Aug. 11, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle

Aug. 11, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle Aug. 11, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle
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136 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | AUGUST 11, 2006 | austinchronicle.com545LEGAL NOTICESLP: Z04GLK4)OWNER: ALAN AQUIRRE1987 NISSAN MAXIMAVIN: JN1HU11S3HT210716LP: V94GHZ5)OWNER: LARRY DELANEY1988 MERCEDES BENZ 300EVIN: WDBEA26D7JA809837LP: TXP40PAUCTION: August 18, 2006@ 6:00 AMAbout Town Towing2905 W. Howard LaneAustin, TX 78728(512) 835-5444NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off unlesscharges are satisfiedwithin 10 days.1)OWNER: JOY GUTIERREZ1988 CHEVY SUBURBANVIN: 1GCER16K5JF182822LP: G45DNP2)OWNER: OSIEL OCAMPO1995 FORD PROBEVIN: 1ZVLT20A2S5135220LP: J85LHF3)OWNER: MIGUEL OCAM-PO1987 NISSAN MAXIMAVIN: JN1HU11P5HT367398LP: V49GHX4)OWNER: DAN DUONG1986 OLDSMOBILE CUT-LASSVIN: 1G3GR69Y2GR343351LP: H41NHP5)OWNER: BOBBIE BROWN1993 CHEVROLETVIN: 2G1WN54T2P1143732LP: T47NPC6)OWNER: JOSE REXACH1996 PONTIAC SUNFIREVIN: 3G2JB1240TS842486LP: R87JXW7)OWNER: FEI LI1991 TOYOTA CAMRYVIN: 4T1SV21E3MU382759LP: F81XDY8)OWNER: JUAN CAMARGO1991 DODGE DAYTONAVIN: 1B3XG2437MG108138LP: S65KBM9)OWNER: JUAN AGUILAR1986 TOYOTAVIN: JT4RN50R5G0169431LP: 54JPN210)OWNER: R. COFFIN1991 DODGE SHADOWVIN: 1B3XP48K3MN589658LP: K15VHR11)OWNER: GARRY BOUR-GEOIS1990 DODGE SHADOWVIN: 1B3XP48K9LN223802LP: X52CVLAUCTION: August 25, 2006@ 6:00 AMAbout Town Towing2905 W. Howard LaneAustin, TX 78728(512) 835-5444NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off bythe Travis County Sheriff’sOffice unless charges aresatisfied within 10 days.1) OWNER: UNKNOWN1992 FORD TAURUSVIN: 1FACP52V5NA263890LP: 11A377A (AL)NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off bythe Travis County Sheriff’sOffice unless charges aresatisfied within 10 days.1) OWNER: UNKNOWN1991 OLDSMOBILE ALEROVIN: 2G3AL54N0M2318039LP: MIH510 (LA)2) OWNER: UNKNOWN1986 PLYMOUTH GRNDVYGRVIN: 2P4FH21G1GR800389LP: X0S696 (OK)NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to TexasAbandoned Motor VehicleAct, the following vehicleswill be sold at public auctionif not claimed within 30 days.Garagekeeper:Jay’s Towing10607 Circle DriveAustin, Texas 78736(512)288-06941. boat trailer, Lic# 792490white Glastrow VIN#1CWS13112H10219922. boat, Glastrow blue &white, VIN#VINCN006403H687NOTICE OF NEW TRAFFICREGULATIONS Notice ishereby given that TravisCounty, Texas, proposes theapproval of the following trafficregulation: REVISELENGTH OF REDUCED-SPEED SCHOOL ZONE ONGRAND AVENUE PARKWAYAT PICADILLY DRIVEAny resident of TravisCounty, Texas, aggrieved bythis proposed action maymake written request for amandatory public hearing.Such request must be addressedto the Transportationand Natural Resources Department,Travis County, Texas,P.O. Box 1748, Austin,Texas 78767, and must bereceived within seven (7)days of this notice.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALESHURGARD STORAGECENTERS Shurgard StorageCenters wishing to availthemselves to the provisionsof Chapter 59 of the TexasProperty Code, hereby givesnotice of public sale undersaid Act to Wit; this sale willbe held on August 22, 2006beginning at 10:00 am atthe Shurgard Storage Centerlocated at 9814 WestgateBlvd, Austin, Texas.This sale will continue toeach designated addresslisted below after the completionof each location sale.The property in the storageunits at each location in thetenants’ name is being soldto satisfy a Landlord’s lien.The property contents of allstorage units sold at this saleare purchased “AS IS”,“WHERE IS” for CASH to thehighest bidder. ShurgardStorage Centers reserves theright to refuse any bid or tocancel any public sale advertised.Announcementsmade the day of the saletake precedence over anyprinted materials. All spacescontain household furnitureunless otherwise noted.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 9814 WestgateBlvd, Austin, TX 78748(512)282-9990; Scott Kaliszewski.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 2121 IH 35South, Austin, TX 78741(512)693-9733; JenniferHodges, David Morrison,Tara Navarro, Terry Moreno,Colin Kelly.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 5220 US 290West, Austin, TX 78735(512)892-3037; James Gonzales.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 13675 N. Hwy.183, Austin, TX 78750(512)249-0085; Thomas Balli,Sheila Martinez, MeaganMoncrief.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 10001 N IH 35,Austin TX, 78753 (512)837-6516; Shante Sanders, MichaelJackson, Kaci Moore,Francisco Ginez, RobertSykes.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS Texas Holdings, LTD.,hereby gives notice that theproperty generally describedbelow is being sold to satisfya landlord’s lien pursuant tochapter 59 of the Texas propertycode, at the time andplace indicated below, andon the following terms: Allproperty generally describedbelow will be sold at publicsale to the highest bidder forcash, or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. The property will besold on TUESDAY the 22ndof AUGUST, 2006 at eachself-storage facility at which itis described below: NOCHILDREN PLEASE.9:00 a.m. Public Storage @7200 S. First St., Austin, TX78745M397 PAUL SPRABERRY,MATTRESS, SPEAKERS,CARSEATN404 DAGOBERTO PEREZ,BOXES, OFFICE CHAIR,CLOTHINGW819 CYNTHIA & MARKKERR, MATTRESS, BOX-SPRING, CHEST OF DRAW-ERS, STEREOV711 VIVIAN HILL, TV,TOTES, BOXESU649 STEVE GRIFFITH,ROCKING CHAIR, CLOTH-ING, TOTESV748 HERBERT BOULDIN,BOXES, CLOTHING, TOTESS581 AARON ANDERSON,BICYCLE, FISHING EQUIP-MENT, CANOE9:30 a.m. Public Storage @7112 S. Congress Ave.,Austin, TX 78745G021 GREGORY RUNNELS,SPEAKERS, BOXES, TOOLSJ012 DORA RECIO, BOX-SPRING, MATTRESS, WASH-ERB034 JIMMY POND, BOX-SPRING, MATTRESS, BOXESH020 JOHN PAUL PEREZ,TOYS, TV, VACUUMC025 MEAGAN O’CONNOR,BOXES, IRONING BOARD,TOTESK068 EVELYN O’CONNOR,BOXES, CLOTHING, CHESTOF DRAWERSG014 CHARLES MONTGOM-ERY, ALL ITEMS IN UNITJ063 JESUS BANDA, BICY-CLE, CHINA CABINET, COM-PUTERL024 ANGIE BARRIENTOS,BOXES, SOFA, COPIERM051 LOREN GOODEN,BOXES, COMPUTER, TOTES10:00 a.m. Public Storage @2301 E. Ben White, Austin,TX 787412134 WILLIAM VANDER-BURG, OFFICE CHAIR,COMPUTER, STEREO1043 SALVADOR LIRA, MIS-CELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLDITEMS2026 LELAND HANCOCK,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT10:15 a.m. Public Storage @5016 E. Ben White, Austin,TX 78741C130 JOHNNY TYSON, BOX-SPRING, MATTRESS, BOXESC099 DEBORAH SLATER,TV, BOXES, ENTERTAIN-MENT CENTERC033 DALLAS HARDEMAN,TV, DVD PLAYER, BOXESC169 APRIL GALVAN, BOX-ES, LAMP, TOYS10:30 a.m. Public Storage @1033 E. 41st, Austin, TX787513171 ANGELA ZORILLA-KLEMM, BOXES, TOTES,CLOTHES4192 TAMMIE SCOTT, ALLITEMS IN UNIT4113 LAURA REED, MIS-CELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLDGOODS3054 ARTIE C ELLIS, ALLITEMS IN UNIT3026 CRYSTAL FARMER,BOXES, TOTES, MISCELLA-NEOUS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS10:45 a.m. Public Storage @1213 West 6th Street, Austin,TX 787032038 CATHERINE DICKER-SON, BOXSPRING, MAT-TRESS, BOXESNOTICE OF SALESTATE OF TEXASTRAVIS COUNTYBY VIRTUE OF AN ORDEROF SALE DATED 7/27/06and issued pursuant to judgmentdecree(s) of the DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,by the Clerk of said Courton said date, in the hereinafternumbered and styledsuit(s) and to me directedand delivered as Sheriff orConstable of said County, Ihave on 7/28/06, seized, leviedupon, and will, on the firstTuesday in September, 2006,the same being the 5th dayof said month, at the WestDoor of the Courthouse of thesaid County, in the City ofAustin, Texas, between thehours of 10 o’clock a.m. and4 o’clock p.m. on said day,beginning at 10:00 AM, proceedto sell for cash to thehighest bidder all the right, title,and interest of the defendantsin such suit(s) in andto the following describedreal estate levied upon as theproperty of said defendants,the same lying and being situatedin the County of Travisand the State of Texas, to-wit:Suit No. GV303525, AccountNo(s). 