TLW66 - Nomads Results

TLW66 - Nomads Results TLW66 - Nomads Results
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MN: saw LUnGWORTAD: LUnGWORT possibly better thanOUTGReW, which allows a high-scoringresponse from H2. NB If Phil hadplayed DEEDY, then the bonuseswould not have gone in, and the gamewould have been as good as over.AD: ETIC scores more in the sameplace as CITE, and CITED at Midscores more still.MN 11: QSTU AEI -73457EQUISETA o8d 104PA 10: DDEE! EW+42PA 12: DEN ACII -31DREWhid 36 405AD: DREW has to be the right play,despite the vowel-heavy leave.MN 10: BFQSTUU -78AD: With the game situation asoutlined below, can you spot Phil'sbest play? [3]CYANIDE458113a 32FLUB a4a 26 353AD: With the OOT-S spot and the 08 Estill available, there is still a glimmerof hope for Mark.PA 11: DEEI CNT+52CITEm2d 21 426PA: Coutd see several dangers with theremaining tiles, Including the E at 08and the OOT-S hook. Decided to blockbig Q plays such as ACQUIT at jla,while keeping my own score tickingover in the hope that I could win evenif Mark played a bonus.PA: Gives Mark something to thinkabout, but he can block my IDE or DIEout-plays and score enough to win.MN 12: AAOR -1ODA nl2d 14MN: blocking DIE etc.471PA 13: ElSTIEFinal scores:PA+2 466MN -2 469-13cl4a 6 46412

Game 2 - Exeter 'A' titlewinnerAnd it would have been a crime not tofeature this nailbiter from the sametourney. This is the game that settledwhich seasoned Scrabbler would walkaway with the A division trophy. Thepair in the final showndown were GaryPolhill and Andrew Perry. I alwaysthink that to get a full appreciation ofan annotated game, and to understandwhy a player made a particular play(or not!), you must take it in context.The four-day Exeter event is averitable marathon with many playersnotching up 25 games in all. So, thiswas the 25", and Messrs Polhill &Perry summoned up what bruised andbatter grey-matter they could for thislast push for the line. Completing ashort, but perfectly formed series ofnorth-of-the-border annotators is yourhost for this game, Expert (soon to beGM) Neil Scott.MID c9a 19 37Again not a great deal to choose frombut MUID (B9a/18) might be betterthan MID as the IU combination can beawkward.GP 3: AAS EEGU +5VAGUE g5a 18 60VAGUE balances the rack leaving AES.An alternative is GUAVA (D5a/18)which leaves EES and keeps the boardtighter.AP 3: IUZ? INR -23ZIG i3d 23 60I would prefer ZIG marginally over RIZ(K4a/26).GP 1: AAMORSWGP4: AESADIP +0MOWRA d8a 2626SPAED i6a 40100Good play! [MOWRA = a kind ofbutter-tree]AP 1: ADGHIM? -26Computer analysis reveals DIAPASE(B2d/82) here as well as a lovely 4-timer: PAGODAS (E5d/44). Otherwise,SPAED is a good play.HAG c7a 18 18AP4:INRU7CH-40Not that much available here, butthere is slightly better score andturnover from OGHAM (E8d/22).GP 2: AS AAIVY +8VAIRY g5d 16 42HUNCH86C3d 26Another missed bonus opportunityhere: URCHINs (Bld/83). There isalso EUCHRINg (L6d/80).GP5: AI DFNOU +14AVIARY (G4d/17) uses an extra A butgives away more. I wouldn't have anyproblems about using the S here forAS WAY (F6d/29).AP 2: DIM? IUZ -24ZONDA130i3a 30As well as ZONDA there is FOIN(Dld/31) leaving ADU, but both ofthese are surpassed by UNDEAF(L3d/39) also forming VAGUED.

Game 2 - Exeter 'A' titlewinnerAnd it would have been a crime not tofeature this nailbiter from the sametourney. This is the game that settledwhich seasoned Scrabbler would walkaway with the A division trophy. Thepair in the final showndown were GaryPolhill and Andrew Perry. I alwaysthink that to get a full appreciation ofan annotated game, and to understandwhy a player made a particular play(or not!), you must take it in context.The four-day Exeter event is averitable marathon with many playersnotching up 25 games in all. So, thiswas the 25", and Messrs Polhill &Perry summoned up what bruised andbatter grey-matter they could for thislast push for the line. Completing ashort, but perfectly formed series ofnorth-of-the-border annotators is yourhost for this game, Expert (soon to beGM) Neil Scott.MID c9a 19 37Again not a great deal to choose frombut MUID (B9a/18) might be betterthan MID as the IU combination can beawkward.GP 3: AAS EEGU +5VAGUE g5a 18 60VAGUE balances the rack leaving AES.An alternative is GUAVA (D5a/18)which leaves EES and keeps the boardtighter.AP 3: IUZ? INR -23ZIG i3d 23 60I would prefer ZIG marginally over RIZ(K4a/26).GP 1: AAMORSWGP4: AESADIP +0MOWRA d8a 2626SPAED i6a 40100Good play! [MOWRA = a kind ofbutter-tree]AP 1: ADGHIM? -26Computer analysis reveals DIAPASE(B2d/82) here as well as a lovely 4-timer: PAGODAS (E5d/44). Otherwise,SPAED is a good play.HAG c7a 18 18AP4:INRU7CH-40Not that much available here, butthere is slightly better score andturnover from OGHAM (E8d/22).GP 2: AS AAIVY +8VAIRY g5d 16 42HUNCH86C3d 26Another missed bonus opportunityhere: URCHINs (Bld/83). There isalso EUCHRINg (L6d/80).GP5: AI DFNOU +14AVIARY (G4d/17) uses an extra A butgives away more. I wouldn't have anyproblems about using the S here forAS WAY (F6d/29).AP 2: DIM? IUZ -24ZONDA130i3a 30As well as ZONDA there is FOIN(Dld/31) leaving ADU, but both ofthese are surpassed by UNDEAF(L3d/39) also forming VAGUED.

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