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2 | November 2, 2012 EDITORIALCrested Butte NewsWORLD NEWSWORLDSweden wants your trashOnly 4 percent of Swedish trash ends up in the landfill, thanks toa program that converts waste into energy. The system is so efficientthat the country has recently begun to import about 800,000tons of trash every year. Norway pays Sweden to take its garbage,and Sweden’s sights are also set on Bulgaria, Romania and Italy asfuture exporters. The country is leading the way in waste managementduring a time when nearly 70 percent of deep-sea Arctic creaturesare in contact with human trash. —information compiled fromNPR.orgThe campaign season is almost over. ThankGod. The season is more than ready to be finished,given the tsunami of crap being spewed on the nationallevel. Living in a “swing state,” we get the“privilege” of seeing all the political commercials,taking all the political robo-calls and experiencingall the political candidates dropping in. But it istime for it to end. Nothing new is being generatedexcept commission checks for the televisionadvertising guys.But keeping it in perspective, let’s rememberthat locally, we have good candidates runninggood campaigns. Each has stepped up andexposed their personalities to the public. Thankyou. Win or lose, we appreciate the mostly civilconversation.Nationally, it is purposefully more shaded.The charges and accusations, the flips and theflops, the over-the-top finger pointing has becomeshrill. We will all breathe easier when the “approvedmessages” take their leave.The bottom line is that it is time to vote if youhaven’t already. Those who won’t take the time tocast a ballot are being lazy. Choosing not to participatein the election as a citizen is not a politicalstatement. There are ample ways to make politicalstatements, and not voting is the lamest one.Dear Mark and Fellow Community Members:I am writing to urge you to vote yes for Ballot Issue1A to renew the Gunnison Valley Land PreservationFund. The fund has existed since 1997, and contributesto fulfilling many of our highest priorities in livinghere. The fund has supported 48 projects county-wide,including open space, ranchland conservation, wildlifehabitat and wetland conservation, access to anddevelopment of public lands, trails, and watershedprotection.Until recently, I was unaware that a number of theWeather Report8,885 feet above the sea. Providedby the Town of Crested Butte.For up to date avalanche andweather information call 349-4022.Use your voicedatehighlowprecipsnowphoto by Lydia SternI voted last week and can tell you firsthandthere is plenty of choice on our ballot. If you wantto make a “statement” and you don’t like Mr.Obama or Mr. Romney for president, I noticedRoseanne Barr is a choice. So are Gloria La Riva,“Rocky” Anderson, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein and10 others. They are all choices you can check forpresident of these United States on your ballot.Send that message but take the responsibility tovote.You sort of owe it to the local guys. They havebeen out there for months knocking on doors,going to Rotary Club meetings, pounding signsinto the dirt, attending chili fundraisers, buyingbeers, all in an effort to engage the local voter.That’s you. Heck, I saw in the police report thatone of the candidates got reported to the cops fortrespassing. It’s rough out there as a candidate.So take the 10 minutes and perform whatmany would say is your civic duty. Be a responsiblecitizen. Fill in the boxes and be proud thatyou live in a place where you have a voice—evenif you use your voice to vote for Roseanne Barr forpresident.—Mark ReamanLETTERStrails enjoyed by myself and my family are the productof the Gunnison Land Preservation Fund. You can see alist of the accomplishments of the fund and learn moreabout it at: join me in support of the responsible stewardshipover our economy and environment that theGunnison Valley Land Preservation fund provides.Sincerely,Bill NiemiHello Fellow Community Members:This is just a short letter to ask you to vote Yes on Ballot Issue 1A.Having been fortunate to help preserve open space in our beautiful valleyfor over 20 years, this issue is extremely near and dear to my heart.While talking to many groups and individuals these past weeks,it is great to see so many people that support this issue! For me, it is ano-brainer. We get to continue to help protect and preserve open space,ranching, scenic views and trails. Our taxes will not go up or down withyour “Yes” vote—we just get to say where we want our tax dollars to