5904000C0028,ROUND ROCK INDEPEND-ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS.MCMULLEN BOOTH LIMIT-ED, Real Estate describedas: LOT 28, BLOCK C. WIN-DRIDGE SECTION IV SUB-DIVISION, TRAVIS COUNTY,TEXAS, ACCORDING TOTHE MAP OR PLAT THERE-OF, RECORDED IN VOL-UME 90, PAGE 392 AND393, PLAT RECORDS OFTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS,with an adjudged value of$50,000.00, and an Estimatedminimum opening bid of$22,328.50;Suit No. GV-401239, AccountNo(s). 3170000A0009,ROUND ROCK INDEPEND-ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS.CAROL A. MISCHKE, ALSOKNOWN AS CAROL ANNMISCHKE, Real Estate describedas: LOT 9, BLOCKA, BALCONES OAKS, TRA-VIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AC-CORDING TO THE MAP ORPLAT THEREOF, RECORD-ED IN VOLUME 74, PAGE20, PLAT RECORDS OFTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS,with an adjudged value of$217,674.00, and an Estimatedminimum openingbid of $9,380.49;(any volume and page references,unless otherwise indicated,being to the DeedRecords, Travis County, Texas,to which instruments referencemay be made for amore complete description ofeach respective tract.) or,upon the written request ofsaid defendants or their attorney,a sufficient portion ofthe property described aboveshall be sold to satisfy saidjudgment(s), interest, penalties,and cost; and any propertysold shall be subject tothe right of redemption of thedefendants or any personhaving an interest therein, toredeem the said property, ortheir interest therein, withinthe time and in the mannerprovided by law, and shall besubject to any other and furtherrights to which the defendantsor anyone interestedtherein may be entitled,under the provisions of law.Said sale to be made by meto satisfy the judgment(s)rendered in the above styledand numbered cause(s), togetherwith interest, penalties,and costs of suit, andthe proceeds of said sales tobe applied to the satisfactionthereof, and the remainder, ifany, to be applied as the lawdirects.Dated at City of Austin, Texas,July 28, 2006.Constable Bruce ElfantTravis County, TexasBy /s/ Joe Rosser, DeputyNOTICE OF SALE OF REALPROPERTYSTATE OF TEXASCOUNT OF TRAVISCause: D-1-GN-05-000920By virtue of an WRIT OF EX-ECUTION issued by the 53rdJUDICIAL DISTRICT COURTof TRAVIS County, Texas,JULY 13, 2006, in causenumbered D-1-GN-05-000920, styled SAMMYLANGFORD AND ALLIANCESECURITY FORCE, INC versusPATRICIA C. HARDINAND JOE HARDIN on a judgmentrendered against PA-TRICIA C. HARDIN AND JOEHARDIN; I did on JULY 17,2006, at 1:50 PM, levy uponas the property of PATRICIAC. HARDIN AND JOE HAR-DIN the following describedreal property, TO WIT:Field Notes For 3.9938ACRES OF LAND, (3.995AC. RECORD), OUT OFLAND PART OF LOT 35,EAST TRAVIS HILLS, ASUBDIVISION IN TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXAS, AC-CORDING TO THE MAP ORPLAT THEREOF RECORD-ED IN BOOK 81, PAGES 28-36, PLAT RECORDS, TRA-VIS COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID3.9938 ACRES OF LANDBEING FURTHER ALL THATCERTAIN TRACT OR PAR-CEL OF LAND CONVEYEDTO NEAL PFEIFFER IN ACORRECTION WARRANTYDEED RECORDED IN VOL-UME 13262, PAGE 65,REAL PROPERTYRECORDS, TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXAS; FORWHICH A MORE PARTICU-LAR DESCRIPTION BYMETES AND BOUNDS ISAS FOLLOWS:BEGINNING at an iron rodfound on the south R.O.W.of High Noon Road at theNW corner of said Lot 35for the NW corner hereof;THENCE S60º03’08”E alongthe common south R.O.W.of High Noon Road and thenorth line of Lot 35 for adistance of 199 77 feet to aniron rod found at the N.W.corner of a 1.00 acre tractof land conveyed to GeronimoEriones by warrantydeed recorded in Volume11321, page 725, Real:Property Records, TravisCounty, Texas, for the NEcorner hereof,THENCE the following (2)courses and distancescrossing said Lot 35 alongthe west and south line ofsaid 1.00 acre tract:1. S30º00’39”W for a distanceof 335.32 feet to aniron rod found,2. S60º05’06”E for a distanceof 130.00 feet to aniron rod found on the westline of Lot 35 at the SW cornerof said 1.00 acre tractfor a corner hereof,THENCE S30º01’10”Walong the east line of Lot 35for a distance of 324 72 feetto an iron rod found at theSW corner of Lot 35 for theSW corner hereof,THENCE N60º00’54”Walong the south line of Lot35 for a distance of 329 60feet to an iron rod found atthe SE corner of Lot 35 forthe SE corner hereof.THENCE N30º00’00”E for adistance of 659 76 feet tothe POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 3.9938 acres ofland.On SEPTEMBER 5, 2006, beingthe first Tuesday of themonth, between the hours of10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, beginningat 10:00 AM, at theTravis County Courthouse,1000 Guadalupe Street, Austin,Texas, I will sell for cashto the highest bidder, all theright, title and interest of PA-TRICIA C. HARDIN AND JOEHARDIN in and to the abovedescribed real property.Dated at Austin, TravisCounty, Texas, JULY 17,2006.Maria L. CancholaConstable, Precinct 4Travis County, TexasBy /s/ Robert L. Eller, DeputyNotice to Bidders: You arebuying whatever interest, ifany, the Debtor has in theproperty. Purchase of theDebtor’s interest in the propertymay not extinguish anyliens or security interestsheld by other persons. Thereare no warranties, express orimplied, regarding the propertybeing sold, including butnot limited to warranties of title,merchantability or fitnessfor a particular purpose.Bidders shall present an unexpiredwritten statement issuedto the person in themanner prescribed by Section34.015, Tax Code.Notice to Judgment Debtor: Ifthere is any property, real orpersonal, you want to pointout for levy in lieu of theabove described property,you must contact this officeimmediately.