61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer

61 - Tantrik Astrologer


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The DiscipleThe Siddha path is one of discipline. Indeed, the word 'disciple' is derived from 'discipline'. Only one whois disciplined, and follows the Guru, is a true disciple. This is self-discipline, which comes from within.There are no laid-down rules or practices. The path of Siddha Yoga is open equally to all, from therichest to the poorest, for all sects and religions, irrespective of gender, age or marital status.KundaliniKundalini is the basis of Siddha Yoga, and indeed, of all practices of Yoga. Kundalini is the creative forceof this universe. She is also known as 'Serpent Power'. It is this energy that manifests itself, of its ownfree will, as this entire universe with all its diversity. The world is a play of this Power of Consciousnessor Chiti Shakti. The Kundalini energy can be considered to be dormant at the base of the spinal columnin every human being. It is the divine function of the Siddha Guru to awaken this dormant Kundaliniwithin the seeker. The awakening is achieved by the mystical process known as Shaktipat.Enlightenment or Realisation dawns from within as a result of the awakening of the Kundalini. Theprocess of awakening of the Kundalini is rendered safe and smooth by the divine grace and control ofthe Siddha Guru.Shaktipat DeekshaThe process of bestowal of grace, from the Guru to the disciple, is known as Shaktipat Deeksha. It hasbeen compared to the process of a lit candle lighting up an unlit one. The Siddha Guru alone is capableof awakening the Kundalini Shakti (Divine Power) lying dormant within oneself, which is the basis of thisuniverse. Once awakened by the Guru's grace (through touch, through a word, through sight, or eventhrough will), this Shakti works by itself for the progress of the individual and leads him forward on thepath of self-realization.DR.RUPNATHJI( DR.RUPAK NATH )The word Deeksha is made up of two syllables: 'Dee' stands for 'Granting closeness to Shiva' and 'Ksha'implies 'Destruction of all past sins'. Thus, the initiation or Deeksha by the Siddha Guru is the gateway toexperiencing the Ultimate. Thereafter one need not look for God outside, one shall experience Himwithin one's own Self. This is Self Realization.Lectures or books cannot give anyone the complete awareness, or even evidence: only one's ownexperience can be the testimony to that realization of the Ultimate. If one asks the Guru, He will say,

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