Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)

Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP)


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# svcadm restart network/nis/serveror# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstop# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypstartServers Have Different Versions of an <strong>NIS</strong> MapBecause <strong>NIS</strong> propagates maps among servers, occasionally you might find differentversions of the same map on various <strong>NIS</strong> servers on the network. This versiondiscrepancy is normal add acceptable if the differences do not last for more than ashort time.The most common cause of map discrepancy is that something is preventing normalmap propagation. For example, an <strong>NIS</strong> server or router between <strong>NIS</strong> servers is down.When all <strong>NIS</strong> servers <strong>and</strong> the routers between them are running, ypxfr shouldsucceed.If the servers <strong>and</strong> routers are functioning properly, check the following:■ Log ypxfr output (see “Logging ypxfr Output” on page 119).■ Check the control files (see “Check the crontab File <strong>and</strong> ypxfr Shell Script”on page 120).■ Check the ypservers map on the master. See “Check the ypservers Map”on page 120.Logging ypxfr OutputIf a particular slave server has problems updating maps, log in to that server <strong>and</strong> runypxfr interactively. If ypxfr fails, it tells you why it failed, <strong>and</strong> you can fix theproblem. If ypxfr succeeds, but you suspect it has occasionally failed, create a log fileto enable logging of messages. To create a log file, enter the following on the slave.ypslave# cd /var/ypypslave# touch ypxfr.logThis creates a ypxfr.log file that saves all output from ypxfr.The output resembles the output ypxfr displays when run interactively, but each linein the log file is time stamped. (You might see unusual ordering in the time-stamps.That is okay—the time-stamp tells you when ypxfr started to run. If copies of ypxfrran simultaneously but their work took differing amounts of time, they might actuallywrite their summary status line to the log files in an order different from that whichthey were invoked.) Any pattern of intermittent failure shows up in the log.Note – When you have fixed the problem, turn off logging by removing the log file. Ifyou forget to remove it, it continues to grow without limit.Chapter 7 • <strong>NIS</strong> Troubleshooting 119

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