bespent!Please vote and be sure to renew the Gunnison Valley Land PreservationFund by voting YES on 1A!Thanks a lot!Glo CunninghamNiemi urges a yes vote on Ballot Issue 1AGlo on board for Ballot Issue 1ALeague of WomenVoters supports 1ADear Editor:Our local chapter of theLeague of Women Voters hasunanimously voted to endorseBallot Issue 1A, the renewal of theGunnison Valley Land PreservationFund. After carefully listeningto the pros and cons at our recentmeeting, we agree that continuingthis valuable resource for landpreservation is vital to each of us.continued on next page10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/3060 48 30 35 42 54 5830 19 5 6 17 16 160.00 0.09 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 1.3 0.3 0.0 0 0 0China’s new first lady pushing boundariesIn a nation where some people think women lead men astray, especiallyin affairs of the state, the incoming first lady could shakethings up. Xi Jinping is a renowned soprano, has hobnobbed withBill Gates at an anti-smoking event in Beijing, and is a goodwillambassador for the World Health Organization. She also holds acivilian rank equivalent to major general, and has been known tobelt out patriotic melodies in military skirt suits. All eyes are watchingto see how the Communist Party will handle such a woman ofpower. —information compiled from the Los Angeles TimesNATIONKeep your family fed during a power outageIt could be a new sign of the times: a recent NPR article advisedreaders to take a deep breath before braving the wind, rain and linesat area grocery stores in the mid-Atlantic region and then gave sixtips for feeding families during a power outage. Tips included usingleftovers and perishables first, sticking bags of water in the freezerto keep things extra cold, and keeping things fun where possible.Treasure hunt, anyone? Through cookbooks, to track down recipesfor the items you have left. —information compiled from NPR.orgGun donated to Illinois libraryA book donated to an Illinois public library held an unusual donation:a gun in its hollowed-out pages. The book was a copy ofRobert Stone’s Outbridge Reach, and police have described the gunas a gold, wooden handle, A.S.M. brand .31 caliber single-shot blackpowder gun. Due to the volume of donations received by the library,it’s impossible to know where the book came from. —informationcompiled from msnbc.comSTATEPitkin landfill manager firedPitkin County landfill manager Chris Hoofnagle is out of a job afteran employee was cited for illegally hunting a bear on countyproperty. Hunting with a permit is allowed, but the employee andanother man were hunting without a permit when they killed abear in October. Neither Hoofnagle nor the Pitkin county managerwould confirm that the former lost his job over the incident, butthat is the current speculation. —information compiled from the AspenDaily NewsDIA flights grounded by SandyAs of Monday, about 60 flights had been grounded at Denver InternationalAirport because of Hurricane Sandy. Airport officials saidthe flights are among 1,700 arrivals and departures the airport handlesevery day. The hurricane has grounded thousands of flightsacross the country, threatening to bring a near halt to air travel for atleast two days in a key region for domestic and international travel.—information compiled from the Denver Post—compiled by Alissa JohnsonOwner: Crested Butte News, Inc. Publishers: Jill Hickey and Melissa Ruch Editor: Mark ReamanAssociate Editors: Seth Mensing and Alissa Johnson Staff Writers: Than Acuff Copy Editor: HeatherHarris Staff Photographers: Lydia Stern, Chris Miller Production Manager: Tyler HansenProduction Team: Nicole O’Connor, Jill Hickey Legals & Classifieds: Nicole O’Connor, Jill HickeyAdvertising: Kimberly Metsch/Outside Crested Butte, Jen Greene/Town of Crested ButteDistribution Manager: Scott Tyree Contributors: Denis B. Hall, Steve Church, Stan Cola, Rob Brezsny,Sandy Fails, Tyler Hansen, Lynda Jackson Petito, Toni Todd, John Norton, Rob Quint, Mike Horn, DawneBelloise, Dana Allen, Luke Mehall, Molly MurfeeThe Crested Butte News (ISSN # 0899-5761) is published weekly by Crested Butte News, Inc.–P.O. Box 369, Crested Butte, CO 81224 – 301 Belleview Ave. Unit A, Crested Butte, CO 81224.Periodicals-class postage paid at Crested Butte, Colorado and additional mailing offices. Subscriptionrates: Gunnison County, $40 per year, $70 two years, out of county, $44 per year, $78two years; senior citizens receive a 10% discount per year. Office phone: (970) 349-0500 Fax:(970)349-9876 Email: POSTMAS-TER: Send address changes to THECRESTED BUTTE NEWS Inc., P.O. Box369, Crested Butte, CO 81224. Allow 2weeks to take effect. Official newspaperof Crested Butte, Mt. Crested Butte andGunnison County. Copyright© 2011,The Crested Butte News, Inc. All rightsreserved.coloradopressASSOCIATION2011 Member2012 Member301 Belleview, Unit A. / P.O. Box 369 • Crested Butte, CO • phone: 970-349-0500 • fax: • •

