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12 | November 2, 2012 NEWSCrested Butte NewsMeet the candIdates for dIstrIcts 1 & 2gunnIson county coMMIssIonersBetween now and the end of election season (that’s now), the Crested Butte News is asking the six candidates for Gunnison County Commissioner questions related to issues in the community.We have requested they keep their answers to 400 words or less. Remember, all qualified county voters get to cast a ballot for one candidate in each district.We hope this forum has been helpful to voters before they mark their ballot...—Mark ReamanStu FerguSondiStrict 1 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?First, VOTE—Please. WhenI began to consider running forCommissioner, I started by askingwhat people felt was importantfor our County. I heard: It’s timefor change; it’s time to pursuepolicies to promote the diversityof economic growth available,policies that encourage existingbusinesses, flexibility for ourranching community to be profitable,sustainable agri-business.A survey conducted last yearasked, “Why do you do businessin Gunnison County?” One smallbusiness owner answered, “BecauseI can’t afford to leave.” PaulHolden’s remarkable study on theEconomy of Gunnison Countypoints out that small businessowners have only one-half theearning power today as comparedto thirty years ago. That is a hugered flag. I’ve contacted businessowners who considered locating inGunnison County but chose to locateelsewhere to understand thefactors that drove their decision.Their response: it is too expensiveto locate in Gunnison Countybecause of the cost of lengthyplanning processes, excessivefees and fighting to gain the flexibilityneeded to make a businessprofitable.Our current county commissionersfavored regulation overeconomic development for sevenof the past eight years. Economicdevelopment has emerged as anafterthought only in the last year.Economic opportunity will be a priorityfor me the entire time I serve.I bring a balanced approach to theissues facing Gunnison County.I came to Gunnison after servingin the Army to attend graduateschool at Western and like manyof you, I stayed to make this myhome for over 40 years. My careerwith the Police Department taughtme about leadership, responsibility,and especially about people.Studying public administration asa graduate student at Westerntaught me about government andpublic policy. My experience as asuccessful small business ownerduring good and tough timesadded real, “in the trenches” businessexperience. And, my experienceas Mayor of Gunnison foreight years allowed me to bring allthose things together to serve ourcommunity.During my tenure as Mayorwe developed a balanced “BigBox” policy for large retail, ourcommunity voted to build a swimmingpool, an awesome ice skatingarena, and to develop a trailssystem all of which contribute toour quality of life and economicenvironment. We tackled the challengeof Gunnison Rising Annexationtogether through consensus.I can bring change in a positive,inclusive manner. Thank You.Give me three people you’dlike to share a ride with on theSilver Queen and one you’dwant to share a T-bar ride with...Silver Queen—anyone Ihaven’t met previously. T-Bar—anyone who won’t knock medown.Steve SchechterdiStrict 1 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?I have been the ideas candidatein the District One race. Myplatform includes increasing energyefficiency and producing more localenergy from our abundant renewablesources. Both measures aimto keep more money in people’spockets, which can then be spentlocally for increased business activity.The same is true for more localfood production, which keeps ourgrocery money from escaping thecounty. I have a campaign plankpromoting a county off-highwaypaved recreation trail system fromCrested Butte to Gunnison to CurecantiPark. We could leverage OpenSpace money for GOCO funds topurchase easements and build thesystem. I have advocated for theRTA to begin a pilot program to busskiers in from Front Range communitiesand DIA. High priced seatsinto the Gunnison airport discouragemiddle-class skiers from flyinghere. To encourage more visitorsof every kind I would like to see anupgrade to the Gunnison-CrestedButte website with digital videos ofthe myriad activities in our valley toexcite and hook viewers.Retiring commissioner HapChannel, in his letter in last week’spaper, argues that only PaulaSwenson has the knowledge andexperience to keep the Countyrunning smoothly. Past countycommissioners