July 2013 - Graffham Parish News

July 2013 - Graffham Parish News

July 2013 - Graffham Parish News


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DirectoryArchives Terry Davy 01798 867 511and Diana White 01798 867 405Badminton Penny Jennings 01798 867 391Bellringers Carole Kirke 01798 867 026Bowls Club—Captain Graham Kingsmill 01798 867 244Bowls Club —Secretary Den Petter 01798 867 221Brownies Brown Owl: Harriet Rowntree 01798 867 536Tawny Owl: Diane Bellis 01798 867 444Cricket Iain Stevenson 01798 867 587Darts John Kewill 01730 814 482Dog Warden Office 01243 534 618Emergency Office 01243 785 339Empire Lunch Club Maggie Paterson 01798 861 429Foresters Arms James & Sarah 01798 867 202<strong>Graffham</strong> Down Trust Chairman: David Mozley 07932 690 292Reserve Manager: Paul Dimmer 01798 867 454<strong>Graffham</strong> Empire Movies Martin Taylor 01798 867 471<strong>Graffham</strong> Football Club Chairman Keith Tupper 07818 052 067Secretary Eddie Challen 01903 713 176<strong>Graffham</strong> Garden Group Martin Buckley 01798 867 234<strong>Graffham</strong> Health Support AssociationChairman: Alison Davidson 01798 867 232Hospital Transport: Ann Rowney 01798 300 533Equipment Hire: Sylvia Smith 01798 867 209<strong>Graffham</strong> Ladies Group Diana Kingsmill 01798 867 244<strong>Graffham</strong> Nuthatches (for mothers, babies and toddlers)TBC<strong>Graffham</strong> Rustics Vic Constable 01798 343 070<strong>Graffham</strong> Tennis Club —Chairman Beetle Clay 01798 867 035<strong>Graffham</strong> Tennis Club—Membership Richard Gyles 01798 867484<strong>Graffham</strong> Tennis Club—Coaching Denise Clay 01798 867 035<strong>Graffham</strong> Village Shop Association James Woods 01798 867 000<strong>Graffham</strong> Village Shop Jeeva and Vasu 01798 867 700Hoyle Garage Bob Crosdil 01798 867 678Long Bostle Downland Preservation Society -William Godman-Dorington 01798 867 291Midhurst & Petworth ObserverMidhurst Reporter—Jenny Mouland 07801 195 419Seaford College Office Tel.No. 01798 867 392Sussex Wildlife Trust (SWT) Jane Willmott 01730 810363Thursday Club– Chairman Sylvia Smith 01798 867 209Thursday Club—Secretary Diana White 01798 867 405White Horse Adam Mordue 01798 867 331Advertisements. Neither the editor of this magazine nor the PCC are responsible for the contentof any advertisements in this magazine. Readers are advised to check references of serviceproviders for themselves.44

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