The Bulletin - June 2011 (v2) - ARRC - Nato

The Bulletin - June 2011 (v2) - ARRC - Nato

The Bulletin - June 2011 (v2) - ARRC - Nato


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• An Afghan National Army soldier stands guard the governor’scompound in Khost.• MC1 Dan Gay USNavy takes cover fromthe sand in the RedDesert, during atraining exercise withthe Afghan nationalcivil order police(ANCOP) and the USPathfinders from 101stAviation Regiment,based in Kandahar.• An Afghan National policeman stands by during a meeting inKhost province during May <strong>2011</strong>. <strong>The</strong> ANP are working with theAfghan government and coalition forces to continue their effortsto provide security and stability to the people of Afghanistan.• A US Signaller provides communications and overwatch forANCOP and Pathfinders during a training mission in the RedDesert north west of Kandahar.• A Blackhawk flies in to pick up ANCOP and Pathfinders after an airassault training mission. <strong>The</strong> training consisted of air assaults fromBlackhawk helicopters, and to proceed to attack a designated target.• ANCOP and US Pathfinders patrol in a partnership ready toassault a position during a training mission. Once operational, thishighly trained joint team will be patrolling together throughoutthe Kandahar region.July and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 5

HQ <strong>ARRC</strong> completes final preparationsfor deployment to AfghanistanBy Major Graeme Hood Public Affairs OfficeAs part of their pre-operational training, a number ofHQ <strong>ARRC</strong>, 1 (UK) Signals Brigade and <strong>ARRC</strong> SupportBattalion personnel deployed to Rogiet Moor Rangesnear Caerwent in Monmouthshire, South Wales. Inthis picturesque (and surprisingly sunny) locationoverlooking the Severn Estuary, officers and soldiersspent two days being put through their paces on avariety of tests designed to ensure that personnel areup to the standards required to deploy intooperational theatres.can quickly react to enemy action and then effectively return firefrom different positions out to a range of 300m (which is equivalentto the length of 3 football pitches). On a separate range complexback at Imjin Barracks, personnel were tested on their close quartershooting skills using the service issue 9mm pistol.First aid procedures in the Army are known as Battlefield CasualtyDrills. <strong>The</strong>se are the actions taken in operational theatresimmediately after an injury, in order to save the life of a casualty,prevent further injury or to ease later treatment. <strong>The</strong> testing atRogiet Moor ensured that officers and soldiers had the necessaryknowledge and skills to ensure their comrades’ survival. During thetest, personnel were confronted with a resuscitation mannequinwhose “life” they had to save in a variety of situations. <strong>The</strong> resultscaused much amusement to the watching training staff as officerstried in vain to speak to the doll and ask it questions in theirattempts to deliver treatment.<strong>The</strong> training covered a variety of practical disciplines including RifleMarksmanship, first aid and protection against Chemical, Nuclearand Biological attack. In concert with these practical elementsthere were lectures to train personnel on compliance with theLaws of Armed Conflict and their duties under Equality andDiversity legislation.Rifle marksmanship was the centrepiece of the training camp. Herefacing out towards the sea, personnel using the SA80-A2 5.56mmrifle were tested on their expertise in weapon safety and then theirskills in firing at different sizes of targets representing standing orkneeling enemy figures. This test is designed to ensure that a soldier<strong>The</strong> training task least enjoyed was that which tested individualskills in Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear survivaltechniques. For this test the training staff had constructed amakeshift test chamber which was then filled with CS gas. Thisensured that personnel carried out all their drills correctly; thosewho did not were quickly given away by the coughing andspluttering that accompanied their exit from the chamber!This was a well-run training camp that provided staff with the skillsthat they will need when they deploy to Afghanistan. Additionally,it provided an escape from the normal routine of office duties, anddespite it taking place in Wales it did not rain.6 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>• Soldiers undergoing first aid training

