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Into the future with energyvision, responsibility and efficiency

History of <strong>EWE</strong>Stadt OldenburgPreussagElektraStadt LeerOLDAG (1930) WESAG (1992)LEV (1933)STROSAG<strong>EWE</strong>1930:1943:Mergers: Stromversorgungs AGOldenburg-Ostfriesland (STROSAG AG)Die STROSAG AG und der LandeselektrizitätsverbandOldenburg, merged to a regional power company <strong>EWE</strong>AG1959196219751990Einstieg in die ErdgasversorgungFirst Import Contract of dutch GasFirst Gas storage<strong>EWE</strong> going to East Germany<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 2

History of <strong>EWE</strong>199619981999seit 2001seit 20022003200420062007Entry into the telecommunication market (<strong>EWE</strong> TEL)Megers mit ÜNH, Regionalvers. der Weser-Elbe-RegionFoundation of NaturWatt GmbH, green power.<strong>EWE</strong> going to PolandEntry into the IT-marketBuying some more companies within theTelcommunication market<strong>EWE</strong> buying shares at SWB<strong>EWE</strong> becomes major stockholder (47,9%) atFerngasunternehmens VNGUndbundling: Founding <strong>EWE</strong> Grid<strong>EWE</strong> entering the turkish energy marketseit 20072008Shareholder at turkish gas supplier an Kayserigaz.Founding a stratgic partnership with EnBW (26% owning at<strong>EWE</strong>)<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 3

<strong>EWE</strong> – The multi-service companyEnergyNetworkICTInformation andCommunicationsTechnologyInnovative ideas and productsAs a multi-service company the <strong>EWE</strong>Group incorporates three segments:• Energy• Network• Information and communicationstechnology (ICT)They enable us to provide our customerswith an integrated services portfolio ofinnovative ideas and products.Combining energy, telecommunicationsand IT services offers unique synergypotentials and provides a central focus forthe Group’s strategy – working towardstomorrow today.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 4

<strong>EWE</strong> – The multi-service company<strong>EWE</strong> AG (employees rd. 5.400)SegmentsHolding350EnergyProduction, procurement,sales700Network1.500ICTInformation technology,telecommunications2.900<strong>EWE</strong> AG VNG AG² <strong>EWE</strong> AG<strong>EWE</strong> POLSKA 1<strong>EWE</strong> NETZ BTC 1<strong>EWE</strong> TELGroupcompanies<strong>EWE</strong> Enerji 1swb²<strong>EWE</strong> WASSERDOTI²Aequamus²BREKOMBCCosnatelMartensNaturWatthtp²Regionally strong, committed internationally• Moving into the natural gas business marked the beginning of <strong>EWE</strong> AG’s development to aregional energy supplier• <strong>EWE</strong> today is a multi-service company with special competences in its Energy, Network andInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) segments• <strong>EWE</strong> is active in Germany and abroad through its subsidiaries and affiliated companies1Subgroup2Associated companies, shown at equity<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 5

<strong>EWE</strong> – The multi-service company• <strong>EWE</strong> ranks among Germany’s largest energy services companies andrecorded sales of €5.3 billion in 2008• the <strong>EWE</strong> Group supplies electricity to one million customers and naturalgas to 1.2 million customers• With 1.5 billion m³ of working gas volume <strong>EWE</strong> is one of Germany’s largestproviders of storage capacity• <strong>EWE</strong> NETZ operates one of the safest electricity networks in Europe• <strong>EWE</strong>’s green power subsidiary NaturWatt sells electricity from renewableenergy sources to customers all over the country• <strong>EWE</strong> TEL is one of the largest regional providers of telecommunicationsservices• BTC is one of the largest IT consultancies in Germany• As an innovation driver <strong>EWE</strong> is strongly committed to research anddevelopmentInto the future with energy<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 6