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF LUCILLELOIS TETER Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof Lucille Lois Teter were issuedon July 25, 2006, inCause No. 85095, pending inthe Probate Court No. 1, ofTravis County, Texas, to:SHERRY L. GENTRY. Theresidence address of suchExecutor is 1941 MimosaTrail, Florence, Kentucky.The post office address is:c/o P.O. Box 5970Austin, Texas 78763All persons having claimsagainst this estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the Executor of the estateat P.O. Box 5970, Austin,Texas 78763 within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.Dated this 1st day of August,2006./s/ Susan S. PhilipsAttorney for the EstateNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF LINDSEYMONROE SWANZY, DE-CEASED Notice is herebygiven that the original letterstestamentary for the estate ofLindsey Monroe Swanzy, deceased,were issued on July19, 2006, in Cause No.85035, which is being administeredin Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,to Shelly Loraine Williams,also known as ShelleyLorraine Williams, as independentexecutor. All personshaving claims againstthis estate are required topresent them within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law in care of the independentexecutor’s attorneyat the following address: JessicaK. Bayne, McGinnis,Lochridge & Kilgore, L.L.P.,919 Congress Avenue, Suite1300, Austin, Texas 78701.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF BILLIE M.NAIL, DECEASED Notice ishereby given that in CauseNo. 85151, styled Estate ofBillie M. Nail, Deceased,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,original letters testamentarywere issued on August1, 2006, to William S. Nail.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the personalrepresentative of theestate in care of his attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: Kevin HolcombP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200Austin, Texas 78767-0098All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 3rd day of August,2006.GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200Austin, Texas 78767-0098(512)480-5600 Telephone(512)478-1976 TelecopierBy: /s/ Kevin HolcombState Bar ID No. 09824000ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF ALLYNEALLEN SMITH, DECEASEDNotice is hereby given thatthe original Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of AllyneAllen Smith were issuedon July 31, 2006 in Cause85102 pending in ProbateCourt 1 of Travis County,Texas, to Frank F. Smith, Jr.who resides in Houston, HarrisCounty, Texas and whosemailing address is as follows:Estate of Allyne Allen Smith,c/o C. Boone Schwartzel, Attorneyat Law, 1010 Lamar,Suite 1520, Houston, Texas77002. All persons havingclaims against this Estatewhich is currently being administeredare required topresent them within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.DATED this 7th day of August,2006.Respectfully submitted,C. Boone SchwartzelAttorney at LawState Bar No. 178705001010 Lamar, Suite 1520Houston, Texas 77002Tel. (713) 654-1133Fax (713) 654-1188NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF VICTORIABOOTH MONRO, DE-CEASED NOTICE is herebygiven that Letters Testamentaryin the Estate of VICTOR-IA BOOTH MONRO, DE-CEASED, were granted toMARY MONRO MACGRE-GOR on August 8, 2006, byProbate Court No. 1, TravisCounty, Texas, Cause No.85,189.All persons having claimsagainst said estate are herebyrequired to present samewithin the time prescribed bylaw, and before said estate isclosed, in care of ATTORNEYRICHARD W. CHOTE, 3305Northland Drive #500, Austin,Texas 78731.MARY MONRO MACGRE-GORIndependent ExecutorEstate of VICTORIA BOOTHMONRO, DECEASEDBy: RICHARD W. CHOTEAttorney at LawNOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed proposals addressedto S&P Villas, Ltd. for furnishingall labor, materials,equipment, and performingall work required for the constructionof “The Fairways AtSteiner Ranch” Water, Wastewater,and Drainage Improvementswill be receivedat the office of: C FaulknerEngineering at 400 BowieStreet, Suite 250, Austin, TX78703 until August 31, 2006at 2:00pm. Bids will beopened publicly and readaloud. Any proposal receivedafter the closing time will bereturned unopened. Proposalsshall be plainly markedwith name and address ofthe BIDDER and the followingwords:PROPOSAL FOR THE FAIR-WAYS AT STEINER RANCHWATER, WASTEWATER, ANDDRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS;AND THE FAIRWAYS ATSTEINER RANCH UTILITYPROJECTTHE FAIRWAYS AT STEINERRANCH Water, Wastewater,and Drainage Improvementsproposal includes approximately:16,788SY roadwaypreparation; 3,476LF of 18”-48” Class III RCP storm sewerwith inlets, headwalls,manholes, water quality pondand drainage appurtenances;3,016LF of 8” water line withfire hydrants, valves and associatedappurtenances;2,908LF of 8” gravity wastewatersewer lines with manholesand wastewater appurtenances;a wastewater liftstation and appurtenances;1,478LF of 3” wastewaterforce-main, cleanouts, valvesand associated appurtenances.All work must conformto State of Texas, City ofAustin, County of Travis andWater Control and ImprovementDistrict #17 rules andcriteria.THE FAIRWAYS AT STEINERRANCH UTILITY PROJECTincludes approximately:807LF of 8” gravity wastewatersewer lines with manholesand wastewater appurtenances;a wastewater grinderpump and appurtenances;240LF of 2” wastewater forcemain,cleanouts, valves andassociated appurtenances.All work must conform toState of Texas, City of Austin,County of Travis and WaterControl and ImprovementDistrict #17 rules and criteria.Copies of the Plans, Specifications,and Bidding Documentswill be on file at the officeof C Faulkner Engineeringat 400 Bowie Street, Suite250, Austin, TX 78703, wherethey may be examined withoutcharge. Copies may beexamined or obtained fromthe ENGINEER on or after August17, 2006 for a non-refundablefee of $150.00 perset. Checks for Plans andSpecifications, and BiddingDocuments shall be madepayable to C Faulkner Engineering.A Cashier’s Check, CertifiedCheck or acceptable BID-DER’s Bond, payable to S&PVillas, Ltd. in an amount notless than five percent (5%) ofthe Bid must accompanyeach bid as a guarantee that,if awarded the Contract, theBIDDER will enter into a contractand execute bondswithin ten (10) days of awardof the Contract. Performanceand Payment Bonds shallalso be executed on theforms furnished by the OWN-ER and shall specifically providefor “Performance” and for“Labor and Materials Payment”.Each bond shall be issuedin an amount of onehundred percent (100%) ofcontract price by a solventSurety company, authorizedto do business in the State ofTexas and acceptable to theOWNER.The OWNER reserves theright to reject any and allbids to waive any and alltechnicalities and formalitiesin bidding. The OWNER reservesthe right to determinewhich bids are lowest andbest, and to award the Contracton this basis. No bidmay be withdrawn for a periodof forty-five (45) days afteropening of the bids. If a submittedbid is withdrawn withinsaid period, bid guarantyshall become the property ofthe OWNER, not as penalty,but as liquidated damages,or OWNER may pursue anyother action allowed by law.A mandatory pre-bid conferencewill be held on August24, 2006 at 2:00pm at the officeof C Faulkner Engineeringat 400 Bowie Street, Suite250, Austin, TX 78703. Prospectivebidders are encouragedto visit the site.NOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of UTAH S.GROUND, Deceased, wereissued on July 18, 2006 inCause No. 84991 pending inthe Probate Court No. 1, TravisCounty, Texas, to DONNAGROUND McNATT n/k/aDONNA DE LA TORRE.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law. DonnaGround McNatt n/k/a DonnaDe La Torre, c/o ELLEN P.STEWART, Attorney at Law,Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner,LLP, 7804 Bell MountainDrive, P. O. Box 26300, Texas78755-6300.DATED the 8th day of August,2006.ELLEN P. STEWARTBURNS ANDERSON JURY &BRENNER, L.L.P.Attorneys for EstateState Bar No. 007974997804 Bell Mountain DriveP. O. Box 263001234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxz

