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Previous issues are available:INDONESIAN ISSUENo. 2, 1966, edited by Dr. M. A. Jaspan, articles byProfessor Johns, Drs. Soebardi. Translated stories andpoems.SEAFORTH MACKENZIE ISSUENo. 3, 1966, biographical article by Diana Davis.Poems, including some previously unpublished work:introduction by Evan Jones. Short stories.<strong>Westerly</strong> hopes to devote the fourth issue of this yearto younger Australian writers, and would welcomestories, poems, criticism, general articles. An arbitraryage limit is not proposed, but by younger writers weare thinking of writers under twenty-five, or upwardsto thirty. Writers may be published or not have anywork yet in print. We would appreciate brief biographicalmaterial with contributions. The issue hopesto offer the feelings and opinions of younger peoplein the fields of fiction, criticism and appraisal of art,music, sociology—in short, to be in some way interpretativeof this climate of opinion in its widest sense.If such opinion does not manifest itself sufficiently,and we are over optimistic, then contributions canstill be considered for publication in the usual way.THE PATRICIA HACKETT PRIZEThe Patricia Hackett Prize for the best original creativecontribution to <strong>Westerly</strong> is awarded each year.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967

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