<strong>EWE</strong> – The Group in figures (2008)Electricity Natural gasTC 1Customernumbers997,100 1,264,300671,500(incl. htp customers)Sales13.3 billion kWh 40.5 billion kWh –Network 79,800 km 54,300 km 28,600 km<strong>EWE</strong> Group• 5,347 employees (annual average)• 4.693 €5.3 Mitarbeiter billion sales (Jahresdurchschnitt)• €207.5• 4,66millionMrd.netEuroprofitUmsatzfor the year• 299,2 Mio. Euro Jahresüberschuss• €923.9 million capital expenditure1Telecommunications companies <strong>EWE</strong> TEL, BREKOM, osnatel, BCC and Martenshtp GmbH is an associated company in which <strong>EWE</strong> holds a 50% stake<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 7

<strong>EWE</strong> – Network regions in Germany<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 8

<strong>EWE</strong> – Network regions served by foreign affiliates<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 9

<strong>EWE</strong> – Foreign affiliates in figures2008 figuresTurkeyPolandSalesEmployees€79.3 million*271**€24.7 million80**Natural gascustomers504,4007,800<strong>EWE</strong> Polska<strong>EWE</strong> EnergiaShareholders80% <strong>EWE</strong>10% Çalik Group10% Kayserimunicipality80% <strong>EWE</strong>10% Çalik Group10% Bursamunicipality100% <strong>EWE</strong>99.97% <strong>EWE</strong>Polska0.03% Odra Wartamunicipalassociation* consolidated from October 2008 **as at 31. December 2008<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 10

<strong>EWE</strong> – Active along theentire value creation chain<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 11

<strong>EWE</strong> – Active along the entire value creation chainPRODUC-TIONPROCURE-MENTTRANS-PORTWHOLE-SALESALESELECTRICITY+ NATURALGASOur aim is to be active along the entire value creation chain• In production we demonstrate foresight and sustainability by providing renewable energy• In procurement we can look back on 50 years of experience as a natural gas importer• Our network infrastructure is modern, efficient and safe, and our electricity network is almostentirely underground• As wholesalers we delivery energy to municipal utilities and onward distributors and providenatural gas storage services• The main focus of our activities is on sales; our many service locations and innovative productsensure above-average customer retention<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 12

<strong>EWE</strong> – Greater environmental responsibilityin power generationWe place emphasis on power generation that preserves resources and theenvironment:• Our wind parks have an installed capacity in excess of 78 megawatts andsupply around 212 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year• Our photovoltaic plants generate about an additional 510,000 kilowatt hoursof solar power• We invest in harnessing energy generated by biomass and operate biogasand biogas processing facilities in northern GermanyWe are consistently expanding power production from the renewableenergy sources wind, solar power and biomass.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 13

<strong>EWE</strong> – Reliable power supplyComparison of power outages in Europe*in minutes per year per customer1631181037645516133195<strong>EWE</strong> NETZ Germany Netherlands Austria France UK Italy Finland Spain Ireland* <strong>EWE</strong> NETZ as of 2007, Germany as of 2007, other countries: latest available values,Quellen: BDEW; E-Control; Third Benchmarking Report on Quality of Electricity Supply; CEER, 2005; <strong>EWE</strong> NETZ GmbH<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 14

<strong>EWE</strong> – Natural gas storage capacitiesenhance security of supply<strong>EWE</strong>’s total storage capacity amounts to approximately 1.5 billion m³<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 15

<strong>EWE</strong> – More electricity from renewable energy sourcesfor our customersOur electricity:The energy mix used to generateelectricity supplied by <strong>EWE</strong>.Radioactive waste: 0.0011g/kWhCO 2 emissions: 371g/kWh38.021.6One kilowatt hour of electricity in five that wesupply to our customers is already generatedfrom renewable sources. That is a muchhigher proportion than the energy mix forGermany as a whole.40.4Atomic energyFossil and other fuelsRenewable energy sourcesElectricity in Germany:15.0The energy mix used to generateelectricity supplied in Germany.Radioactive waste: 0.0007g/kWhCO 2 emissions: 451g/kWh60.724.3<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 16