Exercise UNIFIED ENDEAVOURBy Capt Dirk Mathes: HQ <strong>ARRC</strong> Public Affairs OfficeMore than one hundred personnel from themultinational Headquarters Allied Rapid ReactionCorps (<strong>ARRC</strong>) based in Innsworth took part in theExercise UNIFIED ENDEAVOUR from the 4th of <strong>June</strong> tothe 24th of <strong>June</strong> in an army camp south of Seattle,USA. Surrounded by the impressive scenery of MountRainier and the beautiful coastline of the Olympicnational park, the US 1st Corps hosted <strong>ARRC</strong>personnel during a three week exercise at theirhome base of Fort Lewis-McChord in Tacoma.<strong>The</strong> exercise was the final stage in the pre-deployment activities for<strong>ARRC</strong> group personnel deploying on our second rotation out toAfghanistan. <strong>The</strong> aim of the exercise was to prepare personnel fordeployment to Headquarters (HQ) International Joint Command(IJC) in Afghanistan from mid July for up to 6 months. <strong>The</strong> mainstructures and daily tasks of HQ IJC were simulated across hundredsof computers and global internet links to help educate and trainpersonnel on the roles they would be expected to perform in Kabul.Having participated in combat alongside British and Commonwealthforces in New Guinea in 1942, during the Korean War and in Iraq,I Corps is no stranger to the British Army and multinational operationsso will no doubt be an excellent host for multinational <strong>ARRC</strong> personnelwhen they all deploy to Kabul in the near future.During nearly three weeks of training in the USA, procedures wererefined and everybody had an opportunity to meet and work withthe new colleagues that they will work alongside during their sixmonth deployment to Kabul.American commander, Lieutenant-General Curtis Scaparrotti said:“Unified Endeavour is the capstone exercise that will prepare us forour deployment to Afghanistan. It provides us with an outstandingopportunity to build and train our team.”Two thousand personnel from 21 allied nations participated in theexercise. <strong>The</strong>y were linked by satellite communications from FortLewis-McChord on the US west coast to five separate locations,including the east coast of the US and across 10 time zones andnearly 5000 miles to participants in Poland. Coordinating this hugeexercise was vital, as was keeping it as realistic as possible. This wasdone via several daily video conferences across the globe and throughcontinuous on-line discussions between troops stationed all overthe world.Open Monday to Friday7.30am to 6pmHigh Quality Care and Educationfor 0-11 year oldsFull and Part Time NurseryFree places for 3 & 4 year oldsBreakfast, After-School and Holiday ClubBaby Sitting and Mobile Crèche ServiceOpen to allMilitary and Sibling discounts availableBased at Imjin Barracks, InnsworthJuly and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 7

Korean Television VisitsImjin Barracks• <strong>The</strong> team from Korean Broadcasting SystemDuring May, HQ <strong>ARRC</strong> received a request from a Korean TelevisionCompany for permission to film at Imjin Barracks as part of adocumentary about the legendary action from which the Barrackstakes its name. This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the Battleon Imjin River, Korea where the Glorious Glosters fought withdistinction and pride. <strong>The</strong> Korean Broadcasting System wereproducing a documentary about the Battle of Imjin for their homecounty. As part of their visit to Gloucester they wished to visit thebarracks and interview modern day commanders on what the Battlemeans today. Colonel Hugh Bodington, HQ <strong>ARRC</strong> Rear party Chief ofStaff, explained that British Army barracks are traditionally namedafter people or Battle honours and thus it was apposite to namea new army camp in Gloucester after a significant battle honourgained by the local Regiment.To the <strong>ARRC</strong>, the Korean campaign is still very significant because,like the Allied forces in Korea, this is a Multi National organisation.Additionally many of the nations that took part in the Koreancampaign are represented in HQ and are once again joined in armsunder a UN mandate, this time in Afghanistan.<strong>The</strong> film crew were particularly awed by the 8 Pounder artillerypiece that stands as our Gate Guardian. Although this piece did notactually take part in the Korean War, it is the same type of Gun asthose used by Imjin Battery Royal Artillery during the Battle of Imjin.<strong>The</strong> visit was a great success and gave the HQ an opportunity tohighlight our links to Gloucestershire and play a part in preservinga piece of local military history.GloucestershireMuscular DystrophyCampaign visits the<strong>ARRC</strong> Support Battalion<strong>The</strong> <strong>ARRC</strong> Support Battalion laid on a fantastic display for a group ofvery special visitors from the Gloucestershire branch of the MuscularDystrophy campaign. Hosted by Regimental Sergeant Major WO1Norman, a group of children and their carers were treated to a lineup of vehicles, weapons and equipment operated by the SupportBattalion. To the accompaniment of truck horns and ambulancesirens, the children clambered over the vehicles and watched inamazement as the Battalion’s soldiers demonstrated the capabilitiesof the machinery on display. <strong>The</strong> children were then given a tour ofa Bunker and guard post specially set up for the visit. Here they wereintroduced to some high tech communications equipment and hadthe opportunity to quiz soldiers on the weaponry held in theBattalion’s arsenal.• Luke Griffin being shown the SA80 Carbine by Sgt Kevin JonesAGC (SPS)Once all the equipment had passed muster the children zoomedtowards a final presentation. <strong>The</strong> Battalion’s chefs had laid out a teaparty fit for a General, the tea and cakes from the catering teamwere clearly a great hit as they soon disappeared. All too soon it wastime to go, after some warm farewells the visitors made their way towaiting cars and were on their way home.As they left the display, the smiles on the children’s faces said it all.A great day out for all concerned, and an opportunity for the <strong>ARRC</strong>Support Battalion to make new friends.• Interview with ColonelHugh Bodington• Luke and Lisa Griffin practice their TV skills with the Public AffairsCamera team8 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>

