TLW66 - Nomads Results

TLW66 - Nomads Results TLW66 - Nomads Results
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Agnes Gray. Glasgow SC, 104Louisa Gray, Bon Accord SC. 120May Gray, Nottingham SC, 99Rhoda Gray, Bon Accord SC, 114Helen Grayson. Aireborcugh. 17SJohn Grayson, UK-Scrabble, 181Dick Green. East Berks SC, 184Sheila Green, LSL. 153Helen Greenaway, Leicester SC, 167Maureen Greening-Steer, Reading SC, 140Jean Greenland, Newcastle SC, 928arry Grossman. LSL. 175Peter Groves. Cardiff SC, 108George Gruner, LSL, 156Steven Gru2d. Unattached, 174MaryGrytls, Melton SC, 177lanGucklhom. LSL, 177Agnes Gunn, Dunfermline, 132Norman Haddow. Crieff SC, 135Borne Had. Slanley SC, 96Colin Hall. Northcommon SC. 150Peter Hall, Rustington SC, 123Christine Hamilton. Leilh SC, 167Graham Harding, East Berks SC, 167Mavis Harding, East Berks SC. 120Paul Harding. Exeter SC. 110Margaret Harkrtess, Edinburgh SC, 119lain Harley. Bingoes SC, 152Michael Harley. Bon Accord SC. 137Jayne Harrison, Unattached, 60Jill Harrison. Cirencester, 111John Harrison. Newcastle SC. 12SAnn Harvey. Ryde (IOW) SC, 79Audrey Harvey, Leicester SC. 119Winnie Hasten. Edinburgh SC, 97Chris Hawkins. Peterborough. 167James Kay, Unattached, 80Teresa Haycock, Dcncaster SC, 105Keith Haynes, Havering SC. 115Straley Heal, Melton SC, 114Debbie Heaton, Verbigerators, 165Ken Heaton. Verbigerators. 161Ron Hendra, LSL. 143Dorothy Henry, Cleveland SC, 83Michael Herraghty. Elgin SC. 61JoyHewgill. Croydon SC. 120Anne Hidden, Harrogate SC, 153Kathleen Higgtns, Cirencester. 103Joanne Hiley. Coventry SC. 146Barbara Hill. Preston SC. 127Doug Hil. Lincoln SC, 128June Hill, New Sheffield. 136Teresa Hill, Lincoln SC, 119Unda Hillard, Cardiff SC, 139Sheila Hlnett. Dorian SC. 140Maijone Hislop, Bon Accord SC, 119Joy Hodge, Aiieborough, 121Sandra HofDand. Lang Toun SC, 144David Holland. Aireborough SC, 155Jo Holland, Romford SC, 91Mike Holland. Lincoln SC, 137Terry Hollington. Southampton. 159Roma Hollirtfjworth, Canterbury SC. 137Oebbie Holloway. Ryde (IOvV) SC. 135Cindy Hollyer. Brentwocd SC. 101Patricia Holmes, Bournemouth SC, 84Olive Holroyd. Kingston St M. 103Steven Hopper, Coventry SC, 144James Horsfall, Aireborough SC, 145Val Hoskings. Derby SC, 130Lionel Howard, Romford SC, 92Eric Howarth, Pudsey SC. 129Norma Howarth, Pudsey SC. 134John Howell, Romford SC, 168Hilda Hudspeth, Petenee SC. 121Ann Hughes, Cleveland SC. 125Joan Hughes, Belmont SC, 90Peter Hunt, Southsea SC. 139Peter Hunting. BillericaySC, 102Heather llott, Luton SC. 118Margaret Irons, Dundee SC, 116Marian Izatl Glasgow SC, 97Jake Jacobs, Cambridge SC, 171Jenny Jaques, Cowal SC, 101Elisabeth Jardine, Bournemouth, 158Joyce Jarvis. Unattached, 100Nicholas Jenkins, Havering SC, 128Kath Jennings, Unattached, 94Joan Johns, Salisbury SC. 99Pauline Johnson. Cleveland SC, 142Trish Johnson, Cleveland SC. 114Kay Johnston, Leith SC, 139Robert Johnston, Swansea SC, 155Sheila Johnston. AIness SC, 72Jean Johnstone, Lang Toun SC, 94Sheila Jctliffe. Newport (IOW). 126Adele Jones, Canterbury SC, 100Angie Jones, Southampton. 102Brian Jones, Southampton, 159Helen Jones, Newport SC, 144John Jones, Basingstoke. 121Mary Jones, Glasgow SC, 162Rosemary Jones, Southsea SC, 94Terry Jones, Newport SC, 144Christine Jukes, Shrewsbury SC, 106Marion Keatings. Lang Toun SC, 161Brian Keegan. Richmond SC, 112Luke Keegan, Richmond SC, 122Chris Keeley. LSL. 150Mary Keevey. Shrewsbury SC, 101Peter KeDy, Exeter SC, 127Wayne Kelly. Warrington SC, 158Andrew Kempley-Smrth, Unattached, ISODavid Kendix. LSL, 173Barbara Kent. Newport (IOW). 119Karl Khoshnaw, Richmond SC, 160