<strong>EWE</strong> – Over 60 natural gas filling stations<strong>EWE</strong> promotes natural gas propulsion• <strong>EWE</strong> promotes the purchase of naturalgas-powered vehicles and convertingexisting vehicles to run on natural gas• <strong>EWE</strong> operates over 60 natural gas fillingstations across its entire network area• Natural gas-powered cars are lowemissionvehicles that emit less carbondioxide• Emissions could be reduced further byrunning cars on biogasNatural gas sales at <strong>EWE</strong> natural gas filling stationsin millions of kilograms9,07,05,273,40,270,631,121,842001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 17

<strong>EWE</strong> – Successfulin many markets<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 18

<strong>EWE</strong> – Powerfully positioned inthe telecommunications marketSales areastelecommunications:<strong>EWE</strong> TEL<strong>EWE</strong> TEL andBREKOMosnatelhtpMartens AntennenundKabelanlagenEberswalde: TELTA(Local carrier)Not shown on the map:BCC operates a highcapacityfibre opticnetwork and offerssolutions for businesscustomers throughoutGermany<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 19

<strong>EWE</strong> – A strong partner for IT solutionsThe <strong>EWE</strong> Group’s wholly owned subsidiaryBusiness Technology Consulting (BTC)provides customised IT services:• IT consulting• IT system integration and management• Geoinformation systems• Network control technologyZurich, BernPoznanOldenburgBad HomburgBTC and its subsidiaries are successfullyactive internationally in a number ofindustries:• Energy companies• Telecommunications companies• Public sector• Automotive manufacturersand suppliersIstanbulGüterslohOldenburgBremen<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 20

<strong>EWE</strong> – Research anddevelopment for our future<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 21

<strong>EWE</strong> – Ten assumptions for the futureENERGY CONSERVATIONENERGY EFFICIENCYRENEWABLE ENERGIESE 3<strong>EWE</strong> has a visionTo ensure• efficient• economic and• environmentally compatibleenergy supply we have drawn up tenassumptions jointly with renowned scientists.The BULLENSEE ASSUMPTIONSThe core statements and recommendations ofthe assumptions are aimed at:• Conserving even more energy• Boosting energy efficiency significantly• Developing renewable energy sourcesThe BULLENSEE ASSUMPTIONS point the way,among other things, for our research anddevelopment activities.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 22

The e³ programme:New prospects for energy supplyA continuation of the idea behind the Bullensee Assumptions• In the future, an increasing number ofprivate households and businesses willproduce electricity as well as using it.• Plants that produce electricity fromrenewable energies and small powerplants that generate both electricity andheat will become increasingly popular.• This trend will give people theopportunity to share responsibility forthe energy supply of the future andbecome less dependent onconventional large-scale power plants.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 23

<strong>EWE</strong> – Conservation potential for the futureNetworking of all areasWith the <strong>EWE</strong> Box as the data interface in thehome, conservation potential can be enhanced bymeans of:• Bidirectional communicationMonitorScreen19.00°• Smart devices and facilities• Integration into a decentralised energymanagement systemWWW• Customer-specific tariffsTest region – 400 customers<strong>EWE</strong>’s Ems/Weser/Elbe regionRouter<strong>EWE</strong> BOXWesterstede (city)Oldenburg(city)Oldenburg(district)Cloppenburg(district)Natural gas Electricity<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 24

<strong>EWE</strong> – Martha and HeidiSmart domestic appliances• Integrate smart domestic appliances in a distributed energy managementsystem• <strong>EWE</strong> can use the smart domestic appliances for a controlled consumptionof energy in phases of large supply of renewable energy• One example is a smart fridge, cooling down when power is cheap. In timeof high prices, the fridge consumes no power.• Other devices like a dishwasher or a washing machine can also be part ofdistributed energy system<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 25

eMobility – A strategic partnershipin the field of electric mobilityEco-friendly motorised transportation and mobile electricity storage devices havea part to play in the energy supply of the future• <strong>EWE</strong> and Karmann (Osnabrück) areworking together in the field of electricmobility• A number of pilot vehicles will be constructedbetween 2009 and 2011. Thecars will be used for joint research.• The electric vehicles will be incorporatedin <strong>EWE</strong>'s electricity and telecommunicationsnetwork and intelligent controlsystems will be developed for batteryand network managementThe rechargeable batteries (blue) are integrated intothe floor of the E3 car to save space.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 26

