Aug. 11, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle

Aug. 11, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle Aug. 11, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle
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After all,immediate gratification takestoo long!134 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | AUGUST 11, 2006 | austinchronicle.com1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxz535LOST & FOUNDDOG Waldo’s lost dog.“Jackson” Black Lab mix withwhite on chest, Lost 8/2 inTravis Heights. 512-470-2208LOST DOG Waldo’s lost dog.Black lab mix w/ white spot onchest. “Jackson.” Went missingon 8/2 Travis Heights. 1700Kenwood Ave. 965-3292540VOLUNTEERSBUDDHIST WORKSTUDYPrayer Wheels for World Peace:Berkeley,CA. ResidentialWork/study. room/board (510) 540-7639bobr@nyingma.org545LEGAL NOTICES422970CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 147th District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered 422970,wherein City of Lago Vista,Lago Vista IndependentSchool District, CountyEducation District, TravisCounty and Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 1 are plaintiffs, and DanM. Mitchell, Virgil R. Brawleyand Billy B. Massey (In RemOnly) are defendant(s), infavor of said plaintiffs, for thesum of $23,803.81 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 147thDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on February21, 2003.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 14007, Highland LakeEstates, Section 14, PlatNo. 51/80, described inVolume 8355, Page 176 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $23,803.81 Dollars infavor of plaintiffs, togetherwith the costs of said suit,and the proceeds applied tothe satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NOWARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO, THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS AREFURTHER ADVISED THATPURCHASE OF THEPROPERTY AT THISEXECUTION SALE MAY NOTEXTINGUISH ANY LIENS ORSECURITY INTERESTS ONTHE PROPERTY. YOU ARESIMPLY PURCHASINGWHATEVER INTEREST THEDEBTOR HAS IN THEPROPERTY. IF YOU HAVEANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULTCOUNSEL OF YOURCHOICE.470265CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 147th District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered 470265,wherein City of Austin, AustinCommunity College, AustinIndependent School District,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and Domingo Martinez,City of Austin (In RemOnly), Mary F. Martinez, ifalive and if deceased, theunknown owners, heirs, assignsand successors of theEstate of Mary F. Martinez,United States of America (InRem Only), Texas EmploymentCommission nka TexasWorkforce Commission (InRem Only), Travis County,Pflugerville IndependentSchool District, County EducationDistrict, Lake TravisISD, Travis County ESD No.6, FM Road, Austin ISD, Cityof Austin, Travis County ESDNo. 2 and Austin CommunityCollege (In Rem Only), FirstDeposit National Bank (InRem Only), Texas Higher EducationCoordinating Board(In Rem Only), Ford MotorCredit (In Rem Only), LindaHollers (In Rem Only), Joe E.Missildine as agent for RonaldMissildine (In RemOnly), Comptroller of PublicAccounts (In Rem Only), TrevorNicholas (In Rem Only)and State of Texas/Bond ForfeitureSection (In Rem Only)are defendant(s), in favor ofsaid plaintiffs, for the sum of$11,841.43 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 147th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on October 26, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 4, Block 5, ChernoskySubdivision No. 15, Plat No.5/92 as described in Volume2373, Page 251 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $11,841.43 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.489934CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 53RD District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered 489934,wherein Travis County, LagoVista Independent SchoolDistrict, Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1,City of Lago Vista andCounty Education District areplaintiffs, and MTCH Trust,LLC and Travis County, LagoVista Independent SchoolDistrict, City of Lago Vista,Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 1 andCounty Education District (InRem Only) are defendant(s),in favor of said plaintiffs, forthe sum of $8,520.34 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 53RDDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on May 16,2003.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 34021, Highland LakeEstates, Section 34, PlatNo. 79/139, Travis County,Texas and being more particularlydescribed in documentnumber 2001218778 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $8,520.34 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.93-12184CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 331st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered 93-12184,wherein Travis County, TravisCounty Emergency ServicesDistrict No. 1, City of LagoVista, Lago Vista IndependentSchool District andCounty Education District areplaintiffs, and MaudineBlackburn, if alive and if deceased,the unknown owners,heirs, assigns and successorsof the Estate of MaudineBlackburn aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the followingsums: TRACT ONE: BILLINGNUMBER 52429 = $8,441.41AND TRACT TWO: BILLINGNUMBER 62697 = $6,587.97Dollars, together with allcosts of suit, that being theamount of judgment recoveredby the said plaintiffs, inthe 331st District Court ofTravis County, Texas, onApril 10, 2001.