Crested Butte News LETTERSNovember 2, 2012 | 3MOOOVE OVER: Cattle made their way through downtown Crested Butte and onto the highway last weekas they headed south for the winter. photo by Brandon CliffordOberosler: “Neither a Democrat nor a Republican in disguise”Dear Editor:We are in the last week of thecampaign now and all of us candidatesare doing what we can to attractthose undecided voters. Extrasigns are popping up all over thevalley in case someone missed thethousands that are out there. We areall preening our feathers and finetuningour messages to sway youour way, and all on the borderlineof utter exhaustion. Campaigning isnot for sissies.I started this journey over ayear ago, bouncing the possibility ofmy running off of trusted friends tomeasure my electability in generaland later against at least oneperson who had been “groomed”for a run at a commissioner seat.Some thought I was crazy going upagainst a party favorite and otherswere overjoyed to have a candidatethat they could call their own.Someone they could talk to no matterwhat, a person who had workedbeside them on projects throughoutthe years and at both ends of thevalley; the real deal.The campaign trail led meto talk to everyone I could abouthistorical politics in the valley andthe problems in the county past andpresent. I spoke to board membersBallot 1A to preserve ourwater resourcesDear Editor:The Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy Districtoffers its support to Ballot Issue 1A, the renewal of the GunnisonValley Land Preservation Fund.The Land Preservation Fund serves several purposeswith regard to water. The conservation easements securedthrough the Fund help protect wetlands, promote qualityhay production, and most importantly, assure that waterrights stay connected to the properties. This keeps our valleysgreen, attractive and fire-resistant. It also helps in ourefforts to keep the waters of Gunnison County from beingdiverted elsewhere.The District’s values strongly support the continuationof irrigated agriculture in the basin because of its economiccontribution to the community and because of the culturaland social values of the ranching way of life. The Land PreservationFund assists with this value.We also recognize and value the recreational opportunitiesand aesthetic values provided by the Fund as importantfor our community.Water is of utmost importance to our dry, western landscape.The land’s precious resource.Please vote yes on Ballot Issue 1A to help ensure thefuture health of local water sources.Sincerely,Frank J. Kugel,General ManagerUpper Gunnison River Water Conservancy Districtand ranchers, businesses ownersand former commissioners to tryand capture the essence of GunnisonCounty from their perspectives.I figured to learn all I could, takingnothing for granted even though Iwas born and raised here and hadmy own thoughts on things.The reoccurring message I gotfrom those willing to talk to me wasthat none of our problems are rocketscience. The problems we face aresomething that we can remedywith some creativity from withinand communication outside of theboardroom. My personal twist toit is if we all work together goodthings will happen.The second message I got fromvirtually everyone was to just bemyself. Of course being myself iseasy, I can’t be anyone else. I cannotbe what I am not for it goes againstmy grain. I cannot boast to youabout how much I know or howimportant I am because it feels tooegotistical somehow; it is not mystyle. I can tell you I am extremelyhard working, honest and ethical atevery turn and will do my best torepresent all of you, not a party.Independent candidateshave to work harder than mostbecause the support of the partiesis not there for us. However, itbehooves the unaffiliated candidatein other ways because folks aresick of where things have gonein this country under business asusual party leadership and they arewilling to jump ship to get heard.All most folks want is to be fairlyrepresented. They want someoneto listen to them and their ideasimplemented. They want to be apart of the decisions that affect theirlives and their environment.I invite undecided voters to askyour neighbors about who I am andalways have been. I am neither