Windenergie<strong>EWE</strong> Titel – Into der the Präsentation, future with energy Max Mustermann, Abteilung 27

Historische Entwicklung der Windenergie bei <strong>EWE</strong>Historie der Windenergie bei <strong>EWE</strong>Entwicklung der installiertenWindkapazität [MW]<strong>EWE</strong> ist bereits seit 1989 in derWindenergie aktiv<strong>EWE</strong> verfügt heute über ca. 80 MW eigeneWindkraftleistungAlle Windenergieanlagen von <strong>EWE</strong>befinden sich im Versorgungsgebiet von<strong>EWE</strong>.<strong>EWE</strong> beteiligt sich oft anForschungsvorhaben.5978101995192000 2005 2008Eigennutzung<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 28

Vor, beim und hinter dem Deich:Standorte der <strong>EWE</strong> Windenergieanlagen<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 29

Bereits seit 20 Jahren ist <strong>EWE</strong> bei der technischenEntwicklung der Windenergie dabeiE-16E-126E16• Rotordurchmesser 16 m• Installierte Leistung 55 kW• Stromproduktion 110.000 kWhE126• Rotordurchmesser 126 m• Installierte Leistung 6 MW• Stromproduktion > 18.000.000 kWhNordholz E-16 Manslagt E-32 Hamswehrum E-40 Hamswehrum E-66 Wybelsum E-82 Emden Ems E-112 Rysumer Nacken E-126<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 30

Forschungs- und EntwicklungsvorhabenE-112 NearshoreOffshore-TestfeldCuxhavenFuE-WindenergieanlagenRysumer Nacken<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 31

<strong>EWE</strong> – The future needs ideasThe alpha ventus offshore wind park<strong>EWE</strong> and its partners E.ON and Vattenfall asshareholders of Deutsche Offshore-Testfeld undInfrastruktur-Gesellschaft (DOTI) are setting upand will jointly operate Germany’s first offshorewind park in the North Sea.The alpha ventus offshore wind park• 46 km off the North Sea island of Borkum,outside the national park zone• Water depth of between 28 and 32 metres• 12 five-megawatt wind turbines manufacturedby Multibrid and REpower• 60 km of underwater cable• A three-phase 110-kilovolt grid connectionNorderneyBorkumWilhelmshavenCuxhavenBremerhaven<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 32

<strong>EWE</strong> – An innovation driverStrong in research and developmentWe are committed to providing smart andsustainable power supply based on the E 3 formula.The focal points of our research are:• Fuel cells and combined heating and power• A decentralised energy management system• eMobility• Smart meteringNextEnergy – Visions made by <strong>EWE</strong>In addition, <strong>EWE</strong>’s NextEnergy research centreis pursuing further research objectives. In 2009about 50 NextEnergy scientists are starting workon projects to drive forward energy efficiency,energy storage and renewable energies.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 33

<strong>EWE</strong> – Research for the futureeTelligence in practiceeTelligence, a practical model of the energy supply of the future:• Power producers, energy service providers, network operators and consumers are networkedintelligently and connected in a virtual marketplace• The project was launched in autumn 2008 in Cuxhaven• eTelligence is a winner of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology’s E-Energytechnology competition<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 34

Biogas und Biomasse<strong>EWE</strong> Titel – Into der the Präsentation, future with energy Max Mustermann, Abteilung 35

Biogas / Biomasseanlagen der <strong>EWE</strong> AG<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 36

Biogasanlagen der <strong>EWE</strong> AGBiogasanlage Wittmund(<strong>EWE</strong> Biogas GmbH)Leistung: 2,49 MW el und 3,40 MW thBaujahr: 1996Invest: 11,2 Mio. €Biogasanlage WerlteLeistung: 2,5 MW el und 3,3 MW th+ BGAA/BGEABaujahr: 2002Invest: 7,0 Mio. €Biogasanlage SurwoldLeistung: 626 KW el und863 KW thInvest: 2,78 Mio. €Erweiterung: 2002Biogasanlage Nordholz(NaWaRo)Leistung: 0,7 (+ 1,18) MW elund 0,74 (+1,36) MW thBaujahr: 2006Invest: 5,9 Mio. €Kommanditist: <strong>EWE</strong> AG (rd.40%)<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 37

