Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)


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Migrating From BIND 8 to BIND 9BIND 9 is upwards compatible with most BIND 8 features. However, there are still anumber of caveats you should be aware of when upgrading an existing BIND 8installation to use BIND 9. Be sure to read the entire Migration Notes document beforeinstalling <strong>and</strong> using BIND 9. The Migration Notes are available at/usr/share/doc/bind/migration.txt. Also, the BIND package names havechanged to SUNWbind <strong>and</strong> SUNWbindr. The SUNWbindr package contains the <strong>DNS</strong>server manifest.The following list presents a brief overview of the differences between BIND 8 <strong>and</strong>BIND 9. Details are available in the Migration Notes.■■■■■■■Configuration File Compatibility■■■■■■Unimplemented options warning messagetransfer-format option changesConfiguration file errorsLogging categories have changedNotify message <strong>and</strong> refresh query changesMultiple classes changeZone File Compatibility■■■■■Stricter rules for TTLs in zone fileSOA serial number changesUnbalanced quotes cause errorsLine breaks, syntax changeUse \$ instead of $$ in domain namesInteroperability Impact of New Protocol Features■ E<strong>DNS</strong>0 new in BIND 9■ Zone transfers default changeUnrestricted Character Set■■No restrictions on character setSecurity issue, improper namingServer Administration Tools■■The rndc program replaces ndcnsupdate: changes in multiple updatesNo Information Leakage Between Zones■Glue NS records h<strong>and</strong>led differentlyUmask Not Modified■Possible umask permissions issues48 System Administration Guide: <strong>Naming</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Directory</strong> <strong>Services</strong> (<strong>DNS</strong>, <strong>NIS</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>LDAP</strong>) • January 2005

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