Austin, Texas 78755-6300Telephone: (512) 338-5322Facsimile: (512) 338-5363NOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Frances L.Jones, Deceased, were issuedon August 2, 2006, inCause No. 85,149, pendingin the Probate Court NumberOne, Travis County, Texas, toE. Reagh Underwood.Claims may be addressed incare of the representative, asfollows:E. Reagh Underwood,Independent Executor947 Beavers Rd.Newnan, Georgia 30263All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED this 2nd day of August,2006./s/ John J. MiglATTORNEY FOR THE REP-RESENTATIVENOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of Charles MarcusFranks, Deceased wereissued on the 19th day ofJuly, 2006, in Cause No.85117, pending in the ProbateCourt No. 1 of TravisCounty, Texas, to Bobby LeeSwain.Claims may be presented incare of the Executor of theEstate as follows:c/o Steven P. BoneyEstate of Charles MarcusFranks, Deceased1201 W. 24th St. Ste. 105Austin, TX 78705All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themwithin the time and the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 11th day of August,2006.By: /s/ Steven P. BoneyAttorney for the IndependentExecutorNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of JEAN MARIEJOHNSON, Deceased, wereissued on August 1, 2006,under Docket No. 85133,pending in the Probate CourtNumber One of TravisCounty, Texas, to Dale EdwardJohnson, Applicant.Claims may be presented incare of the attorney for theestate, addressed as follows:Representative, Estate ofJean Marie Johnson, Deceasedc/o Lawrence J. Morgan1145 West 5th St. Suite 201Austin, Texas 78703All persons having claimsagainst this estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.Dated: August 7, 2006.LAWRENCE J. MORGAN1145 West 5thAustin, Texas 78703(512) 391-0950(512) 391-0952 (fax)OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO BIDDERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids will be acceptedby Travis County for the followingitems:1.Protective Footwear, IFBB060307-LDOpens: August 21, 2006 @2:00 p.m.Bids should be submitted to:Cyd Grimes, Travis CountyPurchasing Agent, NedGranger Building, 314 West11th, Room 400, P.O. Box1748, Austin, Texas 78767.Specifications can be obtainedfrom or viewed at theTravis County Purchasing Officeat no charge or by downloadinga copy from our use unit pricingor lump sum pricing, if appropriate.Payments may bemade by check. The successfulbidder shall be requiredto furnish a PerformanceBond in the amount ofOne Hundred percent (100%)of the contract amountawarded, if applicable.OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO PROPOSERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed proposals will be acceptedby Travis County forthe following items:1.Professional Drug and AlcoholTesting Services, RFSS060252-MLOpens: August 21, 2006 @2:00 p.m.2.General Medical Lab Services,RFS S060234-MLOpens: August 21, 2006 @2:00 p.m.Proposals should be submittedto: Cyd Grimes, TravisCounty Purchasing Agent,Ned Granger Building, 314West 11th, Room 400, P.O.Box 1748, Austin, Texas78767. Proposal Documentscan be obtained from orviewed at the Travis CountyPurchasing Office at nocharge or by downloading acopy from our use unit pricing orlump sum pricing, if appropriate.Payment may bemade by check. The successfulproponent shall berequired to furnish a PaymentBond and a PerformanceBond in the amount of OneHundred percent (100%) ofthe contract amount awarded,if applicable.OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO ENGINEERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatqualification statements willbe accepted by TravisCounty for the followingitems:1.Professional EngineeringServices for the design ofCounty-Wide Sidewalk andHike and Bike Facility Improvements,RFQ Q060304-JWOpens: August 23, 2006 @2:00 p.m.Qualifications statementsshould be submitted to: CydGrimes, Travis County PurchasingAgent, Ned GrangerBuilding, 314 West 11th,Room 400, P.O. Box 1748,Austin, Texas 78767. Specificationscan be obtainedfrom or viewed at the TravisCounty Purchasing Office atno charge or by downloadinga copy from our applicationhas beenmade with the TexasAlcoholic BeverageCommissionfor a MIXED BEV-ERAGE PERMIT byCHIPOTLE TEXAS,LLC, a Texas LimitedLiability Companyd/b/a ChipotleMexican Grill, locatedat 6301 W.Parmer Lane, Suite201, Austin, TravisCounty, Texas. Officersof said companyare ColleenCrowe Simmons,President/Manager,Roy AnthonyZamarippa, Secretary/Manager,andJerrold Emil Wilkins,Manager.TRAVIS COUNTYPUBLIC AUCTION:SURPLUS VEHICLES ANDEQUIPMENTSATURDAY, AUGUST 26,2006; 1:00 p.m.GASTON AND SHEEHANAUCTIONEERS1420 HWY 685PFLUGERVILLE, TEXAS•*1992 JEEP CHEROKEE (2)**2000 FORD VICTORIA (3)**2003 FORD 4-DOOR, REARWHEEL DRIVE (3)**MOWERS (3)* *VANS (6)**ROLLERS (2)* AND MUCHMORE..•VIEWING OF ITEMS WILLBE HELD ON FRIDAY, AU-GUST 25, 2006, FROM 9:00AM UNTIL DAY OF AUC-TION. ALL ITEMS SOLD ASIS, WHERE IS, BUYERS WILLBE RESPONSIBLE FORPROPERTY AS SOON ASDEAL IS CONCLUDED. BUY-ERS MUST REMOVE PROP-ERTY BY 5:00 PM ON THEDAY OF THE AUCTION, ALLBIDDERS ARE REQUIREDTO REGISTER PRIOR TOAUCTION, ALL PURCHASESMUST BE SETTLED AT ENDOF SALE, BUYER IS RE-SPONSIBLE FOR THE RE-MOVAL OF PROPERTYFROM AUCTION SIGHT.TRAVIS COUNTY EMPLOY-EES AND FAMILY ARE PER-MITTED TO BID.FOR FURTHER INFORMA-TION YOU MAY CONTACTDAN ROLLIE AT (512) 854-6459 OR RON DUBE AT(512) 854-6458.GASTON & SHEEHAN AUC-TIONEERS, TXL #6497TRAVIS COUNTYPUBLIC AUCTION:SURPLUS PROPERTYTUESDAY, AUGUST 29,2006; 1:00 PMTRAVIS COUNTYWAREHOUSE7811 BURLESON-MANORROAD, MANOR, TEXAS•A VARIETY OF OFFICE SUP-PLIES, FURNITURE, CLOTH-ING, LAWN EQUIPMENT, AP-PLIANCES, JEWELRY, COM-PUTER SOFTWARE & AC-CESSORIES AND MANYOTHER VARIOUS ITEMSMAY BE AVAILABLE FORBIDS.•VIEWING OF ITEMS WILLBE HELD ON TUESDAY, AU-GUST 29, 2006 AT 9:00 AM,UNTIL TIME OF AUCTION,ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS,WHERE IS, BUYERS WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR PROP-ERTY AS SOON AS DEAL ISCONCLUDED. BUYERSMUST REMOVE PROPERTYBY 4:00 PM, ON THE DAYOF THE AUCTION, ALL BID-DERS ARE REQUIRED TOREGISTER PRIOR TO AUC-TION, ALL PURCHASESMUST BE SETTLED AT ENDOF SALE, BUYER IS RE-SPONSIBLE FOR THE RE-MOVAL OF PROPERTYFROM AUCTION SIGHT.TRAVIS COUNTY EMPLOY-EES AND FAMILY ARE PER-MITTED TO BID.