News from the <strong>ARRC</strong>Support BattalionBy Major “Mac” McFarlane Second in Command <strong>ARRC</strong> Support Battalion• Support Battalion Command Team.L–R Major “Mac” McFarlane RLC (2iC), WO1 (RSM) Norman RLC. Lt Col Simon Butt MERCIAN (Commanding Officer).Since the last <strong>Bulletin</strong>, the Support Battalion has bida fond farewell to the pioneers and drivers from 170Pioneer and 14 Transport Squadrons who have beendetached to 3 SCOTS in Inverness and 2 MERCIAN inNorthern Ireland. <strong>The</strong>se fine young men and one fineyoung woman are now firmly embedded with theirhost Battalions and training hard for operations inAfghanistan later this year.For the remainder of the Battalion, the last few months have been aperiod of consolidation (finally!) in our new home of Imjin Barracks,with the focus on preparation for this year’s gruelling round ofmandatory inspections. Results have so far been very favourableand the long hours and hard work, by many of our people (with theunavoidable burden on their loved ones), whilst unwelcome, hascertainly paid off.Thoughts are now very firmly turning to preparing the BattalionHQ and another 50 personnel from across the Battalion for adeployment to Afghanistan in August. <strong>The</strong> task, on this occasion,is the co-ordination of the reception and training of up to 10,000personnel from all 3 services on their arrival in Camp Bastion toensure they are ready to start operations in Helmand. This task isforecast to last for 4 months, so it is hoped to have this group ofpersonnel back home well before Christmas. Finally on theoperational front, early preparations are underway for theBattalion’s third and final Op HERRICK 15 task; which is runningthe ‘De-compression’ programme. Around 60 of our personnelwill deploy to Cyprus in February for 3 months to facilitate themandatory 24 hour period of rest and relaxation that all personnelundergo to ease their return from operations in Afghanistan.That all said, it has not all been about working hard and preparingfor operations. Some notable successes have been enjoyed on thesporting front with our Boxing, Athletics, Football and EquestrianTeams all faring very well in their respective competitions. <strong>The</strong>Cricket Team is now up and running and our soldiers have enjoyedparticipation in a wide number of other activities ranging from ClayPigeon Shooting to National Rally Events.Finally, our links with the local community grow stronger by the day.At Half Term, Sgt McNaught arranged a very successful programmeof Mini-Rugby which was laid on by Gloucester Rugby’s CommunityTeam and this is due to be repeated in the Summer. Last month, theBattalion hosted the local Branch of the Muscular Dystrophy Societyand we have supported local School Fetes and assisted with RoyalWedding Street parties.Busy, but rewarding times.July and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 9