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:TRACT ONE: BILLING NUM-BER 52429Lot 5055, Highland Lake Estates,Section 5, Plat No.51/75 as described in Volume4401, Page 575 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, TexasTRACT TWO: BILLING NUM-BER 62697Lot 2434, Lago Vista Estates,Section 10, Plat No.50/19 as described in Volume4136, Page 451 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor the following sums:TRACT ONE: BILLING NUM-BER 52429 = $8,441.41 ANDTRACT TWO: BILLING NUM-BER 62697 = $6,587.97 Dollarsin favor of plaintiffs, togetherwith the costs of saidsuit, and the proceeds appliedto the satisfaction thereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.AUCTION In accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 59of the Texas Property Code,there being due and unpaidcharges for which the undersignedis entitled to satisfyan owner’s lien of the goodshereinafter described andstored at Econo Self Storage;And, due notice have beengiven, to the owner of saidproperty and all partiesknown to claim an interesttherein, and the time specifiedin such notice for paymentof such having expired,the goods will be sold atpublic auction at the followingaddress to the highestbidder or otherwise disposedof on August 28, 2006 at 10A.M. at 6701 North LamarBlvd., Austin, TX 78752.512.467.2756 Cleanup andremoval deposit may be required.Cash Only. RobinWeir, sewing machine,household items; Cory Hodges,chair, freezer, bed; MargaretBrown, antique furniture,keyboard; VirginiaHardeman, karaoke machine,cat carrier, suitcase; LaurieRuiz, dryer, dolly; MarcusDeroin, tv, clothes; CynthiaParcel, suitcase, clothes;Candy Henry, exercise ball,bike; Marcelo Ritacco, allitems in unit; MargaretBrown, baseball glove, kitchenitems, clothes; MichaelColdwell, very old Pepsi sign,paintings, lamps. ContactEcono Self Storage 6701 N.Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX78752, 512.467.2756.CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCAUSE NO: D-1-GV-04-002839To: GREGORIO JARAMILLODefendant(s), in the hereinafterstyled and numberedcause: YOU (AND EACH OFYOU) HAVE BEEN SUED. Youmay employ an attorney. Ifyou or your attorney do notfile a written answer with theclerk who issued this citationby 10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof 42 days from the date ofissuance hereof, that is tosay at or before 10 o’clockA.M. of Monday AUGUST 21,2006, and answer the ORIG-INAL NOTICE OF SEIZUREAND INTENDED FORFEI-TURE PURSUANT TO TEX.CODE OF CRIM PROC.CHAPTER 59 of Plaintiff(s),filed in the 403RD JUDICIALDISTRICT COURT of TravisCounty, Texas, on JULY 14,2006, a default judgmentmay be taken against you.Said suit being number D-1-GV-04-002839, in which THESTATE OF TEXAS Plaintiff(s),and $2,630.00 U.S. CUR-RENCY; GREGORIO JARA-MILLO Defendant(s), and thenature of which said suit isas follows:ON OR ABOUT THE 11THDAY OF AUGUST 2004, THEAUSTIN POLICE DEPART-MENT, LOCATED AT 715 E.8TH STREET, AUSTIN, TEX-AS, SEIZED THE ABOVECONTRABAND, WHICH WASUSED OR INTENDED TO BEUSED IN THE COMMISSIONOF A FELONY PURSUANTTO ART. 59.01 OF TEX.CODE CRIM. PROC.ALL OF WHICH MORE FUL-LY APPEARS FROM PLAIN-TIFF’S ORIGINAL NOTICE OFSEIZURE & INTENDED FOR-FEITURE PURSUANT TOTEX. CODE OF CRIM. PROC.CHAPTER 59 ON FILE INTHIS OFFICE, AND WHICHREFERENCE IS HERE MADEFOR ALL INTENTS ANDPURPOSES.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of saidcourt at Austin, Texas, July14, 2006.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 GuadalupeP.O. Box 679003 (78767)Austin, Texas 78701By /s/ Marchelle Dukes, DeputyREQUESTED BY:ROBERT SMITHP.O. BOX 1748AUSTIN, TX 78767(512)854-9400Graham BarnesDistilling, BruceGraham, President,DanielBarnes, Vice President,DBA GrahamBarnes Distilling isMaking Applicationwith the Texas AlcoholicBeverageCommission forboth a Distillersand Rectifier’sPermit and a PrivateCarrier’s PermitOn the Addressof 10109 McKallaPlace Suite 9, Austin,Travis County, Texas.GV-102926CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-102926,wherein Lago Vista IndependentSchool District, Tra-vis County and Travis CountyEmergency Services DistrictNo. 1 are plaintiffs, and AnneJ. Olsen, if alive and if deceased,the unknown owners,heirs, assigns and successorsof the Estate of AnneJ. Olsen, Brian K. Berg andFarhad Khorshahian (In RemOnly) are defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for thesum of $13,259.91 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 201stDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on October26, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 44, Block C, LakeviewHills, Section 1, Plat No.57/70 as described in Volume12372, Page 1917 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $13,259.91 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-103474CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 98th District Court of TravisCounty, on the 19th dayof July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-103474,wherein Austin CommunityCollege, Austin IndependentSchool District, City of Austin,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and John Williamsaka John E. Williams, RuthWilliams, If alive and if deceased,the unknown owners,heirs, assigns and successorsof the Estate of JohnWilliams aka John E. Williamsand Ruth Williams, JoAnnMcFadden (In Rem Only),City of Austin (In Rem Only),Texas Higher EducationBoard (In Rem Only), K.A.Slider dba Treetops Apts. (InRem Only), Texas EmploymentCommission nka TexasWorkforce Commission (InRem Only), Circle Supply (InRem Only), Austin Sales, Inc.dba Austin Sales and Scaffold(In Rem Only) and UnitedStates of America (In RemOnly) are defendant(s), in favorof said plaintiffs, for thesum of $11,469.62 Dollars,together with all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 98thDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on November10, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,

