TLW66 - Nomads Results

TLW66 - Nomads Results

TLW66 - Nomads Results


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does still leave the awkward C and Gon the rack. Like the CAT suggestionlast time CAW or WAG (M2d) settingup SCAW and SWAG are possibilitiesfor gamblers.AP 10: BELT IOSBETOILS322+0el4a 73BETOILS is also possible at 014a andthis position arguably gives less away.GPll:EST?AOY -73OY281gl5a 32There are two tricky bonuses possible:TEApOYS (J13a/77) and ASYSTOLE(J8d/75). Other than that it might bebetter to take the extra 12 points fromSOY (F15a/44) rather than keep the Sespecially as the bonus positions arerapidly vanishing. SOY would leaveGary 29 points behind.AP11:AEGOTUW +41WAGES340klOd 1841 points ahead and the unseen tilesare: AAEEIO CJKNNRRSTTV?Andrew needs to keep scoring andremove the opponent's scoringpositions where possible. WAGESblocks the floating S, E and I and the110a bonus position but also creates Aand G floaters. TOWAGES (K8d/22)offers slightly better score andturnover but WAGES does mean theopponent would pick the last seventiles in the event that he does get abonus. There Is also a major risk of theopponent scoring heavily with the J2position, a word like JEANS wouldscore 88, but it's tricky to block thiseffectively: OW (L4a/21) partiallyblocks it.GP 12:AEST?IV -59DEVIATeS357m6d 76Gary finds a bonus at long last. Themain thing to note here is he will pickup the last 7 letters - taken fromAEOOU CJKNNRRTT. The choices areDEVIATeS / DEVIAnTS (M6d/76) to go17 ahead or VIrGATES (H12a/82) togo 23 ahead. This last play has theadvantage of opening a second scoringposition, - the other being the J/K riskat J2. A lot will depend on who getsthe J. Anyone want to do simulations?AP 12: OUT KORTKO374-17]2a 34Andrew can work out that Gary's rackis ACEJNNR and there is a threat ofJEAN (J2a/59). KO Is the highestscoringplay not only blocking JEANbut also setting up TROUT or TUTOR atKla. KO does give Gary JADE (Lld/47)but Andrew can reply with JOUR...Here it starts to get a bit morecomplicated! Is there a play thatblocks both JEAN and JADE? TOOK(J2a/25) looks good but loses toCRAVEN (J8a/36) as sufficient scorecan't be gained from the remainingletters RTU. It looks like it has to beKO.GP 13: ACEJNNRJADE404-17lid 47CRAVEN (J8a/36) is no use as It losesto TROUT/TUTOR (Kla). CRANE(Kla/29) blocks the TROUT/TUTORspace but relies on the opponent notblocking JOY (H13d) which is the onlyplace for the J. It might work If theopponent hasn't tile-tracked. Theactual play of JADE gives away JOUR(Lla/33). At this point both playerswould be left with consonant-onlyracks: CNNR for Gary and TT forAndrew.

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