Joint Service Signal Unit(Cheltenham) – Bravo troopBy Capt Mark PaveleyFirst a quick word on who we are. We are a mixtureof R SIGNALS and RAF personnel, predominantlycommunication system engineers. Throw in a healthydose of the gladiator trades of suppliers, generatorspecialists, one mover, one installation tech and anaerial erector and you get the whole-heartedengineering wonder that is Bravo Troop. Our mainroles are to support enduring overseas operationsand a multitude of UK tasks. <strong>The</strong> variety of workmakes for an incredibly interesting duty, full ofbespoke and unique equipment. Luckily much ofthe equipment can be readily compared to thatelsewhere in the R SIGNALS and RAF.Bravo Troop currently has 12 personnel deployed in support ofoperations within Afghanistan, these posts are permanent withpersonnel being replaced every 4 months from within the Troop.<strong>The</strong> technicians maintain and repair various communicationsequipment as well as maintaining environmental conditioningunits, power solutions and any other pieces of kit that allow thedetachment to remain operational.On operations personnel are generally accommodated in aDeployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH) tents that will sleepup to 10 personnel, although it can be a tight squeeze with all theirpersonal equipment, TV’s, play-stations and double beds!!In all cases the Bravo Troop technician is responsible for providingfirst line support and is monitoring millions of pounds worth ofextremely sophisticated equipment, sometimes in incredibly remote• Personnel White water rafting on the River Trywerynlocations. Thankfully it’s a challenge which keeps our technicians ontheir toes and provides the opportunity to experience a uniqueoperational tour.As the pictures show we have been busy even when not onoperations. Over the past few months we have conducted a varietyof training, personal development exercises and charity fundraisingin support of Help for Heroes and the Gloucestershire Air Ambulance.• Personnel build a satellite dish in Afghanistan• H4H road trip at the Selvino Pass10 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>

Innsworth Station Summer FamiliesFete Saturday 6th AugustIt’s finally here ladies and gentlemen. <strong>The</strong> Innsworthsummer fete will provide an afternoon of entertainmentfor all ages at an excellent price. <strong>The</strong> event is beingheld on the barracks just in front of the briefing centre.So, what is on offer?You and your children will be entertainment by funfair rides,trampolines, a 60ft bouncy assault course, face painting, magiciansand much much more. <strong>The</strong> best bit is that all of this and a fantasticBBQ is included in your ticket price. That’s right for the amazingprice of just £4 per adult and £2.50 for 3–15 year olds you get all thisentertainment where all the rides are free all afternoon. <strong>The</strong>re willalso be a wide variety of stalls selling beautiful local crafts, thirstquenching bar and of course the children favourite an ice cream stall.So what are you waiting for? Tickets are on sale now at the WelfareOffice and are selling like hot cakes. For more information popround to the welfare office or phone on 01452 730309 oremail: owscevents@hotmail.co.ukFollow us on Facebook and <strong>ARRC</strong> Net.July and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 11