at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 34, Block 8, ChernoskySubdivision No. 16, Plat No.5/97 as described in Volume3910, Page 1511 of thedeed record s of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $11,469.62 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-203399CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 345th District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-203399,wherein Austin IndependentSchool District, Austin CommunityCollege, City of Austin,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and Mary JaneRomo aka Mary Jane Marreroand David Romo aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$3,328.81 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 345th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on May 11, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 5, Block 6, Brooksdale,Plat No. 5/46 as describedin Volume 12198, Page 552and Cause No. 9904230 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $3,328.81 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-203663CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-203663,wherein Austin CommunityCollege, Manor ISD, TravisCounty, Travis County ESDNo. 12 and Travis CountyHospital District are plaintiffs,and Elsie Miller, if alive and ifdeceased, the unknown owners,assigns, successors andheirs of the Estate of ElsieMiller, George P. Morgan,Royzene Carol Walls akaCarol Royzen Walls and VonDell Byrd are defendant(s), infavor of said plaintiffs, for thesum of $5,330.17 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 201stDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on December14, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 9, Block H, KingsberyPark, Section 2, Plat No.37/9 as described in Volume5863, Page 1958, Volume6774, Page 1159 andProbate Cause No. 72,034of the deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $5,330.17 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-302633CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 53rd District Court of TravisCounty, on the 19th dayof July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-302633,wherein Austin IndependentSchool District, Austin CommunityCollege, City of Austin,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and Manuela Garciaand Martin Garcia, if aliveand if deceased, the unknownowners, heirs, assignsand successors of the Estateof Manuela Garcia and MartinGarcia, Austin IndependentSchool District, Austin CommunityCollege, City of Austin,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District (InRem Only) are defendant(s),in favor of said plaintiffs, forthe sum of $17,184.49 Dollars,together with all costs ofsuit, that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 53rdDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on November16, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 3, Block 3, T. BurnsSubdivision (Olt. 22, Div. O),Plat No. 1/57 as describedin Volume 3821, Page 623of the deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $17,184.49 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-303998CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 261st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-303998,wherein City of Austin, PflugervilleIndependent SchoolDistrict, Travis County andTravis County Hospital Districtare plaintiffs, and AustinContinental Lot, LLC & dbaAustin Continental Lot Partnership,Ltd. aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$6,023.74 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 261st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on May 3, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 37, Block GG, ScofieldFarms, Phase 10, Section 1,Plat No. 101/375 as describedin document number2000140249 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $6,023.74 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-304092CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 261st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-304092,wherein Del Valle IndependentSchool District, TravisCounty, Travis County EmergencyServices District No.11 and Travis County HospitalDistrict are plaintiffs, andLee H. McIntosh, Earl Findling(In Rem Only) and JamilBoukarim (In Rem Only)are defendant(s), in favor ofsaid plaintiffs, for the sum of$7,194.48 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 261st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on May 18, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 372-3, Swiss Alpine Village,Section 2, Plat No.55/9 as described in Volume12291, Page 572 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $7,194.48 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-402167CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXES1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxzBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, 2006 in a certaincause numbered GV-402167,wherein Austin IndependentSchool District, Austin CommunityCollege, County EducationDistrict, City of Austin,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and Realty Allianceof Texas, Ltd., if active and ifinactive, the unknown officers,directors, shareholdersand owners of Realty Allianceof Texas, Ltd., City ofAustin (In Rem Only) andTravis County, NWT CountyMUD 2, Travis County ESDNo. 4 (In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$4,074.10 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on July 25, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,2006, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,2006, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of Austin, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyNo. 85118IN THE MATTER OF THEESTATE OF TOMMIE C.ROE, DECEASEDIN THE COUNTY COURT INAND FOR TRAVIS COUNTY,TEXASNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatLetters of Independent Administrationfor the Estate ofTOMMIE C. ROE, Deceased,were issued on July 31,2006, in Docket No. 85118,pending in the County Courtof Travis County, Texas, toCLARECIA JACKSON andBENNY L. ROE, IndependentCo-Executors. The address ofrecord for the Estate is CLA-RECIA JACKSON and BEN-NY L. ROE, Independent Coofdefendants, to-wit:Lot 7, North Hampton PlaceNo. 