aDemocrat nor a Republican in disguiseas a few have suggested, I amjust myself and passionate aboutthis area, my home.In closing I would like to recognizethe contributions of my GHSclassmate Rick Miller. He workedhard for downtown Gunnison asa business owner and councilmanbecause he cared. He did not do itfor himself; he did it for the community.Rick lived life to the fullest andI appreciate his gumption and canonly hope I can uphold his passionfor Gunnison County. Rest in Peace,Ricky.Polly OberoslerLWV supports 1Acontinued from previous pageIt’s important that citizens realize that therenewal of the Fund will be accomplished withoutraising taxes. It’s a wise decision already inplace and continuing the fund will help ensurethat agriculture and tourism remain integralparts of our local economy. The Fund’s matchingdonations have leveraged $12 from out-of-countygrant sources for every $1 donated, providingreal economic benefit to our community We nowenjoy over 48 projects with over 16,426 acresconserved in perpetuity and will be able to lookforward to new trails and parks for residentsand visitors to enjoy.We urge everyone to vote yes on 1A.Thank you,Donna NielsenGunnison Chapter, League of Women VotersKids’ free dental cleaningThe Elk Avenue Dental Center has scheduledWednesday, November 21 for a CommunityDay, featuring free dental cleaning forchildren ages one to 18 years who qualify forCHP+ or Medicaid.Call 349-5880 to make your appointment,since space is limited.Endorsed by the Crested Butte News& Gunnison Country TimesLEADERSHIPJonathan’sleadership seeksout possibilities andfinds solutions thatbenefit GunnisonCounty. He works foreveryone, everyday.EXPERIENCEJonathan’s experienceon council, the RTAboard and as Mayorof Gunnison haveprepared him forfulfilling the duties ofcommissioner.Senator Bennet and Mayor HouckMayor Jonathan HouckCOMMITMENTJonathan’scommitment anddedication to thevalley is evidentin his 15 years ofservice to youth inGunnison County.Jonathan with students at Hartman’sINVOLVEDJonathan is involvedin the arts, recreationand non-profitorganizations ofGunnison County.He is a familiar facevalley wide.Mayor Jonathan Houck starts the GrowlerUNDERSTANDSJonathan & Roanneown two smallbusinesses. Heunderstands thebusiness climate ofGunnison County.The Houck’s business, The Main Street Clinicvote4houck.comPhoto by Kevin Krill

<strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong> <strong>News</strong> LETTERSNovember 2, 2012 | 3MOOOVE OVER: Cattle made their way through downtown <strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong> and onto the highway last weekas they headed south for the winter. photo by Brandon CliffordOberosler: “Neither a Democrat nor a Republican in disguise”Dear Editor:We are in the last week of thecampaign now and all of us candidatesare doing what we can to attractthose undecided voters. Extrasigns are popping up all over thevalley in case someone missed thethousands that are out there. We areall preening our feathers and finetuningour messages to sway youour way, and all on the borderlineof utter exhaustion. Campaigning isnot for sissies.I started this journey over ayear ago, bouncing the possibility ofmy running off of trusted friends tomeasure my electability in generaland later against at least oneperson who had been “groomed”for a run at a commissioner seat.Some thought I was crazy going upagainst a party favorite and otherswere overjoyed to have a candidatethat they could call their own.Someone they could talk to no matterwhat, a person who had workedbeside them on projects throughoutthe years and at both ends of thevalley; the real deal.The campaign trail led meto talk to everyone I could abouthistorical politics in the valley andthe problems in the county past andpresent. I spoke to board membersBallot 1A to preserve ourwater resourcesDear Editor:The Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy Districtoffers its support to Ballot Issue 1A, the renewal of the GunnisonValley Land Preservation Fund.The Land Preservation Fund serves several purposeswith regard to water. The conservation easements securedthrough the Fund help protect wetlands, promote qualityhay production, and most importantly, assure that waterrights stay connected to the properties. This keeps our valleysgreen, attractive and fire-resistant. It also helps in ourefforts to keep the waters of Gunnison County from beingdiverted elsewhere.The District’s values strongly support the continuationof irrigated agriculture in the basin because of its economiccontribution to the community and because of