61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer


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the consciousness and a meta-physical body (prakriti), also termed as the karana sharira. Kathopanishadsays “This shining, luminious angustha-matra entity residing in the cave of our heart is “vibhrajatebecause of which the whole world is illuminated.”Astral Body’s Lower Mind: This sheath is the also energy of action. This mental sheath is composed oftwo qualities, mana (mind) and buddhi (intellect). Mana is the rational, linear, sequential, thoughtfulmind. Buddhi is the quality of discrimination which comes after knowledge, after the removal or theabsence of ignorance. The former constitutes the manomaya kosha, while the latter is called as theVigyanmaya Kosha.Astral Body’s Higher Mind: The Vijnanamaya kosha is the sheath of the intellect (buddhi) and intuitiveknowledge/wisdom which gives us the discriminative capability that helps to differentiate betweenvirtues & vice, good & bad, right and wrong, truth & untruth. It controls the mind, the senses, thefructifying samskaras & all activities of the body. The ego-driven intellect can lead to actions when it getsco-mingled with the memories and is clouded over by the manas which result in pain and suffering. Itsknowledge is affected by the moods of the mind and other factors. Through the practices of meditation,regular self-study & enrichment of knowledge through libraries & discourses could lead towardsdevotion. Our mind becomes purified and the intellect can then begin to depend more and more on thepure intuitive wisdom rather than be influenced by the ego. As you begin to experience this aspect ofexistence, you discover that this sheath is merely an illusion covering over the eternal self. Hence theself is different from the body, unchanging, ever pure and free from modifications. Therefore, the self isa witness of the Vijnanamaya Kosha.Maha Yogi Paramahamsa Dr.Rupnathji’s view on Linga ShariraMaha Yogi Paramahamsa Dr.Rupnathji says – "The astral body is what we call the Linga Sharira. Whenthis body dies, how can it come to take another body? Force cannot remain without matter. So a littlepart of the fine matter remains, through which the internal organs make another body — for each one ismaking his own body; it is the mind that makes the body. If I become a sage, my brain gets changed intoa sage's brain; and the Yogis say that even in this life a Yogi can change his body into a god-body.”DR.RUPNATHJI( DR.RUPAK NATH )Maha Yogi Paramahamsa Dr.Rupnathji about Linga Sarira"The mind performs all actions very speedily in the linga sarira (subtle body) and fluctuates thereby. Butthe gross body knows not anything and is inert. Should this gross body be dissolved, the mind quicklyassumes a fresh body. This physical body is the mould, as it were, of the mind. It is made by the mind for

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