85/5D as described inVolume 10653, Page 422 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,074.10 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, 2006.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU NEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.LEGAL NOTICESTHE AUSTIN CHRONICLEaccepts LEGAL NOTICES atthe low rate of $21 percolumn inch.Notarized affidavits ofpublication and auditedcirculation statements areprovided upon request.Call Jessica @ 512-454-5765ext. 168 for more info.Executors, c/o Donald E.Jackson, Attorney-at-Law,P. O. Box 167, Amarillo, Texas79105.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate are requiredto present their claimswithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED the 7th day of August,2006.CLARECIA JACKSON,Independent Co-ExecutorBENNY L. ROE,Independent Co-ExecutorNOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off unlesscharges are satisfiedwithin 10 days.1)OWNER: JESSICA GOMEZ1994 OLDSMOBILE CUT-LASSVIN: 1G3WH55M6RD376199LP: T78BBG2)OWNER: ABEL GARCIA1981 CHEVROLETVIN: 1GBGC34M5BZ117998LP: 2BDB183)OWNER: KAREN ANDER-SON1994 DODGE GRAND CAR-AVANVIN: 1B4GH443XRX350434 | AUGUST 11, 2006 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 135

at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 34, Block 8, ChernoskySubdivision No. 16, Plat No.5/97 as described in Volume3910, Page 15<strong>11</strong> of thedeed record s of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $<strong>11</strong>,469.62 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, <strong>2006</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-203399CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 345th District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, <strong>2006</strong> in a certaincause numbered GV-203399,wherein <strong>Austin</strong> IndependentSchool District, <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege, City of <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and Mary JaneRomo aka Mary Jane Marreroand David Romo aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$3,328.81 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 345th DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on May <strong>11</strong>, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,<strong>2006</strong>, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,<strong>2006</strong>, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 5, Block 6, Brooksdale,Plat No. 5/46 as describedin Volume 12198, Page 552and Cause No. 9904230 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $3,328.81 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, <strong>2006</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-203663CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, <strong>2006</strong> in a certaincause numbered GV-203663,wherein <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege, Manor ISD, TravisCounty, Travis County ESDNo. 12 and Travis CountyHospital District are plaintiffs,and Elsie Miller, if alive and ifdeceased, the unknown owners,assigns, successors andheirs of the Estate of ElsieMiller, George P. Morgan,Royzene Carol Walls akaCarol Royzen Walls and VonDell Byrd are defendant(s), infavor of said plaintiffs, for thesum of $5,330.17 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit,that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 201stDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on December14, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,<strong>2006</strong>, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,<strong>2006</strong>, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 9, Block H, KingsberyPark, Section 2, Plat No.37/9 as described in Volume5863, Page 1958, Volume6774, Page <strong>11</strong>59 andProbate Cause No. 72,034of the deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $5,330.17 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, <strong>2006</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-302633CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 53rd District Court of TravisCounty, on the 19th dayof July, <strong>2006</strong> in a certaincause numbered GV-302633,wherein <strong>Austin</strong> IndependentSchool District, <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege, City of <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and Manuela Garciaand Martin Garcia, if aliveand if deceased, the unknownowners, heirs, assignsand successors of the Estateof Manuela Garcia and MartinGarcia, <strong>Austin</strong> IndependentSchool District, <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege, City of <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District (InRem Only) are defendant(s),in favor of said plaintiffs, forthe sum of $17,184.49 Dollars,together with all costs ofsuit, that being the amount ofjudgment recovered by thesaid plaintiffs, in the 53rdDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on November16, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,<strong>2006</strong>, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,<strong>2006</strong>, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 3, Block 3, T. BurnsSubdivision (Olt. 22, Div. O),Plat No. 1/57 as describedin Volume 3821, Page 623of the deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $17,184.49 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together withthe costs of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, <strong>2006</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-303998CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 