the culturaland social values of the ranching way of life. The Land PreservationFund assists with this value.We also recognize and value the recreational opportunitiesand aesthetic values provided by the Fund as importantfor our community.Water is of utmost importance to our dry, western landscape.The land’s precious resource.Please vote yes on Ballot Issue 1A to help ensure thefuture health of local water sources.Sincerely,Frank J. Kugel,General ManagerUpper Gunnison River Water Conservancy Districtand ranchers, businesses ownersand former commissioners to tryand capture the essence of GunnisonCounty from their perspectives.I figured to learn all I could, takingnothing for granted even though Iwas born and raised here and hadmy own thoughts on things.The reoccurring message I gotfrom those willing to talk to me wasthat none of our problems are rocketscience. The problems we face aresomething that we can remedywith some creativity from withinand communication outside of theboardroom. My personal twist toit is if we all work together goodthings will happen.The second message I got fromvirtually everyone was to just bemyself. Of course being myself iseasy, I can’t be anyone else. I cannotbe what I am not for it goes againstmy grain. I cannot boast to youabout how much I know or howimportant I am because it feels tooegotistical somehow; it is not mystyle. I can tell you I am extremelyhard working, honest and ethical atevery turn and will do my best torepresent all of you, not a party.Independent candidateshave to work harder than mostbecause the support of the partiesis not there for us. However, itbehooves the unaffiliated candidatein other ways because folks aresick of where things have gonein this country under business asusual party leadership and they arewilling to jump ship to get heard.All most folks want is to be fairlyrepresented. They want someoneto listen to them and their ideasimplemented. They want to be apart of the decisions that affect theirlives and their environment.I invite undecided voters to askyour neighbors about who I am andalways have been. I am neither aDemocrat nor a Republican in disguiseas a few have suggested, I amjust myself and passionate aboutthis area, my home.In closing I would like to recognizethe contributions of my GHSclassmate Rick Miller. He workedhard for downtown Gunnison asa business owner and councilmanbecause he cared. He did not do itfor himself; he did it for the community.Rick lived life to the fullest andI appreciate his gumption and canonly hope I can uphold his passionfor Gunnison County. Rest in Peace,Ricky.Polly OberoslerLWV supports 1Acontinued from previous pageIt’s important that citizens realize that therenewal of the Fund will be accomplished withoutraising taxes. It’s a wise decision already inplace and continuing the fund will help ensurethat agriculture and tourism remain integralparts of our local economy. The Fund’s matchingdonations have leveraged $12 from out-of-countygrant sources for every $1 donated, providingreal economic benefit to our community We nowenjoy over 48 projects with over 16,426 acresconserved in perpetuity and will be able to lookforward to new trails and parks for residentsand visitors to enjoy.We urge everyone to vote yes on 1A.Thank you,Donna NielsenGunnison Chapter, League of Women VotersKids’ free dental cleaningThe Elk Avenue Dental Center has scheduledWednesday, November 21 for a CommunityDay, featuring free dental cleaning forchildren ages one to 18 years who qualify forCHP+ or Medicaid.Call 349-5880 to make your appointment,since space is limited.Endorsed by the <strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong> <strong>News</strong>& Gunnison Country TimesLEADERSHIPJonathan’sleadership seeksout possibilities andfinds solutions thatbenefit GunnisonCounty. He works foreveryone, everyday.EXPERIENCEJonathan’s experienceon council, the RTAboard and as Mayorof Gunnison haveprepared him forfulfilling the duties ofcommissioner.Senator Bennet and Mayor HouckMayor Jonathan HouckCOMMITMENTJonathan’scommitment anddedication to thevalley is evidentin his 15 years ofservice to youth inGunnison County.Jonathan with students at Hartman’sINVOLVEDJonathan is involvedin the arts, recreationand non-profitorganizations ofGunnison County.He is a familiar facevalley wide.Mayor Jonathan Houck starts the GrowlerUNDERSTANDSJonathan & Roanneown two smallbusinesses. Heunderstands thebusiness climate ofGunnison County.The Houck’s business, The Main Street Clinicvote4houck.comPhoto by Kevin Krill

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