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FUMEELa-bas, sous les arbres s'abriteUne chaumiere au dos bossu;Le toit penche, le mur s'effrite,Le seuil de la porte est moussu.La fenetre, un volet le bouche;Mais du taudis, comme au temps froidLa tiede haleine d'une bouche.La respiration se voit.Un tire-bouchon de fumeeTournant son mince filet bleu,De I'ame en ce bouge enfermeePorte des nouvelles a Dieu.38WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967

SMOKEBeneath those sheltering trees there stoopsA humpbacked shack;The walls crumble, the thatch-roof droops.The sill's moss-thick.A shutter blocks the one window there.But as breath writhesFrom steaming mouths in wintry air,The cottage breathes.A corkscrewing wisp of smoke ascends,A frail blue thread:The hovel's imprisoned spirit sendsSignals to God.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 39

SMOKEBeneath those sheltering trees there stoopsA humpbacked shack;The walls crumble, the thatch-roof droops.The sill's moss-thick.A shutter blocks the one window there.But as breath writhesFrom steaming mouths in wintry air,The cottage breathes.A corkscrewing wisp of smoke ascends,A frail blue thread:The hovel's imprisoned spirit sendsSignals to God.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 39

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