Biogasanlagen der <strong>EWE</strong> AGWerlte: Übersicht der AnlagenteileKombispeicher Fermenter Pufferbehälter Annahmebehälter Gülle LagerbehälterFackelAnnahmebehälterAbfälleBHKW Hygienisierung Annahmehalle Betriebsgebäude<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 38

Biogasanlagen der <strong>EWE</strong> AGWerlte mit „Innovation“ Gaseinspeisung<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 39

Biogasaufbereitungs- und Einspeiseanlage WerlteAnschluss ans örtliches Verteilnetz<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 40

Biogasaufbereitungs- und Einspeiseanlage WerlteAnwendungsfelder für aufbereitetes Biogas• Verstromung im BHKW(z.B. BHKW <strong>EWE</strong>-Arena in Oldenburg)• Beimischung Biogas in Erdgas als Kraftstoff(Verbundnetz Ems-Weser-Elbe)• Umweltschonende Heizenergie für HaushaltskundenProdukt „<strong>EWE</strong> BioErdgas10“<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 41


PV-Anlagen der <strong>EWE</strong> im Versorgungsgebiet<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 43

PV-Anlagen der <strong>EWE</strong> im VersorgungsgebietAnlagenbestand:► ca. 50 Photovoltaikanlagen im BetriebGesamtleistung:► rund 800 kWpJährliche Stromerzeugung:► rund 550.000 kWh ( 160 Haushalte)eingesetzte Technologien:► Monokristallin► Polykristallin► DünnschichtAnlagentypen:► Dachanlagen► Fassadenanlagen► sonnenstandsgeführte Anlagen► gebäudeintegrierte Anlagen<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 44

<strong>EWE</strong> und Photovoltaik - BeispielprojektePV-Anlage an der <strong>EWE</strong>-Arena in Oldenburg:Es handelt sich um eine sonnenstandsgeführte Fassadenanlage. Die Module fahren aufeiner Schiene am Gebäude entlang, um die Sonnenenergie optimal einzufangen.Größe: rund 15 kWpZelltyp: monokristallines Silizium<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 45

<strong>EWE</strong> und Photovoltaik - BeispielprojektePV-Anlage an der A31 in Emden:Diese Anlage wurde an der Autobahn 31entlang einer Lärmschutzwandangebracht. Dabei kamenverschiedene Zellformen zum Einsatz.Größe: rund 55 kWpZelltyp: monokristallines Silizium<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 46

<strong>EWE</strong> und Photovoltaik - BeispielprojektePV-Anlage auf dem Dach des Forum Bethlehem in Papenburg:<strong>EWE</strong> hat viele Anlagen dieser Art und Größe im gesamten <strong>EWE</strong> Gebiet errichtet undwird diesen Bestand kontinuierlich erweitern.Größe: rund 40 kWpZelltyp: polykristallines Silizium und Dünnschicht-PV<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 47

Photovoltaik am Bremer Weserstadion<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 48

Photovoltaik am Bremer Weserstadion<strong>EWE</strong>, swb und die Bremer Weser-Stadion GmbH konzipieren undrealisieren gemeinsam weltweit größte gebäudeintegrierte Solaranlageauf einem Stadion.• Drei Teilanlagen auf Dach und Fassade• Alle Anlagen sind gebäudeintegriert• Gesamtleistung: ca. 1,2 MW• Modulfläche: ca. 16.000 m²( 2 Fußballfelder)• Stromerzeugung: ca. 840.000 kWh/a( 240 Haushalte)• CO 2 Einsparung: ca. 450 t/a<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 49