learned their jobswithout the government imploding.We have experienced senior countystaff with institutional knowledgeand experience to keep the Countyrunning smoothly. County Commissionersset policy and direct ourlocal government. From the boardson which I currently serve, I havea record of learning quickly and alwaysbeing prepared, including doingmy own independent research.I have studied Colorado’s complexwater laws; I have become a studentof REA financing, governanceand technology. These subjects areas complex as county governance,if not more so.Forty percent of GunnisonCounty’s registered voters are unaffiliated;in three-way commissionerraces, they have more choice,and can actually elect candidatesoutside of the two-party system.No one knows how this election willturn out. Don’t let someone elsemake your decision for you. I askevery citizen to vote their aspirationsand dreams, not their fears,so that we can move forward toinvest in ourselves and our communities.Give me three people you’d liketo share a ride with on the SilverQueen and one you’d want toshare a T-Bar ride with...While Stu, Paula, Jon, andWarren ride the quad, Polly and Iwill T-bar to the steeps. We will allmeet up later to debate our day.Paula SwenSondiStrict 1 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?First and foremost, I would liketo thank my opponents in this racefor the upstanding job they haveboth done. There have been no negativeadvertising or mud smearing atall. We have all three kept to whatwe can or would do in office andwhat our qualifications are. It is rarethat you see this anymore, and I forone am thankful that this race hasbeen all on a positive note and wantto call this out to the community.As we wind down the campaigningand get to voting, I wantto thank you Gunnison County forallowing me to serve you for the pasteight years. It has been a lot of hardwork, but I have enjoyed it all andwe have accomplished quite a bit. Iam hopeful that you will decide thatthe work I have been doing is worthyof another four years and that myexperience will help to move the newboard forward. Whether it is economicdevelopment, sustainability ofour environment and community, beingfiscally responsible or anythingelse that is brought forward, I amcommitted, qualified and determinedto continue to serve this wonderfulcommunity that I call home.I would appreciate your vote onNovember 6.Give me three people you’dlike to share a ride with on theSilver Queen and one you’d wantto share a T-bar ride with...Silver Queen—Priscilla Jones,Keli Massey and Joann Arai-Brown...they always stand by me. T-bar—Jason Swenson, he is always by myside.contInued on next pageTheis now on facebook.Let’sbe riends

Crested Butte News NEWSNovember 2, 2012 | 13continued from previous pageJonathan houckdistrict 2 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?Make sure you get out thereand vote! From the Presidentdown to Commissioners, take thetime to make an informed decisionand make your vote count!I am asking for your vote!I am the most qualified, experienced,prepared and balancedcandidate in District 2. I have along track record of serving thisvalley as an educator and electedofficial. As a teacher I taughtkids from Gunnison and CrestedButte. In my current role asproject coordinator for GCSAPPPolly oberoslerdistrict 2 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?First off, get out and vote, itis vital to this country.Secondly, I want to point outthat we have coasted along in thiscounty, and frankly nationwide forten years with a lack of intensityand vision and it is inadequate.We have all suffered because ofour complacency for years nowwe have lowered youth substanceabuse valley wide. From yearson Gunnison council, RTA boardand as Mayor, I have gained theexperience and developed theproven leadership skills needed. Iwill be a commissioner that bringspeople together and gets thingsdone.My relationship with thenorth end of the valley has been20 years in the making. My wife,Roanne Rouse, is a Crested Buttenative and we are committed toraising our kids as residents ofthis valley. We are familiar facesbecause we strive to be partof the valley-wide fabric and Iapproach governance in muchthe same way. What we have incommon here in Gunnison Countyfar outweighs the differences. Itis those commonalities that myleadership can help harness tomove us forward to better opportunitiesfor families, businessesand smart growth regardlessof where we live in GunnisonCounty.As current Gunnison Mayor,I