Man stabbed in street attack - Champion Newspapers

Man stabbed in street attack - Champion Newspapers

Man stabbed in street attack - Champion Newspapers


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The <strong>Champion</strong> • Wednesday 18 December 2013Men urged tolook out fortheir mates at‘high pressure’festive periodReport by Ollie CowanMEN <strong>in</strong> Sefton are be<strong>in</strong>g urged tolook out for their mates andthemselves over the festiveperiod, after there was a massive20% <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> calls to a helpl<strong>in</strong>e<strong>in</strong> November and December lastyear.THE Campaign Aga<strong>in</strong>st Liv<strong>in</strong>gMiserably (CALM) charity, whichis highly active <strong>in</strong> Merseyside, has<strong>in</strong>creased its work <strong>in</strong> Sefton overthe past 16 months because of arise <strong>in</strong> suicide rates among menaged over 35.CALM’s <strong>Man</strong> Down campaign,which was launched <strong>in</strong> Augustlast year, sets out to assure men <strong>in</strong>the area that it is OK for them toopen up if they feel under stressor unhappy.It has resulted <strong>in</strong> a 467%<strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> calls to the CALMhelpl<strong>in</strong>e from men <strong>in</strong> the Seftonarea.Simon Howes, CALM campaignco–ord<strong>in</strong>ator, said: “We aredelighted that the <strong>Man</strong> Downcampaign has hit home with somany blokes across Sefton so farand they are realis<strong>in</strong>g that it is OKto talk to someone about theissues that are worry<strong>in</strong>g them orgett<strong>in</strong>g them down.“In the first month of thecampaign we had more than 300men contact our free andconfidential helpl<strong>in</strong>e whichshows us that there is a real needPlea followshuge leap <strong>in</strong>calls last year tocharity helpl<strong>in</strong>efor support. S<strong>in</strong>ce then, we’vehad thousands of calls from mendeal<strong>in</strong>g with a range of issuessuch as anger management, thebreakdown of a relationship,car<strong>in</strong>g for a sick loved one or theafter–affects of redundancy.”CALM has taken its message towhere men are such as gyms,runn<strong>in</strong>g groups, sports clubs,fish<strong>in</strong>g clubs, music venues, pubs,bars and social clubs acrossSefton.Mr Howes: “We know from ourwork last year that Christmas is apressure po<strong>in</strong>t for men.“It doesn’t help that often themedia portrays us blokes as be<strong>in</strong>gnot much use this time of year.“Men also don’t tend to havemany support networks <strong>in</strong> theirlives which can make Christmaseven harder to deal with.“We want to get across thatbe<strong>in</strong>g silent isn’t be<strong>in</strong>g strongand there is help out there if menneed it.”CALM offers advice to anyone.Its phone l<strong>in</strong>e seven days a weekbetween 5pm and midnight, aswell as a website full of advice.STARS tw<strong>in</strong>kled andangels gatheredover Bishop DavidSheppard PrimarySchool onDevonshire Road <strong>in</strong>Southport this weekas childrenenterta<strong>in</strong>ed theirparents at theannual Nativityplay.A spokesperson forthe school said:“The FoundationStage nativity is aspecial one for manyparents, hold<strong>in</strong>gmany fondmemories of theirchildren’s firstperformance.“It was wonderful.Our children learntabout the story ofChristmas andshared this messagewith the manyfamilies and friendsthat attended theirstunn<strong>in</strong>gperformances.”SFVisit us @ www.ChampNews.com • 9School’s pride at ‘stunn<strong>in</strong>g’ Nativity performanceCambridge Park FC to hold reunionA REUNION will be held for theformer players of CambridgePark FC on January 17 at theHesketh Social Club.Start<strong>in</strong>g at 7pm former playerswill be able to meet and swapstories about the club thatstarted all the way back <strong>in</strong>1967.The club, which played atEmmanuel Road <strong>in</strong> the Juniorleague and then <strong>in</strong> the Sunday(and briefly Saturday) DistrictLeague.Although a young team, theyhad an average age of just 18when they played <strong>in</strong> 1968, theywere successful <strong>in</strong> local leaguesand cup competitions.Several players also went ontohave extended trials withfootball league clubs andTommy Cheetham and AlanAlty had successful spells atSouthport. Sadly the clubfolded <strong>in</strong> 1971.The decision to stage areunion was held after formerplayers met at Alan Alty’sfuneral.1125259STROKE REHABILITATIONAt home or <strong>in</strong> our rehabilitation centreCall for a FREE verbal consultationTel: 01695 574 317www.burscoughneurophysio.co.uk10 Hattersley Court, Burscough Road, Ormskirk, L39 2AY1101857

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