May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club

May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club May 2013 - Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club
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The Spinnakerpicked up by a repossession firm, and on another occasion with the aid of a recently qualified lawyermember, a Writ was nailed to the offender’s mast until payment was made.Jim enjoyed his time as club manager, and has a keen interest in the club’s progress and history.He has recently returned from New Caledonia as part of the New Zealand delegation of WWIIservicemen commemorating the war in the Pacific.John SeggieWanted: One Rear CommodoreI suggest that all members give some consideration as to whom is going to stand for the position of RearCommodore at the AGM.Whilst I have enjoyed the position, and I hope I have increased the profits, participation by club membersis the only way to improve takings.The meals on Friday nights seem to be enjoyed by all that attended and we can cater for more.It should be noted that a bar person is now listed, if they are not behind the bar please ask for them.DavidAmerica’s Cup Update, rampantly plagiarised from The Internet by AnonymousIt’s hard to believe, but after so many years ofcourt cases & bickering & he-said-she-said, it’sfinally here. The America’s Cup, the actualcup, the one where the Auld Mug is given outat the end & ticker tape parades result, is on, inless than two months.Having said that, it’s likely to be a bit of an anticlimax.There are just three challenging teams& one defender, but they’re not going to let asilly thing like lack of boats stop them. Thethree Louis Vuitton challengers race sevenRound Robin events, & then somehow manageto go on to race both a semi-final series (bestof 7) and a final series (best of 13 races). Allthis happens between July 7 th & August 30 th , with lots of rest & reserve days in the mix. Then there’s a YouthAmerica’s Cup for four days –“ young, talented sailors have a clear pathway towards competing for one of themost prestigious trophies in sport”. And then the Challenger vs Defender series begins…interspersed with somesuper yacht regattas, possibly to fill the gaping tv ratings hole created by having only three challengers. The finalcup races run from September 7 th to possibly the 21 st , a best of 17 series.The event is being held in San Francisco, hosted by the Golden Gate Yacht Club. But even that decision wasfraught with indecision. Although San Fran was originally expected to be the host city, there was so much faffingaround on their part that with only weeks to go to make a announcement, Newport, Rhode Island was asked torun the idea up their flagpole, but presumably only as a tactic to get the other guys to get their act together. AnItalian port near Rome, & a couple of other US wanna-be’s had also been considered, but it seems one of theprime deciding factors was reliability of weather, don’t want any of those ugly postponements messing with tvschedules.All the other stuff about America’s Cup racing that’s been going on for the last year or so, has just been warm upraces. Presumably it was originally expected that the boats entering the AC(45) World Series in August & October2012 & April this year, (not to mention six other series in the 12 months prior) would use this as a training groundfor the big event, but one by one they dropped out, until only the three challengers remained to play with the bigboys toys, the AC72. These monsters come out of the box at 22m long, 14m wide & with a mast 40m high. Theyhave a combined sail area of 660 2 m, which is nowhere near as big as a rugby field, but way way bigger than aduvet cover. Given all the technology involved with a new design of this size, it probably doesn’t come as any- 10 -

The Spinnakersurprise that the cost of mounting an America’s Cup challenge, is not expected to give much change fromUS$100million. It’s all come a long way since that first race in 1851 (see above).But for now, just a few weeks to go until you seeArtemis Racing (Sweden), Emirates Team New Zealand& Luna Rossa Challenge (Italy) spend weeks goinground in circles on the water for the possible privilegeof eventually competing against Oracle Racing. Bet youcan hardly wait.Update: What a difference a week makes. After thedeath of Artemis sailor, Andrew Simpson, duringtraining last week, sports talkback radio was awashwith outrage that people are risking their lives forsport, & whilst it can be said that sailors have beenputting their lives at risk since the Argonauts were innappies, in this instance it would seem the safety of sailors is being gambled on the roulette table of tv ratings.For its part the America’s Cup ‘company’ have announced that “Regatta Director Iain Murray and Golden GateYacht Club Vice Commodore Tom Ehman will announce the members of an independent panel to review all aspectsof training and racing of AC72 yachts in the 34th America’s Cup. The panel will report and makerecommendations to the organizers and the competitors.The scope of work for the review panel will be detailed during a press briefing at Pier 27 in San Francisco onTuesday (14 th ) afternoon. Crucially, the review and report will be conducted independently of any organizer orcompetitor in the 34th America’s Cup.”Will they change the boats, will they set wind limits, will they encase every yacht in a giant plastic bubble….watchthis space.Swire Shipping Paper Tiger International Regatta 2013Held over Easter at Muritai Yacht Club, this year’s Australia vs New Zealand clash was a triumph for local sailorsas it was the first time in the event’s history that New Zealand sailors have taken the triple of Teams Trophy,Individual Title (David Shaw, Nelson) & Junior Title (Dylan Taylor, New Plymouth) at one event. Thanks to RyanLeatham, Lynley Manning, Rodger Wilson & Emma Hatch for information and photos from the event (morephotos on page 13)"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -- Groucho Marx- 11 -

The Spinnakersurprise that the cost of mounting an America’s Cup challenge, is not expected to give much change fromUS$100million. It’s all come a long way since that first race in 1851 (see above).But for now, just a few weeks to go until you seeArtemis Racing (Sweden), Emirates Team New Zealand& Luna Rossa Challenge (Italy) spend weeks goinground in circles on the water for the possible privilegeof eventually competing against Oracle Racing. Bet youcan hardly wait.Update: What a difference a week makes. After thedeath of Artemis sailor, Andrew Simpson, duringtraining last week, sports talkback radio was awashwith outrage that people are risking their lives forsport, & whilst it can be said that sailors have beenputting their lives at risk since the Argonauts were innappies, in this instance it would seem the safety of sailors is being gambled on the roulette table of tv ratings.For its part the America’s Cup ‘company’ have announced that “Regatta Director Iain Murray and Golden Gate<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Vice Commodore Tom Ehman will announce the members of an independent panel to review all aspectsof training and racing of AC72 yachts in the 34th America’s Cup. The panel will report and makerecommendations to the organizers and the competitors.The scope of work for the review panel will be detailed during a press briefing at Pier 27 in San Francisco onTuesday (14 th ) afternoon. Crucially, the review and report will be conducted independently of any organizer orcompetitor in the 34th America’s Cup.”Will they change the boats, will they set wind limits, will they encase every yacht in a giant plastic bubble….watchthis space.Swire Shipping Paper Tiger International Regatta <strong>2013</strong>Held over Easter at Muritai <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, this year’s Australia vs New Zealand clash was a triumph for local sailorsas it was the first time in the event’s history that New Zealand sailors have taken the triple of Teams Trophy,Individual Title (David Shaw, Nelson) & Junior Title (Dylan Taylor, New Plymouth) at one event. Thanks to RyanLeatham, Lynley Manning, Rodger Wilson & Emma Hatch for information and photos from the event (morephotos on page 13)"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -- Groucho Marx- 11 -

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