In and around the Forest Of DeanClearwell Caves, Colefordwww.clearwellcaves.com/index.html01594 832535Clearwell caves is an extensive natural cave system, mined foriron ore to make some of Britain’s most complex and oldest mineworkings; dating back well over 4,500 years, when Neolithic minersdug for ochre pigment. <strong>The</strong> atmospheric and ancient caverns havehosted the making of many films and television programmes suchas Dr Who and Merlin. Once you have explored the caves, why notvisit the working blacksmith shop, ochre workshop, children’s playarea, gift shop or take a break in the Great Café.Tintern Abbey, Nr Chepstowwww.castlewales.com/tintern.html<strong>The</strong> Cistercian abbey of Tintern is one of the greatest monastic ruinsof Wales. It was only the second Cistercian foundation in Britain, andthe first in Wales, and was founded on 9 May 1131 by Walter de Clare.Tintern was always closely associated with the lords of Chepstow,who were often generous benefactors. <strong>The</strong> most generous wasRoger Bigod III, grandson of Marshal’s daughter Maud; his monumentalundertaking was the rebuilding of the church in the late 13th century.In gratitude the abbey put his coat of arms in the glass of its eastwindow. It is the ruins of Roger’s church which dominate the site today.Go Ape, Forest of Deanwww.goape.co.uk/sites/forest-of-dean0845 6439215It’s time to grab life by the ropes and jump! Go Ape Forest of Deangives you the opportunity to break out the confines of sensibleBritain and start living life a little more adventurously. Enjoy asmattering of high-wires, Tarzan swings and zip wires and live life toits fullest. Explore the Forest of Dean – <strong>The</strong>re are some spectacularviews from the tree-tops on the Go Ape course but equally it’s alsoa great area to discover on foot or bike.• Cannop PondsPuzzlewood, Colefordwww.puzzlewood.net/index.htm01594 833187• Tintern AbbeyPuzzlewood is a unique and enchanting place, located in thebeautiful and historic Forest of Dean. Explore a mile of meanderingpathways, with its fantastic tree and rock formations, through this14 acre ancient woodland. It has an atmosphere quite unlike anyother wood you have visited. JRR Tolkien is reputed to have takenhis inspiration for the fabled forests of Middle Earth fromPuzzlewood, and it’s easy to see why.As well as the woods we have pony rides, lots of animals, a willowmaze, an indoor maze, an outdoor playground, plenty of picnicbenches, a cafe and gift shop with lots of local crafts. Puzzlewood isused regularly as a filming location and received fantastic reviewsfrom various publications.• Tintern Abbey• Forest viewDean Forest Railwaywww.deanforestrailway.co.uk01594 843423Remember those relaxing days of yore… when travel on trains wasfull of fun and excitement. Cosy compartment coaches, milk churnsand mail bags, porters, flowers and fresh air at the country station.A distant whistle and then the sight, sound and smell of the steamengine… A cup of railway tea and a sandwich… and then you seehim, Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends who are regular visitors!12 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>

SSAFA COMMUNITYVOLUNTEERS NEEDEDONE DAY’S SERVICE, A LIFETIME OF SUPPORTDo you have a few hours to give to volunteer onbehalf of your local serving community?Do you have a few hours to give to volunteeron behalf of your local serving community?In return we will offer you the opportunity to:meet new peoplemake new friendslearn new skillsreceive free trainingenhance your CVexperience personal achievementhave funhave all expenses paid<strong>The</strong> bedrock of our help to the local servingcommunity are our Community Volunteers whooffer low key practical support to serving peopleand their families.We are developing a community volunteer projectand need committed volunteers to join us!If you feel that you have the time to commit tothis very valuable community resource, you canhelp us in any other capacity or you simplywould like to know more about SSAFA ForcesHelp, please contact -Andrea Burnet - Volunteer DevelopmentManager on : 07827 822510or email: andrea.b@ssafa.org.uk<strong>The</strong> Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen andFamilies Association – Forces Helpwww.ssafa.org.ukRegistered Charity No. 210760 Est. 1885, Registered Charity (Scotland) No. SC038056July and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 13

Community beat officers forservice family accommodationImjin BarracksWhat are they?A Community Beat Officer is a police officer who provides atraditional policing role focussed on Service community issues. Ourofficers provide a police service in its widest sense especially for theMOD Community.cycle is to register with ‘Bike Register’. Once the cycle is on register,police can access the database and trace the cycle to its rightfulowner. To register free and find out more information about thescheme visit www.BikeRegister.com or call in at the MoD Office onMiddleton Lawn for further details.Who are yours?<strong>The</strong> Community Beat Officers for Imjin Station and all its outlyingService Family Accommodation areas are PC Ray Bartholomew andPC Tony Allen and they can be contacted on during duty hours onTel: 01452 730804 or 07771626346 and 07917750656.What can they do?Some of the many tasks we perform are:• Provide reassurance policing in support of the families of servicepersonnel deployed away from home to front line duties.• Carry out high profile foot and mobile patrols in the garrisonand attend any incident that requires police attention.• Promote and maintain good liaison between Unit Welfareorganisations, Families Officers, Local Constabulary and MDP.• In addition to these duties, we also work closely with ourcolleagues from Gloucester constabulary at the nearbyCheltenham Road East Police station. Tracey Martin and AlexLawson are two of your police community support officers therewho also patrol the Innsworth/ Churchdown area.Seasonal Crime prevention advice,what can you do?<strong>The</strong>re have been a number of pedal cycles stolen across servicefamily’s estates in recent weeks. Cycle theft is big business. In 2010131,000 cycles were stolen and less than 8% were returned toowners. To ensure your cycle is protected and not provide an easytarget for opportunist thieves, secure it out of sight when it is notbeing used, use a quality lock and take a photo of the cycle. It’s alsoa good idea to record the serial number. A new way to secure your• PC Tony Allen and PC Ray Bartholomew on the beatNeighbourhood Watch Co-ordinatorsVolunteers are sought for these streets. If you would like getinvolved and support the police and your community in a proactiveway call Pc Ray Bartholomew 01452 730804 for furtherinformation.Campbell closeMiddleton Lawn – 2 requiredRoberts RoadPenrose RoadGibson RoadVertican RoadHannah PlaceWard AvenueJackson CrescentContact NumbersMod Police01452 730804 Office (not 24hrs)07771626346 mobileMDP Control Room 01752 553384 (out of hrs)Gloucester Police 0845 0901234• PC Tony Allen provides a member of the public with useful direction• PC Ray Bartholomew and PC Tony Allen14 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>