•FOR FURTHER INFORMA-TION CONTACT DAN ROL-LIE AT (512) 854-6459 ORRON DUBE AT (512) 854-6458.DRIVING DIRECTIONS:TAKE HWY 71 (BEN WHITEBLVD.) INTO DEL VALLE,TURN LEFT AT HWY 973,TURN RIGHT ON HWY 969,TRAVEL 5 MILES AND TURNLEFT ON BURLESON-MAN-OR ROAD. TRAVEL 1 MILEAND TURN RIGHT ATCOUNTY WAREHOUSE.GASTON & SHEEHAN AUC-TIONEERS, TXL #6497X95-12750CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 345th District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered X95-12750,wherein Travis County, PflugervilleIndependent SchoolDistrict, City of Pflugerville,Travis County ESD # 2 andTravis County Hospital Districtare plaintiffs, and MichelleSheppard, ChristopherShepard, Angela Marie Shephard,Lois Chester Wheeler,Roger Jefferson “R.J.” Shepard,Brenda Yvonne FletcherIsaac, Lillie Mae Isaac Williamsand Alan GarfieldShepard, if alive and if deceased,the unknown owners,heirs, assigns and successorsof the Estate of MichelleSheppard, ChristopherShepard, Angela Marie Shephard,Lois Chester Wheeler,Roger Jefferson “R.J.” Shepard,Brenda Yvonne FletcherIsaac, Lillie Mae Isaac Williamsand Alan GarfieldShepard, Dorothy MarieIsaac Hubbard, Richard EugeneIsaac, Nathan TyroneIsaac, Richard Lee Isaac, ElmorJean Isaac Washington,Sam Lucine Wheeler, Jr.,Cynthia Kinchion Isaac, JohnWheeler, Consuelo Leos, ValenciaJohnson (In RemOnly), Lone Star Gas Companyof Texas, Inc. (In RemOnly), Carmen Galvan (InRem Only), Tonetta L. Tolden(In Rem Only), Comptroller ofPublic Accounts (In RemOnly), Travis County, PflugervilleISD, City of Pflugervilleand Travis County ESD #2 (In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$9,160.66 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 345th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on May 4, 2006.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:A portion of Lot 4, Block 10,Town of Pflugerville, PlatNo. 2/156, being a portionas described in Volume2690, Page 20, ProbateCause No. 58,019, documentnumber 2002063989 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $9,160.66 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.X99-05682CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 200th District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered X99-05682,wherein City of Lago Vista,Lago Vista IndependentSchool District, County EducationDistrict, Travis County,Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1 andTravis County Hospital Districtare plaintiffs, and W.Paul Nelson, Indiv. & as Trusteeof the Joan Powers NelsonTrust, William Paul Nelson,Indiv. & as Trustee ofthe Joan Powers NelsonTrust, First State Bank nkaWells Fargo Bank Texas,N.A., nka Wells Fargo Bank,N.A. (In Rem Only), SouthwesternBell Yellow Pages,Inc. (In Rem Only), UnitedStates of America (In RemOnly) and State of Texas/Bond Forfeiture (In RemOnly) are defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for thesum of $4,768.84 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 200thDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on November28, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 7, Block B, EmeraldBend, Section 1, Plat No.36/2 as described in Volume6885, Page 1681 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,768.84 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.X99-06083CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 261st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered X99-06083,wherein Lago Vista IndependentSchool District, Tra-vis County, Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 1, Water Control ImprovementDistrict-Point Venture,Village of Point Ventureand Travis County HospitalDistrict are plaintiffs, and AkihikoYoshimatsu, if alive andif deceased, the unknownowners, heirs, assigns andsuccessors of the Estate ofAkihiko Yoshimatsu andMitchell Development Corporationof the Southwest nkaDevon Energy Corp. (In RemOnly) are defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for thesum of $6,714.19 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 261stDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on December7, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 389, Point Venture, Section2, Plat No. 51/36 as describedin document number2003278195 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $6,714.19 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.X99-06817CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 261ST District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered X99-06817,wherein City of Lago Vista,Lago Vista IndependentSchool District, County EducationDistrict, Travis Countyand Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1 areplaintiffs, and Mark Cohen,Trustee and Joseph SidneyWheless, Jr. aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the followingsums:TRACT ONE: BILLING NUM-BER 46991 = $1,843.82TRACT NUMBER TWO:BILLING NUMBER 50412 =$5,226.70TRACT NUMBER THREE:BILLING NUMBER 50564 =$4,959.17TRACT NUMBER FOUR:BILLING NUMBER 50644 =$4,608.32TRACT NUMBER FIVE:BILLING NUMBER 53423 =$5,015.78TRACT NUMBER SIX: BILL-ING NUMBER 53424 =$5,015.78 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | AUGUST 11, 2006 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 137

136 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | AUGUST <strong>11</strong>, <strong>2006</strong> | austinchronicle.com545LEGAL NOTICESLP: Z04GLK4)OWNER: ALAN AQUIRRE1987 NISSAN MAXIMAVIN: JN1HU<strong>11</strong>S3HT210716LP: V94GHZ5)OWNER: LARRY DELANEY1988 MERCEDES BENZ 300EVIN: WDBEA26D7JA809837LP: TXP40PAUCTION: <strong>Aug</strong>ust 18, <strong>2006</strong>@ 6:00 AMAbout Town Towing2905 W. Howard Lane<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78728(512) 835-5444NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off unlesscharges are satisfiedwithin 10 days.1)OWNER: JOY GUTIERREZ1988 CHEVY SUBURBANVIN: 1GCER16K5JF182822LP: G45DNP2)OWNER: OSIEL OCAMPO1995 FORD PROBEVIN: 1ZVLT20A2S5135220LP: J85LHF3)OWNER: MIGUEL OCAM-PO1987 NISSAN MAXIMAVIN: JN1HU<strong>11</strong>P5HT367398LP: V49GHX4)OWNER: DAN DUONG1986 OLDSMOBILE CUT-LASSVIN: 1G3GR69Y2GR343351LP: H41NHP5)OWNER: BOBBIE BROWN1993 CHEVROLETVIN: 2G1WN54T2P<strong>11</strong>43732LP: T47NPC6)OWNER: JOSE REXACH1996 PONTIAC SUNFIREVIN: 3G2JB1240TS842486LP: R87JXW7)OWNER: FEI LI1991 TOYOTA CAMRYVIN: 4T1SV21E3MU382759LP: F81XDY8)OWNER: JUAN CAMARGO1991 DODGE DAYTONAVIN: 1B3XG2437MG108138LP: S65KBM9)OWNER: JUAN AGUILAR1986 TOYOTAVIN: JT4RN50R5G0169431LP: 54JPN210)OWNER: R. COFFIN1991 DODGE SHADOWVIN: 1B3XP48K3MN589658LP: K15VHR<strong>11</strong>)OWNER: GARRY BOUR-GEOIS1990 DODGE SHADOWVIN: 1B3XP48K9LN223802LP: X52CVLAUCTION: <strong>Aug</strong>ust 25, <strong>2006</strong>@ 6:00 AMAbout Town Towing2905 W. Howard Lane<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78728(512) 835-5444NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off bythe Travis County Sheriff’sOffice unless charges aresatisfied within 10 days.1) OWNER: UNKNOWN1992 FORD TAURUSVIN: 1FACP52V5NA263890LP: <strong>11</strong>A377A (AL)NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off bythe Travis County Sheriff’sOffice unless charges aresatisfied within 10 days.1) OWNER: UNKNOWN1991 OLDSMOBILE ALEROVIN: 2G3AL54N0M2318039LP: MIH510 (LA)2) OWNER: UNKNOWN1986 PLYMOUTH GRNDVYGRVIN: 2P4FH21G1GR800389LP: X0S696 (OK)NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to TexasAbandoned Motor VehicleAct, the following vehicleswill be sold at public auctionif not claimed within 30 days.Garagekeeper:Jay’s Towing10607 Circle Drive<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78736(512)288-06941. boat trailer, Lic# 792490white Glastrow VIN#1CWS13<strong>11</strong>2H10219922. boat, Glastrow blue &white, VIN#VINCN006403H687NOTICE OF NEW TRAFFICREGULATIONS Notice ishereby given that TravisCounty, Texas, proposes theapproval of the following trafficregulation: REVISELENGTH OF REDUCED-SPEED SCHOOL ZONE ONGRAND AVENUE PARKWAYAT PICADILLY DRIVEAny resident of TravisCounty, Texas, aggrieved bythis proposed action maymake written request for amandatory public hearing.Such request must be addressedto the Transportationand Natural Resources Department,Travis County, Texas,P.O. Box 1748, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78767, and must bereceived within seven (7)days of this notice.