have good working relationshipswith both town councils. I havebeen working for the last fewyears with CBMR and WSCU toand we all have to up our game.I intend to pick up the tempo withsome innovation locally to tryand grow this economy. We canboth take care of the environmentand prosper if we work together.None of this is rocket science, itboils down to good old fashionedhard work to fix what is brokenand kick start originality for thefuture. It requires partnershipsand understanding of each other,respect and alliances to bring realand meaningful growth and stability.We need to work togetherto keep our families here andbusiness and ranching thriving. Ican assemble the folks who arecapable of turning things around,and I will.If you haven’t voted fill in thebox by my name for GunnisonCounty Commissioner District 2,the Unaffiliated candidate and theonly one who truly understandsthe entire county!Thirdly, we all are heavycreate opportunities to grow ourtwo most important economicgenerators. Protecting our water,ranching operations and tourismare priorities as well.As a father, small businessowner, educator and elected official,I know we need to captureopportunities while protectingwhat we love about GunnisonCounty. You have my commitmentto honest, transparent, hardworkingleadership. I am invested, withyou, to cultivate a stronger futurefor all of us. I have the energy,skills and temperament to get usmoving forward again. I ask foryour vote!Give me three peopleyou’d like to share a ride withon the Silver Queen and oneyou’d want to share a T-bar ridewith...On the Queen it is my wife,Roanne, and our kids Iris andPorter. I love sharing a ride up theT-Bar with Roanne too, now, if Icould only catch her. Guess thatis what happens when you marrya Crested Butte native who hasbeen rippin’ that mountain sincethe age of three!hearted with the loss of RickMiller this last week. He was ateam player on Main Street andpassionate about the success ofthis area. He gave of himself ingovernment and alliances acrossthe county. Rick was a classmateof mine and someone that we allknew to be funny, thoughtful andartistic, not necessarily in thatorder. He took life by the hornsand lived it to its fullest. Join mein wishing his family peace andremembrance of a life well lived.Give me three peopleyou’d like to share a ride withon the Silver Queen and oneyou’d want to share a T-Barride with...On the quad...Larry Tanningbecause he is so businesssmart and has so much passionfor it. John Lennon for his vision.Katherine Hepburn for her deepunderstanding of life. The T-Bar...My hubby of course...he built it.BIG HOUSE SALEFurniture, Office Equipment,Antiques & Many Other ItemsFrIdAy, SAtUrdAy, SUndAynOvEmBEr 2nd, 3rd And 4tH148A tEOcALLIcB SOUtH970-209-6310Registered Investment AdvisorHelping Crested Butte FamiliesPreserve and Grow their WealthJason Napoli, MBA, ChFC, ® AAMS ®President & Chief Investment OfficerOffice: (970) 249-3499 │ Cell: (970) │ www.hccm.comNo Minimum Account SizeInvestment StrategiesWealth ManagementRetirement Income PlanningMaggie DethloffBroker AssociateAt homein the westView all MLS Listings andvirtual tours of my listings atwww.CrestedButteNow.comCall Maggieat (970)209-7880 cellCrested Butte’s oldest real estate CompanyWarren Wilcox,district 2 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?I wish to thank all thosewho facilitated the discussionof important topics to GunnisonCounty residents. I admire allthose who stepped forward inorder to improve the situation fortheir constituents. I also wish tothank those who provided supportduring this difficult campaignseason.It is my intention to doeverything I can to attract higherpaying economic sectors in orderto broaden, balance and stabilizeour economy. I will work hard,along with the rest of the boardto be very supportive of currentbusinesses, and to be more business-friendlyto those that wishto join our community as goodneighbors. I will promote a positiveatmosphere for everybody’ssuccess. JFK said, “A rising tidelifts all boats,” and I agree. Lesspolarization, selfishness andmore decorum and respect willresult in a more civil tone, so thatwe might find positive solutionsthrough inclusive interaction.My personal goal for GunnisonCounty would be to havea more thriving economy, withhigher pay for our citizens, sothat our children, grandchildren,and graduates of high schoolsin Gunnison and Crested Butte,as well as WSCU who choose toremain in Gunnison County areable to find good paying jobs.Well paying jobs would