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ARTYes, lovelier do works of artEmerge from forms that trammelAnd thwart:Verse, marble, gem, enamel.No false constraints will do?True! yet to walk straight chooseFor shoeA narrow buskin. Muse!Shun easy rhythms, floppedLax as a roomy bootThat's sloppedOn and off by every foot.Sculptor, reject the clayThat thumb can mould while mind's awayElsewhere, adrift and blind.Struggle with Parian, dareCarrara—those hard, fineAnd rareGuardians of pure line.And borrow Syracuse'sBronze where a charm avowedSuffusesStrokes firm, distinct and proud.With delicate-fingered graceIn a vein of agate followIn chaseThe profile of Apollo.Flee, painter, that poor slovenWater-colour. UseThe ovenTo fix those too frail hues.Make sirens—blue, with BtheTails multipliciouslyA-writhe,The monsters of blazonry;50WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967

Make Virgin and Child in goldNimbus of triple lobe;Set boldThe cross above the globe.Strong art, when all else turns dust.Has everlastingness:The bustSurvives megalopolis.And the old austere coin foundBy the ploughman furrowingThe groundReveals an imperial king.The immortal gods decay,But sovereign verses passThe stayEven of eternal brass.Carve, chisel, file: ensureThat your vague dreamings lockSecureIn the resistant block!WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 51

Make Virgin and Child in goldNimbus of triple lobe;Set boldThe cross above the globe.Strong art, when all else turns dust.Has everlastingness:The bustSurvives megalopolis.And the old austere coin foundBy the ploughman furrowingThe groundReveals an imperial king.The immortal gods decay,But sovereign verses passThe stayEven of eternal brass.Carve, chisel, file: ensureThat your vague dreamings lockSecureIn the resistant block!WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 51

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