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LES COLOMBESSur le coteau, 1^-bas oii sont les tombes,Un beau palmier, comme un panache vertDresse sa tete, ou le soir les colombesViennent nicher et se mettre a convert.Mais le matin elles quittent les branches:Comme un collier qui s'egrene, on les voitS'eparpiller dans I'air bleu, toutes blanches,Et se poser plus loin sur quelque toit.Mon ame est I'arbre oil tous les soirs, comme elles,De blancs essaims de foUes visionsTombent des cieux, en palpitant des ailes.Pour s'envoler des les premiers rayons.^'^ WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967

THE DOVESOn yonder hillside where the dead are lying,A noble palmtree waves his lofty crest'sGreen plume; and evening sees the doves come flyingTo seek the sheltered safety of their nests.When morning wakes, they leave their branchy fastness;As pearls slip sprinkling from a necklace theyDisperse, all snowy, into air's blue vastnessAnd settle on some rooftop far away.My soul's a tree where swarm at each day's endingWhite flocks of wild and visionary dreamsLike doves with fluttering wings from heaven descending.To fly away when dawn's first brightness gleams.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 35

THE DOVESOn yonder hillside where the dead are lying,A noble palmtree waves his lofty crest'sGreen plume; and evening sees the doves come flyingTo seek the sheltered safety of their nests.When morning wakes, they leave their branchy fastness;As pearls slip sprinkling from a necklace theyDisperse, all snowy, into air's blue vastnessAnd settle on some rooftop far away.My soul's a tree where swarm at each day's endingWhite flocks of wild and visionary dreamsLike doves with fluttering wings from heaven descending.To fly away when dawn's first brightness gleams.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 35

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