the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics

the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics

the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics


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Player Review: ArmageddonPublisher: Simulations Publications,New YorkDesigners: John Michael Young andStephen B. PatrickSubject: Tactical level combat during<strong>the</strong> "biblical" period (3OWBC to 500BC).A- (mapsheet).......5.99B-(rules) ...........6.57C- (counters)........7.09D-(ease of play) .....6.55E - (completeness). ...6.60F- (balance) .........6.84G -(length) ..........6.91H -(set-up) ..........6.42J - (complexity) ......6.27K -(realism) .........6.35L- (overall) ..........6.54Comments: We had 363 players reviewingthis game. 74% said <strong>the</strong>y would still buy itknowing what <strong>the</strong>y do now while 83% felt<strong>the</strong>y received <strong>the</strong>ir money's worth. Al:though from an obscure period (whichautomatically hurts a game in <strong>the</strong> general"acceptability" area) Armageddon is perhapsone of <strong>the</strong> "cleanest" of SPl's seriesof tactical games. Nothing outstanding, butgenerally high average ratings. Armageddonis available (boxed) for $7.00from SPI.Player Review: KriegspielPublisher: Avalon Hill, BaltimoreDesigner: Thomas N. ShawSubject: Hypo<strong>the</strong>tical, division levelgame of land <strong>war</strong>fare.A- (mapsheet).. .....5.63B -(rules) ...........5.67C- (counters)........6.21D- (ease of play) .....6.85E -(completeness). ...6.17F- (balance) .........6.51G-(length) ..........5.62H - (set-up) ..........6.82J -(complexity) ......3.10K -(rrslism) .........2.28L- (overall) ..........3.56Comments: We had 262 players reviewingthis game. 15% said <strong>the</strong>y would still buy itknowing what <strong>the</strong>y do now while 15% felt<strong>the</strong>y received <strong>the</strong>ir money's worth. Kriegspielis apparently a flimsy, hastily throwntoge<strong>the</strong>r attempt at a "simple," "introductory"game. It is debatable if <strong>the</strong> gamesucceeds at this. The game has beenresoundingly rejected by regular garners.Although <strong>the</strong> game does have good pointswith regard to playability, its game value isapparently quite low. Kriegspiel is available(boxed) from Avalon Hill for $8.00.Player Review: La Grande ArmeePublisher: Simulations Publications,New YorkDesigner: John Michael Youngsubject: DivisionICorps level game ofstrateaic Na~oleonic <strong>war</strong>fare between1805 and 18d9 in Central Europe.A-(mapsheet) .......6.92B- (rules) ..........,694C- (counters) ........7.18D -(ease of play) .....6.75E -(completeness)....6.89F -(balance) .........6.54G -(length) ..........6.85H -(set-up) ..........6.53J -(complexity) ......7.01K -(realism) ........,690L- (overall) ..........7.17Comments: We had 127 players reviewingthis game. 89% would still buy it knowingwhat <strong>the</strong>y do now while 90% felt <strong>the</strong>yreceived <strong>the</strong>ir money's worth. This is ahighly popular game using <strong>the</strong> same gamesystem as Leipzig. No single element in <strong>the</strong>game really stands out from <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. Thegame is apparently just a well balancedwhole. La Grande Armee is available(boxed) from Simulations Publicationsfor $7.00.Player Review: GettysburgPublisher: Avalon Hill, BaltimoreDesigner: Charles RobertsSubject: Brigade level game of <strong>the</strong> 1863Battle of Gettysburg.A- (mapsheet).......6.19B- (rules) ...........5.80C -(counters)........6.47D - (ease of play) .....6.84E -(completeness). ...6.04F- (balance) .........4.83G -(length) ..........6.16H -(set-up) ..........6.74J -(complexity) ......4.97K -(realism) .........4.21L- (overall) ..........5.42Comments: We had 283 players reviewingthis game. 54% felt <strong>the</strong>y would still buy itknowing what <strong>the</strong>y do now while 61% felt<strong>the</strong>y got <strong>the</strong>ir money's worth. Actually,<strong>the</strong>re are two distinct Gettysburg games.The original (and present) version whichuses squares and ano<strong>the</strong>r version (nowunavailable) using hexagons. This is areview of both games. The game is an oldone, first appearing in <strong>the</strong> late 1950's. It haslong passed its peak of popularity. Balance,complexity and realism are felt to be <strong>the</strong>games main weak points. Still, it is <strong>the</strong> onlybrigade level game available on this criticalCivil War battle. Gettysburg is available(boxed) from Avalon Hill for $7.00.of World War II. Changing <strong>the</strong>se rules will bring <strong>the</strong>game somewhat nearer a balance.