61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer


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change: birth, subsistence, growth, maturity, decay, and death. This is the dense physical body. Grossbody is simply the vehicle of all the other Principles (bodies) during physical incarnation. Annamaya &part (physical manifestation) of Pranamaya Kosh reside in Gross (physical) body. Gross body needs grossfood, drink and air which it gets from Annamaya and Pranamaya Kosha. At death the physical bodyperishes and its five constituent elements are dissolved.Subtle or Astral body or Linga ShariraSubtle or astral body (Linga Sharira) is where lives mind and intellect. Manomaya and Gyanamaya Koshand part of pranamaya kosha resides in Astral or Subtle body. Linga Sharira contains pranamaya kosha,movement of the pranic force directing our physical and mental activities. This movement happensthrough nadis or channels, conductors of energy which are controlled by the six chakras. Vital sheath is asubtler sheath when compared to annamaya kosha. This is composed of vital energy. As long as this vitalenergy exists in the organisms, life continues. This sheath is responsible for our physiological functionsnamely breathing, digesting, metabolizing, circulation, endocrinal, neural, skeletal, muscular etc.The Linga sharira (subtle body) surrounds the Sthula Sharira (physical body) as an aura of energy. TheNadis (subtle energy channels) exist in this subtle medium through a fine merger into the physicalmedium. This is the “vital body” and the prototype and reflection of the physical body. It comes intoexistence before the physical body as the latter is built and formed upon and around it and it only fullyfades out and dies when the very last remaining particle of the deceased physical body disappears anddisintegrates. In the internal astral body there are counterparts of organs outside. They are called astralsenses. A yogi hears through astral ears and sees through astral eyes. Thus he can hear sounds fromdistant lands, he can see objects in distant localities. This is called clairvoyance and clairaudience.DR.RUPNATHJI( DR.RUPAK NATH )When a person dies, his or her gross body (sthula sharira) is burnt. This being in fact the ‘Antya ishthi’(antyeshthi) the last sacrifice offered in fire, but the soul cannot quit the gross body without a vehicle ofsome kind. This vehicle is the Linga-sharira or subtle body, sometimes described as angustha-matra (ofthe size of a thumb), invested in which the deceased person remains hovering near the burning groundor crematorium. It is the vehicle for and of Prana.The Upanishadic texts reiterate the existence of a purusha (being) of the size of the thumb (angusthamatram) enshrined in the interiors of the heart - "The self (purusha), that is of the size of a thumb(angustha), resides in the cave of the heart. The self who is the size of a thumb is a light (jyoti) withoutsmoke." This "being" dwelling inside the heart has been equated with the ‘jiva’ or the ‘self’ which carries

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