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NOELLe ciel est noir, la terre est blanche;—Cloches, carillonnez gaiment!—Jesus est ne.—La Vierge pencheSur lui son visage charmant.Pas de courtines festonneesPour preserver I'enfant du froid,Rien que les toiles d'araigneesQui pendent des poutres du toit.II tremble sur la paille fraiche,Ce cher petit enfant Jesus,Et pour I'echauffer dans sa crecheL'ane et le boeuf soufflent dessus.La neige au chaume coud ses franges,Mais sur le toit s'ouvre le cielEt, tout en blanc, le choeur des angesChante aux bergers: « Noel! Noel! »30WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967

NOELThe sky is black, the earth is white.Ring out, blithe bells, in loud delight!Jesus is born; the Virgin's faceBends over him with tender grace.No curtains in festoons enfoldThe babe to guard him from the cold;But from the rafters trail the thin,The threadbare hangings spiders spin.On the fresh straw he trembles here,This infant Christ, so small and dear;To warm him in his manger-bedOx and ass breathe overhead.Snow stitches its fringes to the eaves;But over the roof high heaven cleaves.Robed all in white the angels sing"Noel!" to shepherds marvelling.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 31

NOELThe sky is black, the earth is white.Ring out, blithe bells, in loud delight!Jesus is born; the Virgin's faceBends over him with tender grace.No curtains in festoons enfoldThe babe to guard him from the cold;But from the rafters trail the thin,The threadbare hangings spiders spin.On the fresh straw he trembles here,This infant Christ, so small and dear;To warm him in his manger-bedOx and ass breathe overhead.Snow stitches its fringes to the eaves;But over the roof high heaven cleaves.Robed all in white the angels sing"Noel!" to shepherds marvelling.WESTERLY, No. 1 of 1967 31

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