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALESHURGARD STORAGECENTERS Shurgard StorageCenters wishing to availthemselves to the provisionsof Chapter 59 of the TexasProperty Code, hereby givesnotice of public sale undersaid Act to Wit; this sale willbe held on <strong>Aug</strong>ust 22, <strong>2006</strong>beginning at 10:00 am atthe Shurgard Storage Centerlocated at 9814 WestgateBlvd, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas.This sale will continue toeach designated addresslisted below after the completionof each location sale.<strong>The</strong> property in the storageunits at each location in thetenants’ name is being soldto satisfy a Landlord’s lien.<strong>The</strong> property contents of allstorage units sold at this saleare purchased “AS IS”,“WHERE IS” for CASH to thehighest bidder. ShurgardStorage Centers reserves theright to refuse any bid or tocancel any public sale advertised.Announcementsmade the day of the saletake precedence over anyprinted materials. All spacescontain household furnitureunless otherwise noted.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 9814 WestgateBlvd, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78748(512)282-9990; Scott Kaliszewski.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 2121 IH 35South, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78741(512)693-9733; JenniferHodges, David Morrison,Tara Navarro, Terry Moreno,Colin Kelly.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 5220 US 290West, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78735(512)892-3037; James Gonzales.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 13675 N. Hwy.183, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78750(512)249-0085; Thomas Balli,Sheila Martinez, MeaganMoncrief.SHURGARD STORAGECENTERS, 10001 N IH 35,<strong>Austin</strong> TX, 78753 (512)837-6516; Shante Sanders, MichaelJackson, Kaci Moore,Francisco Ginez, RobertSykes.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS Texas Holdings, LTD.,hereby gives notice that theproperty generally describedbelow is being sold to satisfya landlord’s lien pursuant tochapter 59 of the Texas propertycode, at the time andplace indicated below, andon the following terms: Allproperty generally describedbelow will be sold at publicsale to the highest bidder forcash, or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. <strong>The</strong> property will besold on TUESDAY the 22ndof AUGUST, <strong>2006</strong> at eachself-storage facility at which itis described below: NOCHILDREN PLEASE.9:00 a.m. Public Storage @7200 S. First St., <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78745M397 PAUL SPRABERRY,MATTRESS, SPEAKERS,CARSEATN404 DAGOBERTO PEREZ,BOXES, OFFICE CHAIR,CLOTHINGW819 CYNTHIA & MARKKERR, MATTRESS, BOX-SPRING, CHEST OF DRAW-ERS, STEREOV7<strong>11</strong> VIVIAN HILL, TV,TOTES, BOXESU649 STEVE GRIFFITH,ROCKING CHAIR, CLOTH-ING, TOTESV748 HERBERT BOULDIN,BOXES, CLOTHING, TOTESS581 AARON ANDERSON,BICYCLE, FISHING EQUIP-MENT, CANOE9:30 a.m. Public Storage @7<strong>11</strong>2 S. Congress Ave.,<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78745G021 GREGORY RUNNELS,SPEAKERS, BOXES, TOOLSJ012 DORA RECIO, BOX-SPRING, MATTRESS, WASH-ERB034 JIMMY POND, BOX-SPRING, MATTRESS, BOXESH020 JOHN PAUL PEREZ,TOYS, TV, VACUUMC025 MEAGAN O’CONNOR,BOXES, IRONING BOARD,TOTESK068 EVELYN O’CONNOR,BOXES, CLOTHING, CHESTOF DRAWERSG014 CHARLES MONTGOM-ERY, ALL ITEMS IN UNITJ063 JESUS BANDA, BICY-CLE, CHINA CABINET, COM-PUTERL024 ANGIE BARRIENTOS,BOXES, SOFA, COPIERM051 LOREN GOODEN,BOXES, COMPUTER, TOTES10:00 a.m. Public Storage @2301 E. Ben White, <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 787412134 WILLIAM VANDER-BURG, OFFICE CHAIR,COMPUTER, STEREO1043 SALVADOR LIRA, MIS-CELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLDITEMS2026 LELAND HANCOCK,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT10:15 a.m. Public Storage @5016 E. Ben White, <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 78741C130 JOHNNY TYSON, BOX-SPRING, MATTRESS, BOXESC099 DEBORAH SLATER,TV, BOXES, ENTERTAIN-MENT CENTERC033 DALLAS HARDEMAN,TV, DVD PLAYER, BOXESC169 APRIL GALVAN, BOX-ES, LAMP, TOYS10:30 a.m. Public Storage @1033 E. 41st, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX787513171 ANGELA ZORILLA-KLEMM, BOXES, TOTES,CLOTHES4192 TAMMIE SCOTT, ALLITEMS IN UNIT4<strong>11</strong>3 LAURA REED, MIS-CELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLDGOODS3054 ARTIE C ELLIS, ALLITEMS IN UNIT3026 CRYSTAL FARMER,BOXES, TOTES, MISCELLA-NEOUS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS10:45 a.m. Public Storage @1213 West 6th Street, <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 787032038 CATHERINE DICKER-SON, BOXSPRING, MAT-TRESS, BOXESNOTICE OF SALESTATE OF TEXASTRAVIS COUNTYBY VIRTUE OF AN ORDEROF SALE DATED 7/27/06and issued pursuant to judgmentdecree(s) of the DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,by the Clerk of said Courton said date, in the hereinafternumbered and styledsuit(s) and to me directedand delivered as Sheriff orConstable of said County, Ihave on 7/28/06, seized, leviedupon, and will, on the firstTuesday in September, <strong>2006</strong>,the same being the 5th dayof said month, at the WestDoor of the Courthouse of thesaid County, in the City of<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, between thehours of 10 o’clock a.m. and4 o’clock p.m. on said day,beginning at 10:00 AM, proceedto sell for cash to thehighest bidder all the right, title,and interest of the defendantsin such suit(s) in andto the following describedreal estate levied upon as theproperty of said defendants,the same lying and being situatedin the County of Travisand the State of Texas, to-wit:Suit No. GV303525, AccountNo(s). 5904000C0028,ROUND ROCK INDEPEND-ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS.MCMULLEN BOOTH LIMIT-ED, Real Estate describedas: LOT 28, BLOCK C. WIN-DRIDGE SECTION IV SUB-DIVISION, TRAVIS COUNTY,TEXAS, ACCORDING TOTHE MAP OR PLAT THERE-OF, RECORDED IN VOL-UME 90, PAGE 392 AND393, PLAT RECORDS OFTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS,with an adjudged value of$50,000.00, and an Estimatedminimum opening bid of$22,328.50;Suit No. GV-401239, AccountNo(s). 