Operational WelfareSupport Cell<strong>The</strong> Operational Welfare Support Cell (OWSC) wasset up in October 2010 to support the main WelfareOffice during the deployment of HQ <strong>ARRC</strong> toAfghanistan.<strong>The</strong> OWSC is staffed by Maj Baxter, WO2 ‘Al’ Burke, Sgt ‘Woody’Woodman and Miss Jeanette Gavin. Al and Woody are currentlylocated in the Community Centre and Jeanette, as CommunicationsOfficer, is located in the Public Affairs Office. We can be contactedon 01452 718574 and our email address is owscevents@hotmail.co.uk.Our main role is to organise days out and lunches for all familiesof those who have deployed or are deploying in the foreseeablefuture. <strong>The</strong>se events are publicised via email, the <strong>ARRC</strong>net, Orders,Internal IT Systems, Posters, Flyers and Facebook.Since January we have organised 4 Family Sunday Lunches and5 trips. <strong>The</strong> Sunday lunches are proving a real success with goodpositive feedback, <strong>The</strong> Family Summer Lunches are held in theAll Ranks Club. <strong>The</strong> food served is a full Sunday roast with all thetrimmings as well as a starter and a sweet. Entertainment forchildren is provided as well, this consists of DVD’s, toys and apool table. <strong>The</strong> next Sunday lunch is on the 17th July.<strong>The</strong> trips that have taken place to date have been to Roves Farm, ashopping trip to Cribbs Causeway, Wookey Hole, Cotswold wild lifepark and probably the most successful trip was to Cadburys Worldwhen 95 people participated. <strong>The</strong> next trip being organised by theOWSC is the CLA Game Fair being held at Blenheim Palace on the24th July. <strong>The</strong> next big event after the CLA Game Fair is the ImjinBarracks Summer fete which is being held on the 06th August.Please look out for flyers and posters.EventsListed below are dates of forthcoming events:17th July24th July06th August1st September18th SeptemberSunday lunchCLA game fair Blenheim PalaceFamilies fete with BFBSDrayton Manor ParkSunday lunch• Operational Welfare, Sgt Owen Woodman and WO2 Alan BurkeJuly and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 15

