May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club

May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club

May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club


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In non-racing news… by Carl SymanThe SpinnakerAfter the annual Taupo Easter regatta I joined the oldmen on Black Mamba (Daryl and Rodger) for theirEaster cruise (the real reason they go to Taupo everyyear.) Joining us was Dunny and Ruth with the debutof the new improved cruising version of Liquid Assett.I won’t be boring you with the detailed tack by tackreport however these were my highlights of the trip.- Seeing the “historic” Māori carvings and thengiving Ruthie a sailing lesson on the way toboat harbour (in which Ruth got the bestnumbers, it was mentioned about her takingover the driving full time)- Sitting in the Piano bar having drinks andnibbles.- Getting up the river at Waihaha (with some pushing) and having our own private beach for 3days.- Coming out of the river to go to cherry bay for lunch, and after pushing Black Mamba out,seeing Daryl hurriedly climbing back on board only for Rodger and me to discover just how coldthe water was on the other side of the drop off.- Even funnier was then seeing Dunny attempting the same manoeuvre and getting stuck in lotsof water. Helps to lift the keel back up aye Dunny?- Smoked trout nearly every night.- The change in attitude that occurs on a trip like this.- Daryl destroying the battery with his loud music on the last night, funnily enough an electrickeel doesn’t work so well with no battery which made the motor back into the Taupo chop verypleasant, Yea right.It was a great trip with awesome weather and even better company. Several times during the trip thequestion was asked (while sitting in the sun with a beer in hand on an empty beach) “I wonder whatthe poor people are doing?” my answer was always the same, “well some of us are sitting up on LakeTaupo” just proving you can have a ton of fun on a budget. If you were considering coming up to doeither the Easter regatta of coming for the cruise I can highly recommend it. I will be back next yearfor sure.And now for the Official Report…NZ Trailer <strong>Yacht</strong> (Adventures)<strong>Evans</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> trailer yachts again did us proud at a nationallevel with the annual Lake Taupo Easter Regatta also takingon the NZTYA national champs and the Noelex 25 andNoelex 22 North Island Champs. Three <strong>Evans</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> stalwartboats made the trip up. The mighty Black Mamba, BigBrumus and Liquid Asset as well as Paul Davies in his brandnew Hartley16 called Bender and the Rocket Science crew,both representing RPNYC.With the Friday trip up, rigging of boats, finding our newfleet accommodation and drinking of beer out of the way theracing commenced with a 5-8 knot shifty Taupo breeze. Thefirst race of the regatta I will hold dear to this day, LiquidAsset managed to get into a favourable shift and gaveeveryone a good spanking. It was about then Darryl on Black Mamba woke up and masterfully schooled the entirefleet on how to sail shifts and from then on in was basically unstoppable. Big Brumus was sailing well and was- 12 -

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