentilli. BetweenAugust 29 to September 15, 21 participantsstudied the development <strong>of</strong> theAndean orogen, with traverses at thelatitudes <strong>of</strong> Ant<strong>of</strong>agasta, theAconcagua, and the Maipo Rivers, coveringstructure, stratigraphy, magmatism,ore deposits, petroleum geology,geomorphology, and environmentalgeoscience. The following ore depositswere visited: El Soldado manto type Cudeposit, the Andacollo porphyry Cu deposit,the El Peñón low-sulfidation Au-Ag deposit, and the Chuquicamataporphyry copper deposit. Workshopsand lectures completed an enormouslyeducational trip.Sonora Field Trip 2005 members, representing the SEG-DAL-SMU Student Chapter.Some <strong>of</strong> the Chile Field Trip members at El Peñón, Meridian Gold.Christian Cubelli, Superintendent Mina El Peñón, Meridian Gold, issecond from right.to page 18 ...G.E. McKelveyPr<strong>of</strong>essional GeologistMineral Exploration & DiscoveryP.O. Box 15996454 Ruin Hill Loop, Lot 57Pine, Arizona85544-1599[928] 476-6550mobile: [602] 769-2480fax [928] 476-6572gempress@earthlink.netPAID ADVERTISEMENTPAID ADVERTISEMENT

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