Übersicht der eingespeisten Mengen in 2008Segment Gesellschaft Projekt / Standortinstallierteelektr. Leistung[MW]eingespeisteMenge(Produktion)[GWh]VollaststundenBiogas Gesamt 6,342 28,28 4.459<strong>EWE</strong> AG BGA Surwold 0,626 4,31 6.885<strong>EWE</strong> AG BGA Werlte 2,500 7,40 2.959<strong>EWE</strong> Biogas BGA Wittmund 2,500 11,35 4.539BioKraft Nordholz BGA Midlum 0,716 5,23 7.300Biomasse Gesamt 20,000 117,69 5.885Wind Gesamt 77,900 213,89 2.746<strong>EWE</strong> / Windservice WEP Pilsum 3,000 11,05 3.682<strong>EWE</strong> / Windservice WEP Hamswehrum 12,000 33,66 2.805<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEP Tossens 2,400 6,16 2.565<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEA Großefehn 2,300 3,77 1.637<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEP Wybelsumer Polder (<strong>EWE</strong>) 17,800 44,59 2.505<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEA Larrelter Polder 4,500 14,04 3.120<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEA E112 Ems Emden 4,500 13,82 3.071<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEP DEWI OCC CUX (5M) 5,000 16,93 3.387<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEP DEWI OCC CUX (E-126) 6,000 17,29 2.882<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEA Rysumer Nacken 6,000 21,48 3.580<strong>EWE</strong> AG WEP Jaderaußendeich 5,400 7,67 1.421<strong>EWE</strong> / Naturwatt WEP Wybelsumer Polder 9,000 23,44 2.604Photovoltaik Gesamt 0,798 0,51 639<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 50

CHP and Contracting Activiesat <strong>EWE</strong>

Energy Efficient CHPOtto Engine (CHP)Stirling Engine (CHP)Fuel Cell (CHP)<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 52

Engine driven CHP at <strong>EWE</strong>Solo StirlingFeldtest mit einerAnlageStirling SystemsFeldtest mit einerAnlageSenertec3 Anlagen imContracting-Betrieb10 Anlagen in <strong>EWE</strong>-LiegenschaftenWhispergenFeldtest mit einerAnlage, Ausweitungmgl.Vaillant / Ecopower4 Anlagen imContracting Betrieb<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 53

Experiences - WhispergenTechnische Daten, Hersteller• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 8,0 kW th / 83 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 1,0 kW el / 11 %Betriebsdaten, durchschnittlich• Betriebsstunden: DauerläuferBetriebserfahrungen• läuft zuverlässigFazit• Serienreife vom Hersteller für 2009 avisiert<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 54

Experiences - ecopowerTechnische Daten, Hersteller• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 12,5 kW th / 65 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 4,7 kW el / 25 %Betriebsdaten, durchschnittlich• Betriebsstunden:> 6.000 h/a• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 12,2 kW th / 61 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 3,8 kW el / 19 %BetriebserfahrungenFazit• Keine Probleme oder Störungen an der Anlage• lange Laufzeiten erreicht• Robuste und betriebssichere Technologie<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 55

The next Step: CHP Initiative by <strong>EWE</strong>Idee der KWK-Offensive• Umsetzung der <strong>EWE</strong> Konzernstrategie zurStärkung dezentraler KWK• Einbringung von Mikro-KWK-Systemen in denMarkt• Marktpartner umfangreich einbinden undinformieren• Contracting-Produkte entwickeln, verbessern underfolgreich umsetzen• Einbindung in Dezentrales EnergiemanagementSystem (DEMS) und Marktplatz der Zukunft(eTelligence)<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 56

<strong>EWE</strong> – Efficiency for the futureFuel cells in practiceThe basic energy requirements of a house can be met efficiently byusing fuel cells:• Fuel cell heaters can generate both electricity and heat• CO 2 conservation of up to 35% can be achieved• <strong>EWE</strong> has been testing fuel cell devices made by differentmanufacturers in practical trials for years• In the years ahead this technology is to be developed to marketreadiness<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 57

FC Testing in Single and Multi Family Houses underreal Conditions<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 58

Targets of CalluxVorbereitung der Markteinführung erdgasbetriebener BZH• Weiterentwicklung technischen Reife zu marktfähigen Produkten• Aufbau von Lieferketten durch Stückzahlen• Steigerung der Bekanntheit• Konzepte zur Einbindung in die Versorgungsstrukturen• Schulung / Weiterbildung der Marktpartner• Marktforschung• Förderung der Wertschöpfung in Deutschland<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 59