Ann Kingham, Coventry SC. 120Terry Kirk, LSL. 165Lilly Laker, Salisbury SC. 126Harshan Lamabadusuriya, BrightonfHove. 174Sharon Landau. LSL. 137Stella Lander. Doncaster SC, 152Molly Lane, Bournemouth, 110Davina Latham, Unattached, 140Peggy Lavender, Unattached, 62Joan Lawrence, Canterbury SC, 129Timothy Lawrence, Brighton SC, 164Anne Lawton. Woking SC. 109David Lawton. Guildford SC. 162Kathryn Le Grove, Southsea SC, 144Kate Leckie, Inverness SC, 145Marjcrle Lefley. Edinburgh SC. 117Martin Levenon. LSL, 129Sally Lewis. Bury SC. 138Peter Liggett. Lydney SC, 148Edna Undeck, Doncasler SC. 66Peter Lindeck, Doncaster SC. 114June Lindridge, Andover SC, 116Wendy Lindridse, Andover SC. 148Irene Lindsay, Lang Toun SC, 112Mary Lindsay. Romford SC, 129Gwen Linfoet, Cleveland SC. 86Bob Lipton, Unattached, 177Rosalyn Lishak. Unattached, 95Violettc Little, LSL. 102Lorna Llewellyn, WWtchurch SC, 99Chris Lloyd, Cardiff SC. 160Dale Lloyd. Southsea SC, 118Joy Lloyd, Cirencester, 1S7Dennis Lockwood, Leeds SC, 102David Longley, Aireborough SC. ISOJane Lowndes, Cirencester, 137Elsie Lucas, Penkridge SC, 115Jim Lyes. B& Hove SC. 107Bob Lynn. Salisbury SC, 155Pat MacBean. LSL. 155John Macdonald, AIness SC. 71Margaret Macdonald. Inverness SC, 94May Macdonald. AIness SC. 124Ruth Maclnerney. LSL. 162Lewis Mackay. New Sheffield, 158Jayne Mackenzie, New Sheffield, 164Donald MacLeod, Edinburgh SC. 163Brian Macmillan. Unattached, 144Fay Madeley, S Coldfield, 131Stella Magnus, LSL, 137Fiankia Mairey. Solon SC, 164Graham Maker, Chichester SC. 138Carol Malkin. Lang Toun SC, 140Kay Malpass, Woolwich SC, 110Mary Manson, Bourne SC. 103Freda Marcus, LSL, 117Brenda Margereson, Southampton, 141Ruth Marsden, Bournemouth, 106Ooreen Marsh. LSL, 149Joe Marsh, Cowal SC, 121Olive Matthew, Bon Accord SC, 87Ken Matthews, Cleveland SC, 151Stuart May, Romford SC, 115Tess McCarthy, Cardiff SC. 121Eddie McKeown. Glasgow SC, 136Isabelle McLean. LSL. 112John McLean, Unattached, 110Margaret McLean, Unattached. 121Jackie McLeod, LSL. 176Lois McLeod. Luton SC. 136Lou McMeeken, Burton SC, 138Kate McNulty. Newcastle SC. 144David Meadows. Oerby SC. 158Betty Meazey. WWtchurch SC, 84Audrey Medhuret. West Berks SC. 77Shanker Menon, Richmond SC, 169Thomas Mensah. Unattached. 144Moira Metcalf. Unattached. 87Sylvia Meyrick, Southampton SC, 137Janet Mttford, Southampton, 122Eve Mittington. WWtchureh SC. 114Margaret Mills, Ounfermline, 93Helen Mitchell. Bon Accord SC. 145John Mitchell. Wyro Fcrest SC. 146Martha Mitchell, Wyre Forest SC. 130Judy Monger, Cirencester, 102Sheila Moore. Leicester SC. 112Hartley Mocrhouse, Richmond SC, 173Mollie Moran, Bournemouth. 107Huw Morgan, Swansea SC, 155Ruth Morgan-Th, LSL. 183Doreen Morris, Bristol SC, 109Helen Morris, Carshalton SC, 112Philippa Morris. LSL. 124Stan Morris. Carshatton SC. 97Miriam Moss, Edinburgh SC, 101Peter Munt, Stewartry SC. 85Russell Murch, Devon Dimwits, 160Joan Murphy, Harrogate SC, 122Michael Murray. Newcastle SC, 72Cecil Muscat, Billericay SC. 172Bizabeth Mustard, Restalrig SC, 68Alice Nadin, Bournemouth. 118Esther Nayior, Steel City SC, 129Julie Nelkon, Unattached. 135Philip Nelkon. UK-Scrabble, 185Dennis Nelson, Gorseinon SC, 112Christine Nicholson. Sunderland SC. 110Paul Nind, New Sheffield. 156Esme Norris. Gloucester SC, 107Brenda Northcott. Unattached, 100David Nunn. Unattached, 159LesNyman, LSL. 160Mark Nyman. Unattached, 194Adesanmi Odelana, LSL. 139Kenneth Oliver. Crieff SC. 156