[Nore: The above was written before I had seen<strong>the</strong> RS/RW errata sheet. This document clears up<strong>the</strong> two major problems of defensive fire and line ofsight for wire guided missiles. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, itincludes a new rule which makes it impossible to hideon <strong>the</strong> edges of woods and villages and this makesindirect fire much less important. I think that with<strong>the</strong>se changes, RS/WS now has much more of all<strong>the</strong> things that made PanzerBlirz <strong>the</strong> all timefavorite game.237. Revolution (1971, ADA, $1.001, by StephenMarsland, is a little game for 12 to 35 players whichdeals with a hypo<strong>the</strong>tical revolutionary situation in ahypo<strong>the</strong>tical, newly-independent African nation. Theplayers are police commanders, army commanders,labor leaders, student leaders, etc. The idea,apparently, is to win as part of a successful coalitionra<strong>the</strong>r than to win individually. Unfortunately, it isdifficult to tell what <strong>the</strong> idea is. The game is veryimaginative and innovative and <strong>the</strong> rules are verysuggestive. However, <strong>the</strong> rules are not descriptive.They do not finally add up to anything that can beplayed without <strong>the</strong> personal direction of <strong>the</strong> designer.This is ano<strong>the</strong>r of those games not recommended by<strong>the</strong> publisher who was also <strong>the</strong> designer, but it ismore interesting -than <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. aDesigner's Notes (continued from pege 13)specifically for this game. There are still anumber of "holes" in our game designschedule, mostly for S8T 44, 45 and 46. Wehope to have titles for all of <strong>the</strong>se pinned downin <strong>the</strong> next two to four months. In <strong>the</strong>meantime we may be doing some "private"games. In <strong>the</strong> past few months we have beenapproached by <strong>the</strong> Department of Defense,<strong>the</strong> Forestry Service and <strong>the</strong> Marine Corpswith proposals to do "custom" training games.The Defense Department wants a game onmechanized <strong>war</strong>fare in <strong>the</strong> Middle East (fromLibya to Iran) on <strong>the</strong> brigade level. We told<strong>the</strong>m we'd merely expand our Sinai game. So<strong>the</strong>y're still negotiating. The Forestry Servicewants a game on fighting forest fires. Theypaid $84,000 for a game on that subject and<strong>the</strong> game didn't work. We told <strong>the</strong>m we coulddo it for $20,000 and it would work. They'veseen our output of games <strong>the</strong>se past few yearsso <strong>the</strong>y're convinced it can be done. TheMarine Corps wants a game to train juniorofficers in small unit tactics. They even sent amajor up to see us for three days and checkout various approaches. We showed himSniper!, which seemed to fill <strong>the</strong> bill as far asfighting in built-up areas was concerned. Themajor made up a Marine squad in <strong>the</strong> gameand, using Marine Corps doctrine and tacticsproceeded to play out <strong>the</strong> game. Whilecrossing a street he had one fire team throwsmoke grenades out while pouring fire into anenemy held building down <strong>the</strong> block. Ano<strong>the</strong>rfire team <strong>the</strong>n crossed <strong>the</strong> street. He forgot,however, that <strong>the</strong> smoke doesn't take effectfor a turn. So one man was wounded byenemy opportunity fire down <strong>the</strong> smokelessstreet. "Happens all <strong>the</strong> time," said <strong>the</strong> majoras he quickly re-read <strong>the</strong> rules for any moreunpleasant surprises. The Marines won <strong>the</strong>firefight anyway.Although our games are not intended as such,<strong>the</strong>y are used by <strong>the</strong> military for training. Wewere first approached by <strong>the</strong> Army InfantrySchool for help and Red Star/White Star was<strong>the</strong> result. If we can, we'll do a "special" gamefor nothing and publish it. If someone wants a"special" game that we feel we couldn't sell<strong>the</strong>n we'll charge $20,000 and do if for <strong>the</strong>mprivately (it won't get published). This is not atotal loss to our regular customers as <strong>the</strong>(continued on pege 32)

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