The Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961

The Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961 The Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulation) Act, 1961
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CivilCourt -Bhagu Ram's case 1985HRR 448distinguished -Ram Singh v.GramPanchayat Mehal Kalan, 1986HRR 613S.c. = A~R'1986 SC 2197.Jurisdiction -Shamlat deh -Sections 11and 13are the only relevant sectionsfrom which bar ofjurisdiction ofCivil Court s;anbe spelt out -Civiljurisdiction isnot barred ifthe plea of litigating parties iswith regard to a decree being taintedwith fraud, collusion or misrepresentation of facts or any other such ground -Competent Court asmentioned inGram Panchayat Bathoh Kalan's caSe 1991PU41refers to a Civil Court -Ram Paul v.State of Punjab, 1994 HRR 650 D.H. =1994PU 583.Jurisdiction' - Shamlat deh - East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation andPrevention of Fragmentation) Act - Section 42 - Entry in revenue record as"Shamlat Deh Hasab Rasad Khewat" and in cultivation colum "Maqbooja Malkan"prior to Consolidation of Holdings in the village -The question whether the landIn dispute is Shamlat deh or not can be determined under Punjab VillageCommon Lands (Regulations) Act only - Not by Consolidation Authorities -Gram Panchayat Nurpurv. State ofHaryana, 1997(1) P.LJ. 268 (S.c.)Jurisdiction -Shamlat deh - Dispute between two individuals -A disputedsite was alleged to be avillage street -The plaintiff sought permanent injunctionrestraining the defendant from creating obstruction therein"-The question.beforethe learned Single Bench arose as to whether all the village streets from part ofShamlat deh in terms of S. 2 (g) (4) of the Act -And whether the Civil Court'sjurisdiction was LJarredto entertain the suit -The case was referred to the largerBench -.Held, S. 13of the Act would not be operative when the lis or dispute isbetween two individuals -Baljinder Kaur v.Gurdas Ram, 1987 HRR 691 D.B. =1987PU 524.Shamlat deh - Bachat land - Jurisdiction - Land in dispute recorded inJamabandi as "Shamlat Deh Hasab Rasad Raqba Khewat" before Gbnsolidationproceedings -Collector is competent to decide the question of ownership underthe Punjab Village Common Lands (Regulations) Act - Change of mutationentries and distribution of Bachat area by Consolidation is beyond theirjurisdiction -Order ofAdditional Director was set aside -Gram Panchayat villageSidh Versus Additional Director, Consolidation of Holding Punjab, 1997 (1) P.LJ.313(S.c.)Shamlat deh - East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention ofFragmentation) Act, 1948 -Section 42-Entries inJamabandi prior to the start ofConsolidation in the village was "Shamlat Deh Hasab Rasad Khewat andagbooza Malkan" - Additional Director came to the conclusion that land wasnot Shamlat Deh -Additional Director had no authority to go into the questionwhether the land in dispute was "Shamlat Deh" or not -.This is a question whichcould be decided by authorities under the Punjab Village Common Land Act -Impugned order set aside - Gram Panchayat Nurpur v. State of Punjab, 1997H.R.R. 366S.c.In the column of ownership the entries were rccorJ.:J as "Shamlat Deh .Hasab Rasad Arazi Khewat" -It was clear from the next entry that this land wasmutated in favour of the Department of Rehabilitation because the entire village'was inhabited by the Muslims who had migrated to Pakistan in the year 1947 -Obviously undivided share in Shamlat land abandoned by the Muslims vestedwiththe Government of India being an evacuee property -Such land would vestwiththe Gram Panchayat -The interest which the erstwhile evacuee passed inthe5hamlat Deh was neither enlarged nor abridged -Land in dispure isShamlat Deh.Petitioners being tenant of the Panchayat cannot deny the title of their landlord

