61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer


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Each aspirant’s experience during this stage will be unique, and will depend to a large extent on hisKarma and the diligence with which he sits for Sadhan. There is a tendency at this initial stage foraspirants to dwell on what experiences they are having and which ones they aren’t, and beingconcerned that they are not making appropriate progress if they are not experiencing all the ones theyhave read about or have heard their co-aspirants talk about. This is a very counter-productive exercisebecause it is not at all necessary for an initiate to get all or any of the experiences stated above. Theseexperiences are not ends in themselves but are only the means to achieve the specific type of spiritualpurification needed by each aspirant at this stage.The sole purpose of divine experiences is cleaning of physical body (Sthula Sharira) and subtle body(Linga Sharira) and cleaning of past Karma impressions (Sanchita Karma) from the Casual body (KaranSharira). Therefore, all experiences will entirely depend on the "spiritual status" (combination ofSanchita Karma, Samskaras and Tri-gunas) of the Sadhaka. That also means, if Sadhakas "spiritual body"is relatively clean (or too clogged) he WILL have less experiences than others.Therefore, the initiate experiences ONLY those activities/feelings/sensations that are uniquely essentialto his spiritual progress and they are different for each Sadhaka. Focusing on the experiencesthemselves will only lead to enhancing one’s ego or to an unnecessary feeling of despair, both of whichwill distract from making further spiritual progress. It is important at this stage to be aware of what oneis experiencing, enjoy those experiences that are pleasant or blissful, but not dwell too much on theexperiences. Rest assured that if the aspirant is diligent in sitting for Sadhan regularly, the awakenedKundalini Shakti will be doing her job of spiritual purification with great diligence. When Kundalini Shaktimoves freely and regularly throughout the Sadhak’s body and he begins to feel its divine presence inhim, the Kundalini Shakti will have helped him achieve the results of the initial stage (Arambha-avastha).2) Second Stage of Siddha yoga (Ghata-avastha):DR.RUPNATHJI( DR.RUPAK NATH )In this second stage of siddha yoga, which usually overlaps with the first, the aspirant gradually beginsto lose interest in material desires and begins to develop a sense of detachment from worldlyattractions. This does not mean that he has to, or will, give up on material things (Samsaric). He maycontinue to live in the material world, if he so chooses, but he will begin to develop a sense of nonattachmentto material things.As his sense of non-attachment to the material world begins to develop, the aspirant will gradually findhimself becoming more and more immersed in the Divine energy (Kundalini). He will begin to observe

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