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Mike Kelley’sMobile Homestead:a re-envisioning of space in public sculptureTEXT / RANA EDGARMike Kelley’s highly anticipated first permanentpublic sculpture and final project, MobileHomestead, opened in May 2013 at the Museum ofContemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD). 1 MobileHomestead is a full-scale replica of the 1950s ranchstylehome in Westland, Michigan, a metro Detroitsuburb, where Kelley was raised. The lot neighboringMOCAD is the permanent home of the installation,which will function as both a public andprivate space. The project exists in multiple segments;it consists of a mobile home that imitatesthe façade of Kelley’s childhood home and a permanentstructure, built on a lot next to themuseum, that replicates the floor plan of Kelley’schildhood home. Each segment of the project willserve a range of functions. The mobile section ofthe project will travel within the city and outlyingareas of Detroit, providing a transportable spacewhere numerous social services will be offered. Adocumentary video that Kelley made in the fall of2010 ac<strong>com</strong>panies the public sculpture andincludes footage of the journey taken by the travelingportion of Mobile Homestead⎯fromMOCAD’s location in downtown Detroit, alongMichigan Avenue to the site of Kelley’s childhoodhome, and back to the museum, a pilgrimage ofapproximately 40 miles round-trip, passingthrough disparate areas of urban renewal anddecay on its way to the blue-collar suburbs ofDetroit. 2 When it is not mobile, this segment of theproject will remain stationary at MOCAD. The permanentportion of the project houses a <strong>com</strong>munitygallery on the main floor, an area that will primarilyfunction as a space for artistic and cultural programmingand reflects the interests of the greaterDetroit <strong>com</strong>munity. 3 The <strong>com</strong>munity gallery sitsdirectly above an ambiguous maze of permanentunderground rooms that will remain closed to thepublic, functioning primarily as an enigmaticspace available, on occasion, to artists as a site torealize concealed endeavors. 4 As envisioned byKelley, Mobile Homestead will provide a place forDetroit <strong>com</strong>munity members and artists to pushthe boundaries of contemporary art practice andaddress a broad range of social and political issues.Mary Clare Stevens, executive director of the MikeKelley Foundation for the Arts, notes that the projectwill function as a living artwork and is enthusiasticabout the potential out<strong>com</strong>es to be realized inthe space. 5The Mobile Homestead project has evolved quitedrastically in terms of its spatial concept and contextsince its inception, as Kelley had initially envisionedit as a personal rather than a public project.His earliest concept required the purchase of theactual home where he grew up, but circumstancesbeyond his control did not allow this acquisition. In2005 Kelley was approached by London-based arts

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