261st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, <strong>2006</strong> in a certaincause numbered GV-303998,wherein City of <strong>Austin</strong>, PflugervilleIndependent SchoolDistrict, Travis County andTravis County Hospital Districtare plaintiffs, and <strong>Austin</strong>Continental Lot, LLC & dba<strong>Austin</strong> Continental Lot Partnership,Ltd. aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$6,023.74 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 261st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on May 3, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,<strong>2006</strong>, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,<strong>2006</strong>, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 37, Block GG, ScofieldFarms, Phase 10, Section 1,Plat No. 101/375 as describedin document number2000140249 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $6,023.74 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, <strong>2006</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-304092CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 261st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, <strong>2006</strong> in a certaincause numbered GV-304092,wherein Del Valle IndependentSchool District, TravisCounty, Travis County EmergencyServices District No.<strong>11</strong> and Travis County HospitalDistrict are plaintiffs, andLee H. McIntosh, Earl Findling(In Rem Only) and JamilBoukarim (In Rem Only)are defendant(s), in favor ofsaid plaintiffs, for the sum of$7,194.48 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 261st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on May 18, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,<strong>2006</strong>, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,<strong>2006</strong>, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyof defendants, to-wit:Lot 372-3, Swiss Alpine Village,Section 2, Plat No.55/9 as described in Volume12291, Page 572 of thedeed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $7,194.48 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, <strong>2006</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.GV-402167CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTYDELINQUENT TAXES1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxzBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 201st District Court ofTravis County, on the 19thday of July, <strong>2006</strong> in a certaincause numbered GV-402167,wherein <strong>Austin</strong> IndependentSchool District, <strong>Austin</strong> CommunityCollege, County EducationDistrict, City of <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis County and TravisCounty Hospital District areplaintiffs, and Realty Allianceof Texas, Ltd., if active and ifinactive, the unknown officers,directors, shareholdersand owners of Realty Allianceof Texas, Ltd., City of<strong>Austin</strong> (In Rem Only) andTravis County, NWT CountyMUD 2, Travis County ESDNo. 4 (In Rem Only) aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the sum of$4,074.10 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 201st DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on July 25, 2005.I, on the 25th day of July,<strong>2006</strong>, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 5th day of September,<strong>2006</strong>, at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M.,at 1000 Guadalupe in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, within legalhours, proceed to sell forcash to the highest bidder,all the rights, title and interestof defendants in and to thefollowing described property,levied upon as the propertyNo. 85<strong>11</strong>8IN THE MATTER OF THEESTATE OF TOMMIE C.ROE, DECEASEDIN THE COUNTY COURT INAND FOR TRAVIS COUNTY,TEXASNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatLetters of Independent Administrationfor the Estate ofTOMMIE C. ROE, Deceased,were issued on July 31,<strong>2006</strong>, in Docket No. 85<strong>11</strong>8,pending in the County Courtof Travis County, Texas, toCLARECIA JACKSON andBENNY L. ROE, IndependentCo-Executors. <strong>The</strong> address ofrecord for the Estate is CLA-RECIA JACKSON and BEN-NY L. ROE, Independent Coofdefendants, to-wit:Lot 7, North Hampton PlaceNo. 85/5D as described inVolume 10653, Page 422 ofthe deed records of TravisCounty, Texas.THE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor $4,074.10 Dollars in favorof plaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 26thday of July, <strong>2006</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ Joe Rosser DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU NEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.LEGAL NOTICESTHE AUSTIN CHRONICLEaccepts LEGAL NOTICES atthe low rate of $21 percolumn inch.Notarized affidavits ofpublication and auditedcirculation statements areprovided upon request.Call Jessica @ 512-454-5765ext. 168 for more info.Executors, c/o Donald E.Jackson, Attorney-at-Law,P. O. Box 167, Amarillo, Texas79105.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate are requiredto present their claimswithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED the 7th day of <strong>Aug</strong>ust,<strong>2006</strong>.CLARECIA JACKSON,Independent Co-ExecutorBENNY L. ROE,Independent Co-ExecutorNOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off unlesscharges are satisfiedwithin 10 days.1)OWNER: JESSICA GOMEZ1994 OLDSMOBILE CUT-LASSVIN: 1G3WH55M6RD376199LP: T78BBG2)OWNER: ABEL GARCIA1981 CHEVROLETVIN: 1GBGC34M5BZ<strong>11</strong>7998LP: 2BDB183)OWNER: KAREN ANDER-SON1994 DODGE GRAND CAR-AVANVIN: 1B4GH443XRX350434 | AUGUST <strong>11</strong>, <strong>2006</strong> | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 135

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