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APRIL 2006 • No 65 SEG NEWSLETTER 13the only competitive explorationadvantage.” The best people are a company’sdistinctive capability. For thepurposes <strong>of</strong> strategy, the key distinctionis between distinctive capabilities andreproducible capabilities (Kay, 2000).Distinctive capabilities are those characteristics<strong>of</strong> a company that cannot bereplicated by competitors, or can onlybe replicated with great difficulty, evenafter competitors realize the benefitsthey yield for the originating company.In terms <strong>of</strong> exploration management,one must identify the distinctive capability<strong>of</strong> the company, i.e., quality people,and seek to surround them with acollection <strong>of</strong> reproducible capabilities orcomplementary assets that enable thecompany to sell its distinctive capabilitiesin the market in which it operates;e.g., exploration focused in a certainregion or deposit type.If people are such a key componentfor success, one would consider that themajor companies are in the best positionto attract such people by <strong>of</strong>feringlucrative remuneration packages.However, this is no guarantee. Due tothe structure in such established firms,innovation is <strong>of</strong>ten difficult. Firms mayemploy the most capable people, butthen set them to work within processesand business models that doom them t<strong>of</strong>ailure, a problem not unique to themining industry (Christensen andOverdorf, 2000), which is beingaddressed in the big pharmaceuticalindustry, as discussed above.The other factor to consider is that,with the market upturn, the miningindustry is now short <strong>of</strong> skilled people.Many experienced geologists left theindustry during the past decade, eitherreleased by the major companies inmergers and cost-cutting, or forced toseek alternative employment by thelack <strong>of</strong> financing during the severedownturn in the junior sector. Inaddition, universities have cut back ongeology and related degree programs,so there are fewer new graduates cominginto the business.On the understanding that the quality<strong>of</strong> the geological team is vital forsuccess, how can management <strong>of</strong> thiscritical element further enhance a company’scompetitive advantage?<strong>Economic</strong> geologists fit a category <strong>of</strong>employee defined as the knowledgeworker (Drucker, 1999). They own their“means <strong>of</strong> production,” which is theirknowledge. An increasing number <strong>of</strong>people who are full-time employees,such as knowledge workers, have to bemanaged as if they were volunteers(Drucker, 1999). Volunteers have to getmore satisfaction from their work thanpaid employees, precisely because theydo not get a paycheck. Knowledge workersare paid, <strong>of</strong> course, but they havemobility. They can leave. Money alonedoes not motivate people to perform,although dissatisfaction with themoney earned grossly demotivates.Knowledge workers need, above all,challenge. They need to know the company’smission and to believe in it.They need continuous training. Theyneed to see results. Drucker (1999)believes that the productivity <strong>of</strong> theknowledge worker is likely to becomethe focus for the management <strong>of</strong> people.But in terms <strong>of</strong> exploration groups,as in R&D, one does not “manage” peopleso much as lead them, and the goalis to make productive the specificstrengths and knowledge <strong>of</strong> each individual.It is in this context that the bigcorporations, even if they maintainexploration teams, are less likely to besuccessful.However, assembling a quality team<strong>of</strong> geologists is not enough. As pointedout by Sillitoe (1995), their value isenhanced by maximizing the rockcontact time <strong>of</strong> the exploration team.It is <strong>of</strong>ten stated that the high cost <strong>of</strong>exploration is one <strong>of</strong> the main disincentivesfor exploration. However, ifpeople—the geological team—are one<strong>of</strong> the critical factors in explorationsuccess, this is actually a relativelylow-cost investment. Essentially, thesystematic testing <strong>of</strong> ideas is whatenables E&D companies to discoverand define resources. What is criticalin E&D is that unpromising propertiesare eliminated at the earliest possibletime before expenditure becomes toohigh, instead <strong>of</strong> becoming an expensivemistake. This equates to Dow’s(2002) conclusion that if explorationgeologists are to play a leading rolethey have to understand the realbusiness difference between ore andmineralization.In terms <strong>of</strong> managing for success,comparison with R&D is critical.Management publications need to becontinually reviewed for ideas. Anexample is a recent article by Thomke(2001) which has some very enlighteningpointers for the E&D sector. Brieflystated, the writer points out that innovationrequires the right R&D (E&D)systems for performing experiments(fieldwork) that will generate the informationneeded to develop and refineproducts (resources, reserves) quickly.The challenges are managerial as wellas technical:1. Organize for rapid experimentation:for E&D, organize for rapid exploration;2. Fail early and <strong>of</strong>ten, but avoidmistakes;3. Anticipate and exploit earlyinformation;4. Combine new and traditionaltechnologies.to page 14 ...John L. Lufkin, ConsultantUniversity <strong>of</strong> Colorado/Denver12505 W. 7th AvenueGolden, CO 80401(303) 284-2646Ore Petrology/MicroscopyFeasibility StudiesEnvironmental AssessmentsPROPERTY EVALUATIONS — PROJECT GENERATIONGEOCON, INC.REGIONAL STUDIES — U.S. AND FOREIGNRICHARD L. NIELSEN, CONSULTANTExploration and Mining Geology13741 Braun DriveGolden, CO 80401 Phone/FAX (303) 279-3118PAID ADVERTISEMENTPAID ADVERTISEMENT

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