3170000A0009,ROUND ROCK INDEPEND-ENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VS.CAROL A. MISCHKE, ALSOKNOWN AS CAROL ANNMISCHKE, Real Estate describedas: LOT 9, BLOCKA, BALCONES OAKS, TRA-VIS COUNTY, TEXAS, AC-CORDING TO THE MAP ORPLAT THEREOF, RECORD-ED IN VOLUME 74, PAGE20, PLAT RECORDS OFTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS,with an adjudged value of$217,674.00, and an Estimatedminimum openingbid of $9,380.49;(any volume and page references,unless otherwise indicated,being to the DeedRecords, Travis County, Texas,to which instruments referencemay be made for amore complete description ofeach respective tract.) or,upon the written request ofsaid defendants or their attorney,a sufficient portion ofthe property described aboveshall be sold to satisfy saidjudgment(s), interest, penalties,and cost; and any propertysold shall be subject tothe right of redemption of thedefendants or any personhaving an interest therein, toredeem the said property, ortheir interest therein, withinthe time and in the mannerprovided by law, and shall besubject to any other and furtherrights to which the defendantsor anyone interestedtherein may be entitled,under the provisions of law.Said sale to be made by meto satisfy the judgment(s)rendered in the above styledand numbered cause(s), togetherwith interest, penalties,and costs of suit, andthe proceeds of said sales tobe applied to the satisfactionthereof, and the remainder, ifany, to be applied as the lawdirects.Dated at City of <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas,July 28, <strong>2006</strong>.Constable Bruce ElfantTravis County, TexasBy /s/ Joe Rosser, DeputyNOTICE OF SALE OF REALPROPERTYSTATE OF TEXASCOUNT OF TRAVISCause: D-1-GN-05-000920By virtue of an WRIT OF EX-ECUTION issued by the 53rdJUDICIAL DISTRICT COURTof TRAVIS County, Texas,JULY 13, <strong>2006</strong>, in causenumbered D-1-GN-05-000920, styled SAMMYLANGFORD AND ALLIANCESECURITY FORCE, INC versusPATRICIA C. HARDINAND JOE HARDIN on a judgmentrendered against PA-TRICIA C. HARDIN AND JOEHARDIN; I did on JULY 17,<strong>2006</strong>, at 1:50 PM, levy uponas the property of PATRICIAC. HARDIN AND JOE HAR-DIN the following describedreal property, TO WIT:Field Notes For 3.9938ACRES OF LAND, (3.995AC. RECORD), OUT OFLAND PART OF LOT 35,EAST TRAVIS HILLS, ASUBDIVISION IN TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXAS, AC-CORDING TO THE MAP ORPLAT THEREOF RECORD-ED IN BOOK 81, PAGES 28-36, PLAT RECORDS, TRA-VIS COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID3.9938 ACRES OF LANDBEING FURTHER ALL THATCERTAIN TRACT OR PAR-CEL OF LAND CONVEYEDTO NEAL PFEIFFER IN ACORRECTION WARRANTYDEED RECORDED IN VOL-UME 13262, PAGE 65,REAL PROPERTYRECORDS, TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXAS; FORWHICH A MORE PARTICU-LAR DESCRIPTION BYMETES AND BOUNDS ISAS FOLLOWS:BEGINNING at an iron rodfound on the south R.O.W.of High Noon Road at theNW corner of said Lot 35for the NW corner hereof;THENCE S60º03’08”E alongthe common south R.O.W.of High Noon Road and thenorth line of Lot 35 for adistance of 199 77 feet to aniron rod found at the N.W.corner of a 1.00 acre tractof land conveyed to GeronimoEriones by warrantydeed recorded in Volume<strong>11</strong>321, page 725, Real:Property Records, TravisCounty, Texas, for the NEcorner hereof,THENCE the following (2)courses and distancescrossing said Lot 35 alongthe west and south line ofsaid 1.00 acre tract:1. S30º00’39”W for a distanceof 335.32 feet to aniron rod found,2. S60º05’06”E for a distanceof 130.00 feet to aniron rod found on the westline of Lot 35 at the SW cornerof said 1.00 acre tractfor a corner hereof,THENCE S30º01’10”Walong the east line of Lot 35for a distance of 324 72 feetto an iron rod found at theSW corner of Lot 35 for theSW corner hereof,THENCE N60º00’54”Walong the south line of Lot35 for a distance of 329 60feet to an iron rod found atthe SE corner of Lot 35 forthe SE corner hereof.THENCE N30º00’00”E for adistance of 659 76 feet tothe POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 3.9938 acres ofland.On SEPTEMBER 5, <strong>2006</strong>, beingthe first Tuesday of themonth, between the hours of10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, beginningat 10:00 AM, at theTravis County Courthouse,1000 Guadalupe Street, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas, I will sell for cashto the highest bidder, all theright, title and interest of PA-TRICIA C. HARDIN AND JOEHARDIN in and to the abovedescribed real property.Dated at <strong>Austin</strong>, TravisCounty, Texas, JULY 17,<strong>2006</strong>.Maria L. CancholaConstable, Precinct 4Travis County, TexasBy /s/ Robert L. Eller, DeputyNotice to Bidders: You arebuying whatever interest, ifany, the Debtor has in theproperty. Purchase of theDebtor’s interest in the propertymay not extinguish anyliens or security interestsheld by other persons. <strong>The</strong>reare no warranties, express orimplied, regarding the propertybeing sold, including butnot limited to warranties of title,merchantability or fitnessfor a particular purpose.Bidders shall present an unexpiredwritten statement issuedto the person in themanner prescribed by Section34.015, Tax Code.Notice to Judgment Debtor: Ifthere is any property, real orpersonal, you want to pointout for levy in lieu of theabove described property,you must contact this officeimmediately.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF LUCILLELOIS TETER Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof Lucille Lois Teter were issuedon July 25, <strong>2006</strong>, inCause No. 85095, pending inthe Probate Court No. 1, ofTravis County, Texas, to:SHERRY L. GENTRY. <strong>The</strong>residence address of suchExecutor is 1941 MimosaTrail, Florence, Kentucky.<strong>The</strong> post office address is:c/o P.O. Box 5970<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78763All persons having claimsagainst this estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the Executor of the estateat P.O. Box 5970, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78763 within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.Dated this 1st day of <strong>Aug</strong>ust,<strong>2006</strong>./s/ Susan S. PhilipsAttorney for the EstateNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF LINDSEYMONROE SWANZY, DE-CEASED Notice is herebygiven that the original letterstestamentary for the estate ofLindsey Monroe Swanzy, deceased,were issued on July19, <strong>2006</strong>, in Cause No.85035, which is being administeredin Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,to Shelly Loraine Williams,also known as ShelleyLorraine Williams, as independentexecutor. All personshaving claims againstthis estate are required topresent them within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law in care of the independentexecutor’s attorneyat the following address: JessicaK. Bayne, McGinnis,Lochridge & Kilgore, L.L.P.,919 Congress Avenue, Suite1300, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78701.NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF BILLIE M.NAIL, DECEASED Notice ishereby given that in CauseNo. 85151, styled Estate ofBillie M. Nail, Deceased,pending in the Probate CourtNo. 