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LETRILLAEnfant, pourquoi tant de parure,Sur ton sein ces rouges colliers,Ta clef d'argent a ta ceinture,Ces beaux rubans a tes souliers?—'La neige fond sur la montagne,L'cEil bleu du printemps nous sourit:Je veux aller k la campagneSavoir si le jasmin fleurit.'Pour moi ni printemps ni campagne.Pour moi pas de jasmin en fleur;Car une peine m'accompagne.Car un chagrin me tient au coeur.46WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967

LETRILLATo a Young ChildMy dear, why all this finery?—These scarlet beads about your neck.This sash where shines a silver key.These shoes that ribbons gaily deck?"Snow melts now on the mountain-slope.In welcome smiles the blue-eyed Spring.Out in the countryside I hopeTo find sweet jasmine flowering."For me no Spring, no countryside;No fragrant jasmine blooms for me.By pain my heart is occupied.Grief is my constant company.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 47

LETRILLATo a Young ChildMy dear, why all this finery?—These scarlet beads about your neck.This sash where shines a silver key.These shoes that ribbons gaily deck?"Snow melts now on the mountain-slope.In welcome smiles the blue-eyed Spring.Out in the countryside I hopeTo find sweet jasmine flowering."For me no Spring, no countryside;No fragrant jasmine blooms for me.By pain my heart is occupied.Grief is my constant company.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 47

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