allowthem to have a family, a home,and to grow and prosper. Thecommunity would enjoy the benefitof their fresh, youthful energy,knowledge, skills and the growthof our tax base. Introduction ofnew businesses would partiallyprotect us from hikes in our salesand property taxes.I support the Federal Constitutionand the Colorado Constitutionas written, private propertyrights, and multiple uses of publiclands for all citizens to enjoy.I am asking for your vote forCounty Commissioner for District#2.Give me three peopleyou’d like to share a ride withon the Silver Queen and oneyou’d want to share a Pomaride with.Any friendly people. As forthe T-bar...My oldest son.STEAKHOUSEOPEN ALL OFF SEASONEVERY NIGHT.NIGHTLY BAR SPECIALSLIKE US ON FACEBOOK ANDGET OUR SPECIALS DAILY$1 OVER COST WINE SALE.$20 AND UNDER MENULADIES NIGHTEVERY WEDNESDAY 1/2 PRICED MARTINISFOOTBALL ON OUR 4 HD TV'SENDLESS THANKSGIVING MENUMAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW!!Endless Thanksgiving Menu -Make your reservations Now!!226 ELK AVENUE IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN CBMAXWELLSCB.COM349-1221 • BAR OPEN AT 4 • DINNER AT 5

<strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong> <strong>News</strong> NEWSNovember 2, 2012 | 13continued from previous pageJonathan houckdistrict 2 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?Make sure you get out thereand vote! From the Presidentdown to Commissioners, take thetime to make an informed decisionand make your vote count!I am asking for your vote!I am the most qualified, experienced,prepared and balancedcandidate in District 2. I have along track record of serving thisvalley as an educator and electedofficial. As a teacher I taughtkids from Gunnison and <strong>Crested</strong><strong>Butte</strong>. In my current role asproject coordinator for GCSAPPPolly oberoslerdistrict 2 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?First off, get out and vote, itis vital to this country.Secondly, I want to point outthat we have coasted along in thiscounty, and frankly nationwide forten years with a lack of intensityand vision and it is inadequate.We have all suffered because ofour complacency for years nowwe have lowered youth substanceabuse valley wide. From yearson Gunnison council, RTA boardand as Mayor, I have gained theexperience and developed theproven leadership skills needed. Iwill be a commissioner that bringspeople together and gets thingsdone.My relationship with thenorth end of the valley has been20 years in the making. My wife,Roanne Rouse, is a <strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong>native and we are committed toraising our kids as residents ofthis valley. We are familiar facesbecause we strive to be partof the valley-wide fabric and Iapproach governance in muchthe same way. What we have incommon here in Gunnison Countyfar outweighs the differences. Itis those commonalities that myleadership can help harness tomove us forward to better opportunitiesfor families, businessesand smart growth regardlessof where we live in GunnisonCounty.As current Gunnison Mayor,I have good working relationshipswith both town councils. I havebeen working for the last fewyears with CBMR and WSCU toand we all have to up our game.I intend to pick up the tempo withsome innovation locally to tryand grow this economy. We canboth take care of the environmentand prosper if we work together.None of this is rocket science, itboils down to good old fashionedhard work to fix what is brokenand kick start originality for thefuture. It requires partnershipsand understanding of each other,respect and alliances to bring realand meaningful growth and stability.We need to work togetherto keep our families here andbusiness and ranching thriving. Ican assemble the folks who arecapable of turning things around,and I will.If you haven’t voted fill in thebox by my name for GunnisonCounty Commissioner District 2,the Unaffiliated candidate and theonly one who truly understandsthe entire county!Thirdly, we all are heavycreate opportunities to grow ourtwo most important economicgenerators. Protecting our water,ranching operations and tourismare priorities as well.As a father, small businessowner, educator and elected official,I know we need to captureopportunities while protectingwhat we love about GunnisonCounty. You have my commitmentto honest, transparent, hardworkingleadership. I am invested, withyou, to cultivate a stronger futurefor all of us. I have the energy,skills and temperament to get usmoving