-Petition isdevoid of any merit -Kartar Singh v.The Collector, Patiala, 1995HRR620 (D.B.) = 1995PU 594.12.Rent of Shamilat lands to berecoverable asarrears of landrevenue.--Anyarrears ofrent payable toaPanchayat inrespect ofanyland inshamilat deh vested ordeerrted tohavebeen.vested init under this Act or the shamilat law [or any amount assessedunder sub-section (2) ofsection 7]shallbe recoverable asarrearsoflandrevenue.2[13. Bar of Jurisdiction.--No civil court shall havejurisdiction--(a)toentertain oradjudicate upon anyquestion whether--(i) any land or other immovable property is or is no1shamlat deh ;(ii)anylandorother immovable property oranyright,titlEor interest in such land or other immovable propert)vestsordoesnotvestinaPanchayat under thisAct;1b) in respect ofanymatter which anyrevenue court, office!or authority is empowered by or under. this Act tcddermine ;or(c) to question the legality of any action taken or matteldecided by any revenue Court, officer or authorit)3 emp~wered todosounder thisAct.]{13-A. [--]5[13-A. Adjudication. - (1) Any person or in the case of 1Panchayat, either the Panchayat qr itsGram Sachiv,the concerne IBlock Development and Panchayat Officer, Social Education anPanchayat Officer oranyother officerdulyauthorised bythe StatGovernment in'this behalf, claiming right, title or interest in anland orother immovable property vested ordeemed to·havebeevested in the Panchayat under this Act, may file a suit foadjudication, whether such lar.d or other immovable property .shamlat deh or not and whether any land or other immovablproperty oranyright,title orinterest therein vestsordoesHotveinaPanchayat under thisAct,intheCourt ofthe Collector, havijurisdiction in the area wherein such land or other immovabproperty issituated:1.Inserted byHaryana ActNe23 of19732.Substituted byHaryana ActNo.34of 1974andfurther substituted byJJar.Act2of1981andshalldeemed tohavebeen substituted w.eJ.4-5-19613.SeeHaryana ActNo.2 of19814.Omitted byHaryana ActNo.9 of19925.. Inserted byHaryana ActNo.9 of1999SeeHar. Gov!.Gaz.(Extra) LSdated 10-3-1999

-Petition isdevoid of any merit -Kartar Singh v.<strong>The</strong> Collector, Patiala, 1995HRR620 (D.B.) = 1995PU 594.12.Rent of Shamilat lands to berecoverable asarrears of landrevenue.--Anyarrears ofrent payable toaPanchayat inrespect ofanyland inshamilat deh vested ordeerrted tohavebeen.vested init under this <strong>Act</strong> or the shamilat law [or any amount assessedunder sub-section (2) ofsection 7]shallbe recoverable asarrearsoflandrevenue.2[13. Bar of Jurisdiction.--No civil court shall havejurisdiction--(a)toentertain oradjudicate upon anyquestion whether--(i) any land or other immovable property is or is no1shamlat deh ;(ii)anylandorother immovable property oranyright,titlEor interest in such land or other immovable propert)vestsordoesnotvestinaPanchayat under this<strong>Act</strong>;1b) in respect ofanymatter which anyrevenue court, office!or authority is empowered by or under. this <strong>Act</strong> tcddermine ;or(c) to question the legality of any action taken or matteldecided by any revenue Court, officer or authorit)3 emp~wered todosounder this<strong>Act</strong>.]{13-A. [--]5[13-A. Adjudication. - (1) Any person or in the case of 1Panchayat, either the Panchayat qr itsGram Sachiv,the concerne IBlock Development and Panchayat Officer, Social Education anPanchayat Officer oranyother officerdulyauthorised bythe StatGovernment in'this behalf, claiming right, title or interest in anland orother immovable property vested ordeemed to·havebeevested in the Panchayat under this <strong>Act</strong>, may file a suit foadjudication, whether such lar.d or other immovable property .shamlat deh or not and whether any land or other immovablproperty oranyright,title orinterest therein vestsordoesHotveinaPanchayat under this<strong>Act</strong>,intheCourt ofthe Collector, havijurisdiction in the area wherein such land or other immovabproperty issituated:1.Inserted byHaryana <strong>Act</strong>Ne23 of19732.Substituted byHaryana <strong>Act</strong>No.34of 1974andfurther substituted byJJar.<strong>Act</strong>2of1981andshalldeemed tohavebeen substituted w.eJ.4-5-<strong>1961</strong>3.SeeHaryana <strong>Act</strong>No.2 of19814.Omitted byHaryana <strong>Act</strong>No.9 of19925.. Inserted byHaryana <strong>Act</strong>No.9 of1999SeeHar. Gov!.Gaz.(Extra) LSdated 10-3-1999

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