1 of Travis County, Texas,original letters testamentarywere issued on <strong>Aug</strong>ust1, <strong>2006</strong>, to William S. Nail.Claims may be presentedand addressed to the personalrepresentative of theestate in care of his attorneysat the following address:c/o Graves, Dougherty,Hearon & MoodyA Professional CorporationAttn: Kevin HolcombP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767-0098All persons having claimsagainst this estate are requiredto present them withinthe time and in the mannerprescribed by law.DATED the 3rd day of <strong>Aug</strong>ust,<strong>2006</strong>.GRAVES, DOUGHERTY,HEARON & MOODYA Professional CorporationP.O. Box 98401 Congress, Suite 2200<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767-0098(512)480-5600 Telephone(512)478-1976 TelecopierBy: /s/ Kevin HolcombState Bar ID No. 09824000ATTORNEYS FOR INDE-PENDENT EXECUTORNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF ALLYNEALLEN SMITH, DECEASEDNotice is hereby given thatthe original Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of AllyneAllen Smith were issuedon July 31, <strong>2006</strong> in Cause85102 pending in ProbateCourt 1 of Travis County,Texas, to Frank F. Smith, Jr.who resides in Houston, HarrisCounty, Texas and whosemailing address is as follows:Estate of Allyne Allen Smith,c/o C. Boone Schwartzel, Attorneyat Law, 1010 Lamar,Suite 1520, Houston, Texas77002. All persons havingclaims against this Estatewhich is currently being administeredare required topresent them within the timeand in the manner prescribedby law.DATED this 7th day of <strong>Aug</strong>ust,<strong>2006</strong>.Respectfully submitted,C. Boone SchwartzelAttorney at LawState Bar No. 178705001010 Lamar, Suite 1520Houston, Texas 77002Tel. (713) 654-<strong>11</strong>33Fax (713) 654-<strong>11</strong>88NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF VICTORIABOOTH MONRO, DE-CEASED NOTICE is herebygiven that Letters Testamentaryin the Estate of VICTOR-IA BOOTH MONRO, DE-CEASED, were granted toMARY MONRO MACGRE-GOR on <strong>Aug</strong>ust 8, <strong>2006</strong>, byProbate Court No. 1, TravisCounty, Texas, Cause No.85,189.All persons having claimsagainst said estate are herebyrequired to present samewithin the time prescribed bylaw, and before said estate isclosed, in care of ATTORNEYRICHARD W. CHOTE, 3305Northland Drive #500, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas 78731.MARY MONRO MACGRE-GORIndependent ExecutorEstate of VICTORIA BOOTHMONRO, DECEASEDBy: RICHARD W. CHOTEAttorney at LawNOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed proposals addressedto S&P Villas, Ltd. for furnishingall labor, materials,equipment, and performingall work required for the constructionof “<strong>The</strong> Fairways AtSteiner Ranch” Water, Wastewater,and Drainage Improvementswill be receivedat the office of: C FaulknerEngineering at 400 BowieStreet, Suite 250, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78703 until <strong>Aug</strong>ust 31, <strong>2006</strong>at 2:00pm. Bids will beopened publicly and readaloud. Any proposal receivedafter the closing time will bereturned unopened. Proposalsshall be plainly markedwith name and address ofthe BIDDER and the followingwords:PROPOSAL FOR THE FAIR-WAYS AT STEINER RANCHWATER, WASTEWATER, ANDDRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS;AND THE FAIRWAYS ATSTEINER RANCH UTILITYPROJECTTHE FAIRWAYS AT STEINERRANCH Water, Wastewater,and Drainage Improvementsproposal includes approximately:16,788SY roadwaypreparation; 3,476LF of 18”-48” Class III RCP storm sewerwith inlets, headwalls,manholes, water quality pondand drainage appurtenances;3,016LF of 8” water line withfire hydrants, valves and associatedappurtenances;2,908LF of 8” gravity wastewatersewer lines with manholesand wastewater appurtenances;a wastewater liftstation and appurtenances;1,478LF of 3” wastewaterforce-main, cleanouts, valvesand associated appurtenances.All work must conformto State of Texas, City of<strong>Austin</strong>, County of Travis andWater Control and ImprovementDistrict #17 rules andcriteria.THE FAIRWAYS AT STEINERRANCH UTILITY PROJECTincludes approximately:807LF of 8” gravity wastewatersewer lines with manholesand wastewater appurtenances;a wastewater grinderpump and appurtenances;240LF of 2” wastewater forcemain,cleanouts, valves andassociated appurtenances.All work must conform toState of Texas, City of <strong>Austin</strong>,County of Travis and WaterControl and ImprovementDistrict #17 rules and criteria.Copies of the Plans, Specifications,and Bidding Documentswill be on file at the officeof C Faulkner Engineeringat 400 Bowie Street, Suite250, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78703, wherethey may be examined withoutcharge. Copies may beexamined or obtained fromthe ENGINEER on or after <strong>Aug</strong>ust17, <strong>2006</strong> for a non-refundablefee of $150.00 perset. Checks for Plans andSpecifications, and BiddingDocuments shall be madepayable to C Faulkner Engineering.A Cashier’s Check, CertifiedCheck or acceptable BID-DER’s Bond, payable to S&PVillas, Ltd. in an amount notless than five percent (5%) ofthe Bid must accompanyeach bid as a guarantee that,if awarded the Contract, theBIDDER will enter into a contractand execute bondswithin ten (10) days of awardof the Contract. Performanceand Payment Bonds shallalso be executed on theforms furnished by the OWN-ER and shall specifically providefor “Performance” and for“Labor and Materials Payment”.Each bond shall be issuedin an amount of onehundred percent (100%) ofcontract price by a solventSurety company, authorizedto do business in the State ofTexas and acceptable to theOWNER.<strong>The</strong> OWNER reserves theright to reject any and allbids to waive any and alltechnicalities and formalitiesin bidding. <strong>The</strong> OWNER reservesthe right to determinewhich bids are lowest andbest, and to award the Contracton this basis. No bidmay be withdrawn for a periodof forty-five (45) days afteropening of the bids. If a submittedbid is withdrawn withinsaid period, bid guarantyshall become the property ofthe OWNER, not as penalty,but as liquidated damages,or OWNER may pursue anyother action allowed by law.A mandatory pre-bid conferencewill be held on <strong>Aug</strong>ust24, <strong>2006</strong> at 2:00pm at the officeof C Faulkner Engineeringat 400 Bowie Street, Suite250, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78703. Prospectivebidders are encouragedto visit the site.NOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of UTAH S.GROUND, Deceased, wereissued on July 18, <strong>2006</strong> inCause No. 84991 pending inthe Probate Court No. 1, TravisCounty, Texas, to DONNAGROUND McNATT n/k/aDONNA DE LA TORRE.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate which iscurrently being administeredare required to present themto the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law. DonnaGround McNatt n/k/a DonnaDe La Torre, c/o ELLEN P.STEWART, Attorney at Law,Burns Anderson Jury & Brenner,LLP, 7804 Bell MountainDrive, P. O. Box 26300, Texas78755-6300.DATED the 8th day of <strong>Aug</strong>ust,<strong>2006</strong>.ELLEN P. STEWARTBURNS ANDERSON JURY &BRENNER, L.L.P.Attorneys for EstateState Bar No. 007974997804 Bell Mountain DriveP. O. Box 263001234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxz

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