the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics

the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics

the franco-prussian war - Strategy & Tactics


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II. Against disciplined, trained infantry undereffective command (anything else is eliminatedin <strong>the</strong>se game mechanics) cavalry, by itself isimpotent.SUGGESTED RULES CHANGESFOR BORODINOI. French Infantry, when attacking, receive abonus of one Combat Strength Point per unitof infantry involved in <strong>the</strong> attack.II. Guard Units may be committed at will, but<strong>the</strong>ir loss is effectively double <strong>the</strong> loss of o<strong>the</strong>runits. They count twice in determining victorypoints. If <strong>the</strong> French "Old Guard" iseliminated, <strong>the</strong> French lose <strong>the</strong> benefitof rule #I.Ill. Victory conditions for <strong>the</strong> Grand Battlegame are based on <strong>the</strong> ratio of destroyedStrength Points as modified by rule #2. Thetable is as follows:French RussianKilled Killed Victor Level and ConditionsRussian Decisive-if holding Borolinoand 2 Redoubt hexes.- . -- . . -"-.%1-2 1 Russian Substantial-if holdingGreat Redoubt.-- 1 1 FrencR Marginal-if holding Borrdino and 3 Redoubt hexes.17-1 3 + - -Frencli Decisive-if holding Boro-mdino and all Redoubts.IV. French units exited off map on or between<strong>the</strong> two roads east force <strong>the</strong> removal c?f double<strong>the</strong>ir Combat Strength in Russian units. TheRussian units are counted as lost.V. Russian optional militia is used as 1-3 unitsunless Russian player is markedly inferior.RA TIONA L ESI. French infantry was still at its peak ofoffensive training. This bonus helps restore <strong>the</strong>superior strength for attack <strong>the</strong> French actuallypossessed. In a historical situation whereFrance had half again as many men, <strong>the</strong> gamegives <strong>the</strong> French 172 CSP and <strong>the</strong> Russians144 CSP in <strong>the</strong>ir field force, plus 15 CSP inredoubts, plus an optional 33 CSP in <strong>the</strong> militia(a force wh~ch historically would have beenshattered by half its numbers in regulars). Allthis in a situation where <strong>the</strong> Russian is oftensafe in taking <strong>the</strong> offensive, makes a Frenchvictory unlikely in <strong>the</strong> game.II. I think that <strong>the</strong> considerations leading tocertain decisions should be given preferenceover forcing <strong>the</strong> player to accept someoneelse's decision.Ill. See comments on rule #l.IV. The thought of Napoleon between <strong>the</strong>mand holy Moscow would have driven mostRussian units east as fast as possible -without orders - at <strong>the</strong> time of <strong>the</strong> battle.V. Historical .variants should be accuratepossibilities or admitted attempts to achieveplay balance. The strength given to <strong>the</strong> militia(much of which was still mustering) gives <strong>the</strong>mbetter logistics, leadership, and training thanseems possible.*-Arthur Pigg"They Can't Capture Me,I'm The General!"There has lately been much debate concerningwhe<strong>the</strong>r or not most <strong>war</strong>gamers suffer from<strong>the</strong> "Rommel Syndrone." There has also beens.much talk about those who do suffer from thisaffliction. It seems that if a gamer wants toplay Rommel, let him; but make him put acounter on <strong>the</strong> board that represents himselfand one for his Headquarters (HQ), or pick aunit to be designated as <strong>the</strong> HQ unit. TheCommanding General (CG) unit would have<strong>the</strong> Movement Allowance of <strong>the</strong> fastestfriendly unit. If an air speed is used, use that ofa fighter or a scout plane: no bombers. If a newunit is added for <strong>the</strong> HQ, it shall have <strong>the</strong> speedof <strong>the</strong> fastest land unit; but it must use about25% of its movement to "set up" its lines ofcommunication et. al. It may, however, keepmoving and not set up. Add <strong>the</strong> followingrules:(1) The HQ Et CG units do not count forstacking and may not attack.(2a) Objectives and routes of attack must bewritten down for all groups of units, areas of<strong>the</strong> campaign, etc. The exact units must belisted on <strong>the</strong> orders. (b) These orders may bechanged at any time <strong>the</strong> CG is in a set up HQ.(c) Any unit not having written orders maynot move.(3a) If <strong>the</strong> CG is in his set up HQ, proceed asnormal. (b) If <strong>the</strong> CG is not in a set up HQ hecan only command a five (5) hex radius notthrough enemy ZOC or every unit he can comein contact with (including <strong>the</strong> HQ to changeorders, but it must spend half its movement<strong>the</strong>re). For this <strong>the</strong> Movement Allowance of<strong>the</strong> CG can only be that of <strong>the</strong> fastest friendlyland unit. (c) All units not under his commandshall continue as per <strong>the</strong>ir written objectives by<strong>the</strong> specified routs; and upon reaching <strong>the</strong>m<strong>the</strong>y will dig in to await fur<strong>the</strong>r orders. (dl If agroup of units, not under command, is pressingon to<strong>war</strong>d its objectives but through combathas been reduced to <strong>the</strong> point where it isfoolish to continue, it may dig in <strong>the</strong>re orretreat to <strong>the</strong> nearest defensible position.- I((4a) The presence of <strong>the</strong> CG affects <strong>the</strong>combat effectiveness of <strong>the</strong> troops in that hex.Soldiers do fight better under <strong>the</strong> eyes of <strong>the</strong>ircommander. The die roll, whe<strong>the</strong>r attacking ordefending, is changed by plus or minus one,depending on <strong>the</strong> CRT used. (b) The unitsstacked in that hex, if forced to retreat due tocombat, instead have half <strong>the</strong>ir streng<strong>the</strong>liminated. If <strong>the</strong>re is .only one unit presentbesides <strong>the</strong> CG it is eliminated, but <strong>the</strong> enemymay not advance into that hex and does notcapture <strong>the</strong> CG unit.(5a) The CG unit has no ZOC and is notaffected by those of <strong>the</strong> enemy. (b) If alone, itmay retreat if possible to refuse surfacecombat. The enemy may <strong>the</strong>n move into/through that hex as if it had not been occupiedat all. (c) If an enemy unit is forced to retreatinto a hex where it stands alone, it is alsoforced to retreat; if it cannot it is destroyed.(6a) If destroyed, <strong>the</strong> HQ unit may not bereplaced until one Friendly Movement andCombat Phase have passed, at which timeano<strong>the</strong>r unit at least five (5) hexes away from<strong>the</strong> nearest enemy unit or stacked with <strong>the</strong> CGunit is designated to be <strong>the</strong> new HQ. (b) TheCG unit may be capturedldestroyed. If it is, <strong>the</strong>player has lost (though ano<strong>the</strong>r player maytake his place and continue from <strong>the</strong>re) andthat is all, Erwin, m'boy!-David L. Porter~tegic simultaneousmovement system that does not, requlre a judge for ei<strong>the</strong>r face-tofaceor play-by-mail play..A n multaneousmovement system designed foruse with existing SPI and AHgarries inat use I nalmechanics.Games with maps and rulesutilizing <strong>the</strong> latest in new designideas.?xploring <strong>the</strong> ideas of amateur gameuesigrlcn game design, game reviews, gamevariants ana occassionally games. Articles are supported by maps anddiagrams. Grundsteit is published in a newspaper format utilizing <strong>the</strong>offsetSEND FOR A FREE SAMPLE ISSUE TO: GRUNDSTEIT12 S. Chenango St.Greene. N.Y. 13778!eit

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