the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics

the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics

the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics


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CONSOLIDATED ERRATASoldiers and Normandy(as of August 1973)SoldiersAs a result of post-publication playtesting, <strong>the</strong>following errata has been assembled to clarifyan~fcorrect various errors or ambiguities in <strong>the</strong>orisinal game components.This Soldiers Errata follows <strong>the</strong> sequence of<strong>the</strong> rules folder.UNIT IDENTIFICATION TABLE (Correction):The Austro-Hungarian Field Gun platoon isincorrectly identified. The Field Gun platoonhasan Attack Strength of (3). The sample unitpictured is, in fact, an Austro-HungarianHowitzer platoon. Also <strong>the</strong> Howitzer Battery isnot pictured.GENERAL COURSE OF PLAY (Correction):There are in fact fourteen ra<strong>the</strong>r than fifteenSoldiers scenarios.MOVEMENT(C) (Clarification): Road Movement is definedas movement from one road hex to ano<strong>the</strong>rroad hex through a road hexside. The cost toenter a hex when usin,g road movement is 112Movement Point regardless of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r terrainin <strong>the</strong> road hex. Units entering a road or bridgehex from a non-road hex must pay <strong>the</strong> entrycost dictated by <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r terrain in <strong>the</strong>road hex.(H) (Clarification): A unit moving from anon-bridge canal hex to a non-canal hex mustexpend three additional Movement Points toleave <strong>the</strong> canal hex. Note that units with aMovement Allowance of "3" may only leave<strong>the</strong> canal via a bridge hex. There is noadditional Movement penalty to leave abridge-canal hex. Exception: Undisruptedinfantry and dismounted cavalry units mayalways move one hex even if <strong>the</strong>y do notpossess sufficient Movement Points to enter agiven hex. [This allows infantry and dismountedcavalry units with a MovementAllowance of "3" to leave a Canal hex. It doesnot pertain to non-infantry or non-dismountedcavalry units.]COMBATGENERAL RULE (Clarification): Direct Fire ispossible only when <strong>the</strong> firing unit can trace aLine of Sight into <strong>the</strong> target hex. A unit mayuse Observed Fire if it can trace a Line of Sightto (but not into) <strong>the</strong> target hex, and <strong>the</strong> firingunit must also be able to trace a Line of Sightinto a Friendly hex occupied by at least oneFriendly unit which can trace a Line of Sightinto <strong>the</strong> target hex. All units which can trace aLine of Sight to (not into) a target hex in BlockingTerrain may use Observed Fire against unitswhich fire out of <strong>the</strong> target hex(es) even if<strong>the</strong>re is no Friendly unit which can trace a Lineof Sight into <strong>the</strong> Blocking Terrain target hexfrom which <strong>the</strong> Enemy units fired. Note:Artillery Case (0) is exempted from <strong>the</strong> normalrequirements for Observed Fire in that a firingHowitzer unit need not be able to trace a Lineof Sight to its target hex, although it must beable to trace a Line of Sight into a Friendlyoccupied hex from which a Friendly unit cantrace a Line of Sight into <strong>the</strong> target hex.(A) (Clarification): To determine <strong>the</strong> range,count <strong>the</strong> number of hexagons between <strong>the</strong>firing unit (exclusive of <strong>the</strong> hex occupied by<strong>the</strong> firing unit) and <strong>the</strong> target hex (inclusive).(8)(Clarification): This rule does not uniformlyprohibit tracing a Line of Sight into a Town orWoods hex. Units may trace a Line of Sightinto a Town or Woods hex from an adjacen<strong>the</strong>x. Units in a hex adjacent to a Town orWoods hex may fire directly into <strong>the</strong> Town orWoods hex and may serve as observers forFriendly Observed Fire into that hex.(C) (Clarification): This rule applies to unitsfiring on Enemy units on superior elevation.The numbers on <strong>the</strong> Crest hexes refer to <strong>the</strong>altitude in meters. Units beneath a target hexat which <strong>the</strong>y are firing can trace a Line ofSight into (but not through) a Crest hex. Unitsat <strong>the</strong> same height or above a target hex atwhich <strong>the</strong>y are firing can trace a Line of Sightthrough an unlimited number of Crest hexes ofequal or less altitude.(D) (Clarification): It should be understoodthat <strong>the</strong> unit in <strong>the</strong> examplecannot fire into <strong>the</strong>Town hex.(E) (Clarification): A Line of Sight may betraced into a Canal hex from an adjacent hex, aCrest hex, or along a straight line of Canalhexes from ano<strong>the</strong>r Canal hex.(F)(Clarification): A Line of Sight may only betraced into an Enemy occupied Town orWoods hex from an adjacent hex. If a Line ofSight can be traced to a Friendly occupiedTown or Woods hex, it can be traced into <strong>the</strong>hex.