Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)


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nisplus<strong>LDAP</strong>columnFromAttribute \netmasks: addr=ipNetworkNumber, \mask=ipNetmaskNumber, \comment=descriptionAfter substituting attribute <strong>and</strong> column names, this result is the following.nisplus<strong>LDAP</strong>columnFromAttribute \nodeinfo: cname=cn, \inventory=nodeInventory, \owner=nodeOwner7. The delete rule set for netmasks is as follows.nisplus<strong>LDAP</strong>attributeFromColumn \netmasks_del: dn=("ipNetworkNumber=%s,", addr), \ipNetmaskNumber=The above specifies that when a netmasks entry is deleted in <strong>NIS</strong>+, theipNetmaskNumber attribute in the corresponding ou=Networks <strong>LDAP</strong> entry isdeleted. In this case, delete the nodeInventory <strong>and</strong> nodeOwner attributes.Therefore, using the dn specification from item (5) above, results in the following.nisplus<strong>LDAP</strong>attributeFromColumn \nodeinfo_del: dn=("cn=%s+ipHostNumber=%s,", cname, \ldap:ipHostNumber:?one?("cn=%s", cname)), \nodeInventory=, \nodeOwner=The mapping information is complete.8. Stop, <strong>and</strong> later start, the <strong>NIS</strong>+ service, to begin using the mapping file.# svcadm disable network/rpc/nisplus:default9. If data is already in the <strong>NIS</strong>+ nodeinfo table, upload that data to <strong>LDAP</strong>. Put thenew nodeinfo mapping information into a separate file,/var/nis/tmpmapping.# /usr/sbin/rpc.nisd -D -m /var/nis/tmpmapping \-x nisplus<strong>LDAP</strong>initialUpdateAction=to_ldap \-x nisplus<strong>LDAP</strong>initialUpdateOnly=yes10. Add the mapping information from the temporary file, /var/nis/tmpmapping,to the actual mapping file. Use an editor to do this, or append the data (assumingthe actual mapping file is /var/nis/<strong>NIS</strong>+<strong>LDAP</strong>mapping) as follows.# cp -p /var/nis/<strong>NIS</strong>+<strong>LDAP</strong>mapping \/var/nis/<strong>NIS</strong>+<strong>LDAP</strong>mapping.backup# cat /var/nis/tmpmapping >> /var/nis/<strong>NIS</strong>+<strong>LDAP</strong>mappingCaution – Note the double arrow redirection, “>>”. A single arrow, “>”, wouldoverwrite the target file.Chapter 16 • Transitioning From <strong>NIS</strong>+ to <strong>LDAP</strong> 287

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