FC Innsworth YouthFootball ClubForces Families’ Football• Cpl Chris Earle, Club SecretaryFC Innsworth is a new and exciting Youth Football Club forInnsworth Station. Based at Imjin Barracks, Innsworth the Clubruns teams from U6’s–U8’s, and is open to both boys and Girls ofall abilities. <strong>The</strong> Club is primarily run for the fun and enjoyment ofInnsworth Station dependants but has also opened its doors to thelocal Innsworth Community.We subscribe to <strong>The</strong> Football Association’s child protection and bestpractice guidelines and our aim is to provide a safe and friendlyenvironment for young people to enjoy and play football whilstdeveloping their techniques and skills. We require all our coachesand volunteers to have a current CRB certificate and they hold aminimum Level 1 FA Coaching qualification.<strong>The</strong> new season starts on 30th July <strong>2011</strong> with the first of 2 opendays. <strong>The</strong> open days are great taster sessions for the children as wellas an opportunity for parents to come down and meet the coachesand committee and have a chat about what the club has to offer.Sessions throughout the season will take place every Saturdaymorning, and teams will also take part in locally organised MiniSoccer events. <strong>The</strong>re are no leagues or cup competitions at thisage so emphasise is purely on fun and enjoyment.We are always looking for new players and coaches as we continueto develop our club. Why not come along to one of our open days,or register your interest by contacting Chris Earle on 01452 71 8110,email on secretary_fcinnsworth@hotmail.co.uk, or visit ourwebsite at www.fcinnsworth.co.ukKey DatesClub Open Day/ Registration Day 11000–1100, Saturday 30th July <strong>2011</strong>Imjin Sports Pitches, Nicholson Close, InnsworthClub Open Day/ Registration Day 21000–1100, Saturday 13th Aug <strong>2011</strong>Imjin Sports Pitches, Nicholson Close, Innsworth16 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>

Who provides services in yourcommunity?By Hester Hunt<strong>The</strong>re are three ‘layers’ of local government in Gloucestershire:Gloucestershire County Council, the district, and Parish orTown Councils.• Hester Hunt, CommunityEngagement ManagerCouncillors are elected by you the residents every 4 years; theyshould represent you and your views at local council meeting andnot just their own. <strong>The</strong>y are also elected to ensure the residentsget the services you need.Most Council meetings are open to the public; if you want to findout more about local government and how things work in yourcommunity, pop along to one of the open council meetings.Gloucester County CouncilTel: 01452 425000EducationSocial ServicesTransportCountywide PlanningTrading StandardsMineral, Waste and Landfill SitesLibrariesHighwaysDistrict CouncilsLocal PlanningHousingBuilding RegulationsEnvironmental HealthRefuse and Recycling CollectionPlay areasParks and Open SpaceParish/Town councilAllotmentsCemeteriesCommunity HallsPlay AreasParks and Open spaceHousing District Councils ParishHighliffe, the Market Place andKingswayYork GateHucclecote (Centurion Walk)InnsworthChurchdownGloucester City Council01452 396396heretohelp@gloucester.gov.ukTewkesbury Borough Council01684 295 010enquiries@tewkesbury.gov.ukGloucester City Council01452 396396heretohelp@gloucester.gov.ukTewkesbury Borough Council01684 295 010enquiries@tewkesbury.gov.ukTewkesbury Borough Council01684 295 010enquiries@tewkesbury.gov.ukQuedgeley01452 721552quedgeleypc@btconnect.comWheatpieces01452 864189wheatpiecesclerk@hotmail.co.ukBrockworth01452 863123clerk@brockworth-pc.gov.ukInnsworth01452 730728clerk@brockworth-pc.gov.ukChurchdown01452 713528churchdownpc-clerk@wwmail.co.ukContact NumbersShire Hall, Gloucester GL1 2TGTel: 01452 426563Email: hester.hunt@gloucestershire.gov.ukA full list of the Councillors for the Service Families areas is on the<strong>ARRC</strong> Web site www.arrc.nato.int• Bill Wheelan the councillorfor InnsworthJuly and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 17