Callux PartnersEVU:• installieren und betreiben bereits seit Jahren BZH• gemeinsam Installations- und Betriebserfahrung zuca. 100 BZHHersteller:• in Deutschland tätige Know-how-Träger in derEntwicklung von BZH• Technologie: PEM und SOFC (1-5 kWel)• weisen mehrjährige Betriebserfahrung mit weit über100 Anlagen aufProjektkoordinator:• umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Bearbeitung undAbwicklung von Förderprojekten<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 60

kumulierte InstallationenInstallation Targets90080070060050040030020010002008 2009 2010 2011 2012Bis 2012 sollen mehr als 800 BZH im Praxistest Calluxinstalliert und zum Teil bis 2015 betrieben werden.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 61

Field Trial Experiences and ExpectationsTechnische Kennzahlen Field Trial Ready to MarketWirkungsgrad elektrisch ~20-25% > 30%Wirkungsgrad thermisch ~30-50% > 50%Gesamtwirkungsgrad ~50-75% > 80 %Entschwefelung Erforderlich Nicht erforderlichZusatzbrenner Erforderlich IntegriertWasseraufbereitung Erforderlich Nicht erforderlichLebensdauer Stack < 10.000 h > 40.000 hDegradation 5-10 %/1000h < 1 %/1000h<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 62

Challenges on Path to MarketEntire System- Zuverlässigkeit und Langzeitstabilität gewährleisten- Anforderungen an Maße, Gewicht, Funktionen- Systemkosten- KommunikationsschnittstelleQuelle: <strong>EWE</strong>Fuel Cell Modul- Langzeitstabilität nachweisen- Serienfertigung- QualitätssicherungQuelle: Hexis<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 63

Heat ContractingWärmeerzeugung bei VD‣ 12.000 Anlagen‣ 842 Mio. kWh th /a Wärmeverkauf‣ 72.600 T€/a Umsatzerlöse‣ Wärmeequivalent vonca. 90.000 Niedrigenergiehäusern<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 64

MW<strong>EWE</strong> Contracting - Installed Capacity700600500Wärme plus-Anlagen (MW)WDS-Heizzentralen (MW)WDS-Heizkraftwerke (MW)40030020010001992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 65

Plant Oil CHP - Fettraffinerie Brake• Pflanzenöl-BHKW- Stromerzeugung: rd. 4,38 MWel- Wärmeversorgung derFettraffinerie: 3,3-3,6 MWth- Input: rd. 10 MWFWL- Fettraffinerie ist Lieferant fürdas Palmöl (KUOK Group)• Investitionsvolumen: rd. 6,2 Mio. €<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 66

Contracting - Suitable for FC!‣ Vertrieb + Installation durch das Handwerk‣ Kunde kauft Wärme von <strong>EWE</strong>‣ <strong>EWE</strong> übernimmt Investition und Servicekoordination‣ Eigentum der Anlage bei <strong>EWE</strong>‣ Handwerk realisiert sämtliche Serviceleistungen‣ Preisgestaltung:- monatlicher Wärmegrundpreis- verbrauchsabhängiger Arbeitspreis8.500 Verträge, ca. 190 MW th , ca. 37 Mio. EuroZiel 2009: 1.900 Neuverträge!<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 67

Erfahrungen mit Solo StirlingTechnische Daten, Hersteller• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 26,0 kW th / 75 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 9,0 kW el / 24 %Betriebsdaten, durchschnittlich• Betriebsstunden: 6.500 h/a• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 17,0 kW th / 61 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 5,3 kW el / 20 %Betriebserfahrungen:• Gebrochene Kolbenstange, Heliumverluste• Probleme am Erhitzer, Gasventilen und AWT• Ausbau der Anlage vorgesehenFazit:• Nennleistung niedriger, Wartungskosten höher• Solo Stirling GmbH zwischenzeitlich insolvent<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 68

