May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club

May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club
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The SpinnakerContact DetailsClub office:Telephone: 04-939-4167Fax: 04-939-4168Office open roughly:Mon-Fri 9am-5pmEmail address:PO Box 14-496,Kilbirnie,Wellington 6241Physical address:501 Evans Bay Parade,Kilbirnie,Wellington 6021Slip master / Bookings021-187-3000 or04-939-4172Clubhouse (members) phone04-939-4170Management committee contactdetails are on Page 14.The Spinnaker is produced bimonthly,contributions (writtenand photographic) are welcome.Editor: Alison & White AdvertisingBusiness card size $30Quarter page $50Half page $100Full page $150Bulk orders placed in advance:20% discount for 2 ads25% discount for 3-5 ads30% discount for annualcontract.Colour printing is the same forbusiness card or quarterpage, but for anything largeris $220 for one issue or $800for a year.The Spinnaker is printed byAdPrint60 Cambridge Terrace04-384-2844From the Commodore’s DeskMANCOM continues to look at allavenues to improve the operation of ourclub. We now have a full MANCOMcommittee, with Paul Sara agreeing totake on the position of President andGary Baldwin the position of ClubCaptain. Staff in the office are workingdiligently to have accurate records andaddress a number of issues of concern. Dale, the office manager,has successfully contacted members whose payments are overdue,and Sheena in accounts is working with MANCOM members toprovide more accurate information for them. This should improveeven further when our new accounting package, Xero, goes livethanks to Alan Irvine.As a result of changes made to the operation of the hardstand therehas been a marked improvement in this area. MANCOM agreed toshift a further $10,000 for ongoing maintenance costs into the travellift account. The travel lift is being well maintained, as is thepumping machinery for the wash down area and processing thesewage from the toilets in the Start Box building. As a result of theupgrade and maintance programme there have been someunexpected costs, however these can be accommodated withoutundue financial pressure on the accounts as when maintenance is upto date costs in all areas of the club should decrease.MANCOM agreed that $7,500 should be put into an accountannually to service, and when necessary, replace club boats. NeilCurrie works very hard looking after the club boats to keep themserviceable. The account already has an injection of $7,500 withanother payment to be made shortly. It is vital that managementhave a financial plan for maintaining club assets, and ensure theseassets are well maintained to operate safely. Neil now has thefinances available to undertake any work required to keep our boatsserviced to the standard he determines is necessary, subject only tobig ticket items which should first be referred to MANCOM.Gary Baldwin has continued with improvements that Errol Curtisintroduced while he was Club Captain, which improved the Clubfacilities markedly, particularly the improvements to the BlackShed and the Slipway Office.Mike Dunlop, the recently appointed Events Officer, is planning tohold an event shortly. Mike is a member of the committee lookingat the three year plan, as per Warren Rankin’s Notice of Motion tothe 2012 AGM. This committee comprises Colin Lee aschairperson, Hamish Norton and Mike Dunlop. Warren Rankinwas requested to be co-opted on the committee and he has agreed tothis.- 2 -

The SpinnakerFor members attending the Friday club nights you will have noticed that there is a MANCOM memberon duty. The meals on Friday evenings are getting members support, and between 17 and 21 meals arebeing served weekly. Dave has also had offers to assist him at club functions, which I believe indicatesthat members want to support the introduction of Friday evening meals.Membership remains a concern of MANCOM and we must work collectively to encourage newmembers and consider any suggestions that will encourage present members to participate in all levelsof club activity. MANCOM is not in a position to force members to participate in club functions onclub nights; this will only improve if we make changes to the club ambiance. One suggestion has beento move the smoking area away from the entrance, and making our club night a place where membersfeel that they can bring friends and family.I represented our club at the Muritai Yacht Club’s 75 th anniversary function in Eastbourne and wasvery impressed with its organisation. They had put a lot of work into making sure the function wassuccessful, and also into the regatta organised for that weekend. A number of EBYMBC sailorsparticipated.If any members have suggestions for positive change please do not hesitate to contact MANCOM byputting your suggestions in writing to the office manager, Dale.In conclusion, we were successful in getting a council grant of $5,000 with the option of making apresentation to Council prior to the amount being finalised. We took the opportunity to speak to oursubmission, and the amount was increased to $7,600. This amount goes a long way to covering thecosts of the new craft, and I will be acknowledging Council’s support. The person we approached toassist the club in applying for Grants was Susan Clair, and her applications have resulted in grants tothe value of $19,600 being raised. A big thank you to Susan for her efforts on our behalf.John SeggieCommodore- 3 -

The SpinnakerFor members attending the Friday club nights you will have noticed that there is a MANCOM memberon duty. The meals on Friday evenings are getting members support, and between 17 and 21 meals arebeing served weekly. Dave has also had offers to assist him at club functions, which I believe indicatesthat members want to support the introduction of Friday evening meals.Membership remains a concern of MANCOM and we must work collectively to encourage newmembers and consider any suggestions that will encourage present members to participate in all levelsof club activity. MANCOM is not in a position to force members to participate in club functions onclub nights; this will only improve if we make changes to the club ambiance. One suggestion has beento move the smoking area away from the entrance, and making our club night a place where membersfeel that they can bring friends and family.I represented our club at the Muritai <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>’s 75 th anniversary function in Eastbourne and wasvery impressed with its organisation. They had put a lot of work into making sure the function wassuccessful, and also into the regatta organised for that weekend. A number of EBYMBC sailorsparticipated.If any members have suggestions for positive change please do not hesitate to contact MANCOM byputting your suggestions in writing to the office manager, Dale.In conclusion, we were successful in getting a council grant of $5,000 with the option of making apresentation to Council prior to the amount being finalised. We took the opportunity to speak to oursubmission, and the amount was increased to $7,600. This amount goes a long way to covering thecosts of the new craft, and I will be acknowledging Council’s support. The person we approached toassist the club in applying for Grants was Susan Clair, and her applications have resulted in grants tothe value of $19,600 being raised. A big thank you to Susan for her efforts on our behalf.John SeggieCommodore- 3 -

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