(L) (Clarification): Units on Crest hexes maytrace a Line of Sight into any o<strong>the</strong>r Crest hexof equal or less elevation anywhere on <strong>the</strong> mapregardless of any intervening lower BlockingTerrain.(M) (Clarification): Units on Crest hexes maytrace a Line of Sight into any Crest hex on <strong>the</strong>same hill (exception: on peaked hill with Crestof 75 meters. A unit on <strong>the</strong> hill below <strong>the</strong> 75meter peak hex cannot trace a Line of Sightthrough that hex). Units may trace a Line ofSight into a target hex of an inferior altitude if:(1) The Line of Sight does not pass throughany Crest of hexes of equal or higheraltitude (excluding Crest hex from which<strong>the</strong> unit may be firing). (2) If <strong>the</strong>re isBlocking Terrain on <strong>the</strong> Line of Sight it mustbe closer to <strong>the</strong> firing unit than to <strong>the</strong>target hex.(N) (Omission): Exception: see lmprovedPositions Case (Dl.td) (Omission): Exception: see lmprovedPositions Case (Dl.(R) (Omission): In a case in which a unit'sAttack Strength is to be both doubled andhalved, <strong>the</strong> doubling is always done first.(S) (Omission): Whenever <strong>the</strong> combinedAttack Strengths of several units are to behalved, <strong>the</strong> total combined Attack Strength ishalved, not each unit individually.INTERDICTING FIREPROCEDURE (Clarification): Interdicting Firecan only be applied against hexes which <strong>the</strong>firing unit can trace a Line of Sight into.ARTILLERY(B) (Clarification): See Combat Errata forGeneral Rule. Note: even if a Howitzer unit cantrace a Line of Sight into a target hex, if <strong>the</strong>range to that target hex exceeds 25 hexes <strong>the</strong>Howitzer unit can only use Observed Fireagainst that target hex.CAVALRY(A) (Correction): The references in this caseallowing Mounted Cavalry to attack non-cavalry Enemy units should also refer to EnemyMounted Cavalry units. Note also that <strong>the</strong>Case should include <strong>the</strong> following information:"As a hex may only be attacked once in asingle Fire Phase, Mounted Cavalry may notattack a hex that has been fired on by o<strong>the</strong>runits during <strong>the</strong> current mutual Fire Phases."(C) (Omission): It should be noted that"dismounted" markers do not count to<strong>war</strong>dStacking Limitations.IMPROVED POSITIONS(D)(Omission): If a unit ends its movement ina hex containing Friendly units in lmprovedPositions, it does not benefit from <strong>the</strong>lmproved Position. A unit not in an lmprovedPosition must be attacked separately fromo<strong>the</strong>r Friendly units in <strong>the</strong> hex which are inlmproved Positions. This is an exception to <strong>the</strong>rule prohibiting more than one attack against asingle hex in a single Fire Phase. The results of<strong>the</strong> separate attacks against improved andunimproved positioned units affect only <strong>the</strong>unit attacked, and do not affect o<strong>the</strong>r unitsin <strong>the</strong> hex.STACKING (Omission): Stacking limitationsapply at all times including during <strong>the</strong> FriendlyMovement Phase.TRENCHES(C) (Clarification): Treat Trenches like Canalhexes for determining whe<strong>the</strong>r a Line of Sightmay be traced into a hex in which a Trenchmarker is located.(F) (Omission): Trenches may be deployed inany terrain unless specifically state o<strong>the</strong>rwisein Scenario deployment instructions.RESERVE UNITS(B)(Correction): There is a typographical errorin <strong>the</strong> first sentence. The word "day" shouldbe changed to "die."SCENARIOSScenario #4Order of Battle (Correction): The nine cavalrysquadrons of British Reinforcements enter <strong>the</strong>mapsheet Mounted.Scenario # 5Order of Battle (Correction): The German OBshould note that <strong>the</strong> two machine gun sectionsare horse-drawn.Scenario # 7Order of Battle-German Deployment ( Correction):The German deployment should beanywhere south of Wood "V" inclusive.Scenario #9VICTORY CONDITIONS (Correction): TheBritish Player wins if <strong>the</strong>re are less than threeundisrupted (not unpinned) German units intown "B" or Wood "P" at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>game.CREDITS (Correction): Lenny Glynn should becredited with Game Development ra<strong>the</strong>r thanGame Design.THE MAPSHEETTERRAIN EFFECTS CHART (Omission): If aunit is attacked from both higher and lowerterrain, <strong>the</strong> Defense Strength of <strong>the</strong> hex isalways "2." See Movement Errata fordefinition of Road Movement.IMPROVED POSITION TABLES (Correction):In <strong>the</strong> first sentence delete <strong>the</strong> words "andfiring iti <strong>the</strong> subsequent Fire Phase, i.e. a unitwhich enters an lmproved Position may fire in<strong>the</strong> immediately following Friendly FirePhase."

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