Erfahrungen mit Stirling SystemsTechnische Daten, Hersteller• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 5,0 kW th / 72 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 1,2 kW el / 18 %Betriebsdaten, durchschnittlich• Betriebsstunden:gering• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 4,0 kW th / 67 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 0,8 kW el / 14 %Betriebserfahrungen• Probleme mit Brenner• Verfügbarkeit niedrig• Ausbau nach einem Jahr, 3.000 h/aFazit• Verfügbarkeit zu niedrig• Brenner und Peripherie stellen Fehlerquellen dar• Entwicklung robuster Teilkomponenten und eineslangzeitgetesteten Brenners notwendig<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 69

Erfahrungen mit SENERTECTechnische Daten, Hersteller• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 12,5 kW th / 61 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 5,5 kW el / 27 %Betriebsdaten, durchschnittlich• Betriebsstunden: 6.400 h/a• th. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 12,1 kW th / 57 %• el. Leistung/Nutzungsgrad 5,4 kW el / 25 %Betriebserfahrungen:• Lange Laufzeiten erreicht• normaler WartungsaufwandFazit:• Robuste und betriebssichere Technologie<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 70

<strong>EWE</strong> Water

Zum <strong>EWE</strong>-Konzern gehören zahlreiche erfolgreicheTochter- und BeteiligungsunternehmenGeschäftsbereichHoldingEnergie Netz I+KGeschäftseinheitProduktionBeschaffungVertriebNetzITTelekommunikation1)2)1)2)2)2)1) Teilkonzern2) Assoziierte Unternehmen, at equity berücksichtigt2)<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 72

Wasseraktivitäten der <strong>EWE</strong>Trinkwasser:• 4 Städte und 1 Gemeinde• 61.000 Hausanschlüsse• Aufbereitung: 14 Mio. m³/a6 Wasserwerken• 1.200 km LeitungsnetzinAbwasser:• 2 Landkreise, 3 Städte, 16 Gemeinden• 830.000 Einwohnerwerte auf 37 Anlagen• 15,6 Mio. m³ gereinigtes Schmutzwasserpro Jahr• 2.000 km Leitungsnetz, 5.200 Pumpwerke Gesamtumsatz Wassergeschäft im Konzern: ~ 50 Mio. €/a<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 73

<strong>EWE</strong> WASSER GmbH alsBetriebsführungsgesellschaft• Gesellschaft zur Betriebsführung vonabwassertechnischen Anlagen• Gesellschafter: 100 % <strong>EWE</strong> Aktiengesellschaft• Mitarbeiter: 120• Tarif: TV-V• Ergebnisabführungsvertrag zwischen <strong>EWE</strong> WASSERund <strong>EWE</strong> AG• Gesellschaft ist voll konsolidiert<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 74

Abwasserbehandlung im Ammerland<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 75

<strong>EWE</strong> – We take our responsibilityto society seriously<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 76

<strong>EWE</strong> – Shouldering responsibility far beyond thecompany itselfAs a major regional enterprise we shoulderresponsibilities far beyond our tasks as aninfrastructure service provider.We are committed commercially, socially andwith view to the future to:• Regional development and employment• Science and research• Education and child development• The arts and culture• SportsOur focus is on the regions in which we areactive as an energy service provider.Here are some of our specific commitments:• We support the Regionale InnovationsstrategieWeser-Ems consortium’sprogramme for promoting innovation• Within the scope of the Sign preventionproject we are trying to help young peoplecombat addiction and violence• As a principal sponsor we are backing theWirtschaft und Gymnasium business andhigher education project to promote theteaching of economics• In top-level sports we sponsor the <strong>EWE</strong>Baskets and the VfL Oldenburgwomen’s handball teamThe non-profit <strong>EWE</strong> Stiftung also supportsprojects in the Ems/Weser/Elbe, Brandenburgand Rügen regions.<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 77

Thank you for your attention.<strong>EWE</strong> AktiengesellschaftTirpitzstraße 3926122 OldenburgGermanyT +49 441 803-0www.ewe.de<strong>EWE</strong> – Into the future with energy 78

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