Three men in a boatBy WO2 Stu McKenzie RLCWe left the <strong>ARRC</strong> at 0830hrs, driving along the A40 to Ross on Wye.Easily finding the <strong>The</strong> River Wye Canoe Hire Company we were metby owner Mark Simons, a friendly chap. After issuing us with ourcanoe, life vest and the all essential paddles, he delivered a concisesafety brief followed by a description of the journey down river. Weplunged our canoe into the Wye and climbed aboard. Orientingourselves we floated off with a slight wobble and the threat ofcapsize. Meandering down river we caught sight of Goodrich castle,standing majestically on a wooded hill over looking the Wye valley.Due to our unique paddling style and speed, we missed our firstscheduled stop of a pub near Kerne Bridge (pictured). Undeterredby our growing thirst we paddled on. We slowed down and enjoyedthe gentle pace of the river, taking in the picturesque views andspotting wildlife along the way. Swans with signets and ducks withducklings were in abundance. Even the odd Kingfisher was sighteddarting along the river with a flash of blue and gold.• Maj Graeme Hood paddling full speedIt’s the fifth longest river in the UK and parts of its lengthform a physical border between England and Wales. <strong>The</strong>134-mile long river Wye is an important river for natureconservation and recreation.Canoeing on the Wye is one of the most popular forms of recreationwith many companies offering competitive rates for hiring canoes.We chose <strong>The</strong> River Wye Canoe Company (www.riverwyecanoehire.com) <strong>The</strong>y offer half, full and multi day packages at competitiverates. <strong>The</strong>re are many other canoe hire companies in the area, it’scertainly worth an internet search to find one that suits your needs.Feeling adventurous, three daring souls from the Public AffairsOffice decided to take on the Wye. Choosing to canoe from Rosson Wye to Symonds Yat, a down stream journey of 13 miles oversmooth yet winding waters through stunning British countryside.• Swan with signets• Bridge over the river WyeWhilst attempting to land our craft at Lower Lydbrook for lunch, wecrashed into an overhanging tree and became entangled; thankfullywe fought our way out and managed to safely land ready to enjoythe fayre on offer. <strong>The</strong>re are two pubs in Lower Lydbrook, <strong>The</strong>Courtfield Arms and <strong>The</strong> Forge Hammer, public toilets are alsoavailable. We headed for the Courtfield Arms and enjoyed a goodlunch and a refreshing drink or two. Close to the end of our journeywe passed under Symonds Yat and Collwell rocks, famous nestingplace for Peregrine falcons. Sadly we didn’t see any. We carried onthe paddling and finally came to rest at Ye Olde Ferrie Inn atSymonds Yat West, pulled our trusty canoe ashore and enjoyedanother refreshing drink whilst we waited for Mark to come andcollect us.If you are out about exploring the local area this summer then youshould definitely take a canoe trip down the river Wye, a thoroughlyenjoyable day, you will not be disappointed.• Launching into the river Wye18 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>

<strong>Bulletin</strong>:Useful contactsOrganisation Telephone MobileGloucestershire Police 0845 090 1234MOD Police Office: 01452 730804 (not 24hrs) 07771626346Imjin Barracks Guardroom 01452 71 2612Public Affairs Office 01452 718 522Station Staff Officer 01452 71 2612 Ext 7848Welfare Office 01452 730 309Imjin Barracks Medical Centre 01452 712612 Ext 5982Innsworth Hive 01452 712612 Ext 7936Defence Housing Estates Innsworth 01452 73 9223Touch Stone 01225 838 422Modern Housing Solutions 0800 707 6000Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre 01452 519 951NHS Direct 0845 4647Innsworth Barber Shop 01452 712612 Ext 6033m a s hwww.masharmysurplus.co.uk<strong>The</strong> Old Station Nursery Innsworth‘Home from Home Childcare’Are you looking for high quality childcare in the best new environment?Are you returning to work after having a baby and want to ensure your childmakes strong attachments and enjoys first class care?Do you know you are entitled to 15 hours of free early education for your 3or 4 year old?If your answer to any of these is ‘yes’, then come and visit our lovely newnursery on Innsworth Lane and meet our friendly and experienced staff team.<strong>The</strong> Old Station NurseryInnsworth LaneInnsworthGL3 1ETTel: 01452 739010Email: innsworth@theoldstationnursery.co.ukwww.theoldstationnursery.co.ukWe have over thirtyyears experienceselling a widerange of militaryequipment, outdoorclothing, militaryfootwear, backpackingand survival equipment to <strong>The</strong>British Army, <strong>The</strong> Royal Air Force,various cadets and police/ambulanceservices to name just a few.Our extensive range covers Snugpak,Magnum, Viper, Web-Tex, Lowa andmany more.OPENING TIMESMonday to Saturday: 0830 - 1700Sundays: 0800 - 1300July and August <strong>2011</strong> | <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> 19

<strong>Bulletin</strong><strong>The</strong>Email: pao.webmaster@arrc.nato.intTelephone: 01452 718 500<strong>The</strong> community magazine for the <strong>ARRC</strong> and Innsworth Station20 <strong>ARRC</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> | July and August <strong>2011</strong>

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