Agnes Gray. Glasgow SC, 104Louisa Gray, Bon Accord SC. 120May Gray, Nottingham SC, 99Rhoda Gray, Bon Accord SC, 114Helen Grayson. Aireborcugh. 17SJohn Grayson, UK-Scrabble, 181Dick Green. East Berks SC, 184Sheila Green, LSL. 153Helen Greenaway, Leicester SC, 167Maureen Greening-Steer, Reading SC, 140Jean Greenland, Newcastle SC, 928arry Grossman. LSL. 175Peter Groves. Cardiff SC, 108George Gruner, LSL, 156Steven Gru2d. Unattached, 174MaryGrytls, Melton SC, 177lanGucklhom. LSL, 177Agnes Gunn, Dunfermline, 132Norman Haddow. Crieff SC, 135Borne Had. Slanley SC, 96Colin Hall. Northcommon SC. 150Peter Hall, Rustington SC, 123Christine Hamilton. Leilh SC, 167Graham Harding, East Berks SC, 167Mavis Harding, East Berks SC. 120Paul Harding. Exeter SC. 110Margaret Harkrtess, Edinburgh SC, 119lain Harley. Bingoes SC, 152Michael Harley. Bon Accord SC. 137Jayne Harrison, Unattached, 60Jill Harrison. Cirencester, 111John Harrison. Newcastle SC. 12SAnn Harvey. Ryde (IOW) SC, 79Audrey Harvey, Leicester SC. 119Winnie Hasten. Edinburgh SC, 97Chris Hawkins. Peterborough. 167James Kay, Unattached, 80Teresa Haycock, Dcncaster SC, 105Keith Haynes, Havering SC. 115Straley Heal, Melton SC, 114Debbie Heaton, Verbigerators, 165Ken Heaton. Verbigerators. 161Ron Hendra, LSL. 143Dorothy Henry, Cleveland SC, 83Michael Herraghty. Elgin SC. 61JoyHewgill. Croydon SC. 120Anne Hidden, Harrogate SC, 153Kathleen Higgtns, Cirencester. 103Joanne Hiley. Coventry SC. 146Barbara Hill. Preston SC. 127Doug Hil. Lincoln SC, 128June Hill, New Sheffield. 136Teresa Hill, Lincoln SC, 119Unda Hillard, Cardiff SC, 139Sheila Hlnett. Dorian SC. 140Maijone Hislop, Bon Accord SC, 119Joy Hodge, Aiieborough, 121Sandra HofDand. Lang Toun SC, 144David Holland. Aireborough SC, 155Jo Holland, Romford SC, 91Mike Holland. Lincoln SC, 137Terry Hollington. Southampton. 159Roma Hollirtfjworth, Canterbury SC. 137Oebbie Holloway. Ryde (IOvV) SC. 135Cindy Hollyer. Brentwocd SC. 101Patricia Holmes, Bournemouth SC, 84Olive Holroyd. Kingston St M. 103Steven Hopper, Coventry SC, 144James Horsfall, Aireborough SC, 145Val Hoskings. Derby SC, 130Lionel Howard, Romford SC, 92Eric Howarth, Pudsey SC. 129Norma Howarth, Pudsey SC. 134John Howell, Romford SC, 168Hilda Hudspeth, Petenee SC. 121Ann Hughes, Cleveland SC. 125Joan Hughes, Belmont SC, 90Peter Hunt, Southsea SC. 139Peter Hunting. BillericaySC, 102Heather llott, Luton SC. 118Margaret Irons, Dundee SC, 116Marian Izatl Glasgow SC, 97Jake Jacobs, Cambridge SC, 171Jenny Jaques, Cowal SC, 101Elisabeth Jardine, Bournemouth, 158Joyce Jarvis. Unattached, 100Nicholas Jenkins, Havering SC, 128Kath Jennings, Unattached, 94Joan Johns, Salisbury SC. 99Pauline Johnson. Cleveland SC, 142Trish Johnson, Cleveland SC. 114Kay Johnston, Leith SC, 139Robert Johnston, Swansea SC, 155Sheila Johnston. AIness SC, 72Jean Johnstone, Lang Toun SC, 94Sheila Jctliffe. Newport (IOW). 126Adele Jones, Canterbury SC, 100Angie Jones, Southampton. 102Brian Jones, Southampton, 159Helen Jones, Newport SC, 144John Jones, Basingstoke. 121Mary Jones, Glasgow SC, 162Rosemary Jones, Southsea SC, 94Terry Jones, Newport SC, 144Christine Jukes, Shrewsbury SC, 106Marion Keatings. Lang Toun SC, 161Brian Keegan. Richmond SC, 112Luke Keegan, Richmond SC, 122Chris Keeley. LSL. 150Mary Keevey. Shrewsbury SC, 101Peter KeDy, Exeter SC, 127Wayne Kelly. Warrington SC, 158Andrew Kempley-Smrth, Unattached, ISODavid Kendix. LSL, 173Barbara Kent. Newport (IOW). 119Karl Khoshnaw, Richmond SC, 160

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