forward again. I ask foryour vote!Give me three peopleyou’d like to share a ride withon the Silver Queen and oneyou’d want to share a T-bar ridewith...On the Queen it is my wife,Roanne, and our kids Iris andPorter. I love sharing a ride up theT-Bar with Roanne too, now, if Icould only catch her. Guess thatis what happens when you marrya <strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong> native who hasbeen rippin’ that mountain sincethe age of three!hearted with the loss of RickMiller this last week. He was ateam player on Main Street andpassionate about the success ofthis area. He gave of himself ingovernment and alliances acrossthe county. Rick was a classmateof mine and someone that we allknew to be funny, thoughtful andartistic, not necessarily in thatorder. He took life by the hornsand lived it to its fullest. Join mein wishing his family peace andremembrance of a life well lived.Give me three peopleyou’d like to share a ride withon the Silver Queen and oneyou’d want to share a T-Barride with...On the quad...Larry Tanningbecause he is so businesssmart and has so much passionfor it. John Lennon for his vision.Katherine Hepburn for her deepunderstanding of life. The T-Bar...My hubby of course...he built it.BIG HOUSE SALEFurniture, Office Equipment,Antiques & Many Other ItemsFrIdAy, SAtUrdAy, SUndAynOvEmBEr 2nd, 3rd And 4tH148A tEOcALLIcB SOUtH970-209-6310Registered Investment AdvisorHelping <strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong> FamiliesPreserve and Grow their WealthJason Napoli, MBA, ChFC, ® AAMS ®President & Chief Investment OfficerOffice: (970) 249-3499 │ Cell: (970) │ www.hccm.comNo Minimum Account SizeInvestment StrategiesWealth ManagementRetirement Income PlanningMaggie DethloffBroker AssociateAt homein the westView all MLS Listings andvirtual tours of my listings atwww.<strong>Crested</strong><strong>Butte</strong>Now.comCall Maggieat (970)209-7880 cell<strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong>’s oldest real estate CompanyWarren Wilcox,district 2 candidateWhat do you want to say tothose who haven’t yet voted?I wish to thank all thosewho facilitated the discussionof important topics to GunnisonCounty residents. I admire allthose who stepped forward inorder to improve the situation fortheir constituents. I also wish tothank those who provided supportduring this difficult campaignseason.It is my intention to doeverything I can to attract higherpaying economic sectors in orderto broaden, balance and stabilizeour economy. I will work hard,along with the rest of the boardto be very supportive of currentbusinesses, and to be more business-friendlyto those that wishto join our community as goodneighbors. I will promote a positiveatmosphere for everybody’ssuccess. JFK said, “A rising tidelifts all boats,” and I agree. Lesspolarization, selfishness andmore decorum and respect willresult in a more civil tone, so thatwe might find positive solutionsthrough inclusive interaction.My personal goal for GunnisonCounty would be to havea more thriving economy, withhigher pay for our citizens, sothat our children, grandchildren,and graduates of high schoolsin Gunnison and <strong>Crested</strong> <strong>Butte</strong>,as well as WSCU who choose toremain in Gunnison County areable to find good paying jobs.Well paying jobs would allowthem to have a family, a home,and to grow and prosper. Thecommunity would enjoy the benefitof their fresh, youthful energy,knowledge, skills and the growthof our tax base. Introduction ofnew businesses would partiallyprotect us from hikes in our salesand property taxes.I support the Federal Constitutionand the Colorado Constitutionas written, private propertyrights, and multiple uses of publiclands for all citizens to enjoy.I am asking for your vote forCounty Commissioner for District#2.Give me three peopleyou’d like to share a ride withon the Silver Queen and oneyou’d want to share a Pomaride with.Any friendly people. As forthe T-bar...My oldest son.STEAKHOUSEOPEN ALL OFF SEASONEVERY NIGHT.NIGHTLY BAR SPECIALSLIKE US ON FACEBOOK ANDGET OUR SPECIALS DAILY$1 OVER COST WINE SALE.$20 AND UNDER MENULADIES NIGHTEVERY WEDNESDAY 1/2 PRICED MARTINISFOOTBALL ON OUR 4 HD TV'SENDLESS THANKSGIVING MENUMAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW!!Endless Thanksgiving Menu -Make your reservations Now!!226 ELK AVENUE IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN CBMAXWELLSCB.COM349-1221 • BAR OPEN AT 4 • DINNER AT 5

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