Microsoft Word - 05-16 FridayNotes.pdf - Episcopal Academy

Microsoft Word - 05-16 FridayNotes.pdf - Episcopal Academy Microsoft Word - 05-16 FridayNotes.pdf - Episcopal Academy
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Closing Chapel Day..June 3rd...9:00AMThis is the final Chapel which recognizes our “graduating” B Formers! All of the students inE-C Forms are also required to attend and be dressed in their school uniforms. Everyone is toarrive at the regular time and the service will begin in the Huston Chapel at 9:00 AM. All parentsare invited but please remember that seating is limited and we do try to give seating preference tothe B Form families. As always we ask that there be no photography of any kind during theservice. EA employs a professional photographer to make DVDs of the service which you canorder. The order forms were attached to Friday Notes recently, but if you need another formplease connect with Mrs. Earnest. There is a reception with light refreshments after the serviceoutside in the courtyard. All students should have arrangements for transportation home as therewill be NO school buses that day.DEVON FACT #30.Over the years at The Lower School of Devon we have planted trees to remember students,faculty and families. The two pine trees on the left of the driveway were planted in memory forMr. Gordon and Miss Leahy. Mrs. Sargent’s garden was planted to thank her for the years thatshe taught at the <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>. A garden was planted to remember Mr. Strong , father ofAnna, Liza and Caroline. The dogwood tree next to Huston Chapel was planted by the class of2008 when those students were in Mrs. Reinhard’s E Form. We have enjoyed watching thesetrees and plants grow just as we have enjoyed watching our students at Devon grow and develop.Lend a Hand in the Wike Library Remember to stop by the Wike Library if you have a spare10 or 15 minutes to help with shelf reading! All books must be in correct shelf order and ready tomove to the new campus by months end. For more info, contact Trina Kan Your help is greatly appreciated!PLAYGROUND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:Help build the New Campus’ Lower School playground. We need you and family members tofinish the playground on time! Information is on the EA webpage. Please contact Linda McEnteeat A great community project for all!!

More DEVON SONGSThis week, we continue to share the lyrics written by B Form students in general music class.These words accompany the songs they wrote to celebrate the <strong>Episcopal</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> Lower Schoolat Devon as we prepare to say our goodbyes.Devon Rock by Will RuggieroGoodbye, Devon, I will miss you. You were my school. See ya later. I’m sad you’ll go.Devon…Don’t Go by Samantha CiardiDevon, Devon I will miss you, all the things I have come to know. It seems like yesterday I was in Pre-K. Devon,Devon you are like a second home. All the people I love and know, I met here. I wish the day would never come. Idon’t want to be apart. Please Devon, don’t go.My Favorite Place at Devon by Joesi RiderI’ve been here for a long, long time and now I have to say goodbye. We’re leaving you because we’re moving onand now it’s time to say goodbye. We’ve got to go. It’s our time now. Everybody has a time to leave you and nowit’s ours. We have to go and we have to go because we have bigger things ahead of us. At least we have nothingahead of us that is better than you. Yeah!My Song About Devon by Michael NickolasDevon is the place for me with its fields of wavy green. Let’s go play in the fields today so I can score and win thegame. My friends and I have to go, but we’ll miss you so.Devon Song by Sam HoleDevon is a good place to be. You can play soccer all the day long. We have so much fun at Devon, but leaving willbe sad.E.A. Song by Tommy KingGoodbye, Devon, I will miss you so much that I will never forget you for ever and ever. I will never forget you.Goodbye, goodbye!0My Song to Devon by Guillaume FureyDevon, Devon, Devon is so cool. Devon, Devon, Devon is my school. So be there or be a fool. And if you don’tgo there, you won’t be c-o-o-l. Yah!Devon Song by Cameron WallingDevon, yeah, Devon! It is the greatest place to be.Goodbye Devon by Karan SinghGoodbye, Devon, I will miss you. Goodbye, Devon, my dream and my home. Yes, my home.Goodbye Devon by Dante MoyerGoodbye, Devon, goodbye. Devon, oh, oh yeah. I hope to see you again soon, oh, oh yeah. I’ll really miss you.Hopefully, I’ll see you again soon.<strong>Episcopal</strong> at Devon by Elizabeth Stone<strong>Episcopal</strong> at Devon is great, where nice teachers and students await.Sweet Devon by Brittany BerrardDevon is my favorite school. Devon is cool. The trees, the birds, the beautiful scen’ry is great. I enjoy the soundsand the teachers and students.<strong>Episcopal</strong> At Devon by Hayley LondonI love my school Devon. It means so much to me. I do not understand why we are leaving.Devon by Jenna LandGo tell, tell it to Devon! We are moving to Newtown Square. Go, go, tell it to Devon. We’re moving to NewtownSquare.

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